Leroy Yost
Russell Westbrook couldn't believe it. The star forward for the Oklahoma Thunder was coming off a great steal and layup the other night in the first NBA game of the season for his team against the lowly Philadelphia
76 ers when lowly fat fan courtside gave him the birdie. Richard Haraway was determined to sow some big buck on the Milwaukee Bucks that he would not be deterred nor intimidated as a lowly 76 ers fans. However Richard couldn't get tickets for upcoming Buck games so he attended the game against the Thunder and didn't like it when Russell Westbrook showboated after a great play. Westbrook told the portly Haraway to sit his fat ass down which eventually caused the urologist to flip off the NBA player and told him to go and fuck himself in the ass. Philadelphia

Russell proceeded to go up to the nearest referee and then ponder if this fan had the right to flip him the birdie like that. Russell Westbrook tried to be funny about it but deep inside he was hurting and humiliated by this fans reaction and deluding of the fuck finger. deep in the gut of Russell Westbrook he must of felt like someone had just called him the N word for him to have to accept the birdie from what is obviously such a physically unfit and crude looking human. incredibly thus Mr. Haraway was later identified and discovered to be a freaking doctor instead of just some fat geek and I suspected right away the cockiness of this disgusting court-side fan had to be backed up with some prestigious occupation to land these seats. Haraway got ejected from the game and now his season tickets are in japery because of his stupid actions for all to see in disrespecting an actual athlete on the court in such a court jester manner.

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