Arrogant Joey Swoll interrupts trolls guy film in gym to show how much bigger stronger he is

          Adam Zinger

      The gym fitness tick tock sensation and popular Joey Swoll utterly humiliated one of these guys who films themselves in the gym. Joey Swoll hates it when people camera film in the gym in front of everyone else and Mr Swall recounted and did a video of a guy doing a video for his own video channel. Joey Small set up a camera as this guy kept flexing and then Mr Small came over and showed his huge muscles and how much bigger and superior he is as a fitness guru. Joey Swoll runs one of the biggest Tik Tok Fitness themed channels as he often admonishes the people who make scenes at gyms trying to humiliate other people and filming themselves in public gym space especially the locker rooms. However, it appears now that Joey Swoll is so annoyed by these habits of these gym freaks Millennial Z bastards that he is now doing it as well. Joey Small made a video where he basically out muscle this guy and humiliated him flexing behind him and tell him to keep recording and showing this on his social media. Of course, Joey can do this because he is a beast and a half who likely has been so injected with number of anabolic steroids and mister Swoll is huge and shadowed this individual towering over him and displaying his bigger frame and manhood. 

      For all we know this individual might have been doing a video just for his girlfriend and not  put it through social media, but the narcissism of Joy Small had to have him go over and interrupt this guy's social media and out flex him and showing him what a real man with real and a jacked injected juiced up stuff  and man cans of creatin can create. Joey Wall is huge and it is obvious that this guy is on something there's no one can be this fucking ripped without the aid of something that Anthony Fauci could prescribe and promote. Joey Swoll out flexing this geek with 70s porno mustache made for an interesting Tik Yok video and indeed it went viral as likely 95% of the men who come to the gym Joey Swoll can outlift out flex out muscle and embarrasses especially if they are doing a silly act such as filming themselves flexing in a crowded gym. Once again Joey Swoll humiliated a gym freak and the number of times sent Mr Swoll is willing to do this is unlimited

Chase dies on exoplanet and shows the improbability of space travel

   Joe Jupiter

      The Incredible AI space Explorer known as Chase has died again on the "What If" is a YouTube channel that features this incredible space explorer who has a habit of dying in each and every planet he visits and odd space entity he enters. Chase is a snarky cocky astronaut produced by the "What If" channel in an excellence production and example of modern technology as Chase is able to travel space and beyond. The "What If" channel is amazing because in all reality this is the only way you'll ever see humans

travel to other planets through computer imagery and gimmicks like Chase and this YouTube channel. We love watching "What If" and whenever a new video of Chase dying on some planning comes out we can't help to watch every bit second and sit and wait for his untimely death.  Chase died again and after 10 minutes the countdown of this 10-minute-long video began in the

incredible climatic wait to see how Chase was going to die did not disappoint. Chase was utterly burned by a solar storm as he was cooked like a goose and cooked as if he was in a fucking microwave by one of these heat storms. Chase death that this actual exoplanet has further evidence that humanity can never survive these off ball and Oddball planets and any talk by Elon Musk or others of man going to Mars or other planets is complete behooy. 

      The only way man is going to travel the stars is the way Chase does through intrusive artificial intelligence and computer CIG imagery and only this way will you see men and people like Chase actually traveling to other planets often dying. These "What If" as an example to the improbability of mankind living anywhere else outside of Earth. Chase died again and the more he dies in these videos the more viewers sees and what a kind job NASA and SpaceX and all these

other claims of man traveling and living elsewhere is indeed horse manure. Traveling through space will only occur in the minds of Star Trek and Star Wars fans it is an improbability and chasing his adventures proven we highly recommend "What If" as they have other videos of Space and Science aside from the highlights of Chase traveling and dying. What If" might be indeed one of the best space related YouTube channels out there and indeed Neil DeGrasse Tyson often gets up Saturday morning watching cartoons and then he puts in the what if video and has his peanut butter and channel sandwich

Psychopath Jasmien Crockett attacks a politician in a wheel chair as her brain continues to fart and drop

 Diego Franco

    Once again the horse has opened its mouth and swallowed an apple Jasmine Crockett has once again made an ass of herself as a disgusting Texas troll black supremacist congresswoman has further insulted our political system with her mere presence and annoying voice. The y'all woman who just says you all every other sentence made a you' all ass of herself as she insulted Texas Governor Greg Abbott and made fun of his handicap being unable to walk. The disgusting Jasmine Crockett was at some far-left black supremacist fundraiser when she made numerous wise cracks and insults against a man who's in a wheelchair. This is the problem with Black urban culture as insults are delivered more than compliments and this explains the violence and condition of people who live in districts and cities like Jasmine

Crockett and thus given the vote they are allowed to vote in some of the biggest shit head psychopaths.   Governor Abbot ,who had an accident in his mid-20s and has lived forever in a wheelchair, dismissed the hate form this black woman as the disgusting woman Jasmine Crockett now likely is going to be censored not only for this comment against a handicapp politician, but threatening to punch Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

       This woman has gotten legislation from the Congress to censor her comments the problem is she's just going to continue being the nasty, arrogant, hate filled individual and censoring Jasmine Crockett is not good enough. There needs to be concentrated effort for her removal much like the Democrats forced George Santos out of Congress about a year or two ago. jasmine Cracking is a disgusting racist and black supremacist who keeps inflaming racial hatred with every word she speaks and this disgusting black supremacist needs to be removed and impeached out of our congressional system. Jasmine Crockett and her type of black Supremacy rhetoric is toxic for our country and political system and she continues to act like a child 12-year-old brat which likely her brain has never developed out of Junior High School in the ghetto.

