Jerry Palmer has been hired by the Left Shark. We are on a major recruiting effort at this blog as teams vying for power whether it be the Left Shark Center Bear or Right Bull and we encourage all to apply with great pictures of their dorky self on the computer.
Jerome Palmer III will be a welcome addition to the staff and those who are interested can send a picture to left shark t Jerry is just preparing his debute article on this post mumbling something about Cornell West and Steve Harvey and we welcome this excellent addition along with Wally Jackson earlier in the week. the staff can grow as large as possible here with the right pictures off the interent and are always looking for new people with interesting writing ability and knowledge to corrspend and give new ideas on the people we love to hate and report along. Jerome has sat on his desk and thought of many things and places to write for on the internet and we were impressed with his desire to joing the Left Shark and look forward to see what spectrum team he wants to write for and align himself.
Texas White and Brown truck loving trash thrashed by global dening floods
Troy York
Texas is one of the dam awful states down South teaching others the love of over-sized American dreaming and living. These bible belt swaters love their wide roads and large trucks profiting from the cheap migrant brown labor that also shares a hope of the bigger living the United Red States have to offer only a very few. With this in mind it is not discerning to see Texas and both White and Mexican people swamped by floods of their biblical proportions and predictions whether they be protestant or Catholic global climate deniers. The people in this state regardless of ethnicity are some of the biggest religious hypocrites in this nation having put this nation on the path to destruction with their insistence that God controls the climate and we should keep pushing big oil and our driving obsessions. immigrants who share these beliefs flock to these neo-liberal attitudes and few Mexicans ever care really about the environment coming here and not working to improve their native environment.
More floods will hit the red states as total disregard for environmental initiatives and curbing the burning of fossil fuels is resisted by a apathetic population who believes they have a God given right to alter and destroy trees and the surroundings in their almighty drive for the profit. The amount of sprawl and lack of urban public transportation alternatives is appalling by this suburban nation of Texas that is just out of sense and touch with reality.
Texas pretty much started the trend to common big SUVs and trucks as everyday drive and now the bastards are going to pay a price with their arrogance as these flooding events will wreck havoc on the numerous paved and soothed roads these hicks and spics need to drive their microtrucks. I look at pictures and every vehicle stuck in water is an oversized large 4000 pound behemoth of a machine needs many fossil burning to be added to the environment to move its mass. these vehicles take four times..four times the amount of carbon burning than your average mom and pop old time car. It serves Texans right for their love affair with big carbon polluting and heat inducing atmospheric destruction and what did these denying mother fuckers expect adding all this heat into already humid environment of Texas.
Texas is one of the dam awful states down South teaching others the love of over-sized American dreaming and living. These bible belt swaters love their wide roads and large trucks profiting from the cheap migrant brown labor that also shares a hope of the bigger living the United Red States have to offer only a very few. With this in mind it is not discerning to see Texas and both White and Mexican people swamped by floods of their biblical proportions and predictions whether they be protestant or Catholic global climate deniers. The people in this state regardless of ethnicity are some of the biggest religious hypocrites in this nation having put this nation on the path to destruction with their insistence that God controls the climate and we should keep pushing big oil and our driving obsessions. immigrants who share these beliefs flock to these neo-liberal attitudes and few Mexicans ever care really about the environment coming here and not working to improve their native environment.

George Clooney movie flops
Nick Dumbjilio
George Clooney and his new movie "Tomarrowland" completely flopped on opening weekend as it took few millions after costing one hundred and eight million to make. the insane budget given to this movie starring this aging actor will go down as one of the dumbest moves by Disney in recent years. the memorial day disaster for Disney that saw both domestic and international ticket sales slow for this confusing movie and the fulsome expenditure of this movie should make Disney executives scratch their scalp. Like the "Lone Ranger" part of the problem with Hollywood and Disney in particular is recycling the same dull faces over and over again It is not hard to enunciate that the problem with these flops is having aging stars like Johnny Depp and George Clooney constantly in the limelight staring in these big budget blockbusters.
George Clooney is somebody who is more popular with the publishers of celebrity magazines focusing their lenses on his life than what a 18-24 year old movie audience member and this is the problem with Disney. few older people who might of enjoyed Clooney's lacklusting acting performances in the past would go and see this Disney computer generated movie. The movie was blasted by critics who had no idea to what the movie was about but what I know about is the problem of having these retreaded actors in their fifties star all of the time. the gender differences in this has also been a problem and the bias as you would never see a movie staring an actress the same age as Clooney get allocated with a budget half this size. ovies are just bad these days and it is good to see less of them but the few of them wasting budgets on crap like "Tomarrowland"is really the culprit of the problem of todays film industry.
George Clooney and his new movie "Tomarrowland" completely flopped on opening weekend as it took few millions after costing one hundred and eight million to make. the insane budget given to this movie starring this aging actor will go down as one of the dumbest moves by Disney in recent years. the memorial day disaster for Disney that saw both domestic and international ticket sales slow for this confusing movie and the fulsome expenditure of this movie should make Disney executives scratch their scalp. Like the "Lone Ranger" part of the problem with Hollywood and Disney in particular is recycling the same dull faces over and over again It is not hard to enunciate that the problem with these flops is having aging stars like Johnny Depp and George Clooney constantly in the limelight staring in these big budget blockbusters.
Ghetto burger joint CEO Rick Silva happy about television appearence
Armando Arturo
CEO of a combined Rallies and Checkers burger drive-thru place supposedly has been turned around by this vision seeker CEO. He singlehanded gets credit for transforming Checkers/rallies from an awful fast food franchise to a really bad one though under his leadership the company was a leader for sales growth. of course, this growth has more to do with the downturn of the economy and the same reason the dollar store empires are everywhere outside the neighborhoods young professionals settle in urban centers of America.
