Russians were once scattered all over the former Soviet Union being significant minorities iof rule in all these central Asian republics. Like the American frontiersmen, the Russians had a huge appetite for land and they held apartheid rule through the entire region. When the empire finally fell in 1991 most of the Russians fled these Tajikistan type republics back to their homeland of mother Russia. Russians though always want a strategic hold on the Western regions that border Europe and thus the iron curtain went up to reaffirm Russian supremacy as a Western power. The Russians are nothing unless they have non-russians who have to obey their orders and with this is mind Vladamir Putin is set to seize the strategic reserves and resources of the mass ukraine lands. The Eastern half has many Russian speakers willing to fight to return to an enlarged Russian frontier and help their ethnic kin to be the power they long for in the world.You see this power in cultural attitudes towards central Asians and an religious awakening an morality superiority attitude o the part of many Russians The Russians and Americans may have even done a bargain trade with the countries of Venezuela and Ukraine and this appeasement agreements would not be the first unusual moves between the two countries that declared themselves the suerpowers. The Russians are mongol descendent bastards and they will always be bastards trying to imitate the group ho conquered them and razed their cities centuries ago and Ukraine is smack in the middle right next to these modern day mongols of the steppes.
Ukraine prepares for Russian bastard invasion
Lee Park Kong

Russians were once scattered all over the former Soviet Union being significant minorities iof rule in all these central Asian republics. Like the American frontiersmen, the Russians had a huge appetite for land and they held apartheid rule through the entire region. When the empire finally fell in 1991 most of the Russians fled these Tajikistan type republics back to their homeland of mother Russia. Russians though always want a strategic hold on the Western regions that border Europe and thus the iron curtain went up to reaffirm Russian supremacy as a Western power. The Russians are nothing unless they have non-russians who have to obey their orders and with this is mind Vladamir Putin is set to seize the strategic reserves and resources of the mass ukraine lands. The Eastern half has many Russian speakers willing to fight to return to an enlarged Russian frontier and help their ethnic kin to be the power they long for in the world.You see this power in cultural attitudes towards central Asians and an religious awakening an morality superiority attitude o the part of many Russians The Russians and Americans may have even done a bargain trade with the countries of Venezuela and Ukraine and this appeasement agreements would not be the first unusual moves between the two countries that declared themselves the suerpowers. The Russians are mongol descendent bastards and they will always be bastards trying to imitate the group ho conquered them and razed their cities centuries ago and Ukraine is smack in the middle right next to these modern day mongols of the steppes.
Russians were once scattered all over the former Soviet Union being significant minorities iof rule in all these central Asian republics. Like the American frontiersmen, the Russians had a huge appetite for land and they held apartheid rule through the entire region. When the empire finally fell in 1991 most of the Russians fled these Tajikistan type republics back to their homeland of mother Russia. Russians though always want a strategic hold on the Western regions that border Europe and thus the iron curtain went up to reaffirm Russian supremacy as a Western power. The Russians are nothing unless they have non-russians who have to obey their orders and with this is mind Vladamir Putin is set to seize the strategic reserves and resources of the mass ukraine lands. The Eastern half has many Russian speakers willing to fight to return to an enlarged Russian frontier and help their ethnic kin to be the power they long for in the world.You see this power in cultural attitudes towards central Asians and an religious awakening an morality superiority attitude o the part of many Russians The Russians and Americans may have even done a bargain trade with the countries of Venezuela and Ukraine and this appeasement agreements would not be the first unusual moves between the two countries that declared themselves the suerpowers. The Russians are mongol descendent bastards and they will always be bastards trying to imitate the group ho conquered them and razed their cities centuries ago and Ukraine is smack in the middle right next to these modern day mongols of the steppes.
Glen Beck worried about Islamic flag and threatens to burn American
Alex Mousolopolous
Glen Beck was on the air talking to an expert about the powerful symbol of Arab religious symbol of the black flag of Allah. The Arabic symbol and flag as been seen at some terrorist videos and battles such as the resistance at Benghazi. Glen Beck also noticed that this flag was at protests and support for the building of a mousque near ground zero in New York. This flag really startles and worries an eccentric neurotic individual like Glan Beck. Glen Beck is losing relevance in todays
media system despite having his own channel that much fewer people watch as compared to when the dick was on FOX TV. Like Howard Stern going to satellite TV Glen Beck will be a more financially rewarded irrelevant little viewed dude out of the mainstream. beck should know the symbolism of flags and how the growing backlash movement of Muslims throughout the world will have various blak flags as the black flag of Islam represents the same goals of the black flag of anarchism.