    The District in Dallas that elected this nasty bitch should be embarrassed and we need to begin the process of removing this horrible low IQ ratchet woman this woman loves to talk about how she has a law degree in college degree and how smart she is but in actuality I don't believe this woman earned her law degree I think given the sorry situation of big Academia Jasmine Crockett likely was given a law degree and this occupation as a DEI hire and someone they can groom to be a Congressional candidate and talk toxic nonsense in the media and our clinical deranged political system. Jasmine Crockett is a fucking idiot and a stupid woman and this woman in her law degree likely is fake as her eyelashes the beginning of the process to remove this ratchet monstrous lunatic woman should begin. Someone like her is unfit to be a congress member and should be removed by any all means and  by all means necessary.

Vinny Scorpio wrecks leftist and show before and after pictures of suffers from Trump Derange Illness

       Martin Manziel

     Valuetainment's  incredible Armenian conservative co-host of Patrick David Bet and outstanding debater is a man that we call is we call Vinny's Scorpio. Vinny Scorpio actually is Vincent Oshana, but we like Scorpio as this man strikes like a scorpion whenever he appears in debate form and often he has been coming on the Piers Morgan show and battling far-left lunatics. Vinny Scorpio did it again as he utterly humiliated this guy in a hooligan cappie named Camp who is a far Lefty and tried to dis Elon Musk and Donald Trump throughout this debate panel. Vinny actually brought pictures out and showed the regression of what was once normal looking women of Kathy Griffin, Rachel Maddow, and Rosie O'Donnell and said how they're derangement and in a political world and especially concerning Donald Trump have defaced their once attractive faces into becoming these space Monsters from Mars and Hell. 

     Rosie O'Donnell's transgression into looking like an old man was not lost in finale as Vinny Scorpio told Pierce Morgan and these leftist idiots he was arguing that the delusional and deranged misinformative propaganda and lies that they spew leads to that face melts and deformation of their face. Vinnie Scorpio made Piers Morgan laugh with this assertion and throughout the interview Scorpio had to battle this jackass who wears a hat like it's in the 1930's newsboy. The utterly amazing Valuetainment co-host Vinny Oshana just kicks ass whenever he's on Pierce Morgan or others his ability to troll and destroy the left and debate knows no bounce.  Mr Scorpio was ready to draw hands as he debated with this guy and the numerous lies and misinformation and hypocrisy of the far-left talking about Donald Trump and the crazy things that they say he says while Joe Biden in 4 years spread more nutty behavior and spoke crazy 20 times more the amount that Donald Trump did in his first term. 

   For the far left like this guy in the panel named     they only see political discussed in a one-way street as they never criticized the Democrats and this likely can be explained that they are paid hacks for the Democratic Party. Valuetainment Vincent Scorpio wasn't having any of the bullshit from this jackass and utterly nailed this guy like a carpenter does with a pile of wood. Piers Morgan continues to have in highlight video channel this dude who does excellent job of debating communists, socialists, and scumbags and the Piers Morgan show and it seems like once every two weeks Mr Scorpio appears and destroys the leftist on the panel of Morgan's incredibly popular and huge news program that is shown on both sides of the pond.

Recep Tayipp Erdogan on the brink as massive protests erupt in Turkey

Alex Mosolopolouous

     Massive protests against the dictator Recep Erdogan of Turkey have erupted after this Mad Dog craze Islamist authoritarian monster arrested an opposition leader. So far over 1,400 people have been arrested in the press and media covering these riots and protests against the corrupt and evil rule of this dog Erdogan have taken place. Surprisingly, the international media is real quiet of these massive Turkish rioting that is going on and the arrest of Istanbul mayor by this maniac Recep Tayipp has awoken 

Turkish people for much too long. Turkey has been ruled by this Islamist crazed fascist Erdogan already  has rigged elections and keeps getting elected and the Turkish people are starting to realize that their democracy is gone and this fascist dictator Erdogan is oppressing them. The recent arrest of a popular mayor of Constantinople and opposition leader have set off a powder tag that hopefully will lead to the eventual removal of this scumbag Tayipp Erdogan. 

