Blue Meanies Blue man group meets sushi restaurant Japan Tik Tok dancers

       Baxter Lomax

     One of the more entertaining dance groups in Japan on Tik Tok is something called yet dookie this family of Fortune Cookie sellers in young cookies along with their weird brother run this dance channel from the restaurant in Tokyo or Yama Sushi or some town in Japan the girls dance usually to a few songs some 80 times and the highlight and popular dancer on this is a young 18-year-old girl named Anne and as sexy as fuck and along with her other friends and sisters and some geeky guy who might be your brother.  They run one of the Great Japanese dance Tik Tok channels with this in mind they recently did a calibration with Blue Man Group or some form of the Blue Man Group in a dance recital from hell. Blue these weird blue skin paint circus type performers who have long been internationally known for their weird behavior on stage funking to the beat of a strange Magical Musical show. Blue Man Group getting together with the sushi restaurant based Yaduki made for great Tik Tok videoing and indeed Yaduki is a sushi restaurant family kabuki is a great and interesting Tik Tok Channel featuring the sexy cutie Annie and her ability to dance to Megan a Stallions song called Star. 

    Anne is a highlights for most but in my mind the real sex kitten and hot stuff is the guy Andrew Yagamuchi who is the only male of this video crew and his outstanding antics make him a hilarious stud in a half. The neurotic and eccentric behavior of Andrew on this Japanese dance crew it's always good for a good laugh. This restaurant looks like they make up some good dishes as well the Asian restaurant industry weather being Asia or in this country predominantly is a family-owned venture. This family seems to have fun not only with a restaurant business but putting out great Tik Yok videos that are very popular in Japan and worldwide. The fact that the Blue Man Group would set aside time to do a video with  yaduki is further proof of this and Anne maybe the sex sensation in a few years of next generation if she is not legal already kudos to this dance crew in this restaurant in Japan for excellent work.

Gavin Newsom gets tough on the homeless as he pivots for possible presidential run in 2028 or 2032

 Neil Knight

.    Make no mistake Gavin Newsome now suddenly is very interested in solving the long problem homeless crisis in California. Gavin Newsom came out and threw some of the homeless garbage showing his tough love willingness to tackle the homeless problem in Kalifornia. Gavin Avenue as sent the word out that the homeless encampments are indeed going to be cleaned up and we have been trying to figure out for the past 3 weeks. Why Gavin Newsom has suddenly pivoted on the homeless and actually trying to improve the cities and situation in California's shit-stained cities. It appears that Gavin do some doesn't want this homeless and shit experience that places like San Francisco and Oakland have become smearing him politically in any potential future he might have in the future for a presidential run. In fact, according to our sources Gavin Newsom is going to run 2028 regardless of Kamala Harris wins or not as from our sources he hates Kamala Harris and finds her unfit and embarrassment for political leadership in the Democrat Party

     Gavin Newsome is getting suddenly tough and acting like a good politician for once especially in concern the homeless problem that California has long been plagued and some say failed Democrat policies and politicians like Mr Newsom helped create . The brain dead Gavin Newsome was under an underpass cleaning some of the nastiest fucking garbage as he picked up old condoms and should staying underwear and put it in the black bag. Gavin Newsom said that this garbage is so disgusting under this one bypass that has to go in the dustbin of history and no longer will Kalifornia he said we'll have this soft approach and the homeless. Naturally this is made progressives angry with the sissy in homosexual brain-dead Harry Sisson in attacking Gavin Newsom profusely a couple of times telling Mr Newsom to know his role and be careful because he might get a political smackdown from this in future California elections. it is good to see Gavin do some finally take his important job and role is a front-running Democrat politician in such a golden large and Golden State seriously and indeed if this man is able to turn the state around the short time he might be a frontrunner and by 2032. 

      Gavin Newsom is going to run for president someday and many are surprised he did not put in for 2024 after it was obvious that Joe Biden's brain became popcorn and could not run anymore. Gavin Newsome is now acting like a tough guy with the homeless, but one thing has to be remembered in defense of the California governor is the homeless situation in California is overblown as the vast majority of these homeless people probably are from other states coming to the only great year-round climate that this country has to offer and the services available to them. The governor and politicians in Red and Blue States in Middle America are just as responsible for California's extreme homeless problem if not more so than Gavin Newson and I'm kind of surprised me he is not pointed this out or others in the past. Many of the homeless are also from Mexico illegal aliens and little can be done especially given the large political clout and block that Latinos have become in California. It's about time that they close these homeless encounters but what really needs to be done is shame and attack on these developers who keep creating only expensive housing and refuse to create very cheap and affordable housing for many of these homeless to live indeed perhaps even free housing.

