Rick Morrissey and Rick Telander remember Wrigley Field
Dave Berkson
The crummy old ball park on the Northside of Chicago turned a hundred years old. They had big celebrations on the field instead of discussions why a world class city does not have a world class bigger stadium to host baseball and sporting events. Somehow Cub fans love this old ballpark instead of looking on it as a sign of generational cheapness among the various owners of the Chicago Cubs. Ou think there might be a correlation to why this team never wins championships with the fact that the ownership was unwilling to give the fans a modern ballpark back in say the sixties or seventies? This dawned on me thinking to why the Chicago Cubs have always been historically an awful baseball club as you never had owners who wanted to improve. The facilities except for putting up some weeds on the fence back in the thirties. I never really saw the draw and love of the Ivy wall and that old ugly scoreboard. The seating is terrible and the reason the Cubs draw so well is because the Northside is filled with yuppies and Wrigley Field is the oly place old suburbanites or Iowa folks would be willing to get courageous and venture into the city. I wish some sports writers like Telander and the other lame Rick named Morrissey wold exposé this fact and it has nothing to do with the ballpark or the team. The two Ricks wrote a loving memorable piece of their love for the old ballpark and their history of it but as I said changing demographics of outs and the sports they play will make this park useless for sporting events in the future. The future of Wrigley Field is as a concert venue for twenty something's who likely will prefer music than a lame ball game for a nights entertainment. Wrigley Field will be history one way or another and any funding for its continuous use as a baseball park will just be money ill spent. Much like money spent at a Cubs game all these years from the suckers willing to accept the product on the field.

Peter Ferrara and the usual blame for America's bankruptcy
Bradley Handley
How can a guy with two homes one in the sprawling center of Virginia near Washington Dc talk about the coming bankruptcy and evils of the welfare state. Well a former Reagan administrator a divisor and a pencil geek named Peter Ferrara wrote a book called "Americas Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb " and I just can't believe how clueless these guys are who work for these think tanks. This dickhead according to his bio in this book is a director of policy for the Carelston Center for public policy and a senior fellow for entitlement and budget policy with the heartland institute. What this actually means is he takes it up the ass from these rich people who donate their tax avoidance to these thinks tanks.
How can a guy with two homes one in the sprawling center of Virginia near Washington Dc talk about the coming bankruptcy and evils of the welfare state. Well a former Reagan administrator a divisor and a pencil geek named Peter Ferrara wrote a book called "Americas Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb " and I just can't believe how clueless these guys are who work for these think tanks. This dickhead according to his bio in this book is a director of policy for the Carelston Center for public policy and a senior fellow for entitlement and budget policy with the heartland institute. What this actually means is he takes it up the ass from these rich people who donate their tax avoidance to these thinks tanks.

This clueless jerk just doesn't get it that there is a welfare state because of policies such as his that advocate free market principles that do t pay to play fucking golf for a living wage. This book is complete right wing anti government bullshit. It is easier for men like Mr Ferrara to attack spending on welfare than spending protecting big business that does nothing but provide few jobs for people over here and many more jobs to people overseas. When you advocate practices keeping wages low and opportunities limited you encourage age a cycle of poverty that government has to serve and spend so business people can continue earring money and working the golf courses. This guy doesn't have a clue to the real affects and causes of poverty in America. Like most conservatives this author again has to look at illegitimacy rates as some prof of decay in society and men like him really want to go back to the days where women were forced to stay grounded as property.
Marriage is the most important issue in terns of economics for these conservatives like Peter Ferrara as they feel those women unable or unwilling to stick with the father as some how deserving of the likely poverty they will see. Of course they blame government for this as they take over the roles of the failure fathers as somehow the government is the cause for actually helping families in need and this somehow makes the nannies fathers slackers. His chapter on failed states attacks the usual states that have high inequality for its role of attracting wealth and the rich from all corners of the globe and the costs to make these areas attractive for them to make this move. Perhaps he should concentrate on the free market principles that encourages private development who will choose to be around other developments and whose globalization movement of the economy has done more to increase costs to government. Jerks like Peter Ferrara think the poor have it made these days because there is more food than ever before never mind that it is mostly junk stuff that is making people more sick and obese. Somehow they think everything is fine and government shouldn't help folks because no one is living in cardboard boxes and everyone has access to electricity. This is a horrible writer likely funded by those same anti-tax less government think tanks whose main goal is to weaken unions and take benefits away from the poor.it is people like this writer while America has such a lower tax rates and lifestyle compared to the progressive European countries that rank way higher on all sorts of listings in country comparisons from health to happiness.
