Adam Zinger
The gym fitness tick tock sensation and popular Joey Swoll utterly humiliated one of these guys who films themselves in the gym. Joey Swoll hates it when people camera film in the gym in front of everyone else and Mr Swall recounted and did a video of a guy doing a video for his own video channel. Joey Small set up a camera as this guy kept flexing and then Mr Small came over and showed his huge muscles and how much bigger and superior he is as a fitness guru. Joey Swoll runs one of the biggest Tik Tok Fitness themed channels as he often admonishes the people who make scenes at gyms trying to humiliate other people and filming themselves in public gym space especially the locker rooms. However, it appears now that Joey Swoll is so annoyed by these habits of these gym freaks Millennial Z bastards that he is now doing it as well. Joey Small made a video where he basically out muscle this guy and humiliated him flexing behind him and tell him to keep recording and showing this on his social media. Of course, Joey can do this because he is a beast and a half who likely has been so injected with number of anabolic steroids and mister Swoll is huge and shadowed this individual towering over him and displaying his bigger frame and manhood.
For all we know this individual might have been doing a video just for his girlfriend and not put it through social media, but the narcissism of Joy Small had to have him go over and interrupt this guy's social media and out flex him and showing him what a real man with real and a jacked injected juiced up stuff and man cans of creatin can create. Joey Wall is huge and it is obvious that this guy is on something there's no one can be this fucking ripped without the aid of something that Anthony Fauci could prescribe and promote. Joey Swoll out flexing this geek with 70s porno mustache made for an interesting Tik Yok video and indeed it went viral as likely 95% of the men who come to the gym Joey Swoll can outlift out flex out muscle and embarrasses especially if they are doing a silly act such as filming themselves flexing in a crowded gym. Once again Joey Swoll humiliated a gym freak and the number of times sent Mr Swoll is willing to do this is unlimited