Despite this fear of black flags Glen Beck even attacked the red,white, and blue. He wants to burn the American flag because this country doesn't represent the nation he expects to be for his views. Because American values have changed for positions and istituitions he beleives in the guy is all for burning the American flag. For a guy who made all his money in this country and once wrapping his ugly face and body around the flag this guy has done an about face because Romney is not president. Glen Beck should worship the American flag as he does the costitution and the image of a man tortured on a fucking cross because it is this country that allows morons like him o speak their mind and profit from it.
Despite this fear of black flags Glen Beck even attacked the red,white, and blue. He wants to burn the American flag because this country doesn't represent the nation he expects to be for his views. Because American values have changed for positions and istituitions he beleives in the guy is all for burning the American flag. For a guy who made all his money in this country and once wrapping his ugly face and body around the flag this guy has done an about face because Romney is not president. Glen Beck should worship the American flag as he does the costitution and the image of a man tortured on a fucking cross because it is this country that allows morons like him o speak their mind and profit from it.
Social critic criticism...Women,shopping and jewelry.
Ed West
I happened to notice some positive trends in the paper the other day. Sears on State street in Chicago was closing and they were having a huge slash in costs on their jewelry items for the store closing. State Street is a huge mega elite shopping district in downtown Chicago. For Sears to give this
exclusive location pretty much sums up the store is done. Women will have one less shopping experience for that rare jewel which has caused so much damage to the environment and slave wage brutal methods of human extraction. Of course Western women who never have to actually dig for the jewels they think are so beautiful. Most could care less about the work conditions of the people rolling around under ground to get them their necklace. Most women could really care less if these workers in their world countries even received a wage for their toil and dangerous labor to get them their gold bracelet they love to show off in their cushy office receptionist or realtor job. women and their clothing obsessed and jewelry showcase images have made me and thousands of men ill as they are primarily the reason we find ourselves like in 118 trillion in government debt. When you got a group of people and species so willing to waste resources to extract rocks and declare them a gem you got a pretty sick society that really has no future but endless conflicts. Some jagoffs dudes do wear jewelry but they are not as numerous as women in sales and show. jewelry is one of the most useless items invented and has basically only been used to show ones economic advantages and status in life and a feeling of superiority over others. It is sad that the biggest proponents of this show of ones rank over others has been surprisingly women over the years. This could also explain why so few women have really been involved in the battle against inequality over the years because many secretly admire the wealthy and powerful and seek them for offspring matches. jewelry served them as a down payment value for their time and energy for basically doing nothing themselves to gain economic status instead of just marrying the biggest suitor. Hopefully as more outlets for jewelry sales closes and workers in foreign lands rise up against their cheap labor injustices it will even be more difficult for rich people to buy new jewerly and retain the ones they have possessed through generations.
I happened to notice some positive trends in the paper the other day. Sears on State street in Chicago was closing and they were having a huge slash in costs on their jewelry items for the store closing. State Street is a huge mega elite shopping district in downtown Chicago. For Sears to give this
Baxter Lomax's interview with old coot owner of Ye Old Town Inn
Thanks again for coming to this interview and being allowed us to ask some questions as owner of a simple bar. You have owned the Ye Old Town Inn for a number of years and we admire your courageous fight against village leaders constantly trying to shut down your charming establishment.
Mr Curtis: all right
BL. How long do you think small bars that play music will continue given this climate
Tc. Then the village makes it hard. All right. They don't want a simple place in their suburbs that serves the young and working crowds.
He. They all want large chains with a track record of throwing money to near by projects. These village leaders all over Chicago land and the suburbs want to bulldoze any building older than thirty years and put up a large window strip mall with parking for twenty spots and spots that will be empty.
Bl What is the key of keeping a business that is on the reader from so many?
TC. All Right. You got to let folks know the history of the building and how it means something. A strip mall put up in 1999 means nothing and looks no different than a strip mall put up today. Many of these malls can't even get clients to opens up businesses and all you see are nail stores and Chinese kitchens. That is basically who is willing to put up shop in these suburban malls . Asians.
Bl. The Ye old Town Inn is a classic old bar. It is much like the Itasca Inn. We both saw the horror of a fire on a building that was very similar down the corner. What gives?