Saying that people want to go to a Checkers/Rallies instead of saying that is all people mostly in the hood have and can afford just doesn't sound as good in the business press. With this investors are flocking to this Burger World franchise as one of the few they are willing to invest in inner city black neighborhoods where most of these dumps are located as rick Silva and these investors cant ignore the tremendous cheap rents.
this guy is also on record for saying his appearance on the ridicules show "UnderCover Boss" where the ultra wealthy can spend a few minutes on the ground floor humiliating the real workers that enable sales growth to begin with was worth some 20 million in advertising for this joke of an eatery. where this jerk calculated that one appearance on a lowly rated television program could equal that amount of money is unknown and it is likely the guy likely paid broadcasting executives of this program half or a quarter that amount to appear on TV and shut down one restraint in an over dramatized event. This in reality is why all these reality programs are on national television as it is more efficient than paying writers and actors tons of shit. Checkers and Rallies driv-thru restaurants have always and will always suck ass being no better of an eatery than the mythical Burger world of Beehead and Butthead cartoons.
CEO of a combined Rallies and Checkers burger drive-thru place supposedly has been turned around by this vision seeker CEO. He singlehanded gets credit for transforming Checkers/rallies from an awful fast food franchise to a really bad one though under his leadership the company was a leader for sales growth. of course, this growth has more to do with the downturn of the economy and the same reason the dollar store empires are everywhere outside the neighborhoods young professionals settle in urban centers of America.
this guy is also on record for saying his appearance on the ridicules show "UnderCover Boss" where the ultra wealthy can spend a few minutes on the ground floor humiliating the real workers that enable sales growth to begin with was worth some 20 million in advertising for this joke of an eatery. where this jerk calculated that one appearance on a lowly rated television program could equal that amount of money is unknown and it is likely the guy likely paid broadcasting executives of this program half or a quarter that amount to appear on TV and shut down one restraint in an over dramatized event. This in reality is why all these reality programs are on national television as it is more efficient than paying writers and actors tons of shit. Checkers and Rallies driv-thru restaurants have always and will always suck ass being no better of an eatery than the mythical Burger world of Beehead and Butthead cartoons.
Rick Santorum runs again to embarrass many and Susan Page sucks fat ass
Ned Bailey
Rick Santorum candidacy is a sham and a joke and illustrates the growing list of candidates primarily to raise money instead of actually thinking they have a shot at the presidency. Rick Santorum hasn't served any office for a long time and his ever being a senator for a state was a lucky break as he was senator of Pennsylvania for a brief period.
He was runner up four years ago as a working mans alternative to mega jacks Mitt Romney four years ago and somehow he thinks this qualifies for another run about bringing his extreme conservative religious views into view again n this campaign trail. The image and range of men like Rick Santorum running for the presidency and visually representing the Republican Party can only just give it a further brand as a party of religious lunatics. A guy like Santorum can only continue this and I hope this just further the divides between the viewpoints of the political parties. A guy like Rick Santorum actually receiving money and being discussed as a candidate shows what is extremely wrong with the right-wing in this country showing their only basis for rule is their ability
ity to finance money from the Fred in this country fearing forced economic equality and retribution. This dickwad was so popular in his own state that he lost his reflection bid and just this alone would disqualify your chances for making a run if you used your brain. Of course, a idiot like Satorum is so arrogant due to his religious chauvinistic beliefs that he wouldn't even think of this. I personally think the reason we see all of these candidates running especially for the corrupt Republicans is mainly to raise money from foolish donors that they will then pocket half in their pockets and using the other half to spend for a few fliers and lots of campaign travel. A Susan Page of USA Today, big time corporate media, says this question is that after eight years of Obama's rule Republicans have a very good chance of winning back the White House. Any writer who thinks candidates like Santorum,Paul,Rubio,Cruz, fucking Lindsey Graham have a chance against any Democrat is obviously touting the corporate media line and hope. Republicans are confident after winning congress on non-presidential years and holding a majority of governorships of small population red states but with candidates like this it should put a chill in the spines of the most enthusiastic conservative lunatic contributor to the Republican Business political party. as far as Susan Page goes she is a fat idiot and a lackey for right wing Republican money.
Arnold Schwarzenegger autobiography and quest of power
Ed West
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a man obsessed with power whether it was power lifting or becoming popular which then he could manipulate his position in society. The man obviously did a very good job at it coming from rural redneck Austria too America and making a splash despite his obviously lack of talent except big muscles which in itself was helped largely by the use of illegal steroids. Some dweeb named Laurence Leamer wrote an autobiography of Arnold called "Fantastic" which covers several parts of Arnold's life from his weightlifting days to Hollywood and up to the governors mansion in California. The latter I think best shows this guys obsession with the ,ome light and politics was obviously the only next step Schwarzenegger could of tackled giving him more cameras to be in front of as his Hollywood career fizzled along with his muscles. A
rnold elbowed,lifted, and injected his way into fame and the elite establishment and much like the early pioneers and political leaders of America he married himself into mutual bigger fame. This cigar smoking ass and his marriage to Maria Shiver was a joke and for all the beauty people would describe of Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife I never really saw anything more than your average slim K Mart clerk. Obviously without her family Kennedy heritage Arnold Schwarzenegger would of shown this woman has much interest as he would with a ancient Philosophy class at California El Segundo State community college.