Nick Johnson comes to Springfield, Ohio to cover the Haitian Invasion he tells Tyler Olieria to fuck off

      Ed Anger

   The incredible YouTube vlogger known as Nick Johnson is one of our favorites and we vastly defend him to the dying links of the universe Mr Johnson has finally gone out of Hawaii in Alaska and his obsession with being a credible spots of America and he has come back to fly by country and Little America to check out the crisis with the Haitian dog eaters in Springfield Ohio. In addition.. in addition Nick Johnson also gave his take on a recent lawsuit and feud that he has now going with fellow traveler and interviewer Tyler Oliveira. Mr Johnson spoke to several people in Springfield, Ohio who say that the Haitians are given $10,000 monthly credit cards to spend at will and that they are pushing native born American blacks and whites out of Springfield. Many people that Mr Johnson spoke to say there is a conspiracy to push them out of this town and turn it into a Haitian colony and indeed it appears through Nick Johnson's interviews that this is indeed the case. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden disdain Middle America and they want to replace it with loyal subjects from the third world and the importing of Haitians into this Midwest Ohio city is clearly another tactic of migrant attack that has been a favorite of the Democrat Party. 

     This occurred in Chicago in the sixties and seventies as fast amount of Puerto Ricans were planted in a various North side and Northwest side white neighborhood and the conflict I have studied for some two decades that occurred in Chicago and many other places and best defined by these movie West Side Story between the Jets and the Sharks based in Manhattan.  This same tactic is being used by the globalist Democrats always want to get people move and for profit and make political new territory gains for the Democrat Party. Nick Johnson spoke to several people who talked about the preference the government has given the foreign-born Haitians over native born Americans and they put full blame on it on the Democratic party and Joe Biden. Mr Johnson tried to get the Haitian point aside but quite literally no Haitian would talk to him and when Johnson was in Springfield the Haitians were staying low none of the obscene and egregious mad car driving and tire burnouts were seen that the locals have been accusing them. 

    Nick Johnson also addressed the Tyler Oliveria video where he plans to sue Nick Johnson for giving him a strike on YouTube and Nick Johnson says that when he puts out a video it is not meant to be used by other people for their own YouTube channel. big Nick Johnson told Tyler Oliveria into fuck off and that he is not to use any of his content and if he does it again he'll get another fucking strike any call from the YouTube offices. Nick Johnson loves to come to the most tensioned filled areas for his videos at the  area at the modern current moment. In fact, there was rumors that Tyler Oliveria and Nick Johnson might actually bump heads and being this area the same week and whether this will occur remains to be seen. Tyler needs to chill out and understand that all because someone puts stuff on YouTube it doesn't give you free access to it as a creator to just take it without compensation no matter how short you may think it is. Meanwhile Nick Johnson talked to various Americans who explained the situation with a Haitians and how much money they are given with one guy pointing out a Haitian neighbor who had $100,000 Lexus car. I wonder if Tyler will try to use any of this video of Nick Johnson's recent inquiry in Springfield, Ohio for one of his videos.  In addition, cats and geese have been disappearing and Nick Johnson showed a disturbing video of 10 pigs and their heads sliced and skinned left in the hillside that clearly which had the Haitian trademark and could be traced to the 20,000 Haitians that Kamala Harris has helped throw in the middle of a town out of the blue for no reason. Kamala is following the Bozo Biden plan to harass Middle America and this could explain the preferential treatment for Haitians and this is the groundwork of kamala's Haitian directed attack again this town in Ohio. Nick Johnson cannot help to notice that he had no talk back from the Haitians to defend this obvious and global land grab and political point from the Democrat fascist party

Dr Z unloads for two straight months on direct attacks and lies on Donald Trump

Dick May

     Calling Donald Trump a existential threat to this country and a potential Nazi the planet of the ape late night television host Dr Zarioius otherwise known as Dr Z utterly went off on the former president. Dr Z made fun of how popular Donald Trump is as he is so popular he keeps getting assassinated attempts and Dr Z kept it real with his usual take and destructive nature on his growing late night television show. Dr Z says that the CDC needs to bring about some sort of monkeypox disease in order to stop Donald Trump and he is indeed worried about the Democratic party losing to this Adolf Hitler clone. Doctor Z said that everything must be done to stop Donald Trump and just ranting and ranting on late night television is not enough. For the past two months Dr Z introduces a guest and the first question he asks