TC. look around. Anything new being built is like ten stories or more and condo. There is limited space in Mount Prospect's downtown and any structure that is under three stories in endangered. These morons don't know how to construct a town that people will want to go and spend time. All right. Why so many people and young folks take trains on weekend and go downtown Chicago. Mount prospect is a boring town with bad strip malls and the only place for teens to do is become mall rats at Woodfield.

Bl: What were your feelings when you heard that part of the German colonial style building like yours was burned in downtown Mount Prospect?
TC: I knew dam well it was that Sushi Place. That place was a powder keg just ready to go and I am sure they had some encouragement.
Bl. What is it with live music that really gets on the nerve of people on village boards?
TC: These are people who are old and gray like me. They are to into their private world and don't want a young hip place to rock out at. They don't want others to have a place near by where their McMansion is to be able to rock out. That is why they burned down the hillside hideout. This is why they put codes that are anti entertainment and put out so much red tape for music places in their sleepy villages.
BL village officials don't want businesses like ours. Basic old pubs that serve a young constituency.
TC That is basically the story. A generational conflict and why you see so many of ours nations young in cities. If I owned a Ace Hardware store in downtown Mt Prospect instead of a bar they would leave me alone
BL Ace Hardware.?
TC Yea an Ace hardware is a place that all old people go and hang out and blow the shit. It is an old people's place and they hang out talking about their gardening or toilet fixtures and so village officials can relate to this. They welcome a business like that and harass a business like mine where young people want to rock and play music and have a fun time. Go to an Ace Hardware say in A Lombard or a Glen Ellyn and see all the geezers hang out and talk.
Bl I have been commenting and blogging for years how it is all the cool places with young folks that seems to burn down. You never see like a worthless family restaurant in the suburbs that are popular with grandma never see these lame Greek owned family restaurants burn to the ground. Why is it the attached old buildings with businesses and apartments above seem to take the brunt of accidents and destruction's?
TC. They want their villages to have a certain Waffle House type of look. Many buildings that should of been preserved were "accidentally" or declared unfit and destroyed while their crummy stand alone eateries and outdated restaurants remain preserved. The only businesses they want in their skummy villages are corporate Ace Hardware's and humongous Home Depots. As owner of the Ye Old Town Inn I will always be a thorn on their side and battle these fuck heads for a certain type of urban look and business that will test the sound of time.
BL Sound of time. OK Mr Curtis thanks for the interview
TC All right and come this weekend. We have Flash bang playing on stage. Hope to see you there Baxter.
Cricket energy bars coming to a health store near you
Gus Perkowski
Some entrepreneurs in Utah have come up with an idea for Americans to eat more insects. Their cricket energy bars was mentioned a few days ago in the mainstream media press. You will not see bumps of crickets next to chocolate chips on these energy bars unfortunately as that would of been pretty cool. These guys have come up with a way of mixing flour and cricket shells where you cannot even tell what the product consists of and still get the incredible nutritional benefits that eating things like crickets and grasshoppers can provide for a mid-day snack.
Crickets have high levels of protein and massive amino acids that provide good blood flow to the brain, but unfortunately many Americans brains are trained that insects are not meant for consuming in their energy demanding lifestyle. They would rather use massive mounts of energy and feed to raise fellow mammals and slaughter them for their meat. As worlds resources delete innovative ideas to discover new food sources will have to be met using as little energy as possible and insect protein bars makes as much sense as eating peanuts that come fro the same places in the ground. I have waited years for the mass marketing of bug digestion coming to the Western world and the dawn of it is upon us. maybe they can come up with dog and cat food that we waste so much animal fat on and let them eat bugs too.
Throw some marijuana and it will really be popular.
Some entrepreneurs in Utah have come up with an idea for Americans to eat more insects. Their cricket energy bars was mentioned a few days ago in the mainstream media press. You will not see bumps of crickets next to chocolate chips on these energy bars unfortunately as that would of been pretty cool. These guys have come up with a way of mixing flour and cricket shells where you cannot even tell what the product consists of and still get the incredible nutritional benefits that eating things like crickets and grasshoppers can provide for a mid-day snack.