     An opposition leader named Ekrem Imamoglu  promised that  all of Turkeys large cities more protests and rioting will occur until the mayor is released and the slide towards Fascism and authoritarianism of race of turkey by this Mad Dog Islamofascist  has been one of the bad events internationally of the past decade. Turkey was once a key ally of the West in the United States before this dog took over even ruining the close bond deep state flag and government Alliance of the United States and Turkey with his belief system and insanity. Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp  needs to resign

and hopefully these protests and riots expand in this indeed will be the beginning of the end of some two decade rule by the scumbag who has done very little for Turkey aside from hurting it internationally and making the country more into a pre-World War II fascist type government. Little penis tip Erdogan is one of the sickest and worst dictators in the modern era and I have often wondered how this madman continues to hold power and whether the Turkish people will eventually overthrow this son of bitch much like the Arab risings of 2013. 

Turkish dictator Recep Tapeworm Erdogan is Man On The Run and he knows that his time is running short and I would not be surprised if this rioting and protests expands to the point where this man flees. The country once and for all. Turkey then can begin the process of rebuilding their Democrats system where multi-party elections a free press and an actual Democratic and rare gem of democracy in the region. Turkey once was in the Middle East for all its people and citizens the long trust in government of the Turkish people in their leaders has been eroded and erased for some two decades by

this idiot dictator Recep Erdogan is not only threatening Turkish democracy, but even alliances and respect in the West and the United States doing the unthinkable and even threatening the 1808 and 1921 Turkish deep State alliance with the United States that Trump has tried to keep stable and still going racist to go pronto

Tom Homan and ICE raids captures over 600 criminals and skank Boston mayor Michelle Wu needs to be prosecuted

 Carlson Tucker

    Tom Homan and Ice has gone into the sanctuary city of criminal mayor Michelle Wu and taken out hundreds of criminally insane and loco individuals. Michelle Wu is a CCP pant plant who basically is trying to harbor and protect criminals and does not have authority over ICE and the federal government. Tom Homan came in and wrapped up so many deranged and unhinged lunatics with criminal records many of them sex offender and why this crazed mayor Michelle Wu would seek to have prevent this and keep these criminals going in her city remains a mystery. Michelle Wu need to be prosecuted for her use and role of government to protect criminal aliens and this disgusting mayor of Boston is indeed a criminal and she is allowing human trafficking , drug peddling, and prostitution unto her streets of Boston. Thankfully, we have the Donald Trump Administration that has Thomas Himan in charge of the border and Ice and unlike the previous failed administration of Bozo Biden he will apprehend these

criminals that Michelle Wu has allowed to proliferate and expand in her city. Once again we are calling for the arrest of of Boston mayor Michelle Wu who has done everything in her power to keep criminals and prevent them from being captured arrested and detained and this naturally is because Michelle Woo is a criminal mayor and she serves the criminal classes of this one-time great American city that has now

been hijacked by criminal alien people in government. Tom Holman should have grabbed Michelle Wu and added her with these criminals that ICE apprehended in Boston the other day over 600 dangerous felons and members of the Trinaga Agua Street game we're captured by ICE agents and will be put in detention centers away from the public. They will detained and unable to perform and repeat their crimes that they have gone gotten away with in Boston thanks to incompetent and scumbag mayor such

as Michelle Wu. This mayor of Boston needs to be arrested, prosecuted, and removed from office as this woman is complicit with a criminal classes they have invaded are large American cities and set up opportunities for criminal global networks to conduct their business uninterrupted by local government and police force. Michelle Wu should be attending to a brothel in Hong Kong and not leading the famous American city of Boston and again make no mistake she is a criminal mayor who serves this criminal class and throughout this country we have scum like her as mayor of large cities

Finally the bald head of Jamal Bowman gets checked as Elon Musk promises a lawsuit

   Brian Brain

        The fat head of Bulged brain of Jamal Bowman is going to be soon by Elon Musk. Mr Musk made this assertion on his Twitter X accounts after the disgusting failed former fathead New York Congressman made a huge mistake. The so-called educator bald head Jamal Bowman called Elon Musk Nazi incompetent and a thief and with these words this disgusting New York black supremacist is going to face a massive lawsuit and lose millions and millions of dollars. this lawsuit is long and coming as the melodic hatred of this thing bad Jamal Bowman has gone away with saying so many things in the past

and now this fat idiot has finally said the wrong thing Jamal Bowman was one of the worst individuals ever been our political system and it's unbelievable that this Cretin is actually in the New York Public Schools teaching. The only thing brainless Jamal Bowman is teaching is teaching young blacks to be hateful and black supremacists like him and the problem with our educational system is we have woke radical Communists like Jamal Bowman teaching the younger generation.

      Elon Musk is going to teach this brain-dead racist former Congressman in New York a huge lesson as this disgusting loudmouth low IQ Thug Jamal Bowman is going to learn a big lesson. Not only should Elon Musk sue the fat ass of black supremacist Jamal Bowman, but he needs to go after the CNN Network that has given Bowman a platform for so many years and they did not even bother to check him after his egregious statements of hate and lies against Elon Musk. Brian shit Jamal Bowman called

Elon Musk a Nazi and he's going to learn that he can't just throw this term just because someone's white and this disgusting former politician loudmouth and arrogant pompous asshole. Jamal Bowman hopefully will be taken for millions of dollars from this fuck brain. Mr Bowman is a prick and a dumb mother fucker indeed it's unbelievable that individuals like him are sent to major political positions, but thankfully they work hard to get this bald head racist out of congress now. 