whether they are voting for this orange monkey known as Donald trump and if they said yes he cuts their feed and cancels the interview.  Dr Z says he's going to get very political, and he told his listeners that he is going around on the corporate networks to utterly bash Donald Trump for the next 50 days on weekend Sunday shows and the other late night television show. Dr Zarious of the Planet Of The Apes fame gets heavy criticism for his extreme bias partisan slant on his show with many of his critics calling him pure propaganda for the Democratic Party. Dr Z says this is bananas and that he's sees and says what is straight on and Donald Trump quite

literally said that he wanted to be a dictator. In addition Dr Z went on about the bloodbath warning and that there should be a wake-up call for all Americans to resist MAGA and to get behind Kamala Harris or a Gavin  Newsome if he is indeed picked to replace her Dr C says Donald Trump will push us towards World War 3 and the late-night Planet of the Apes veteran is angered whenever Mr Trump says that it is

indeed the Democrat Party that is pushing us towards a World War 3 Z scenario between Russia China and the United States should this Maniac get elected president and for the past 2 months Doctor Z has had his entire monologue be about Mr Trump bashing him at every opportunity as he can get Dr C hates everything about Donald Trump and he will continue to be a thorn and a monkey wrench on the former president's side working hard with the Democratic party and using his key role in the media to work Magic of the mic and television in his role as a late night television entertainer for the Democrat Party.

Jesus and Ricky Rojas otherly levels Tim Walsh's ugly wife and her crazed eye looks

             Denny Watson

     Video of failed Minnesota Governor Tim waltz's ugly Hillary Clinton looking wife Gwen has been making rounds the utterly reprehensible woman came out to a rally with eyes clearly mad out of her skin talking about turning the page on Donald Trump. Body Language Guy Jesus Enrique Rosas utterly unloaded during a live stream of this woman playing the video that has come out and been mocked all over YouTube. The crazy look in eyes of this clearly psychotic wife of failed vice president nominee Tim Waltz was seen and remark of crazy eyes and her speech rally the other day have caused alarm bells to be ringed. Tim Walz's wife name Gwen Walz is a complete lunatic and this was further seen during the rally as she unloaded and attacked former president Donald Trump. Jesus Enrique showed the video of this woman's eyes and went on to do one of his body language reviews saying that these eyes are the eyes of a mad woman and clearly a deranged mentally unstable woman in Gwen Walz was speaking at the Democrat rally the other day.

The unbelievable video and the evil look of the eyes of Fran Waltz have made the rounds and people are shocked and appalled by such a obviously mentally insane woman and her ability to get on stage and lead a crazed rally. Enrique Ricky Rosas is extremely worried that someone like her and her weird husband vice president nominee Tim Waltz is so close to the White House an all strong effort to resist Tim Watson's crazy wife must be made. The similarities to Tim Waltz's wife and the look of Hillary Clinton also could not be missed as Jesus Enrique Rosas did a two-hour live stream and seem very vividly

alarmed at the crazed psychotic nature of the wife of the vice president nominee. The inventive crazed word rhetoric of this crazy wife of Kamala Harris running mate her fuck face with mad eyes and crazy lips has been making the rounds of ridicule and mockery not seen since after the first debate when Jill Biden told Joe that he did such a great job at the  first debate with Donald Trump. Everything must be done to defeat Tim Walz and prevent him ever getting close to the White House or being part of a presidential administration and clearly Tim Walz and his wife are complete insane lunatics who would wreck and work on wrecking this country harder on behalf of their beloved China

Kirk Cousins leads the Atlanta Falcons over the Philadelphia Eagles and he and the Atlanta Falcons are going to the Super Bowl

       Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

     Jalen Hurts suffered a humiliating shocking and appalling defeat for the Philadelphia Eagle fans as the Atlanta Falcons came into Philadelphia and steamrolled over the Eagles in the battle of the birds. Jalen Hurts was sacked, black jacked, truck macked, and t-smacked. attacked. sacked, and racked throughout the game and his play though somewhat impressive was disappointing in the result. Kirk Cousins in Atlanta Falcons are showing that they're going to be the surprise team of the year as Mr Cousins has consistently been an actual quarterback throwing the ball and staying in the pocket and not running like a pussy cheating as many of today's black NFL quarterbacks including Jalen Hurts seem to love to do. 

