Gino Frobel '
A Black Muslim jihadist radical committed a terrorist act and attempted to execute a police officer in Philedelhia some time ago. Edwin Archer was a extremist with ties to the Islamic state and decided to try to execute a White pig reminiscent of so many black racial terrorism against American citizens that started in the sixties and the dawn of the civil rights era. Luckily the police officer was only hit in the arms and used his training to react right away and fire some shots some of which stuck this Black savage Muslims ISIS wanabee in his ass.

The Philadelphia mayor would make an ass of himself though later as Podcast Right-winger Scott Addams, who broadcasts from the Philly area, pointed out to his many listeners. Addams had several guest recently to talk about the growing Black Muslim radicalization perhaps being inspired and devoted to Islam and terrorism and of course Black terrorism is nothing new helping achieve the growth and fueled the move to the suburbs with their racial attacks that often was ignored by the media.

Without the brave souls and policemen like Jesse Hartnett patrolling the streets the black criminal underclass would be beheading people in a war of vengeance that would make Syrian jihadists impressed. The only thing holding back the Edward archer is a strong police presence that will eventually become a police state because of the threat long posed by this always angry and disgruntled minority always venomous with their hatred for this country. these people will always pledge allegiances to their race over country and some add an exotic mix of Islamic religion to rally their people into their evil racist goals. Edwin Archer was caught up in this hate and it almost exploded and now he sits in a cell off tax payers die instead of being executed as the insurgent his was hoping to spread some sort of Algerian situation of killing police to wage holy war.

Scott Addams couldn't believe that Mayor Jim Kenny tried to downplay the racial and terrorist angle by saying this was not a racial incident or religious act of terror despite the overwhelming evidence this black son of a bitch traveled to the Middle east and praised the Islamic state. mayor Jim Kenny should be immediately displaced for his incompetency and the dangers his reign means for the White and non- Muslim citizens of the Philadelphia incident for his refusal to see this attack on a Philadelphia policeman as an act of war. mayor Kenny is a big fat idiot and Addams called out his absurdity not knowing the facts or the case very well. Good to see Scott Addams take on the mayor's office and their handling and reactions of this domestic terrorist act that luckily didn't have a fatal ending for one of Philadelphia's' finest police officers patrolling the dangerous streets of occupied third-world sanctuary parts of the United States.