     The same drive that got rid of brain dead Jamal Bowman needs to go after this Texas troll you'all talking Jasmine Crockett who says pretty much Jasmine Crockett is a lot like a female version of this bald head dipshit. Jamal Bowman and sooner or later the same money that work hard to get rid of this toxic asshole Jamal Bowman we will get rid of Jasmine Crockett. We look forward to seeing this lawsuit and perhaps Jamal Bowman and his fat ass getting into court and having to atone to these insane

comments that he is long gone away with being extremist Democrat and a egregious black supremacist. Black supremacy is on the run and we need to continue to resist it in all counts within our political system as the vast majority of the black Democrats within the political process and Democratic party are indeed open and defiled black supremacist.

Introducing Brian Coyne and his singing parodies mocking the far-left dumb Democrats in our political system

 Ed Anger

   YouTuber Brian Coyne likes to sing with a small YouTube channel and audience Brian Coyne loves to do parodies often mocking radical left-wing Democrats and their policies,candidates,  and their ideology. The incredible YouTuber has not been discovered and when people discover his YouTube channel they see hundreds of videos that this man has done in parody mockery of what has become up to these sad Democrat party. The Democrat party today is not your grandfather's Democratic party. They are a hijack political entity of primarily globalist and criminals who treasonous politicians to follow their orders. Brian Coyne has seen enough of the democratic party and thus he is taking his guitar and produce so many songs mocking the scum that is today's fascist party within America wishing to implement a Soviet state of America. Brian Coyne is a patriot and recently he did a video utterly upending the disgusting Texas congress monster and troll known as Jasmine Crockett.

       Jasmine Crockett is a big mouth ghetto congresswoman from the Dallas area who has eyelashes three times the size of normal person. This fake woman does nothing but give her fake redemptions and spread smears and lies against Republicans and Donald Trump. Thus this disgusting ratchet, ugly woman is now the target of many conservatives on YouTube which includes the singing Brian Coyne who recently did a parody of this jackass. Crockett and her ridiculous video dancing to Kendrick Lamar's gay song. The crip dance of Kendrick Lamar is a glorification to gangsters and it's not surprising to see this gangster politician who is bought and known for by the criminal classes of the Dallas area lower herself to the lowest level black ghetto activity action and talk. The black urban community needs to be taking a task for electing shitheads such as Jasmine Crocker and this woman deserve really is the target of so many YouTubers attacking this crazy woman for acting like the crazy ass bitch as fuck Cherry would say. Brian Coyne does an excellent job you making amusing music videos unloading on the far-left and the Green party Democrats sleaze balls we have in our political systems such as Jasmine Crockett and we highly recommend people as we introduce Brian Coyne to this blog

Josh Shapiro and his lies pressed back by Bill Maher as Maher presses Pennsylvania Governor of failures and extremism of Democrat Party and its perceptions within the public

       Lincoln Kennedy

    The horrible us governor of Pennsylvania is a libtard named Josh Shapiro as this arrogant politician thinks he is the smartest man in every room he enters and he recently entered the room of Bill Maher's late night television show Real Time for a discussion on the sorry state of the dead Democrat Party. Bill Maher tried to press that the Democrats are failing to use common sense and this is why they are record levels low popularity is this unpopular and Kiki Jewish governor and politician tried to push back. Josh Shapiro just like a politician lied out off his ass saying there was nothing wrong with the Democratic party with all facts and obvious denial of the truth as is this party is totally imploding. The spectacle disgraceful extremists within it from Alexandria Casio Cortez so Jasmine Crockett to Bernie Sanders are getting all the highlights attention and platform speak and they are humiliating themselves and their party. 

    Josh Shapiro is in complete denial, and he is a gutless coward and a weak politician not willing to stand up to the left-wing fascism and progressiveness in his party and whether he is willing to stand with these weirdos and weird politicians within his own political party is likely to occur. Bill Maher talked about the crazy woke ideology of the far-left and how it is overtaken much of the Democratic party and this is why they lost the election. Josh Shapiro of course denied and try to make other excuses for Kamala Harris playing the mediator and trying to deny the fact that the Democratic party does not have common sense saying each and every legislation they serve to pass. 

     The Democrat Party also is a corrupt party in it and Josh Shapiro looks like one corrupt motherfucker and hopefully the people of Pennsylvania make this clown a one-term governor. Bill Fillmore failed to bring up corruption and should of also pressed Josh Shapiro of the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination and how such a breakdown occurred and whether this son of a bitch had anything to do with it working with local and Secret Service police trying to get Donald Trump assassinated. Everything about Josh Shapiro is sleazy and it is not beyond the possibility that this silly jackass likely worked within a conspiracy to get Donald Trump assassinated in order to prevent him from winning and to aid Kamala

Harris. There is some talk that Josh Shapiro would be a presidential candidate, but from the way he talks and he sides tracks questions the American people would see this guy for what he is which is a politician and a sleazeball. In no way would this Jewish Josh Shapiro ever be a serious candidate within his own party indeed giving the anti-Semitism within it and hate of so much that the modern Democrat Party has become quite literally a hate party.

