Video tape of Hamas Father and Son terrorist confession should stamp out All Hamas protests

     Sammy Hamcheck

    A confession video of these two Islamic scum in Gaza should stamp out all Hamas protests globally. It appears the Hamas mass protest around the world is slowly being defunded , funding drying up, and they losing money and they are hemorrhaging the ability to continue their outrageous and wasteful intimidation protests in the streets of America and around the world. When people look in world history they will look at these Hamas protests as a outrageous sign of evil that existed at this moment in time and there's certain individuals would be so crooked, corrupt, and sick in their head that they quite literally would take the streets and protest and support of a vile and despicable disgusting Nazi like

organized terrorist organizations such as Hamas. Israel recently released two interrogations of a sick father and son who raped and murdered numerous Jewish women during the October 7th brutality that global Islam and the funding of terrorist organizations in Palestine and Lebanon has caused suffering and pain for the people of Israel. The massive response set off a concentrated protest effort on the ground in funding of the most radical and lunatics in our society in the West. This explains the large crowds that thankfully seem to be thinning out and are on their way out and into the Dustbin of World History.

       The disgusting terror organization who rapes and murders women in a systematic campaign of terror has it supporters Pro Hamas Western people along with their Brown supremacist Muslim Islamists who protested and took the streets in the West while looking the other way and condone the brutality and mass rape and slaying of these walking demons of Palestinians that occur in October 7th. This barbarian Viking and Zulu typer evil attack has caused a massive Israeli response that put all these moronic insane people on the streets in the first place.  A father and son members of Hamas named were interrogated

and they described the disturbing and sickening details of the Hamas attack and the targeting of young and middle age breeding women of Israel for the brutality that occurred on October 7th and 8th. The number of women raped in brutally murdered by these two of these maniacs among many others was one of world history's most brutal campaigns and Israel has every right and determination to stamp and kill every member of Hamas and Hezbollah and they are well on their way. The United States need to support this goal of Israel is this interrogation should be released in fully embedded into the minds of the American people and the West in general of the brutality and sickness of Hamas actions on October 7th much more brutal than what we saw in concentration camps and capable of the German World War II era soldiers. 

      Hamas is pure scum and evil and they are getting their just due in a brutal retribution war from Israel against these demonic animals and this evidence of the Father and Son describing in disturbing detail what had occurred October 7th and how they brutally raped and murdered women and little girls to death should be headline news/ The image of these two should be captured and put alongside the other evils of the 20th century from Charles Manson to Adolf Hitler and  make no mistakes the psychopaths who were

protesting for Hamas on the streets of America ,South America, Europe, Australia, and throughout the world are dangerous and mentally sick individuals. these evil individuals know full well the extent of the damage that Hamas and Islamic terrorists are capable of and what they have done to people in the past well before October 7th whether being in Israel, Europe, or North America. These demonic walking demons who supported Hamas need to be investigated targeted, tagged, identified, and reported perhaps even subjugated away from the rest of society slowly . the slow process of a identifying and prosecuting these people like to January 6th needs to occur...pronto.

We demand and wonder why doesn't Tyrone Magnus do laugh challenge watching Lord Wojak cartoons

     Benito Bautista 

    The reaction YouTuber known as Tyrone Magnus refuses are multiple requests to do a do not laugh challenge on one of our favorite cartoons. There's a cartoon that is on YouTube through several channels called WoJack made up of this bald head young guy who always gets fucked over by people. The amount of internet sound drops and mean sounds that are on this cartoon are ugly amazing funny and his cartoon without doubt is very famous and well known. Yet for some reason the crazed former black panther radical known as Tyrone X  has now transition into Tyrone Magnus vlogger and reactionary

YouTuber. He refuses to do any reviews and talks about WoJak and this is utterly reprehensible that this reactionary guy who likes cartoons yet ignores Wojack. Magnus is a kid at heart and does all sorts of laugh challenges and reviews but stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the very existence of the bald head of Wojak and his buddies Zoomer and Boomer and the rest of the characters. 