Marriage is the most important issue in terns of economics for these conservatives like Peter Ferrara as they feel those women unable or unwilling to stick with the father as some how deserving of the likely poverty they will see. Of course they blame government for this as they take over the roles of the failure fathers as somehow the government is the cause for actually helping families in need and this somehow makes the nannies fathers slackers. His chapter on failed states attacks the usual states that have high inequality for its role of attracting wealth and the rich from all corners of the globe and the costs to make these areas attractive for them to make this move. Perhaps he should concentrate on the free market principles that encourages private development who will choose to be around other developments and whose globalization movement of the economy has done more to increase costs to government. Jerks like Peter Ferrara think the poor have it made these days because there is more food than ever before never mind that it is mostly junk stuff that is making people more sick and obese. Somehow they think everything is fine and government shouldn't help folks because no one is living in cardboard boxes and everyone has access to electricity. This is a horrible writer likely funded by those same anti-tax less government think tanks whose main goal is to weaken unions and take benefits away from the poor.it is people like this writer while America has such a lower tax rates and lifestyle compared to the progressive European countries that rank way higher on all sorts of listings in country comparisons from health to happiness.
The social critic criticism .. Pawn shop shows
Jamie Logan
Really. One of the great things about not having Cable is being freed from all these stupid programs that evidently the nations elderly gives ratings. This might be the reason you hardly see old people as all they do is sit home and each TV and they would really be fucked if television was charged the way driving a car costs people. They are ale to support the numerous channels and trader twisting dollars these channels make from saving money avoiding hiring workers or paying taxes. Of course, it will cost stations dollars to have quality programming requiring actual skill and number of staff writers. The result is awfully plenty of substandard junk programming and in the case of pawn shops sows actually about junk. There are so many pawn shows from pawn shops to Las Vegas pawns and so forth. These shows are so dull and people who really enjoy sitting at me watching this shit are complete losers in life. I mean ow awful must our life be to watch reality programming about other people finding deals. You might as well just loiter around antique stores all day as I am sure these sorry son of a bitches do often on the weekend.
I am,still waiting for a lame reality program to be based and called suburban garage sale lords. When will this madness end. Perhaps when these unhip lame old people start dieting off but the sad fact is they likely would be replaced by new lame old people with ink watching a pawn shop on television in entertaining. The funny thing is that if an actual pawn shop tried opening up down the street from their suburban house these same asses wold be going to the village hall to,stop this business. Pawn shops are a detrimental aspect of society usually being filled with many items taken from resend entail burglaries and there is a reason that these sores along with liquor stores represents a decaying neighborhood. Now pawn shops has a new decaying definition and now represent a,decaying media and television culture where it attempts to be passed off as quality programming in a industry that is too cheap to produce it.
Really. One of the great things about not having Cable is being freed from all these stupid programs that evidently the nations elderly gives ratings. This might be the reason you hardly see old people as all they do is sit home and each TV and they would really be fucked if television was charged the way driving a car costs people. They are ale to support the numerous channels and trader twisting dollars these channels make from saving money avoiding hiring workers or paying taxes. Of course, it will cost stations dollars to have quality programming requiring actual skill and number of staff writers. The result is awfully plenty of substandard junk programming and in the case of pawn shops sows actually about junk. There are so many pawn shows from pawn shops to Las Vegas pawns and so forth. These shows are so dull and people who really enjoy sitting at me watching this shit are complete losers in life. I mean ow awful must our life be to watch reality programming about other people finding deals. You might as well just loiter around antique stores all day as I am sure these sorry son of a bitches do often on the weekend.
Terry Blue remembers Michael Ruppert's taxi scene in prophets of doom.
Terry Blue
What's up gang. taxi hater here. The news the other day of Michael Ruppert's death really struck me. Michael was a great speaker against the notice and lies of the U S government. The man help spread the word of the pending disaster and doom the planet faces through the industrial advocates of profit over the planet. Ruppert fought news from around the globe how climate change was affecting the planet,people,habitats at all corners and basics ally how industrialization was running the planet and threatening all of life's existence for an living organism bigger than a cockroach. The thing I first recall of ever seeing Ruppert was that classic History channel profits of doom.
