Terry Blue
Before Michael Bloomberg made New York into a min-London where the worlds global rich took over the city and carved out an economic zone of exclusivity from the average Americans a man named Rudy Giulani was making this transition possible. Rudy made the streets of new York City much safer for the worlds wealth and health hoarders to come to America and reinvest those massively printed dollars back into the American economy and provide so many great jobs in the restaurant industry for unemployed Latino and European immigrant twentysomethings.

Rudy Giuliani wants to repeat this process for every great American city from Bakersfield, California to Warwick, Rhode Island and he is seriously thinking about running for president should Donald Trump go down in defeat this November 8 and a Hillary Clinton becomes the next commander in Squaw. This city was once so fucked up you had clowns running with baseball bats smashing small business and people for a few bucks.

Much of the cities youth had no education and a thug lifestyle was how they brought some extra jingle to their pockets to then spend on booze and cigarettes. around with baseball bats smashing small business and people for a few bucks The hero of 9/11 had become Donald Trump's biggest surrogate this campaign often appearing on television to gain some leverage from the media conspirators and recognition that his political potential in the future and he is still a stalwart in the moderate wing of the Republican party.

There was also the issue with the taxi driver. ahhh don't let me go into this again I have written enough of taxis and so forth. New York was a different place before rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg as the left liberal policies of mayor Ed Koch allowed all these black and brown shitheads to run amok in and above grounds of the city and the subways of new York many folks back then wondered if they would emerge alive from again.

I would like to see an all New York City elite preferred 2020 ticket of Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg where they both can allow more Russian and Euro-trash oligarchs to practically take over this important economic and cultural city of the United States of America and this new recolonization of the land by the global trade scammers and the new Indians are all the native-born peoples of North America. There is no mistake of the two Rudy will likely really run in four years as he has come to the defense of Donald Trump and the loyalty he has shown to the big-wig rash New York real estate tycoon has been admirable. both of these men helped transform New York from the shithole migrations of Puerto Rican and Southern Black low IQ shitheads was turning Americas largest city into a shithole in the sixties and seventies.

Rudy Giulinani is secretly hoping for a Trump loss so he can get his campaign off to n early start and become a front runner in being one of the first politicians to challenge Hillary Clinton when and if she decides to run for re-election in four years.