      Josh Shapiro is a fucking nerd and has glasses, but he needs better glasses to see the opening wanton anti-semitisim and anti-jewishism that would ever likely prevent him from being a serious candidate and Presidential nominee. Shapiro has more of a chance of being named head coach of the San Francisco 49ers than ever becoming president. Joshua Pearl is just a geek and a half who just has no appeal and thus is 2828-28 presidential run is a baked-up idea that likely Mr Shapiro only seriously thinks after a night of pot smoking or other hardcore drugs that this man appears to be on. This man was embarrassed by Bill Maher telling him of the oddness of the Democrats and how their policies and actions have alienated the people and so many people came out to vote against kamala Harris given the treatment of the people by the Democrats and actions of Joe Biden throughout his administration with a emphasize of weird wokism at all levels of government and force through business.

Brian Cohen Tyler goes bananas upset as Donald Trump brings a Tesla on the grounds of the White Hosue promotes vehicle with elon Musk

     Jerry O'Leary

      On the internet and through YouTube there is this propagandist who wears $10,000 suits many times. When he does his video this far -left socialist named Tyler Brian Cohen is one of the weasel worms that one will come across the internet. Brian Tyler is a propagandist and a half who does nothing but spread misinformation against the Democrat the Republican Party working on hard as a Democratic party operative and from the looks of his suits that he has the Democrat Party has rewarded financially this

twit very well. Brian Tyler Cohen recently put up video and released through numerous tweets and acts that he cannot stop how angry he was. When Donald Trump had a photo opportunity promoting Tesla and did one so on the grounds of the White House with Elon Musk this was his response to the far- left fascism that hates that we see in our society that scumbag leftists such as Brian Cohen are spreading through their social media influence. 

       Tyler Brian Cohen was very angered and tweeted 20 times on the day Trump had a Tesla and indeed Tesla stock has gone up despite the best efforts of weasels like Minnesota failed Governor Tim Walz and the left-wing YouTube propagandists like Brian Tyler. Pieces of shit like them have daily attacked Tesla and encouraged Mass protest and violence against Tesla drivers. The vast amount of hate has led to what I've called the Tesla Terror campaign of 2025 by the Democrat fascist party and that has been funded by those on the far-left international socialists. The campaign has included the spread of vile and

despicable smears and slanderous words that come from the podcast propaganda and jackasses like Brian Tyler Cohen --who has been on the Forefront of attacking Elon Musk on a daily basis. It seems like Mr Musk is getting attacked even more than Donald Trump these days and what the far left and Democrat hope for is eventually some deaths one can see Brian Tyler call and defend these Tesla

violence and likely when if and when someone dies or one of these fire bombings against a Tesla dealership this scumbag Tyler Cohen will likely will defend the individuals and the left may make a hero out of the person much like they have done with the brutal murder of a CEO Health Insurance executive Brian Tyler calling is one of the most evil individuals who's not has a YouTube channel as he comes out with his $5,000 suit and spreads the most misinformative lies straight out of Soviet Union of 100 years

ago in fact Tyler Cohen could fit right in the Soviet armies and early media of Latimer Lenin and Tyler Cohen is another individual who is not an American but a Soviets and this is what we should be describing people like Brian Cohen Tyler. Cohen is a weird individual who hangs around all of these extreme leftists and fellow propagandist soften hating on this country and come son their programs to bashing this country whether it be Roland Martin or Neo-Ottomon Islamicist radical jihadist Mehdi Hasan

Introducing Odd Danny obsessed with animals' facts and celebrating them

   Jake Glass

Animal Stories

         I knew weird internet personality has developed through Tik Tok and YouTube shorts is a dude named Danny. Danny has his eye nature of being obsessed with the facts and information that animals present in wildlife. Mr Danny is indeed loving the facts that he finds out about certain animals and you post the video of the strength and advantages of animals over humanity. Danny just loves doing these odd videos where he talks about certain species and gives all this unique special attributes and the Mr Danny is a growing presence on the internet with his formulative talking and his showing up videos of special powers of certain animals and loves what he is describing. We highly recommend that people

check out Odd Danny if you are into Wildlife nature and a special world of animals, mammals, reptilians, and still yet the undiscovered beasts. Danny can find any useful information about an animal and put into good video use as he celebrates the animals that God put on Earth to be part of the ecosystem and life on Danny does not find anything to unusual about all these odd things about these animals and thus he does a video. 