Actually this book shows many pictures of Arnold and he did go to some university in between fits of lifting on muscle beach in California and this obviously showed he was looking for powerful woman and family to marry into back then. Is book goes through his rise as Mr Universe steroid lifter which is deserving as fame as the best fishermen in North America and his eventually ability to become an actor. Hollywood has always been about looks at some point but the baby boom obsession really allowed some clown like Arnold to just walk in and become a Hollywood star compared to previous generations. If there was a way to make money and changing peoples thoughts at muscle men were not to be feared but relished and fame given then the seventies era provided the best opportunity. Anyone notice how the original Mr Atlas was never a Hollywood star but others who achieved something real in life like Audie Murphy were given a shot in Hollywood. Arnold Schwarzenegger should of remained a brick layer and roof scammer in life but he was at the right time and right place having the right complexion to be a star that the other Six or seven time winners of Mr Universe contests were not so lucky. The guy was also a terrible politician putting California way over into debt trying to p,ease everyone and had absolutely no substance as a political leader aside from the fact many people liked his movies and respected him for the few hours they were able to occupy their time with them.

Remembering the Fox
Dave Berkson
Muscle wrestling toys in the eighties were cool little plastic warriors of various colors. It was based on some Japanese cartoon that was too graphic and neurotic to be aired in America these toys nonetheless became popular in the heyday before the WWF flooded the toy market with their
Muscle wrestling toys in the eighties were cool little plastic warriors of various colors. It was based on some Japanese cartoon that was too graphic and neurotic to be aired in America these toys nonetheless became popular in the heyday before the WWF flooded the toy market with their
Products. Kids traded and fought with these toys and I would sometimes paint mine various colors In Contrast to neighbors who burnt them like regular army men toys. Fox was a great wrestler and y favorite muscle character and some five hundred that were created by Kinkuuman Company.
Fox was basically a fox looking alien and in my muscle world as a kid he battled spike helmet and the muscle brothers aliens. These guys had official names as I see now on EBay and other web sites devoted to these toys but having access to Japanese cable and language I just made up my own muscle wrestling world. Fox was a hard character to get and I had a couple stolen from me having to beat Jimmy Watkins at Champaign Junior High School several ties to get Fox back. I loved fox and always had him win my matches with is various rivals . I was able to collect three of these and painted one sliver calling him Silver fox. Apparently Jimmy Watkins or somebody stole these toys again as one holiday upon return from college going through my old toy collection I noticed t as missing in the family garage and my mother insisted she didn't throw them away and my other siblings were long gone from the house.
Fox currently hosts a wrestling talk show and podcast on the internet with Turtle boy of the same series pn the internet talking pop culture and movies. Another blogger has their interviews and I think this talk show will have to make an occasional appearance here too. As far as ma if she or my dad threw them away they were fucking fools as some of these muscle wrestling toys go for hundreds of dollars due to their rarity. For me Silver Fox and the other foxes were ...priceless. I just wish this Japanese cartoon wasn't s bizarre that they could of aired more in America and these Musclemen collector toys really take off as a collector item.
Fox was basically a fox looking alien and in my muscle world as a kid he battled spike helmet and the muscle brothers aliens. These guys had official names as I see now on EBay and other web sites devoted to these toys but having access to Japanese cable and language I just made up my own muscle wrestling world. Fox was a hard character to get and I had a couple stolen from me having to beat Jimmy Watkins at Champaign Junior High School several ties to get Fox back. I loved fox and always had him win my matches with is various rivals . I was able to collect three of these and painted one sliver calling him Silver fox. Apparently Jimmy Watkins or somebody stole these toys again as one holiday upon return from college going through my old toy collection I noticed t as missing in the family garage and my mother insisted she didn't throw them away and my other siblings were long gone from the house.
Fox currently hosts a wrestling talk show and podcast on the internet with Turtle boy of the same series pn the internet talking pop culture and movies. Another blogger has their interviews and I think this talk show will have to make an occasional appearance here too. As far as ma if she or my dad threw them away they were fucking fools as some of these muscle wrestling toys go for hundreds of dollars due to their rarity. For me Silver Fox and the other foxes were ...priceless. I just wish this Japanese cartoon wasn't s bizarre that they could of aired more in America and these Musclemen collector toys really take off as a collector item.
Social critic criticism...The scam of service dogs (Doggie doo doo story part one)
Armando Arturo
Some loser who served and killed in Afghanistan for four years was denied service in a Houlihans restaurant in the Chicago area this weekend. he was denied service because he tried to bring a dog into the eatery on a crowded Saturday afternoon Loughran claims he needs a dog to go out and unfortunately the insane state law allows for this abuse. This new and ever persistent increase use of pet owners to bring their dogs into public places showcases their entitlement and selfishness bringing dogs around folks who don't want to be near these things.
A shit like Garret Loughran who claims he gets scared or nervous being out in public without his puppy has no respect nor care for those who could also claim the presence of dogs fuels their anxiety. the neurotic nature and depths these fucks who want to bring dogs into places where they are not allowed shows the stubbornness of these people. the restaurant manager who made the wise decision to not allow this mutt into the restaurant in concern for other patrons who may have their own anxieties and allergies was rewarded with losing their job because of this silly dog loving jackass. A dog has no place in a restaurant where people are eating and germs can easily be spread by this canine and the disregard these idiots with fake service issues
because they are so attached to an animal is pathetic. So other people now have to be inconvenienced when they go out to eat on their family weekend family event and have to see a dirty dog as they have a meal because of these pricks and their phony baloney disabilities about not being attached to their dog at all times. The restaurant chain apologized and now has been extorted to giving money to a "Pets for Vets' charity where more money and publicity will allow other fuckheads coming back from their tour of terror on people in the Middle east to come up with the same scam of combating their demons with what they did over there by smothering themselves all day and everywhere they go with their disgusting dog.