    Terrell Magnus is an arrogant pompous ass who doesn't want to give credence to what is perhaps the internet's best meme cartoon and anti-capitalist think tank internet cartoon that is Lord Wojak in the various other channels featuring the bald head of Wojak and his buddies challenging the system and powers to be pressing back against the supervisor class. Terrell Magnus continues to do these challenges where he watches Family Guy and tries not to laugh in other unknown and unimportant cartoons various other sources of entertainment in enemy and elsewhere however the arrogant Mr Magnus refuses to do

any laugh challenges featuring Wojak whether it being review form or a laugh challenge and a complete ignorance and ignoring Wojack videos. Magnus ignoring refusing to do laugh challenges of this amazing cartoons of this beloved bald head character is utterly reprehensible on the part of him as a reactionary internet reviewer of funny sources of entertainment and cartoon reviews. Mad Magnus is a grifter for

stupid toys and products and this man appears to be in his thirties but acts and talks like he's 12 years old. Likely the cartoons of logic that  Wojak performs along with the punk ass bitch Zoomer and the beer and cum guzzler Boomer are way above his head  and of Tyrone's brain unable to comprehend the message that is given in pretty much every Wojak episode always with a wistful and sassy end

Big Pink nothing but fat ass stripper music and performer under guise of rap music needs to lose some weight in of her fart arse

     Adam Zinger

    The number of strippers in fat ass African-American women allowed to rap and make incomes from it. In addition to likely their side gigs of stripping is utterly massive it is almost as massive as the ass of many of these female rap porn stars as we call them. The twerking, rapping degenerate music continues and another up-and-coming black ratchet female ass twerker is someone named Big Pink. Miss Pink in her homies essentially are straight from a strip club in Detroit and straight from hell big pink in her Pinkett says she calls him are these six

whores who just shake their ass and attempt to be the next big thing cardi B ,or Nicki Minaj, or Megan the Stallion. The disgusting black twerker era that we are in is the direct result of a wicked and disgusting music Mafia system that promotes the most degenerate music and one of their favorites is the ass shaking ghetto hood raking black female rap music.

      Big Pink is another radical big mouth female rapper who wears tons of jewelry and is paid heavily by the jewelry industry and makers to do so. Big Pink is a big ass bitch from the West who thinks they horrible loud voice and terrible

performances can be called music when in fact it is nothing but trash and a garbage disposal sounds better than big Pink's music. Big Pink is a whore and a half who essentially is taking a stripper career and, in this video, called "Might So Slime" one can clearly see the similarity of this music video to what one would see in the shithole ghetto black neighborhoods and the increasing

number of strip clubs that still predominates in their areas throughout this country.  In fact, the city of an Indianapolis must have per capita has the most amount of strip clubs and many people have made the connection between a neighborhood's ghetto

connections to the number of strip joints. Big Pink without a doubt is another ratchet stripper porn performer who's promoted by the sick music industry always looking for new stars to promote the worst culturally degrading music to the black community.

The number of large s twerking disgusting black female rappers continues to grow and make no mistake this is a nefarious plan to keep these people in check with the most

degenerate musical forms installed into their brains like a computer program. Nothing will improve in Black American culture as long as kids such as Big Pink and other twerk music is the predominant form and promoted so heavily.

Communist and far left vampire-looking radical Lee Camp angered at corporations is supported Israel comes out with a despicable attack on corporations he accuses them of supporting Israel

 Bernardo Romano

    A disgusting Pro terrorist propagandist for Hamas in potential Hamas member best describes a scumbag communist named Lee camp we have not belonged about Lee Camp for some 2 years and lo and behold I have forgotten about this silly son of a bitch as another lunatic propaganda on YouTube. Apparently, this vampire Camp left YouTube and then came back under a different channel is his last channel was constantly being hacked and under attack for the extreme far left radical beliefs that this idiot pretend comedian had been putting out.

    Lee Camp is a radical Islamist possible converts as this guy is too involved in the Pro Palestinian movements and with all the doubt this guy is either getting money from Qatar or it's just grifting for the Palestinians. The silly rat bastard has put out so many numerous antisemitic attacks against the state of Israel it begs the question why this asshole cares so much. The vampire-looking loser Lee Camp just another self-hating Jew who just pushes forth an agenda of attack against Israel. Scumbags like Lee Camp ignore the cause of the war and Gaza that on October 7th 1600 Jews were brutally massacred. This doesn't matter to a

propagandist an evil individual that best described Mr Camp as this silly son of a bitch put out a video telling his audience to boycott a group of 10 companies including Starbucks which Mr Camp did another special separate video. Lee Camp resembles a vampire and is upset that the Israelis are funded by corporations and helped in many ways in order to prevent another Holocaust and Lee camps sick and perverse mind Jewish Holocaust should occur as by all accounts anyone who supports the Palestinians and Hamas knows that their charter calls for the elimination of all Jews no different than the ideology of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. 