Crickets have high levels of protein and massive amino acids that provide good blood flow to the brain, but unfortunately many Americans brains are trained that insects are not meant for consuming in their energy demanding lifestyle. They would rather use massive mounts of energy and feed to raise fellow mammals and slaughter them for their meat. As worlds resources delete innovative ideas to discover new food sources will have to be met using as little energy as possible and insect protein bars makes as much sense as eating peanuts that come fro the same places in the ground. I have waited years for the mass marketing of bug digestion coming to the Western world and the dawn of it is upon us. maybe they can come up with dog and cat food that we waste so much animal fat on and let them eat bugs too.
Another old cold case of a butcher raped women leads to a black man
Bud Cooper
Forty years ago Ellien Ferro was brutally murdered in her Massachusetts home. She was butchered and the few investigators assigned to the case were baffled. She was a bright always happy good looking blond female and was in a happy marriage that few twenty one year olds are able to have these days. Her husband was at work and had an alibi nor was he even a suspect. The police dropped the ball in several ways and failed to even question a black guy who had delivered furniture the day before her murder on February 22 1974.
Forty years ago Ellien Ferro was brutally murdered in her Massachusetts home. She was butchered and the few investigators assigned to the case were baffled. She was a bright always happy good looking blond female and was in a happy marriage that few twenty one year olds are able to have these days. Her husband was at work and had an alibi nor was he even a suspect. The police dropped the ball in several ways and failed to even question a black guy who had delivered furniture the day before her murder on February 22 1974.
DNA evidence would eventually point to a man named Who was a register sex offender in Georgia. The man raped another white female that same year in California in the unrelenting oppressive racist war against White females being driven by. Black men. I have seen so many cases in the seventies and eighties of I solved sex murderers being solved and in half the cases they are black males. The fact that six percent of the population commits these brutal random slashing racial murders is not covered as intensely as lynchings have been discussed in history books. The black male gender and racial hatred killings exceed lynchings of a hundred years ago and more and more people are opening up their eyes to these evil acts whose actions are more evil and brutal that lynching accused criminals. Lynchings likely were caused and so racially tinged because the crimes back then were also likely gender racial slayings to a high degree we are witnessing being committed by black males in the post civil rights era. The police dropped the ball back then allowing this bastard to live free for the number of years for his Emmit Till type murder of Ellen Ferro and one must wonder if an Emmitt Till or Trayvon Martin would of been another
. The best way to solve these insolvent murders like Ellien Ferro is pretty much to check the sex registry list across America and track where some of these animals lived and if ey correspond to the area where these murders occured. There are people doing that and you will see more solved murders that black males escaped justice in the past will catch up with them hopefully sonner than this brutal crime.
. The best way to solve these insolvent murders like Ellien Ferro is pretty much to check the sex registry list across America and track where some of these animals lived and if ey correspond to the area where these murders occured. There are people doing that and you will see more solved murders that black males escaped justice in the past will catch up with them hopefully sonner than this brutal crime.
How Half Tail lost her tail
Cougar Face
Half Tail was the leopard that was featured in Big Cat Diaries on the BBC nature shows and in the book big cat diaries there are several pictures of this impressive popular beast with her tail. The calm attitude of this big cat evidently lead to its popularity of big cat biologists that flocked to Africa to study and write abut the leopard. There are pictures of Half Tail with a lengthy full length tail and some of it with a half of one and researchers never did see how the poor thing lost its tail.
Some figured it was a fight with a male leopard that was after its kitten or maybe from aura decrying baboons that always like to mess with female leopards. In this marvelous shot Half Tail is shown with a full tail and it is likely that during one of these numerous chases they observed of her fleeing territorial obsessed baboons that one of the strong monkeys got a hold of her tail and linked part of it off. Why only half would come out and not the fool tail I really don't know and am not a cat biologists. It could also come it from rough play of one of its numerous playful litters this big old cat produced through its life on the African Savannah. Half Tail was an amazing cat for humans to study and she served her species well whether it was producing a rare three cub leopard litter or battling lions and Hyenas for its niche in the tough African mammal predator hierarchy half Tail and its half of a tail will be missed by the researchers that found her to be a charming wild animal to get close to and study.
Half Tail was the leopard that was featured in Big Cat Diaries on the BBC nature shows and in the book big cat diaries there are several pictures of this impressive popular beast with her tail. The calm attitude of this big cat evidently lead to its popularity of big cat biologists that flocked to Africa to study and write abut the leopard. There are pictures of Half Tail with a lengthy full length tail and some of it with a half of one and researchers never did see how the poor thing lost its tail.
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