Some loser who served and killed in Afghanistan for four years was denied service in a Houlihans restaurant in the Chicago area this weekend. he was denied service because he tried to bring a dog into the eatery on a crowded Saturday afternoon Loughran claims he needs a dog to go out and unfortunately the insane state law allows for this abuse. This new and ever persistent increase use of pet owners to bring their dogs into public places showcases their entitlement and selfishness bringing dogs around folks who don't want to be near these things.
A shit like Garret Loughran who claims he gets scared or nervous being out in public without his puppy has no respect nor care for those who could also claim the presence of dogs fuels their anxiety. the neurotic nature and depths these fucks who want to bring dogs into places where they are not allowed shows the stubbornness of these people. the restaurant manager who made the wise decision to not allow this mutt into the restaurant in concern for other patrons who may have their own anxieties and allergies was rewarded with losing their job because of this silly dog loving jackass. A dog has no place in a restaurant where people are eating and germs can easily be spread by this canine and the disregard these idiots with fake service issues
Baxter Lomax praises Janesville, Wisconsin as a drinking area
Baxter Lomax
Janesville Wisconsin has a very nice downtown with old buildings and the likes which makes walking an enjoyable experience. The town has plenty of bar hopping opportunities and unlike Chicagoland there is not a single high end Italian or other chain restaurant in the downtown region as the forces of neo-liberalism and corrupt restaurant industrialization has not making its way in to this city, This is pretty much what makes Wisconsin cool place as there are not hundreds of corporate cookie cutting strip mall offerings making it difficult to remember what town you visited. As I visited this town and plan on returning often to watch my beloved Green Bay Packers.
I really think village leaders get it by trying to avoid their picturesque downtown being dominated with a SubWay on this corner and a Walgreens on this. There is none of this in Janesville and the only businesses I saw were bars and some hair cutting places. It appears many of the old buildings are office or residential not being converted to high end expensive restaurants or other nonsense to attract only a small segment downtown. All of your rare suburban downtowns in Chicago's and Indianapolis's suburbs are pretty much expensive eateries and in Chicago's case I have noticed many of them are Italian even though these areas are not so dominated by this ethnic demographic. I will write more on this later here at the Right Bull blog but for now I highly recommend this town as perhaps coolest drinking town in America especially if you are in your twenties. I didn't see an old fogie over thirty the night I went to some of these bars and they have a diverse selection of bar types most of them being small.
The likelihood to why Wisconsin towns have so many family runned bars still in original construction many often being houses likely has to do with the lack of corruption and the quid quo pro that occurs so much in other suburbia of large American cities like Chicago whose constant remodeling and construction practices are meant to supply capital and power to certain families. Chicago's suburbs are run by Italians into homebuilding and who have made their wealth from continuing waste and rebuild when none of it was necessary and this crony capitalism arrangements has more to do with debt problems of government than spending on poor or food stamps
Janesville Wisconsin has a very nice downtown with old buildings and the likes which makes walking an enjoyable experience. The town has plenty of bar hopping opportunities and unlike Chicagoland there is not a single high end Italian or other chain restaurant in the downtown region as the forces of neo-liberalism and corrupt restaurant industrialization has not making its way in to this city, This is pretty much what makes Wisconsin cool place as there are not hundreds of corporate cookie cutting strip mall offerings making it difficult to remember what town you visited. As I visited this town and plan on returning often to watch my beloved Green Bay Packers.
I really think village leaders get it by trying to avoid their picturesque downtown being dominated with a SubWay on this corner and a Walgreens on this. There is none of this in Janesville and the only businesses I saw were bars and some hair cutting places. It appears many of the old buildings are office or residential not being converted to high end expensive restaurants or other nonsense to attract only a small segment downtown. All of your rare suburban downtowns in Chicago's and Indianapolis's suburbs are pretty much expensive eateries and in Chicago's case I have noticed many of them are Italian even though these areas are not so dominated by this ethnic demographic. I will write more on this later here at the Right Bull blog but for now I highly recommend this town as perhaps coolest drinking town in America especially if you are in your twenties. I didn't see an old fogie over thirty the night I went to some of these bars and they have a diverse selection of bar types most of them being small.
Glen Beck's "Control a paranoi gun freak book and his intake on vilent video games.
Otto Jansen
Glen Beck has written several books and in one of them he presents his fact-based opinions on why the most important issue facing this country is not inequality but preserving the right to bear guns. Glen gives a quick synopsis on the gun industry in this book and often quotes the constitution ignoring the fact that the writers never would of thought the horror of guns getting in the hands of adolescents who cause much of the death and destruction in this country with firearms. The fear based terror glen believes could occur with government t control of weapons has already been realized by the freedoms pushed to such an extent any crazy teenager could get their access to these weapons and then use them onto strangers whenever a girlfriend dumps him as happened this month in Wisconsin with a trail murder and shooting of four people. It is the gun backers such as Glen Beck that spread misinformation as to why no progress is politically done to limit the manufacture and distribution of these dangerous items under the guise of constitutional law and rights.
Glen tries to confuse the debate on guns by focusing on violent video games for much of the last chapters of his book and interviewing 'experts' who say games like "Doom" and "Grand Theft Auto" are the ultimate cause of youth shooting rampages instead of the culture of gun worship that likely all these ids came from feeling free and confident to blast their classmates. The issue is the relevancy of guns and not that some of these killers were also attracted to popular shoot up video games that all teenage males have played over the years as no regulation allowed these companies to put out anything. To a jackass like Glen Beck any attempt to correct the wrongs of stopping the easily access and spread of guns for everyone is an attempt by government to take over basically already what they run. beck needs to go in his basement and play these games again and realize that the government
runs the ship for this country and all others and if the will of the majority is to limit gun rights then he will have to accept it and take out his frustrations on his screen like any pimply faced loudmouths.