       In my opinion rushing yards from a quarterback should not be counted or perhaps counted for half a yard per yard as all they do is pick and choose when to run and do so whenever they see a big hole make no mistake comparing a quarterback for rushing yards to a running back is not even close and the most overrated stats in my opinion are quarterback rushing yards, which is usually just scrambling when they can't find and use their skills as a thrower to find it wide receiver open. 

     With this in mind, Kirk Cousins is a straight back up thrower a traditional quarterback who looked great and stayed in the pocket despite the massive pressure that the Philadelphia Eagles defense gave him all night. The Falcons had a incredible come from back last minute when and indeed this may be the year Mr Cousins breaks out and really sees his stardom increase. We predict this may be the surprise

team in that Kirk Cousins and Atlanta Falcons are going to the Super Bowl and whether this remains the case throughout the season we will keep an eye out or otherwise ignore if they bomb mid or late season. Kirk Cousins is a stud and a half who showed poise, arm strength, leadership, and courage against a tough and stubborn dangerous Philadelphia Eagles defense as famous for their touch pass rush that they call it. The Philadelphia push utterly pushing offensive lineman back on their arse as Mel Gibson would say in the movie Braveheart.

Pat McAfee goes full socialism blast the owners of the Buffalo Bills for taking money from people to build their own stadiums

     Woody Underwood

  Bbb In a surprising twist the often Pro corporate Pro owner Pat McAfee turned on the Buffalo Bills ownership in a epic rant about their new stadium and the funding of it. Peter Pan McAfee did not like how the Buffalo Bills organization pretty much force the taxpayers to pay for this shitty team's new stadium they will likely will only have

eight football games a year. The idea of the stadium will cost $800 billion dollars and  the wealthy owners Terry and Kim Pegula are only going to pay $200 million dollars oven was utterly reprehensible and disgusting despite the fact they are multi-billionaires. 

     These greedy NFL owners have unlimited funds yet they just still need taxpayers and people to pay for their projects and stadiums in a total scam that should be not allowed. Peter Pan Mac went off on this economic arrangement blasting the owners Pegulas who basically want all the profits from a stadium but have the community pay for most of the stadium through local taxes. Pat McAfee said this is just wrong it makes him sick and he admonish the owner of the

Buffalo Bills and their family and organizing and preserving such a expensive new stadium that a shithole like Buffalo does not deserve. These billionaires have their own money and should pay their on projects and not expect a struggling middle class to pony up and pay their tax dollars for Pegula stadium for this disgusting rich bitch power couple. Pat McAfee called it pure

government corruption and the amount of money that the US taxpayers in Buffalo and the state of New York are now going to have to pay up for the stupid stadium and cold Buffalo has got to be very high in the multi-millions. Pam McAfee does not like this arrangement and says that the owner of

the Buffalo Bills needs to pay for his own fucking Stadium and that's it egregious that the people allowed it to be majority owner as taxpayers for the stadium yet they won't get the majority of the profits of sales within the stadium from  beer and other vending stuff Pat McAfee cannot believe the residents of Buffalo agreed to such a ridiculous economic proposal and how the people of Buffalo now feel screwed having spent so much money for a billionaire owner and his big temple to himself and his ho wife.

Introducing YouTuber August the Duck as he bashes the prank channel and personalities of Red and Dirty of My House Is Dirty

    Jacoby Genevese

         In an attack video by something called August the duck has been released on YouTube. T Disco duck and his stuff has over a million subscribers and is some computer AI generated duck who comes on YouTube and makes a lot of channels and videos August the duck is an idiot who had the audacity to attack one of our favorite prank channels of all time and a duel who I'm not even sure if still are making new videos. August the duck has a beef with Red and Dirty of My House Is Dirty and a recent video of the duck bashing and playing highlights given his critique and analyst of Red and Dirties incredible prank work how they're able to spray people down

pretending the water plants and shoot air blowers and people's faces offends the duck. August the doctor said there's nothing funny about Red and Dirty videos and that they basically should be charged with assault in many of their videos and what they do. 

      The duck doesn't like Red and Dirty and their type of videos where they drop garbage can lids on people's head and this offends August the Duck who did a heated 10 minute video bashing Red and Dirty playing some of their classic videos and then trashing it.

Clearly August the duck is jealous of the large audience they Run Dirty have and this pseudo intellectual AI this character just doesn't make the fact that Run and Dirty have a huge fan base who get love to and donate their money and defend  "My House Is Dirty" fans of their Three Stooges types antics and pranks. August the Duck needs to get back in the pond, off the internet, This channel host acting like a fucking bird as this guy doesn't know comedy nor does he have any ounce of comedic value. If anyone doesn't find Red and Dirty's YouTube channels funny or a laugh man then there's something mentally wrong unstable. Whoever the idiot is that does this August the Duck YouTube channel or whatever computer programmer created this silly thing they can go and suck Red and Dirty's big toe. 