      Lee Camp is a radical far left communist, who is a possible vampire, and in addition a Islamic terrorist sympathizer and thankfully he has a tiny minor audience of 70,000 subscribers this communist is a radical far left bad comedian who uses a YouTube platform to go 100% anti-Semitism and hate against the Jewish people. This is very evident in each and every crazy video that scumbag Lee Camp puts out on YouTube. Why YouTube is still allows these far left ANTIFA people like Lee Camp a platform to spread hate and

Teh propagandist and anti-sematic 😟bad comedian Lee Camp being heckled

misinformation to people concerning Israel as this idiot claims that and throws out the genocide term and label against Israel. This Jewish clown actually should reconsider his stand up comedy career and this man should back his tough talk and go to Gaza and fight with Hamas if he is so angered at this falsebnarrative this silly scum puts out accusing Israel of a genocide by fighting a war to prevent their own. This prick Lee

Camp basically does this because he does not want Israel to fight back against Hamas and Hezbollah and he ignores the hundreds of rockets that are shot on a monthly basis by these terrorist organizations which would have killed thousands of Israelis had not happen for an Iron Dome Miss anti-missile system. To say that Lee Camp is a Islamist and a sympathizer would be understated, and this man is indeed another scumbag of the far left

Moronic Bill Maher goes full anti-male in a segment imitating a TED Talk

        Troy York

     HBO's awful geriatric bad comedian and propaganda Bill Moron  is a disgusting troll the forever comedian and political pundits still has a show which he spreads the most filthy far left radical ideology  which he has tried to end and go more in the middle. However, we know that Bill Moron is indeed a woke liberal retard who freely attacks people based on their political opinion. In addition, Bill Maher is a self-hating male and this past week on his HBO show Bill Maher did impersonation of a TED talk where he put forward one of the most reverse misogynist anti-male segments ever seen on television. Bill Maher mocked the struggles of today's young men with finding dates and young women to be with and Bill Maher did a TED Talk where he basically lambasted males and told them that they had to get

their game. The idea that Bill Maher would be so opening target males by gender in his bad comedic and hypocritical double standard as clearly Moron would never do the reverse and a video attacking women as he did this past week on men. Bill Maher should change his name to Bill Moron and we indeed think that this guy is the biggest moron in television and thus this man should go into the state of Kalifornia records department and changes name officially to Bill Moron. 

     The moron one went on one of the most anti-male segments attacking the interests of young males mocking those who are socially inept and unable to attract women and the cruel and bitter segment was basically another mass media and entertainment industry attack on males that we have seen over and over again. It's disgusting as this idiot Bill Maher likely was a little Leprechaun who was bullied by

males growing up and this could explain his intense hatred to this day for men. In addition.... in addition to that many people would even say Bill Maher is more of an old Nancy gay wad than a man and someone even suggest that Mr Moron has not one ounce of manhood in his failing and aging ugly little Leprechaun old body. Bill Maher  put on a black T-shirt trying to look young and hip hide the fact is Bill Maher is an idiot who should have retired years ago he has

not one sense of comedic talent or nature and the man is a complete buffoon. Mr Fillmore is a failure and disliked very few people take him seriously or watch the garbage that he produces. It is quite literally amazing and disgusting that bill moron still has a show on HBO in 2024

Dan Bongino goes off on Bill O'Reilly and ready to bust him a fat lip

 Alexis Mousolopololouslolous

    After heavy criticism from geriatric should be retired right wing talk show host Bill O'Reilly. The man who replaced Rush Limbaugh rushed back and hit him hard on his own show. Dan Bongino wasted into Bill Riley after Mrs O'Reilly called him a right wing fanatic cow man and man cows like Dan Bongino or hurting the Republican Party. The fact that Bill O'Reilly would dare to call Dan Bongino by name is utterly incredible and this warranted a long response which Dan Bongino gave the forever broadcaster former failed Fox News host multiple sexual accuser.