Glen Beck has written several books and in one of them he presents his fact-based opinions on why the most important issue facing this country is not inequality but preserving the right to bear guns. Glen gives a quick synopsis on the gun industry in this book and often quotes the constitution ignoring the fact that the writers never would of thought the horror of guns getting in the hands of adolescents who cause much of the death and destruction in this country with firearms. The fear based terror glen believes could occur with government t control of weapons has already been realized by the freedoms pushed to such an extent any crazy teenager could get their access to these weapons and then use them onto strangers whenever a girlfriend dumps him as happened this month in Wisconsin with a trail murder and shooting of four people. It is the gun backers such as Glen Beck that spread misinformation as to why no progress is politically done to limit the manufacture and distribution of these dangerous items under the guise of constitutional law and rights.
Glen tries to confuse the debate on guns by focusing on violent video games for much of the last chapters of his book and interviewing 'experts' who say games like "Doom" and "Grand Theft Auto" are the ultimate cause of youth shooting rampages instead of the culture of gun worship that likely all these ids came from feeling free and confident to blast their classmates. The issue is the relevancy of guns and not that some of these killers were also attracted to popular shoot up video games that all teenage males have played over the years as no regulation allowed these companies to put out anything. To a jackass like Glen Beck any attempt to correct the wrongs of stopping the easily access and spread of guns for everyone is an attempt by government to take over basically already what they run. beck needs to go in his basement and play these games again and realize that the government
Former congressman Joe Walsh's show a joke
Alex Mousolopolous
Congresman Joe Walsh was a wicked right-wing Tea Party Republican one term congressman. The more he talked the more people in this blue state couldn't believe that this guy was representing a part other state. Even his own wealthy constituents were embarrassed by this clown who does represent much of the views of rich White people in the North suburban shore of Chicagoland. The more he opened his dumb mouth the more the folks up there realized they couldn't have a candidate who sounded like he belonged in Arkansas more than Illinois. People rallied against this dirty bastard and kicked his ass out of office. Some right-wing media conglomerate though felt sorry for him and decided to reward him with a radio show on 560 Am to continue to speak his thoughts. Few listen to this guy nor his radio station and it constantly ranks the lowest of the low. I often even forget that this jerk is still around with a voice to inflate his wounded ego after his disastrous reelection campaign where he overwhelming was putting his foot in his mouth.
Joe was bitching about how Chicago only grew about by 82 people and somehow this was so awful when compared to other cities and the growth they experienced. This is a prick who would work as hard as possible to limit growth in his leafy wealthy suburb and somehow he thinks a region with eight million people should be growing by leeps and bounds like the cheap labor red states and their traffic choked cities. Joe says people are leaving the collar counties as well for other places and this may be true but what this jerk won't say most of these people would of returned to their native Poland or Mexico and way after working and undercutting the American worker and now being able to afford a house in Mexico and Poland. I have worked with many immigrants and unlike earlier immigrants their desire to make money so they can transport the American lifestyle of McMansion housing is their ultimate desire as so many have returned to live larger than they could ever of achieved without the likes of Joe Walsh helping them. I worked with a lazy Mexican named Caesar who left to live in Mexico again. Good riddance and I say let more of them return to their homelands though end this collusion between business and migrant flip floppers. It is pro-business morons like Joe Walsh that want continued growth to lower the working wages of natural born citizens and have an economy that only benefits the few at the top like him.
Only the leaders of business which Walsh represents benefits from an arrangement like this along with the mobile immigrants who come here working to buy a huge house back to their real home. Walsh is a fucking idiot and it is politicians like him with their distortions and obsessions with growth which is what lead America down this perilous path to ruin and becoming more like a third world corrupt nation.
Congresman Joe Walsh was a wicked right-wing Tea Party Republican one term congressman. The more he talked the more people in this blue state couldn't believe that this guy was representing a part other state. Even his own wealthy constituents were embarrassed by this clown who does represent much of the views of rich White people in the North suburban shore of Chicagoland. The more he opened his dumb mouth the more the folks up there realized they couldn't have a candidate who sounded like he belonged in Arkansas more than Illinois. People rallied against this dirty bastard and kicked his ass out of office. Some right-wing media conglomerate though felt sorry for him and decided to reward him with a radio show on 560 Am to continue to speak his thoughts. Few listen to this guy nor his radio station and it constantly ranks the lowest of the low. I often even forget that this jerk is still around with a voice to inflate his wounded ego after his disastrous reelection campaign where he overwhelming was putting his foot in his mouth.
Cheyenne horse book by Chaflant
Cougar Face
Cheyenne warriors put up stiff residence to Westward expansion and they were among the most hostile of Native tribesmen that resisted American expansion. The 1850s saw the beginning of the great plaines wars fought between the American army and certain tribes of the great Plaines and the Cheyenne were Constantly in the mix of the fighting with other Indians there are not as many books that recent these conflicts but there is one that details one campaign as much as a book can and it is written by William Chalfant. He covers just about everything that occured in the summer of 1857 as the US army sent an expedition to punish the Indians for their increasing attacks on immigrant trains that were littering their lands. The discovery of gold turned what was a trickle of migrants on the o,d Santa Fe trail into a flood and the Natives quickly resented this intrusion onto their lands . This book talks of the ego n g troubles with the Cheyenne as a misunderstanding about the slaughter of one cow lead a hothead lieutenant to get his small detailed massacred after firing on the Cheyenne in what wold be known as the Grattan massacre.
