Kevin McCullough smokes Daniel Matte on smartwatch discussion

Otto Jansen
   In the technology section of the Wall Street Journal recently these two computer dweebs debated the merit of smart watches and whether they will be the next new gadget for a new generation. Daniel matte thinks that they will be adopted by the mainstream as they will be seen as a computer for the wrist. matte thinks that people will get tired of reaching for their pockets for a phone when they cold have everything with the flick of a wrist. This numbskull thinks thatImage result for daniel matte the importance of time and importance of streamlining information quickly will adopt the public for these new gadgets for quick updates to stock prices and sports scores without hitting any applications or gong into the browser. As people become more conformable with a computer on their limp wrist they will adapt to the confusing interface more quickly and it will be such an inconvenience that having to fetch a phone. he believes a kickstarter effect will find so many new practical uses for a small computer that you can barely see and a new ecosystem of technology driven breakthroughs will develop eclipsing tablets in popularity. tablets only are used for unique experiences while a smartphone little let is with you all of the time..or until you get annoyed having the discomfort on your wrist to mainly tell time. This is basically what people would need smart watches for most of the time and use and this clown knows it. matte makes no sense and argument to why anyone would need a smartphone if they don't already have a cool phone.
  Meanwhile on the con side McCullogh Image result for kevin mccullagh pretty much describes that this is Apples latest attempts to retain prominence in media and technology. Like the television which they finally gave up on the smartwatch is just going to be a geek chic item as there are just too many obstacles for this product becoming popular. The primarily purpose of a watch is to tell time and be a fashion statement of high luxury and this is not going to change. he says the purchase decision likey will be made by consumers who think the watch can do stuff a phone cannot and these things are lacking. Add this to short battery life and that technology gadgets are never meant to be worn at all times all make the prospect of tremendous success rare for the Apple Smartwatch. apple is getting desperate to remain relevant despite the billions it hoards with its shitty business practices taking money out of the economy and jobs in Asia that pay little. Apple is a victim to its own success over the years and now is a time where you see how companys waste time and energy on the quest for new product lines that there was never a demand. The fabrication of demand by technology companies is a common theme to their downfall and without a doubt Apple is well beyond its peak never going to develop anything to be as big as its Iphone. the dreamers at Apple are arrogant and confident from past successes and the cult of steve jobs but it is doubtful jobs would ever attempt something as so soolishly as to predict that smart phones would be the next big thing. What a joke smart watches and the likes of Daniel matte are into thinking of this hope. I would rather wear a citizens anyday than a little smart phone wanabee.

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