Dan Bongino quite literally would give Bill O'Reilly a fat lip with his left pinky and it's quite amazing then that the 80 something year old Bill O'Reilly would dare to make a surprise and sudden attack against Dan Bongino. what might be possible is a Bill O'Riley is jealous of the growing success and popularity of a Bongino and his national Syndicate radio over his own is not known and may explain why O'Reilly made such an absurd attack that was not going to go.

Dan Bongino is a dude not to be messed around with and if someone on his own side messes with him he will particularly hit hard as he did on his own radio show where he went on a 15 minute rant utterly bashing the bash face of old face of the former top FOX News annalist. Perhaps William O'Rfeilly was drunk like a Irish skunk on hard
Studio captain for Bill O'reilly😟 a .0000023% radio rating

whiskey when he tweeted X a X-rated profane attack of Dan Bongino being a right-wing extremist. This was a very stupid move by the gruzzled, grizzled veteran FOX News right-wing anchor to attack another right winger who proceeded to sizzle his ass on his national radio show.

         Dan Bongino told the old man to stick with his presidential books get out of radio and get out of the way and it is silly gooses like going O'Reilly who have hurt the Republicans Through The Years with their crazy divisive antics and the number of people who never voted for Republican because of Bill Riley can never be estimated Dan Bongino took it to Bill O'Reilly calling the grizzly veteran a dope and a fiend and dared him to come on his show or nearby him to make the same comments of criticism that Bill Riley did not too long ago Bill Riley made a fatal mistake preparing to attack and huge audience

and followership of Dan Bongino who mainly went to Twitter X and ridiculed the elderly Bill O'Reilly talking about the number of people that Dan Bongino has overheard who hate Bill Riley and the consensus is according to Dan Bongino everyone thinks Bill O'Reilly who has worked around him and know him that Bill O'Reilly is a dick of a research in the display it normally let other people see of course it Bill O'Reilly's age this dick of his has to be too inches very shriveled and has not been used on a regular basis for 40 years
A cut out caption😐 billboard for Dan Bongino who has a 5.39983% radio rating

Kevin Costner spends $30 million dollars to bring a boring Western that likely will bomb as Nick digiolio other critics rip it apart

       Leroy Yates

    The narcissism of Hollywood knows no bounds, and this includes the radical and stupid actor known as Kevin Costner. Kevin Costner was so desperate to bring about a certain movie he scripted and wrote that he spent 30 million dollars of his own money as if he was running for president or something. In addition, Kevin Costner had to go private and found investors to further fund for his ridiculous and long-winded 3-hour movie called Horizon which would be released at theaters and has gotten some of the most crazed reviews possible. Former WGN host Nick Digilio bashed the movie is perhaps won the

worst things he's ever seen and the number of negative reviews that this narcissist Kevin Costner and his movies has received has been utterly amazing. Nick Digilio said that this movie should never have been made and the idea that Kevin Costner self-funded this movie with over 100 million from private investors as Costner was so desperate to think that this was the late 80s and 90s again. No one wants to see a Cowboy on screen in 2024 nor do they want to see Kevin Costner on the big screen. 

       Kevin Costner has made so much fucking stinking money that he basically felt confident and careless to spend 30 million dollars of his wealth to promote himself as some sort of John Wayne western figure this movie will bomb and likely is a real horrendous movie and the idea that these actors are so rich that they will even fun and pay for their own movies is a further sign of this massive inequality and one can only hope this movie totally bombs. Nick Digilio call this movie a joke and is

amazed that Kevin Costner is still in movies, but then again if you have an actor and a human that is such a narcissistic, self-centered bastard and has money basically these people have made through the years  can buy their own movies. One has to wonder how woke this fucker movie will be and it may even be worse than "Dances With Wolves" which incidentally also starred this silly bastard bad actor total jack fuck Kevin Costner. This is the difference between actors now and actors of 30 to 40 50 years ago. No one's going to go and see this long

winded 3-hour boring cowboy movie as this is not the 1950s again and the public does not want spaghetti westerns or to sit and watch boring movies with horse shit and old hats being worn. Kevin Costner is an arrogant elite dick head and a half who again should not have as much wealth as he has accumulated through Hollywood and it only has so through a corrupt Democrat Party infrastructure that has been set up to use them as a power base for propaganda and so forth. The idea that this guy would spend so much of his own money to prank us all with a silly western cowboy movies absolutely absurd and one can only hope that this movie totally bombs each and every investor and Kevin Costner loses their total sums

