Gavin Newsom gets tough on the homeless as he pivots for possible presidential run in 2028 or 2032

 Neil Knight

.    Make no mistake Gavin Newsome now suddenly is very interested in solving the long problem homeless crisis in California. Gavin Newsom came out and threw some of the homeless garbage showing his tough love willingness to tackle the homeless problem in Kalifornia. Gavin Avenue as sent the word out that the homeless encampments are indeed going to be cleaned up and we have been trying to figure out for the past 3 weeks. Why Gavin Newsom has suddenly pivoted on the homeless and actually trying to improve the cities and situation in California's shit-stained cities. It appears that Gavin do some doesn't want this homeless and shit experience that places like San Francisco and Oakland have become smearing him politically in any potential future he might have in the future for a presidential run. In fact, according to our sources Gavin Newsom is going to run 2028 regardless of Kamala Harris wins or not as from our sources he hates Kamala Harris and finds her unfit and embarrassment for political leadership in the Democrat Party

     Gavin Newsome is getting suddenly tough and acting like a good politician for once especially in concern the homeless problem that California has long been plagued and some say failed Democrat policies and politicians like Mr Newsom helped create . The brain dead Gavin Newsome was under an underpass cleaning some of the nastiest fucking garbage as he picked up old condoms and should staying underwear and put it in the black bag. Gavin Newsom said that this garbage is so disgusting under this one bypass that has to go in the dustbin of history and no longer will Kalifornia he said we'll have this soft approach and the homeless. Naturally this is made progressives angry with the sissy in homosexual brain-dead Harry Sisson in attacking Gavin Newsom profusely a couple of times telling Mr Newsom to know his role and be careful because he might get a political smackdown from this in future

California elections. it is good to see Gavin do some finally take his important job and role is a front-running Democrat politician in such a golden large and Golden State seriously and indeed if this man is able to turn the state around the short time he might be a frontrunner and by 2032. 

      Gavin Newsom is going to run for president someday and many are surprised he did not put in for 2024 after it was obvious that Joe Biden's brain became popcorn and could not run anymore. Gavin Newsome is now acting like a tough guy with the homeless, but one thing has to be

remembered in defense of the California governor is the homeless situation in California is overblown as the vast majority of these homeless people probably are from other states coming to the only great year-round climate that this country has to offer and the services available to them. The governor and politicians in Red and Blue States in Middle America are just as responsible for California's extreme homeless problem if not more so than Gavin Newson and I'm kind of surprised me he is not pointed this out or others in the past. Many of the homeless are also from Mexico illegal aliens and little can be done especially given the large political clout and block that Latinos have become in California. It's about time that they close these homeless encounters but what really needs to be done is shame and attack on these developers who keep creating only expensive housing and refuse to create very cheap and affordable housing for many of these homeless to live indeed perhaps even free housing.

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