    Odd Danny though he will highlight the unique and weird attributions of certain species on Danny's particular video on kangaroos in the strength of the Red kangaroo in Australia was perhaps his most in epic informative video. Odd Danny quite literally was so be smitten by Red Kangaroo he almost seemed to sound like he wanted to have sex with one. Odd Danny's obsession and desires for animals knows no bounce and we can't help to notice how funny and thus we introduce our Danny to this blog. I love Odd

Danny's love ,observation, and enthusiasm to even mention the most in mundane fact of wildlife and their strange habits is what makes these videos very hilarious and a tough pass when you're looking through the internet for real news in politics information. The world can use a little Odd Danny pack from once in a while and thus he fits in perfectly with it  and oddball Danny should fit in perfectly with your social media sites of information and video

Moon Henry says that the world is on fire and will likely burn up

     Andy Cruz

     The incredible YouTuber known as Moon Henry continues to make these nefarious predictions of the state of the world. Moon Henry is seeing fires from Chile to the Middle East to the Eastern Europe to South Carolina personally as he had to flee several times. The Moon Henry says that many 1,000-year-old temples have gone down in Japanese fires and the amount of fires that we are seeing all over the world either is indicative of a arson problem, or indeed the world is heating up. Whether, God has a role in burning these places is not known as the odd timing and the number of fires here is early making many question their faith and spirituality. Moon knows full well seeing the fires in South Carolina the power and

destructive ability and has he covered the Kalifornia fires. Moon Henry knew that something was wrong with the Earth and the Moon. Some of these two objects of mass are out of parallel and Moon had being named Moon of course will blame the Moon as being out of its orbit or something. Moon Henry is one of the best conspiracy writers we have seen on Tik Tok and a fledgling YouTube channel that hardly anyone goes to and appreciates. Mr Henry though talks

conspiracies and facts and that matter and the fact is there are more fires all over the world and in particularly Chile seems to be an epicenter of mass fire which seems unusual  as these fires seems unusual to Moon Henry because it's not especially hot and the Fire season. 

     What the hell exactly is going on with the Wood, Earth, Wind, and Fire needs to be really researched many lessons of course will blame climate change which is neither factual or true and they do this in order to prop up their beloved cult that they are obsessed and cannot get enough of. William Henry doesn't believe in this nonsense

climbing of fires an Earth is always changing, but humanities contribution to setting wildfires purposely to spread is indeed a reality. Moon Henry says that there needs to be legislation for the death penalty for possible arsonists that cause these Mass fires and whether the US senate in Congress actually ever consider such a proposal remains in doubts. Moon Henry says for people to take a look into the blue beyond and keep an eye out for all fres and possibility of flames forming and do their part in combating this scourge.

Senator John Kennedy rips apart the wasteful Doge discoveries wonders if out money goes to weird female tik tok Influences in America and South Korea as Tik Tiker Riley Am spends 50 k a month

  Casey Kelso

      Senter John Kennedy came out in congress not too long ago and utterly leveled the wasteful government spending that he sees. The US senator from Louisiana defended the Doge cuts of Elon Musk and the Trump Administration and the amount of waste and expenditures that the Democrat Party and their operatives have done under the Joe Biden Administration has been egregiously shocking. Senator Kennedy brought out his boards and showed the

numerous examples of extreme wasteful spending Center Kennedy though missed many other cases as USAID money that has been stolen from American tax paper often finds Its way into the coffers of other people. Much of this money is gone to social media

and from watching Tik Tok I can clearly say there are so many influencers who pretend they have large audience and get so much money from this aid.  one of them is the ugly woman named Riley Amm who is a University of Michigan narcissist and a member of the track and field team. This woman quite literally as a senior in college must have a unlimited $50,000 a month spending allowance and whether this money was through USAID or some other form of corruption is not known and something John Kennedy needs to lead a senate

investigations, John Kennedy needs to let the world know that much of the USAID money goes to Tik Tokers and social media influencers like this snobby and weird Riley  who is currently in her last year at the University of Michigan. 

      This egomaniac, weird, and stupid Tik Toker does all these videos where she sticks out her tongue and talks about all the shit she buys every other day that often in when added up is almost the cost of the rents of three people combined. Riley Am talks about how great she is and yet is a very stupid and young lady likely from a wealthy Chicago, Illinois corrupt Democrat family and the amount of money that flows to basically this boring and egomaniac Tik Toker is disgusting as John Matrixx would say. Riley is just one of a number of frightful mass spending narcissist Tik Tokers we have seen and the funding of these people who are given privilege access through Tik Tok with imploded numbers and huge sources of money mysterious money that they seem to spend. Likewise, John Kennedy should also talk about a clothing company in South Korea named Lewkin which also seems to be a source of huge American DEI and USAID free money. South Korea as a nation likely gets so much American taxpayer money it is unbelievable but for some reason Lewkin and the Lewkin girls are another a silly company and a Tick Tok global money outlet that I am convinced somehow gets tons of USAID money. 

