Albert Rooney
The Lunatic Democrat and Chinese spy CCP plant Eric's Slawwell was part of a censorship committee led by Jim Jordan at featured the incredible journalist known as Matt Taibbi. As usual Eric's Slawwell lied out his ass a disgruntled and horrible Democrat politician one who sold government secrets to a Chinese female spy for her puss named Fang Fang is perhaps the most reprehensible member of our congress. No where in this committee did Slawell acknowledge to these trade secrets he had given to the fucken Chinese having slept with one of its the Chinese spies suffering the
embarrassment of not being able to get a hard on. politician Eric Swalwell asked Matt Taibbi about claims that press personal were having their credentials taken away to cover the Trump presidency at the White House which Taibbi reminded that one doesn't need the credentials to be a independent journalist which primarily he was throughout his career. Taibbi often worked independently exposing the grift and the materialistic corruption of the likes of Eric's Slawwell's Democrat Party.
When the fiale slimeball congressman Slawwell didn't like this answer he spent the rest of the time in this Q and A to talk abouhyt himself as this weird narcissist Eric's Slawwell taught started talking about himself as a beginning lawyer in this Q&A with Matti Taibbi and others trying to expose the extreme fascism and censorship that primarily the Democratic party has been initiating in the past few years
that's brought in one of Jim Jordan's excellent run subcommittees. Eric Slawwell's crazed narcissist 5-minute questioning math time answered nothing and he added absolutely nothing to a Judiciary Committee and hearings as once again Mr slawwell spent time talking about himself and not the real issues that brought forward Taibbi and others to speak and take questions before the committee about the growing censorship industrial complex. Meanwhile, Matt Taibbi was hitting at all points throughout this committee often roughing up failed former presidential candidate John Kerry and UDAID and the fast fortunes and Mr Slawell and other Democrat politicians have made through this scam and how Elon Musk and Mr Trump are trying to expose it much the chagrin of pieces of shit in our Congress like Eric Slawwell-- who has no loyalty to this country. Eric's Slawwell is a habitual liar and a crazed psychopath another deranged dumb fucker within the Democratic Party committed not for excellence for this country but bringing in chaotic change to the detrimental of the working and Mass population it's a masses. Eric Slawwell thinks of himself as a fucking 12th century Danish king or something and this piece of shit will do and say anything for the right amount of money and Chinese Eric Slawwal is a perverted creep who has Trump derange syndrome. once again this loser used his time at this subcommittee to spread the same usual failed attacks and charges of him being a felt convicted felon. Somehow this dipshit Eric Slawell thinks of 2024 election didn't occur and it always still on the way.
Eric Clawwell is a sad and sick man who supports censorship on his political opposition as he gets angry at people like Taibbi who expressed their opinions on the world of politics and call out the lies and the bullshit of scum politicians like Eric's Slawwell and the vile Democrat Party that has essentially become a bought and paid for global entity with loyalty to their overseas masters than to the American people. Make no mistake, Eric's Slawwell is a scumbag and he is committed to serving in congress for the international dollars that this man receives and kickbacks and other forms of massive political corruption. To say that Eric's Slawwell should be removed and prosecuted would be an understatement and indeed if this movement was ever done getting rid of the scum like Eric Slawwell and Robert Garcia would improve not only Kalifornia but the political situation throughout the whole country. Eric Sushi slawell can go suck on Ted Lieu's toe and little cock