Michael was in a taxi cab for most of the opening sequences. It looked like he was in New York and filmed a lot of is dialogue through this great program from the backseat of a taxi. It looked like he had the normal Middle Eastern taxi driver who was eyeballing the things Ruppert was saying about the planet to the cameras. Michael said that when the oil runs it the machines will to be operational. When the machines run out the amount of food produced will run out. When the food runs out the people will run out and start starving. This really hit home as much of the food produced in the world lay would not be ale to be as mass produced efficiently without these massive machines and the large quantities of oil needed to run them.the can driver seemed oblivious to the pending doom Ruppert was proclaiming as are most stupid people. Michael Ruppert stole the program despite other awesome guests on the doomsday panel n lung the great James Howard Kuntsler, John Carlin, and the cloistered Nathan Hagens. Michael Ruppert and his taxi scene will always be remembered by his followers and fans.
No Buffalo Bills cheerleaders this year
Guy Baldwin
Five gorgeous cheerleaders of the Buffalo Bills are seeing the Buffalo Bills and the company in charge of their cheer leading company. The Buffalo Jill's will be disbanded this year because of the lawsuit that claims as independent contractors often these women would to be paid and they had to be jiggled and shaking during their auditions. These women have claimed that they had to perform community service and oven were not reimbursed for their time and work.
These women also are not paid for practices to sharpen their dance routine that pleases the eyes of perverts at the Sunday games. This is no surprise as cheerleaders are often neglected and not appreciated for their work as part of the atmosphere of NFL games. Clearly this is sexist attitude and reactions to these women and in reality the way cheerleaders are treated they should just walk off the job. The problem is they an easily be replaced and the best way for these women to get more respect from the NFL team Owens is to have more lawsuits against these bastards. It is good to see women in dirty Buffalo rise up and announce to the media and the world their treatment from this football league that makes millions but pays peanuts to these women.
Billy Corgan's ridiculos spots on Alex Jones
Alex Mouslolopolous
The alien looking Billy Corgan appeared two times in celebrated discussions on the Alex Jones show the past few years and these videos seem to have many views. I have watched them and think these videos are utterly nonsense as are most things you will come across the Alex Jones show. It is really hard to tell who has each others nose in the a is of the other. Billy Corgan is evidently a fan of this rabble rouser bullshit artist Alex Jones. Billy looks fucked up in both appearances talking about the music industry and upset somehow he is not has rich as other musical ads were in the past. Billy's also upset that young people are also not so into music like his generation and its role in the culture is not as dominating.
Corgan wonders where the artistic dissent of today's musicians and Billy doesn't get that the reason why there was sixties and a culture of dissent is because it was new. Anytime you have something that is new there are more opportunities to have dissent. Corgan must of forgot that ere was a 9/11 and maybe many people support the drones killing terrorists overseas and other policy that he feels people and musicians should be outraged. Mass media was nothing in the sixties like it is today and the great praising that a Billy Corgan hopes to see against the corporate state will be missed by people who enjoy the channels that cable has to offer. Billy came on the first interviews with a silly fishing hat talking about how he refuses to watch television because it has castrated the male. Billy wants people to rebel yell like Billy Idol but the side of the debate that Corgan Billy wants people to fight for it libertarian ideas that preserve wealth of people like Corgan. Billy is worried and in this first interview he doesn't agree with occupy movement and talks of redistribution. He talks about trying to create wealth instead of redistribution although if this guy had any brain in a world with limited resource and the climate devastation this extraction has caused there is little growth for wealth accumulation with what we have seen in the past.
Guys like Billy Crogan are so outspoken these days because they think that the money he earned from writing some silly jingles should not be touched from a government moving towards the left unwilling to give the rich the privileges they once enjoyed under Republican administrations. Bald Billy is just full of shit and greed dictates his expressions on these wacky programs. He has no credibility except he was able to make money from writing lame music in era before Internet. Corgan thinks he is a self made man but in reality he is a corporate made man himself as his money was made through music promotions. He praises Alex and his appearance on Piers Morgan. The guy is a joke. he makes another appearance on Alex Jone's a year later wearing a femine scarf inside the warm studios of Alex Jones headquarters in Austin ,Texas. Perhaps the cable news and shows have made Billy femine.