Jason Whitlock utterly destroys and calls out Stephen A Smith's racism in his beef with a another Sports journalist and calls for ESPN to fire Steven Smith

   Jake 'Rabbit" Roberts

       Jason Whitlock took to the air waves once again on his huge and growing podcast to bash the racist scumbag and ESPN known as Stephen A Smith. The latest Stephen A Smith scandal is bringing up new calls for ESPN to fire him as the pretend former player has a beef with another sports journalist who meddled into a on-line dialogue between Stephan A Smith and another black writer.  Stephen A Smith went full racist and when he told the sports

journalist that he should not have given an expression about a topic of a black coach being fired and a white Coach named JJ Redick was hired instead. Stephen A Smith said that he had a conversation with another black sports journalist about this and he did not appreciate a white reporter writing about it as well. Smith told white people he is sick of them trying to interfere in his discussions with other black people and Stepehen Z Smith went full racist. Stephen A smith went full racist on writer Greg Gottlieb calling him the lame and usual white

derogatory remarks like Cracker, Honkie. White Bo , Casper etc. etc. in a prolong rant and this jerk should be given the door and not resigned by ESPN

      The sick disrespect and racism of the Stephen A Smith probably shows as a proud black supremacist has run its course and many people are calling for the firing of Stephen A Smith  after this racist piece of Smith shit stated that white people should not be commenting on what LeBron James said on the JJ Redick podcast. Stephen A Smith feels a white people should not have opinions on black matter and quite literally the same could be said to Stephen loser

Smith and other topics that may not involve black people. Stephen A Smith is a hypocrite who wants a double standard racial society in the arrogance of this guy who again never played professional or college ball, nor was he ever had coach of a Peewee league let alone a professional league. Smith acts like he was both as why ESPN would give such a non-athletic jackass non pro so much power and broadcast publicity through the years is not known. Stephen A Smith must have

some dirt on a ESPN executive as this man is not talented, he is loud and crude, he is dumb,  nor doe she add anything of intellect interesting talk to any sports conversation. Jason Whitlock is amazed such a buffoon like Stephen A Smith is a huge and popular star and basically he said that

mainstream media is promoting this silly goose and bastard known as Stephen A Smith. Mr Smith's rant though the other day about white people clearly would have brought a firing if his races and comments were reversed and is literally reprehensible that this ugly fucker Steve May Smith continues to be the face of ESPN and on so much at the Sports monopolist network. The real problem is ESPN and we need to end the sports cable monopoly of this sports channel is clearly they are a woke organization that promotes people not on talent or skill but on the way they look and how they talk. Jason Whitlock

continues to expose the grifter and horse shit liar artist that is Stephen A Smith and how he's a habitual liar and makes claim say he was an All-Star high school player when Jason Whitlock looked it up and he wasn't. The complete fraud that is Stephen A Smith about his background and claims that he made 17 3-point shots in the 7th grade have been proven not to be true and each and everything Stephen A Bitch they Smith makes up out of his arse in his memoir Jason Whitlock pointed out is a lie in a desperate attempt from Stephan A Smith and his friends to get him a disgusting and egregious 25 million year contract from ESPN

Old Joe must go

        Brian Brain

    As expected failed presidential Biden had many breakdowns and brain farts during his debate. The calls are being made for Joe Biden to step down after a disastrous debate where Joe Biden stuttered had his Mitch McConnell moment and he froze up often embarrassing the country. what we obviously have a puppet as a president as  brain dead Joe Biden is nothing but trouble disgusting president who is as early '80s, but acts like he's 97 and his very existence in position of power threatens this country. It is evident to everyone except Jill Biden that brain dead Mr Joe must go and in no way is this guy going to live another 2 years yet alone 4 years. Joe Biden has brain damage and his numerous gas brain farts in the nation that the mainstream corporate media CBS, Disney, CNN, and MSNBC have been

lying in their propaganda for the Democratic party and Joe Biden. These four networks are essentially state-run Democratic Party media and they have been truthful perhaps 20% of the time in their talk and politics and the local National government level. Joe Biden is demented brainless idiot who is frailed and failed and who should never even had any term let alone the one term that will be ending very soon. 