     August Duck obviously a triggered snowflake upset that Red and Dirty immediately people often in their videos and this is the whole point of channel them making prank victims and embarrassing them in a very odd retail situations of pranking and trolling. Red and Dirty are very quite capable and talented Augusta has no talent all he does is critique different YouTube channels most often the time just bashing them thinking and whoever created this character does his voice clearly is a

moron who thinks that he's the smartest person in the room that he enters red and dirty kick ass regardless of what this August the duck says and they will continue to make great hard-hitting clashing videos hopefully in the future for the world to keep watching and enjoying it. Fuck August the duck

Spicy and the Loonies prank team trolls Kamala Harris Tim Waltz fans at the Minnesota State Fair

       Albert Rooney

      The Looney's prank channels on the fastest growing incredible YouTube prankers out available they are run by this weird looking dude named Spicy and this big nose Dave Berksen looking Looney and together the two love to troll and make fun of people wherever they get a chance. The top blonde nose Looney appeared at the Minnesota State Fair looking for Tim Waltz as they had all sorts of weird political policies that he and Spicy wanted people to sign and collect signatures. The loonies team looked for as many weird Tim Walz Kamala Harris fans as they could and together the two found many Deranged middle age Karens and Clarks who precisely fit the Democrat Party narrative and demographic. Minnesota is a massively libshit corrupt American state and indeed

thanks to foreign dependent money and a massive welfare program through politicians like Tim Waltz, this state is in the blue and will always be as Minneapolis is a dangerous corrupt hell hole. This dangerous city has regressed into a turd world crime hole thanks to determined Democratic policies that protect and wish to help criminals and the mentally disturbed residents to do as they please. 

      The loonies team of spicy and the other big nose dude went around and pretend to be Trump supporters trying to get Democrat Kamala Harris signatures to change their votes and offering some sort of fake coupons.  The Looney's angered so many far leftists that I was actually worried about their safety as after all this state fair was in a far-left part of the states and the loonies crew pretending to be Trump supporters could be a dangerous situation to put themselves into and they humiliated a fat woman who clearly was a heavy Kamala supporter. Indeed the radical left supports Kamala Harris because they know back in her day she was a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez socialist psychopath that we all know of her now. Kamala Harris was a failed and horrible politician and the loonies prank crew tried to show this with various flyers of her complete failures as a Kalifornia attorney general and a horrible US senator for the state of Kalifornia that totally declined under her watch that the idea that this woman is a presidential nominee is an absolute absurdity and likely a CCP troll. The Loonie YouTube crew meanwhile just trolled the shit out of Democrats at this Minnesota State Fair and angered all these Karens and old people like they usually do in their amazing prank channel.

Zach Hampel comes to Guaranteed Rate Park and watches the White Sox with 200 fans bashes owner Jerry Reinstorff

 Guy Baldwin


    The incredible YouTuber and Wojak looking Zack Hampel came to the South Side Chicago White Sox park that has had so many different corporate names. Zack Hample came to see one of the lowest crowds in major league history as 200 people showed up for a game and Mr Hampel was able to get collect and catch ten foul balls. Jack Hampel is a geek and a half who is like this guy in this 30's, but I act like he's 12

especially when he's around a baseball field and he decided to come to Chicago from New York being funded by some weird individuals to talk about baseball and be at baseball games. 

    Zach's funders flew him to Chicago knowing full well that Chicago White Sox were about to have a record low a few weeks ago and indeed the crowd of less than 200 people was indeed an embarrassment to Major League Baseball and the city of Chicago. Hample loved it though he is he had so much room and he can go to any part of the ballpark and sit and this was something he can never do at New York Yankee or Mets games as pulled in and  caught 10 games and then he started to reflect and why the

Chicago White Sox are so pathetic with one of the worst teams in the history of the Major League Baseball that Campbell looked around wonder where all the people were and he was amazed that of the small crowd at the Chicago White Sox game Mr Hample put full blame on geriatric 91-year-old failed and stupid owner Jerry Reinstorff whom he called to step down or sell the team. 

