Troy York
The growing internet sensation of Joshua Carr who is now reached 7,000 subscribers knows no bounce. The young YouTuber utterly ripped the video of German prosecutors talking about their hate crime laws and how any comments that they deem as hate that's put online would be prosecuted more vigorously and the reasoning behind it. Germany is a fallen State as Joshua Carr says and this lunatic nation and their hate crime laws is basically growing totalitarianism in Germany and this nation which started two world wars is once again sliding away from the Democratic values and principles that once defined the West. Their determination to stop online speech is crossing a Red line and once again given their history the willingness of the country that once housed not only the Nazi party, but the equally as repulsive and Evil East German Communist state that was on par and might have been more oppressive on its population as seen in North Korea.
Joshua Carr ripped German law and the way has been manipulated and its attack on free speech and he wondered why the United States would even consider a country's that is so openly fascist through law fair and one's constitutional ability to speak openly why we would even be an ally and trading partner with such a nation. Germany is a Fallen State as Jesse Lee Peterson would say and as young Joshua Carr stated and the psychopaths and the inmates are running this insane asylum state that again the US taxpayer funds wasting money on another European country and their deal protection racket from the Russian enemies. Joshua Carr seem concern is videos of the psychotic German police raiding individuals who post an online content critical of German politicians are the government and videos of this were spread in recent weeks and the totalitarian authoritarianism slide of this one-time US ally is picking up steam processing very quickly. Mr Carr says that leftists are panicking in Europe as they seem and they realize in a free market of ideas in capitalism they cannot compete with their crazy totalitarianism agenda and demand for total control in a free market craze. Leftism will lose out and thus they seek to destroy the free-market capitalist system as they are committed to a Marxist inequality that is run by government bureaucracy intent on making the masses peasants and peons. Joshua Carr will debate and talk to any leftists on YouTube whether it be the loser David Pakman with his big nostrils, or the bleach blonde lunatic known as Kyle Kulinski. Joshua Carr will debate these Communists one-on-one in order to get his YouTube channel a much bigger and grander scale and he will condemn American leftists for seeing and wanting a East German type society and government for all the world's governments in their globalist Marxist wet dreams