      Senator Keneddy wants to know where all this money goes to and I'm convinced that they should look into Tik Tok influencers whether they be in Japan, or whether they be in South Korea such as this Lewkin Company where these Asian girls who work at this company just spend so much money and wear 20 different outfits a day "working" at this clothing company. Likewise, the massive amount of money for American and other Tik Tokers likely comes through a corrupt Democrat system that redistribute some money to their favorite influencer relatives of major political donors. Kennedy can't accept this and he utterly leveled the Democrat parties obsession with spending and much of the spending that the Democratic party does I am convinced goes to professional sports or Tik Tok influencers and companies that support such influencers. There's no way that these women at Lewkin who do these Tik Yok videos in South Korea have earned real money that they spend around. Likewise with the University of Michigan skink known as Riley m who has some Tick Tock Channel with 300,000 subscribers yet her videos have no comments in like six at most. Yet somehow this University of Michigan track or is giving money from some unknown source and the amount of spending she does often going to Schaumburg Woodfield Mall is utterly reprehensible and clearly she or her family is of some corrupt Democrats system. Republican senator John Kennedy and others will get to the bottom of this wasteful spending and they need to investigate the funding of Tik Tok influencers and Twitch gamers who somehow are rewarded massive amounts of money for doing very little and just playing video games and talking about their lives like this skanky bitch Riley Am on Tik Tok

Tyler Oliveria goes to New York and gives Black supremacist Black Hebrews big platform

        Albert Rooney

     The weird Portuguese microphone Street reporter and vlogger Tyler Oliveria went to the epicenter of black Supremacy in this country which is New York City. New York City is the center of radical black Supremacy whether it be the black Muslims or the Black Panthers and Tyler Oliveria went to talk to the black Hebrews which is one of the largest black supremacist groups in the country. Tyler Oliveria did a disgusting video where he gave a platform to this group of racists who were training in Central Park. Tyler found many white liberals who were supportive and apologetic to the Blackstone Black Hebrew Nation and through his video he showed many of these white liberals kissing the boots of the black man and this particular black psychotic hate leader he was primarily talking too.  Tyler Oliveria pretends to

do a video where he's taking a hard look at usually a hate group, but the problem is he will give the racist and the hate group so much publicity that in the end the video is more supportive of the group. Tyler Oliveria did not push and press back much against these racist and black supremacists of a black Hebrew group and whether he's intimidated or just trolling is not known.

    Tyler Oliveria pretty much gave a full platform and his YouTube channel to this group of black nationalists and racists who are always training and wish to conduct violence in this country. Throughout this video the hate filled rage of these black supremacists is seen as the top black supremacist Black Hebrew leader told Tyler delivery then the ultimate end goal is to have white people to be the slaves. For some reason these black Hebrews consider Native Americans and Mexicans also black and part of their resistance and the extreme nature of the black Hebrews cannot be understated. Why Tyler Oliveria as a

YouTuber decides to give such a large and huge platform to a hate group needs to be questioned and asked of him as this often seems to be a major focus of Tyler's vlog library. Of this YouTube Interview style program this is a guy just loves to interview hate groups it is almost like Tyler Oliveria  and his style of interviewing wants to increase and promote the division and hatred of a racists and this weird Portuguese silly bass born bastard globalist always seems to want to cause some trouble. Tyler Oliveria is one of the silliest interview hosts and all this guy does is try to brew trouble between the individuals

Aaron Rodgers demands to play for the Vikings or Mike Tomlin's Pittsburgh Steelers otherwise he threatens to retire

    Aaron Zappe

          Lord Aaron Rodgers is close to calling it quits. The speculation where Mr Rogers might play next to wind up his career continues to be speculative by puns,  punters ,plumbers, punsters, pundits and punks across the country. Aaron Rodgers may follow the path of fellow Green Bay Basher legendary quarterback Brett Favre and finish his career as he is in talks with the organization of the purple and white and the famous Minnesota Vikings. Lord Rogers also says he is willing to play for another infamous National Football League team in the Pittsburgh Steelers as he likes coach Mike Tomlin and

has considered the Steelers a blue collar traditional National Football League team that he respects and likes could see himself playing for.  Aaron Rodgers says that if these two teams are not interested in he does not sign the chances of him playing somewhere else are very slim to none. 

      Lord Aaron Rodgers stay the day he may finally just call it quits and put away his cleats and his helmets. Aaron Rodgers is very picky whether it be with women or with the teams he plays with and after his failure with the New York Jaguars organization he wants to make sure that the next choice is much better suited as he was utterly humiliated in his two failure seasons in New York. Mr Rogers really wants to play for Mike Tomlin and help Tomlin and the Steelers get over the edge and back to the Super

Bowl as Tomlin has had 17 seasons of winning football records yet only three Super Bowls to go and many playoff defeats in the first round. Aaron Rodgers might be the perfect fit in just one Mike Tomlin and the strong Steelers team that still has a two year window of opportunity with its players and a legendary quarterback in such as Aaron Rodgers might be just what the doctor called for for both Mr Tomlin and Aaron Rodgers. whatever the choice it will be one of these two teams and make the whole

mistake Aaron Rogers will not play for any other team if it's not these football organizations in Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Surprisingly, Aaron Rodgers also is in talks with the MMA and Dana White and possibly will be a announcer job working inside with Joe Rogan because in no way else would Aaron Rodgers be in another capacity in MMA as a fighter.