    Jerry Reinsdorff is a nasty individual who not only owns one professional sports team in the city Chicago, but two this clown also owns the Chicago Bulls and together with two professional teams. This jerk through 80 years of ownership of two teams as only a championships and six of those were primarily created by Michael Jordan. Jerry Reinsdorff by all accounts is a failed owner multi-billionaire who wants to stick it to

baseball fans in Chicago does he keeps ownership of a team and purposely tries to make it a double AA team throughout his ownership. Zack Hample called for Jerry Reinsdork to sell the team and he even suggested that perhaps the Major League Baseball may need to step in and force this old geezer to sell the team as in such a major Market this man is doing nothing to market the team and improve its condition.

Tyler Oliveria flicks off Nick Johnson threatens to sue him

 Bill Gilmore

    An epic rant the interview personality on YouTube known as Tyler Oliver was mad that he had a video taken down being copyrighted for a 4 second clip that he used from the Nick Johnson YouTube Travel Channel. Tyler Oliveria came in a 4-minute video and double birdied Nick Johnson several times calling him an asshole and that he's going to hear from his lawyer for being struck by YouTube thanks to him for a 4-second copyright violation. Tyler Oliveria apparently used a clip of Nick Johnson in Hawaii talking about the problems of the state and the City of Honolulu and I guess Tyler is pissed from Nick Johnson's video in a 30 minute video that Tyler did only 4 seconds of Nick Johnson's actual content was on it and thanks to Mr Johnson Tyler Oliveria got a major strike on YouTube. 

       I guess there's only two or three for these content creators Tyler Oliveria came to the internet and was pissed flicking off Nick Johnson calling him asshole that he's going to hear from his lawyer as Mr Oliveria explained what happened why his video had to go down and he had a major infraction for a creator on YouTube. Tyler Oliveria says Nick Johnson never stopped in his town he would kick his ass and then Mr Johnson is a dumb mother fucker greedy fuck who just doesn't know how to share any material and be more inclusive Tyler Oliveria was

offended and quite literally roasted the ass and Nick Johnson in the epic rant and he says in this dick heads like Nick Johnson who fucking ruin it for other YouTubers but with their snitch like ability and crying needlessness. to say Tyler Oliveria is not

going to send Nick Johnson a Christmas card. Johnson is either greedy or just wrong and he needs to learn to get along with other content creators and if someone uses something his video he should be flattered and not always looking to be a greedy fucking looking for more money or to prevent the other artists from using visual material.

Donald Trump comes to Las Vegas with a raucous rally bashes weird Midwest Democratic Governor's JB pPitzker and Tim Waltz

 Kevin Rooster

      The great 45th president and possibly 47 president Donald J Trump appeared in Las Vegas the other day and yet another huge and raucous rally. Mr Trump filled the arena to a large rally and spoke for some an hour and a half something neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris can do. Mr Trump was his articulate ever in a great speech that was hard hitting and he absolutely took some time to destroy the failed political retarded Democratic governors in Minnesota and Illinois. Donald Trump hammered Illinois disgusting morbidly obese out of shape

undeserving billionaire JB Pritzker and the Pritzker family 15 members of the Pritzker family are billionaires in this is not by accident as a global wealth funds there help in prop up this man  and his monster family. 

      JB Pritzker himself should be exposed with their nefarious agendas JB Pritzker is one of the most disgusting individuals in our political system as the fat head bashed Donald Trump during the Illinois State Fair and  it was great to see Trump hit his fat ass back the other day in Las Vegas out of the blue. Donald Trump compared Tim Walz  JB "the pig" Pritzker and called them "shit  corrupt governors" who have helped and wrecked two of these Midwest states. Donald Trump called these two Governors weird and a threat to our democracy as the vast globalist amount of money that JB Pritzker has been allowed to basically purchase a major political position by itself it is a danger toward democracy JB Pritzker quite literally is a internationalist and he is funded by the internationalist as a mafia politician and make no

mistake JB Pritzker is very little different than Al Capone of 100 years ago likewise Tim Waltz is a corrupt motherfucker a favorite of the CCP wealth funds in China and they have funded this clown to not only winning Congress back in the day but also help fund his Minnesota Governor campaign Trump is 100% correct as these weird individuals JB Pritzker and Tim Waltz represent the awareness of today's Democrat Party, who we must constantly remind are not our

grandfathers or great grandfather's Democrat Party. The Democratic party today is this Mafia that is more comparable to Iraq and Syria's Baath party and the slide of our democracy can be laid to the ground of these one-party statues whether they be blue Democrat cities or Governed states like Minnesota.  Minnesota's Democratic fascist