The army wold avenge his a year later and the seeds for further hostility on the Plaines were set not too differencing what is happening now days with police and inner city black populations. The Cheyennes would not forget this battle of Blue water which was a one sided massacre of ninety Native Americans and the rest of the book is an intensive account of an early Army punitive expedition that this historian details totally in neat illustrations throughout the book. He illustrations add something to what is a pretty dull book and look at the monotonous of army preparatory marches and searches that the US Army and Pawnee allies participated looking for this elusive tribe leading into the battle of Solomon Forks. This was a minor but inquest battle of all Indian wars between red and White and was the only large unit saber civil war attack on a large army of Indians as the two forces charged into one another. An exemplary look at a summer campaign against hostile Indians of the West.

Richard Wolff, James Corbett, and now Max Keiser use the Lucy football anaology
Arnold Buckley
peanuts comics are lame works of the late Charles Schulze that the corporate media loved to put in their papers and then establish a sales link everywhere as this comic become so mainstreamed. The rise of Peanuts and American consumption for stuff benefited the popularity of this comic strip as it appeared on things that would of otherwise been blank such as napkins, notebooks, coffee mugs, etc etc. One of the stupider of many dumb things in this boring strip about kids was the abuse when kid in particular took from a local gal in the Peanuts world.
Lucy would encourage Charlie brown to kick a football and she would always pull back at the last second sending him flying in the air and on landed on as ass. What message Schulze meant when drawing this line often is never really known or important but I have noticed this scene has been mentioned plenty of times by modern economists and conspiracy hosts.
They all go on to say that Lucy is basically the system, the two-party domination, the economy and that Charlie brown represents the people. Just as the economy gets chugging along as Max Keiser said recently corporations and companies pull jobs away from people before their bridges get too big opening up more economic opportunities for them. Government can also pull the ball as Richard Wolff would say conspiring with business to move jobs and people around not having an established setting for people to remain. A mobile population is one much easier to exploit and control them away from involvement in politics. J
James Corbett says its the accepting public that again over and over lets themselves to have the ball pulled on their ass that is the problem. They allow a two party system to dominate politics whose main goal is to represent the wealthy and having an economy dependent on their debt for a large chunk of the GDP and this only benefits the rich as they can just buy back their stocks and live off the handouts of a banking corrupt control as modern day Romeos and noblemen. These three have used the Lucy analogy well in describing America and the complacent West as they let a few ruling class with abilities to custom order fresh green backs from the printing presses to both fool the public and take any notion of true democracy of their failed nations which all of are as failed of a nation as any corrupt warlord East African nation.
peanuts comics are lame works of the late Charles Schulze that the corporate media loved to put in their papers and then establish a sales link everywhere as this comic become so mainstreamed. The rise of Peanuts and American consumption for stuff benefited the popularity of this comic strip as it appeared on things that would of otherwise been blank such as napkins, notebooks, coffee mugs, etc etc. One of the stupider of many dumb things in this boring strip about kids was the abuse when kid in particular took from a local gal in the Peanuts world.
They all go on to say that Lucy is basically the system, the two-party domination, the economy and that Charlie brown represents the people. Just as the economy gets chugging along as Max Keiser said recently corporations and companies pull jobs away from people before their bridges get too big opening up more economic opportunities for them. Government can also pull the ball as Richard Wolff would say conspiring with business to move jobs and people around not having an established setting for people to remain. A mobile population is one much easier to exploit and control them away from involvement in politics. J
ISIS attacks a Shiitte mosque in Saudi Arabia
Andy Cruz
The Islamic State committed a huge terrorist attack inside Saudi Arabia bombing the shut out of Shiite mosque in Saudi Arabia, warning that more "black days" loom ahead in a direct challenge to the rulers of the Sunni kingdom. This attack has given swaggers to ISIS backers including our own Ali Muhammad who had been predicting that the Islamic state would turn on their Sunni backers although this attack targeted village in the village of al-Qudeeh in the eastern Qatif region targeted Shiites, whom ultraconservatives in Saudi Arabia regularly denounce as heretics.
The mosque attack killed at least 21 people and wounded 81, the official Saudi Press Agency reported. This is a foreboding to the power of the Islamic State in our petro dollar bank holding and kingdom in Saudi Arabia and if this oil empire/alliance of ours crumbles with the radical terrorists gaining the resources the happy motoring lifestyle of America is fucken kaput. people will have no longer to worry about divergent gas prices as they will go through the roof and no amount of contaminated fracking in the remote Dakotas will save it.
The Islamic State group -- formerly Al Qaeda's branch in Iraq which broke away and overran much of that country and neighboring Syria. the amount of fighting and destruction one sees today in Iraq,Syria, and Libya will sweep the last bastion of our US petrodollar ally and where we get much of are oil from in the past until the supposed fracking and shale oil revolution. A Saudi Arabia ruled by ISIS much like Iran falling in the seventies will see more of these new wells tapped faster bringing economic and resource pressure everywhere as Western societies refuse to cut back on use and car size.
The Islamic State committed a huge terrorist attack inside Saudi Arabia bombing the shut out of Shiite mosque in Saudi Arabia, warning that more "black days" loom ahead in a direct challenge to the rulers of the Sunni kingdom. This attack has given swaggers to ISIS backers including our own Ali Muhammad who had been predicting that the Islamic state would turn on their Sunni backers although this attack targeted village in the village of al-Qudeeh in the eastern Qatif region targeted Shiites, whom ultraconservatives in Saudi Arabia regularly denounce as heretics.