Pondering Politics Jessiah Eberlan angered of Benny Johnson dissing and calling Bill Burr's black wife ugly challenges him to a fight

      Bradly Austin

     A small insignificant podcast called Pondering Politics run by this woke lunatic name Josiah Eberlan made jackass Jessiah so angered at the criticism that Bill Burr got for making fun of Elon Musk as people turned Burr's comments and nasty thinking about Elon Musk and the various women he's got pregnant and put it back against the bald head of Bill Burr. Bill Burr has a very ugly black wife who appears to be very low IQ and a nasty woman who likes to flick people the middle finger when they're not looking cuz she doesn't have the courage to do it when they can see her. Bill Burr's disgusting black wife is very ugly and the idea that Bill Burr would make fun of the women that Elon Musk goes out with and gets pregnant. Benny Johnson laughed and decide to do a video and Lord Benny utterly roasted this idiot comedian with an ugly wife playing all sorts of memes and comments that people made to Bill Burr about his black wife. 

     One would think that Bill Burr with all the money he's made through comedy and being a welcome meeting at that that he would have made a lot of money and he would have a much better looking wife then the shit head that he has. Johnson's mockery of Bill Burr's wife angered Jessiah Eberlan from Pondering Politics who took us wipe and this guy who looks and tries to act like Betty Johnson. Jessiah  is obsessed with Mr Johnson Jessiah Eberlan challenged Benny Johnson to a fight after seeing a video where Benny Johnson with who was ruthless on the looks of Bill Burr's wife with mockery of Mr Burr and celebrating the various memes and rude comments people sent and put online on X Twitter

following Bill Burris comments about the looks of Elon Musk's chosen sexual female partners as these people point out. Bill Burr needs to look at his ugly wife who looks like an average stumpy fat black woman that you would find in your local post office and it is laughable that for whatever comment negatively on the looks of someone else's partner. Bill Burr also needs to look at his face and look at his drunk bald head and ugly Irish look and be thankful that God gave him some talent for making people

laugh as otherwise Charlemagne the God and these other the view in these other whole hosts and shows that had this bald head garbage guy on would never have him on. Jessiah Eberlan is taking his frustration and anger on Benny Johnson as Eberlan was already triggered by people making fun of Bill Burr's wife has he called it racist on his podcast he was so angry by your boy Benny Johnson and his

video then Evelyn challenged Benny Johnson to a fight of his choice and location Benny Johnson quite literally would kick the ass of Josiah Eberlan and the idea that Eberlin who tries to imitate and look like Benny Johnson with suddenly lose it when the object of his podcast rivalry and obsession with a black T-shirt.  Mr Johnson would break his brain and he would actually want to fight physically face to face Eberlin is a fucking dork and has a very boring podcast he doesn't have one tenth of the audience of Benny Johnson and the stupid things that this dipshit says on his Pondering Politics make some right up there with the worst and the worst of the far-left podcast propaganda on the internet

Bernie Sanders rage quits a interview with ABC news propagandist Jonathan Karl and he simps for Alexandria Casio Cortez

     Woody Underwood

     Wishing to dip his 83-year-old penis into the Caribbean communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the geriatric 83-year-old disgusting Vermont US senator had a meltdown. Bernie Sanders left an interview with ABC News Democrat Party propagandist Jonathan Karl in an amazing show of childish rage fit from the very old great grandfatherly Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is going to run for president and he is very close to making this announcement and he likely will pick this bimbo former bartender Alexandria Cortez to be his vice president running mate. The two went on a Tuesday tour this past weekend in front of 30,000 people of die hard Democrats who were given free money to travel and

support the intgeriatric US senator from the insignificant Northeast state of Vermont. Bernie Sanders was angered as Jonathan Karl pressed him after Bernie had sent for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jonathan Carlton asked if he's supportive of Charles Schumer in the replacement of him with his girl. 

     Bernie Sanders became very angry and the nasty and demented communist from the Northeast got up and left the interview shocking this ABC Democrat Party propagandist Mr Karl. Bernie Sanders could not even take a simple question not even a gotcha question from Jonathan Karl how the hell is this Geezer going to be president if he can't deal with the press when asked tough questions this is because Bernie Sanders has been in government forever and he is a privileged member in a Soviet member of the US political system. The amount of money he has taken from the US government and from overseas and probably hidden in a somewhere must be in the hundreds of millions. 

      Bernie Sanders acts like he's fighting against big money and the oligarchy, but in fact Bernie Sanders is funded by big Pharma and many oligarchs and he's more than willing to take money from the oligarchy. The amount of horseshit that Bernie Sanders said prior to leaving Jonathan Karl just shows that this man is way too old and too much of a demented communist to be a serious candidate for the

American presidency and to represent the whole nation. Bernie Sanders should move to Cuba where there's more of a system of his liking and this is where he should run in become president and he can take this bimbo Bronx New York congresswoman monster toxic animal with him. Bernie Sanders is growing ego as he's Democrat Party paid crowds are promoting him and many people say that Bernie Sanders is going to do one last great run and we may indeed get our Bernie Sanders/Donald Trump election that we have long wish since 2016. Thats all I want for christas in 2027. Stay tuned