domination has seen all sorts of laws and rules changed weird transgender nonsense. JB Pritzker is a boss hog disgusting corrupt Pig who thankfully term limits will get his fat ass out of the governor's mansion in Chicago. Likewise, Tim Walz was on his way out and I doubt as Waltz was so hated I doubt he would have been reelected had he run again. Thus he was a natural pick to continue national politics with his weird mouth and ugly wife. Donald Trump literally hammered these two jackasses and

whenever Trump hits back at the Democrat politicians it makes for a comedic entertaining night of speech rallying and fighting. JB Pritzker and Tim Waltz are criminals who should be arrested and be behind bars and perhaps when Mr Trump is elected and we have control of the justice system to the first individuals they need to go after our pieces of shit like these two gangster internationalist governors and their crimes need to be exposed and prosecuted to the highest extent of the law

No Country For Old Rock Singers Jane's Addiction singer Perry Farrel goes loco attacks guitarist

 Chung Young

     There are so many old bands desperate for the attention and the money that they continue to perform well past their late stage in life. I have often ranted about this and am perplexed at how these old bands keep performing as old like and performers such as Eddie Vedder and the Rolling Stones who are clearly passed their time. These men are bad for Rock and Roll and rock music in

general as it doesn't allow the newer youth music to explode and to capture the youth listening audience that they so desperately need and is being lost to shit music like hip hop and Tejano music. With this in mind, Jane's Addiction and they're crazed singer Perry Ferrell was performing in a small Club when the meth and Drug doubts

rocker went to local and started attacking his guitarist the shocking display of arrogance and old reaction to bad drugs interrupted this small performance by Jane's Addiction who by all means everyone except for the guitarist David Navarro should be retired. Perhaps it is that Navarro is still talented and popular is the huge star with his rockability that made the raspy singer 60-year-old Perry Ferell attack him for no

reason. Unless old rockers are actually playing the guitar great .... a real real mean guitar... they have no business on stage and quite frankly these old rockers still performing are hurting Rock N Roll music and they may not even have a clue or care rock music needs performers at their top level in their twenties.

               Young rockers are not getting the limelight because of old troll and broken rockers and singers like this clown and newer bands need these performances and attention. Instead what we get are these desperate old men who were in their Prime 30 years ago who are still a main eventing many of these corrupt concerts throughout this country whose arrogant fans still want to see them and their old raspy voices and not newer music and spend the money for performers in their twenties. This old rock arrogance is destroying the genre it has no new stars are being created while these geriatric silly bastards like Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Rolling Stones keep playing and making all that headlines

peripheral is insane in the membrane and likely was doing hardcore drugs and his performance was embarrassing as was a fact that Jane's Addiction is still performing There Is No Country For Old Rock men in unless they have real musical guitar Talent they have no business main eventing or being in a large concert or Festival performance the fact that Billy Joel Armstrong and disgusting Green Day are still performing and being able to use their bad music and gay band to perform political rants and Raves is a  whole another topic and could be a clue to why these old primarily liberal bands are still allowed to perform and highlighted through this corrupt concert system.

Kamala Harris fails and bombs in a solo ABC interview

 Zobo the Clown

         Repeating the same lines that failed soon to be former president Joe Biden often would say Kamala Harris came after her debate performance and spoke to ABC News the horrible and confused racially obsessed and bad prosecutor shows her confusion and inability to sit down and have a normal conversation as a politician come over here is to look train wrecked and was full of word salad and she spoke and indeed the growing perspective that's this woman is totally unfit and unable to perform the duties of a

president are being presented. Kamala quite literally should step down as Presidential nominee and have Gavin Newsom and Cory Booker run and take over because in Kamala Harris's world talking to the press and the people is not something that is a top priority or can be appropriately handled.  This is

evident by this willingness of this clown to avoid contact and press interviews where it took this long for her first sit-down face-to-face interview and once again she chose the softball interview style of ABC Disney. Kamala Harris looked old and tired and like the dog-face Gremlin that she is and many people are laughing and watching videos of her such as Gregory Foreman of the Black Conservative Perspective. 