        Whether the Democratic party replaces him with the scary ticket of Gavin Newsom and former failed South Bend mayor Pete Buttplug we just don't know.  However, we have long predicted that this will occur, but somehow old brain damaged Joe and his arrogant old bitch Dr Jill continue to try to hold up hope that Joe Biden will make a second term and the American people will once again have a stolen election. Joe Biden's clearly not in his mental state and should have retired from the public scene 20 years ago. What people don't understand is brain dead Joe Biden is a public servant but the servitude he has given this country has been one of corruption and eating our economy for foreign players to dominate our economy and dictate the terms of trade. A small class of scoundrels and treasonous people have made a fortune through the swindeling with foreign capitalists and this includes the forever corrupt politician from Delaware Joe Biden-- who has long been a major source of global finance and aided their preeminence in our country especially the Banking and Financial class.

     Joe Biden is a failed monster who needs to do what is right and drop dead and by all means this man and his political career are done after his inability to think clearly and dialogue debate on a national stage. Donald Trump quite literally annihilated brain dead Joe Biden much like he did with 2016 Republican opponents and one can clearly see at this debate why old Joe was desperate with the Democrats not to have a studio audience. The amount of laughing and mockery that old Joe would have faced would have been louder than a Bill Burr concert.  Old Joe's brain is popcorn must go and this

needs to be the call throughout this campaign as failed President Joe Biden may indeed be so evil old and arrogant that he will refuse to step down and try to make it to November .we have to stay it again that when Joe Biden is humiliated in this upcoming election that this guy will go full

fascist and in no way it's Joe Biden going to step down even when he loses big. We predicted Joe Biden's going to stay in office and be the fascist that his black heart is always held and this may be when the second Civil War kicks in as this old idiot will not go. Joe Biden let's go and he is a stubborn fuck that when he loses they will need to be massive Force to confront him on the streets and perhaps unlike January 6th actually be armed to force this loser out of office if he refuses to concede

Hulk Hogan appear son the Earl and Greg Hodge show and puts his name in the ring for vice president for Trump

 Jay Yang

     Earl and Greg Hodge run something called the Conservative twins where The Hodge twins are perhaps when the biggest names and conservative YouTube talk show history. The Hodge Twins have numerous channels and one of their channels is a interview channel as a squared off one-on-one with the great one Hulk Hogan. The Hawkster sat down with Earl and Brad Hodge to discuss politics in the upcoming election among other things naturally the topic of working out as The Hodge Twins used to be a workout YouTube crew was brought up, but not eventually the topic of a politics dominated the interview. Hulk

Hogan basically said that he would love to be Donald Trump's vice president and said that a Trump-Hogan ticket would be unbeatable for the foreseeable future. Hulk Hogan then said that perhaps he would run for 8 years as Republican when Trump's term was up and he would either pick Donald Trump Jr or perhaps Maryland former Governor Larry Hogan if he becomes senator The Hodge twins suggested a All Hogan ticket for 2028 a unusual possibility and Earl Hodge hopes the Hulk Hogan is indeed picked as a surprise vice president from Mr Trump just to stick it to the corporate mainstream media and the Democrat Party.

     Hulk Hogan once flirted with running for president back in 1996 when he ran and formed the New World Order which he predicted would be a international cartel that we see now trying to dominate all politics, economies, and destroy all countries and borders. Hulk Hogan said that now only would he run and be president for 8 years he would also go for a third term if he's so survives, but the chances of the Hulkster and the years of abuse he has done with his body with numerous Dr Fauci type injections to build mass and muscle. This likely will prevent this in fact we have on our sidebar three to one odds of Ric Flair Hogan death ticket ticker and many people are going to Vegas making predictions of which wrestling Legend is going to drop dead first. We have long predicted that odds will dip it down for these two and the current odds for who will drop dead first between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan is Mr Flair at 3:1. However, given the number of injections and Hulk Hogan's head into his blood system let it be anabolic

steroids or the Covid jab clearly the muscle head Mass loser Hulk Hogan might be more serious and danger as indeed he is a bigger mass whose heart would have trouble pumping more blood.  We have contacted our favorite Backpage whores Monique and Leticia to do their usual death dance these two girls often do a death dance for an ailing old persona and a celebrity to help speed the process of someone dying . Indeed we will contact them to do dances for both Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan as this debates and gamble is like in its 10th year on this blog and he internet of who will drop dead first and I am anxious to see who will