The mosque attack killed at least 21 people and wounded 81, the official Saudi Press Agency reported. This is a foreboding to the power of the Islamic State in our petro dollar bank holding and kingdom in Saudi Arabia and if this oil empire/alliance of ours crumbles with the radical terrorists gaining the resources the happy motoring lifestyle of America is fucken kaput. people will have no longer to worry about divergent gas prices as they will go through the roof and no amount of contaminated fracking in the remote Dakotas will save it.
The Islamic State group -- formerly Al Qaeda's branch in Iraq which broke away and overran much of that country and neighboring Syria. the amount of fighting and destruction one sees today in Iraq,Syria, and Libya will sweep the last bastion of our US petrodollar ally and where we get much of are oil from in the past until the supposed fracking and shale oil revolution. A Saudi Arabia ruled by ISIS much like Iran falling in the seventies will see more of these new wells tapped faster bringing economic and resource pressure everywhere as Western societies refuse to cut back on use and car size.
Kevin Blackwood teaches you how to count cards and be a Black Jack pro
Wally Jackson
Kevin Blackwood has tried to teach the reader all that you need to know in the game Black Jack. this professional player has written one of the better books I have come across in the card playing section of various libraries. Many of these poker and card playing games are pretty much simple shit but Blackwood gives some good advice. he tells the reader how to count cards and avoid detection and ban from casinos if you do find success with his method of Black jack. He devotes a chapter of ploy and how to come across as a simple tourist in your playing as you reach the advance pro stages and then hitting the dealer and the bank casino hard like a bandido.
Blackwood gives all sorts of advice from developing team strategy to his final chapter of the pros and cons of internet Black jack playing and taking. Also during his raids on casinos, Kevin used the special method called "wronging" This means counting the cards without betting and participating, and when the count becomes favorable to a counter, he jumps into the game, betting high. Blackwood is cool man to give all of this advice and if you are into this game or seeking advice on learning it then this book is for you. one of the better gambling books out there you can borrow at the local library or buy at Amazon.
Kevin Blackwood has tried to teach the reader all that you need to know in the game Black Jack. this professional player has written one of the better books I have come across in the card playing section of various libraries. Many of these poker and card playing games are pretty much simple shit but Blackwood gives some good advice. he tells the reader how to count cards and avoid detection and ban from casinos if you do find success with his method of Black jack. He devotes a chapter of ploy and how to come across as a simple tourist in your playing as you reach the advance pro stages and then hitting the dealer and the bank casino hard like a bandido.
The Time Wimpy tried to eat a Right Bull tail
Arnold Buckley
For some reason there are new massive books of the old Popeye comic strip that is at the few book stores in business. The guess is that there are publishers that actually think there is a market for people to purchase old Popeye comic collections from the thirties in a massive collection like a foot and a half books in size.
In one of these collections I saw the usual ham and egger comedy that was part of these strips and evidently had a following. I don't know maybe in the thirties the idea of a character so in love with hamburgers like Wimpy was actually amusing. in this strip Wimpy is so hungry he attacks a Right Bull and starts eating its tail while it is still alive. hilarious brilliant idea of sketch comedy and drawing I guess for the depression era. This could be why the public was so dam depressed is they and nothing of real entertainment and had to open up the Sunday funnies to material like Popeye and Wimpy
I am really amazed that these books would be published in print as I didn't seem to notice there was any clamoring for Popeye collectable books reprinting every strip year by year of this voluminous set. This is pretty insane and only the most neurotic and eccentric Popeye fan would want these books. I don't think Popeye really warrants this type of series but hey what do I know. I am just a comic book and cartoon expert here at the Left Shark. next time Wimpy goes fishing and captures a actual left shark and we will dissect this bit like a frog.
For some reason there are new massive books of the old Popeye comic strip that is at the few book stores in business. The guess is that there are publishers that actually think there is a market for people to purchase old Popeye comic collections from the thirties in a massive collection like a foot and a half books in size.

Big Ant talks about Chris Christie and latest NLF concession scam
Big Ant
Meathead jive turkey out of Jersey been dipping into the juice and his jig is up mannnnn. Tapping the tax payer and digging up some dough the dude dissed the corn out of the people for years using it as a personal account. dig This the payment of NFL concessions dog to the tune of musical muscle of some 80 thousand dollars eating and plowing his way to obesity sticking to the man this Jersey devil owning some flap jack . The shit is up and news out that this bakery been digging into the bank to serve the interest without any personal dirt bag mother fucker.
Chris Chrities wining ing and deciding and dining through games shit this been whats uppp with the politicians and sports for decades being at the right place at the right time to see all these sports shit eating digs and dogs and paying jack. The scandals been flying like a wide Eagle chasing down the rat shit this man living well watching all as the economy tumbles and Jersey brothers be living like shit seeking cactus juice and roots tool chew on fAT DOG ASS FUCKHEAD. . The dog this man needs set on a watch dog man as this jack been snickering and jiving the tax payer to finance a debt card jack for this man to live and let live on any event dude wants to party the likes with bitches and whores and players. This vulture been playing off the celebrity digging their wears and commenting on the shit like he da man in the limo bro. watching the cowboys, riding the jets, stealing like the Steelers, and living like a Giant this guys has done it all man with the national Football man all the time dipping the debit like its free for this jack. set some dogs loose on his caboose and let the world no to be a player mean you got to be next to the player man competing on a equal playing field for all to see Mack.