       Mr Foreman has ridiculed Kamala Harris to the point where it's embarrassing for Miss Harris and whether more people get to see Kamala Harris in the same viewpoint as she talks and her messages are spread will remain be seen. What is known and seeing those come out here is insane and inability to present a normal image to the American people and likely the Democrat Party knows this and this is why they're trying to keep her well hidden in the cupboard. However, when you're running for president you

cannot hide forever and the more come out here shows herself the less willing the American people are going to go out and vote for such an incompetent boob. Indeed, this incompetency explains why she performs so badly in 2020 and the crowded field where she was a first to drop out the unwillingness of Kamala Harris probably to speak to the press and the people through a sit-down interview back four years ago then could account for her early exit in 2020. Gregory Foreman of the Black Conservative Perspective knows what a dog face Foreman and Gremlin is and when one sees come out of Harris clearly this is a perspective people can best describe for this lunatic woman

State of Daniel YouTuber and his dog are getting death threats after his Springfield Ohio take down of

    Sammy Hamcheck

   The number of death threats that come to YouTube vloggers and personalities is underestimated and not really known. The Kamala Harris and Tim Walt's campaign likely is behind the latest round of death threats that have been hitting right-wing conservative YouTubers whom I especially like and the news that state of Daniel on YouTube has received at threats from most likely Kamala Harris supporters is disgusting. Not only has Daniel been threatened with numerous emails and online hate but many people have threatened the dog he has in his background and on his couch. These sick puppies have threatened to capture it and eat the pet of Youtuber State of Daniel. Steve Daniel came on YouTube and gave an emotional plea and told people to protect their pets because

what it is happening is Springfield, Ohio can happen everywhere and our pets and their pets are in danger. While we condemn pet ownership here at the anti-pet Association we do not agree with the violence that is as shockingly associated with these Haitian migrants and others who are coming from the Caribbean primarily. So many animals have disappeared in and around Springfield, Ohio and indeed and many other areas of the country where migrants are being dropped off local waterfowl and pets have been disappearing as migrants go shopping for free. 

    State of Daniel is keeping an extra eye and double lock in his home to protect his dog Paco whom his growing YouTube fan enjoy watching sleep on the couch as State Daniel does his hard-hitting conservative pro-Republican podcast. Steve Daniel has been hitting Kamala Harris real hard and clearly he is now on the radar of the extremists within the Democratic party who are banking Kamala Harris and nothing angers and more than seeing a young man of color shit and attack the obvious corruption that the evil Democrat Party is in 2024. State of Daniel doesn't mind the death threats against him but when they bring his dog into it then he gets pretty emotional. The number of death threats that keep coming to right-wing conservatives mocking the Biden-Harris campaign and other fascists within the Democrat Party has been on the rise and we might need a subcommittee congressional investigation into this lead by none other than Jim Jordan

Dumb homosexual MSNBC propaganda is Chris Hayes worried about Elon Musk joining the incoming Trump Administration

     Troy York

    Perhaps one of the stupidest and dumbest propagandists on corporate mainstream media is the homosexual known as Chris Hayes. This little weasel and dipshit has been a lying piece of shit and fecal matter for a few years and the nerd who takes it in his ass often attacks Donald Trump and other people who are more successful than he,  This why these individuals is he on musk are attacked by this MSNBC worm disgusting propagandists and homosexual Chris Hayes attack not too long ago on his fledgling network Chris Hayes decided to attack Elon Musk because he is desperate for attention and clicks and the far left and radical homosexuals like Chris Hayes are upset that Twitter are no longer the bastion of left-wing progressivism as it was under Jack Dorsey. Elon Musk wants to be part of a Trump

Administration and he will all that the government of massive waste and likely this bothers Chris Hayes as a true-blooded Democrat and one who takes it up his ass. Mr Hayes has a deep state establishment beloved media propagandist which she is also is upset because Elon Musk is not willing to censor people as a previous owner of Twitter before Elon turned it into X did when the company was called Twitter. For Chris Hayes censorship is a great tool if

correctly used against the opposing political side and make no mistake Chris Hayes is a disgusting fascist and committed communist all mixed into one.


  Chris Hayes would fit right in with the Soviet armies of 100 years ago and yes of course, naturally not as a fighter or Soldier but Chris Hayes would serve the soldiers of the Vladimir Lenis in the gay Soviet brothels and he would help milk Soviet soldiers in the morning. The far-left and the media scum like Chris Hayes - who again is a homosexual and he takes it in his ass -- don't like Elon Musk because he's a powerful man who does not donate to far left extreme crazy causes such as George Soros. Chris Hayes now has someone else to cry about because this is all he does if he's not crying about Donald Trump,

now he has Elon Musk and quite literally dripped the crocodile tears from Chris Hayes are so tiresome this man should be fired from MSNBC. we need a new Elon Musk must or someone to purchase MSNBC and turn around that ship much like he did with libards Twitter. Chris Hayes is a stupid media personality and a complete joke and a clown