Blue Meanies Blue man group meets sushi restaurant Japan Tik Tok dancers

       Baxter Lomax

     One of the more entertaining dance groups in Japan on Tik Tok is something called yet dookie this family of Fortune Cookie sellers in young cookies along with their weird brother run this dance channel from the restaurant in Tokyo or Yama Sushi or some town in Japan the girls dance usually to a few songs some 80 times and the highlight and popular dancer on this is a young 18-year-old girl named Anne and as sexy as fuck and along with her other

friends and sisters and some geeky guy who might be your brother.  They run one of the Great Japanese dance Tik Tok channels with this in mind they recently did a calibration with Blue Man Group or some form of the Blue Man Group in a dance recital from hell. Blue these weird blue skin paint circus type performers who have long been

internationally known for their weird behavior on stage funking to the beat of a strange Magical Musical show. Blue Man Group getting together with the sushi restaurant based Yaduki made for great Tik Tok videoing and indeed Yaduki is a sushi restaurant family kabuki is a great and interesting Tik Tok Channel featuring the sexy cutie Annie and her ability to dance to Megan a Stallions song called Star. 

    Anne is a highlights for most but in my mind the real sex kitten and hot stuff is the guy Andrew Yagamuchi who is the only male of this video crew and his outstanding antics make him a hilarious stud in a half. The neurotic and eccentric behavior of Andrew on this Japanese dance crew it's always good for a good laugh. This restaurant looks like they make up some good dishes as well the Asian restaurant industry weather being Asia or in this country predominantly is a family-owned venture. This family seems to have fun not only with a restaurant business but putting out great Tik Yok videos that are very popular in Japan and worldwide. The fact that the Blue Man Group would set aside time to do a video with  yaduki is further proof of this and Anne maybe the sex sensation in a few years of next generation if she is not legal already kudos to this dance crew in this restaurant in Japan for excellent work.

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