Meathead jive turkey out of Jersey been dipping into the juice and his jig is up mannnnn. Tapping the tax payer and digging up some dough the dude dissed the corn out of the people for years using it as a personal account. dig This the payment of NFL concessions dog to the tune of musical muscle of some 80 thousand dollars eating and plowing his way to obesity sticking to the man this Jersey devil owning some flap jack . The shit is up and news out that this bakery been digging into the bank to serve the interest without any personal dirt bag mother fucker.
Big Box storage centers turn suburbs and showcase corners blue
Terry Blue
Aurora, Illinois is a dilapidated suburb of Chicago and is a city large enough to have her own suburbs. in one of them named North Aurora which is North of Aurora a bowling alley has sat empty for oh so many moons. Bowling alleys once served suburban communities where families often did things together on the weekends instead of the empty shells and dog walking solo fanatics they have become now. As these numerous bowling alleys slide out of business many during the great recession suburban communities have and trouble deciding to what to do with these properties. This seems to be more of a corrupt Illinois and Chicagoland problem as I ha e seen so many old bowling alleys survive and thrive in the river valley towns of Wisconsin and even the rural shit towns of Indiana. As this country has become one dollar one vote even on the local level debate in North Aurora is centered on allowing a storage facility to open up on an important showcase corner in town where this bowling alley use to live.
A storage center is a center of old peoples junk where hoarders get to use more dollars to save their precious stuff they cannot part. A storage center visually in town has the appeal of a cheap fat Bangladeshi whore working the corners 0of Wall Street. many trustees have quit literally been sold to the plan and are pushing for this storage center but has a guy of years of new urban reporting and talk of the decline of suburbia these storage centers will only further erode property values. The question must be asked why so many storage centers are opening up in suburbia an d in the big cities are as rare as a Bangladeshi belly dancer ahh..performing in a catholic church service. it is the price of inequality as property in these areas are way too cheap and opening up a storage center on the site of a former motel or bowling alley is cheap for these companies. These companies are a bad idea only preventing the growth of new residency and encouraging sprawl and more hoarding and it seems like they are becoming more and more ubiquitous in the suburbs as these corrupt trustees sell out their own communities to these highest bidders encouraging more dullness and sameness in the suburbs.
Aurora, Illinois is a dilapidated suburb of Chicago and is a city large enough to have her own suburbs. in one of them named North Aurora which is North of Aurora a bowling alley has sat empty for oh so many moons. Bowling alleys once served suburban communities where families often did things together on the weekends instead of the empty shells and dog walking solo fanatics they have become now. As these numerous bowling alleys slide out of business many during the great recession suburban communities have and trouble deciding to what to do with these properties. This seems to be more of a corrupt Illinois and Chicagoland problem as I ha e seen so many old bowling alleys survive and thrive in the river valley towns of Wisconsin and even the rural shit towns of Indiana. As this country has become one dollar one vote even on the local level debate in North Aurora is centered on allowing a storage facility to open up on an important showcase corner in town where this bowling alley use to live.
Kevin McCullough smokes Daniel Matte on smartwatch discussion
Otto Jansen
In the technology section of the Wall Street Journal recently these two computer dweebs debated the merit of smart watches and whether they will be the next new gadget for a new generation. Daniel matte thinks that they will be adopted by the mainstream as they will be seen as a computer for the wrist. matte thinks that people will get tired of reaching for their pockets for a phone when they cold have everything with the flick of a wrist. This numbskull thinks that
the importance of time and importance of streamlining information quickly will adopt the public for these new gadgets for quick updates to stock prices and sports scores without hitting any applications or gong into the browser. As people become more conformable with a computer on their limp wrist they will adapt to the confusing interface more quickly and it will be such an inconvenience that having to fetch a phone. he believes a kickstarter effect will find so many new practical uses for a small computer that you can barely see and a new ecosystem of technology driven breakthroughs will develop eclipsing tablets in popularity. tablets only are used for unique experiences while a smartphone little let is with you all of the time..or until you get annoyed having the discomfort on your wrist to mainly tell time. This is basically what people would need smart watches for most of the time and use and this clown knows it. matte makes no sense and argument to why anyone would need a smartphone if they don't already have a cool phone.
Meanwhile on the con side McCullogh
pretty much describes that this is Apples latest attempts to retain prominence in media and technology. Like the television which they finally gave up on the smartwatch is just going to be a geek chic item as there are just too many obstacles for this product becoming popular. The primarily purpose of a watch is to tell time and be a fashion statement of high luxury and this is not going to change. he says the purchase decision likey will be made by consumers who think the watch can do stuff a phone cannot and these things are lacking. Add this to short battery life and that technology gadgets are never meant to be worn at all times all make the prospect of tremendous success rare for the Apple Smartwatch. apple is getting desperate to remain relevant despite the billions it hoards with its shitty business practices taking money out of the economy and jobs in Asia that pay little. Apple is a victim to its own success over the years and now is a time where you see how companys waste time and energy on the quest for new product lines that there was never a demand. The fabrication of demand by technology companies is a common theme to their downfall and without a doubt Apple is well beyond its peak never going to develop anything to be as big as its Iphone. the dreamers at Apple are arrogant and confident from past successes and the cult of steve jobs but it is doubtful jobs would ever attempt something as so soolishly as to predict that smart phones would be the next big thing. What a joke smart watches and the likes of Daniel matte are into thinking of this hope. I would rather wear a citizens anyday than a little smart phone wanabee.
In the technology section of the Wall Street Journal recently these two computer dweebs debated the merit of smart watches and whether they will be the next new gadget for a new generation. Daniel matte thinks that they will be adopted by the mainstream as they will be seen as a computer for the wrist. matte thinks that people will get tired of reaching for their pockets for a phone when they cold have everything with the flick of a wrist. This numbskull thinks that
Meanwhile on the con side McCullogh
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