Ukrainian soldiers ready to show backbone
Ali Muhammed
Leonoid beloskrov of the Ukraine army was pissed. Ukraine was finally making a move to reclaim some of the police stations Russian terrorists had illegally take over and for once since this crisis hit the Ukrainians were showing some spine. They captured a few stations and shot up some dirty Russian supremacy terrorists in see Eastern Ukraine lands that are now up for grabs thanks to a resurgent Russian empire that is gaining power ago an through addiction to their oil and gas reserves. Lieutenant Beloskrov was ready to continue the action and for these Russian bastards out of public buildings that belong to the government of Ukraine. However they were pulled back as Ladamir Putin's threats to rush across the borders for a full invasion. The Ukrainian army has to be careful not to fall into the trap and have fake atrocities reported by insurgent Russians. The first shots of this brutal war have finally been started and seeing these dead Russians whose terror tactics to take over government buildings of authority have been thwarted by the brave forces of Ukrainain national armies. These armies are slowly making their way East to confront the Russian bear that has already taken a key strategic location in a quick fashion.
Leonoid beloskrov of the Ukraine army was pissed. Ukraine was finally making a move to reclaim some of the police stations Russian terrorists had illegally take over and for once since this crisis hit the Ukrainians were showing some spine. They captured a few stations and shot up some dirty Russian supremacy terrorists in see Eastern Ukraine lands that are now up for grabs thanks to a resurgent Russian empire that is gaining power ago an through addiction to their oil and gas reserves. Lieutenant Beloskrov was ready to continue the action and for these Russian bastards out of public buildings that belong to the government of Ukraine. However they were pulled back as Ladamir Putin's threats to rush across the borders for a full invasion. The Ukrainian army has to be careful not to fall into the trap and have fake atrocities reported by insurgent Russians. The first shots of this brutal war have finally been started and seeing these dead Russians whose terror tactics to take over government buildings of authority have been thwarted by the brave forces of Ukrainain national armies. These armies are slowly making their way East to confront the Russian bear that has already taken a key strategic location in a quick fashion.
What Lieutenant Beloskrov and other Ukrainians need aside from Anglo name changes is American air power to protect their movements as they bravely make their way to the Russian border. They have made their movements in many key. Eastern Ukranian cities such as Slaviansk. The cover of the Wall Street Journal showing these early battles is breath taking as we are in the brink of a historical war that could be as brutal and lengthy as the one of a hundred years ago. These are scary times and the quietness of the Ukranian front will soon explode as men like Lieutenant Beloskrov will soon be advancing and having their chance for revenge and bloodshed on the Russian separatists that want to weaken the Ukrainain people and respe the borders to the advantage of an increasing expanding resurgent Russian empire.
Georgia bars like the Boars Nest to have guns
Baxter Lomax
The radical state of Georgia just allowed to let gun owners carry firearms in a variety of public places including bars. This is one of the most absurd pieces of shit pieces of legislation I have ever heard of and I would never go to a bar in Georgia. I mean could you imagine the Boars Nest in Hazzard County ever allowing guns in the seventies. This is a bad idea folks and I feel for my fellow bartenders that have to attend right wing rednecks in this miserable red state. The image of the good old boys and the fighting that is perverse in this state really was captured by the Dukes of Hazzard television show and there were many bar room fights in the Boars Nest.
I only keep referring to the Boars Nest and this television sow because it was fictionally located in Georgia, but I have been to Georgia and worked briefly in some honky tonk places over there and the idea of people being allowed to carry guns is scary. What this tell means when it becomes legal that over fifty percent of the bar patrons likely will be carrying Saturday night specials on Saturday nights in places like the Boars Nest. The policy scanners and cb radios will be very busy these weekend nights and what's going to happen is police will just have to stage a squad car in the parking lot just as they do whenever there are carnivals and summer feats. I am just glad I am working at the Itasca Inn in Illinois, a state with common sense not to allow guns in bars.
Guns in bars just do not mix and I feel sorry a bi for those rednecks that will be caught in the crossfires in the lands where they fire up crosses.
I only keep referring to the Boars Nest and this television sow because it was fictionally located in Georgia, but I have been to Georgia and worked briefly in some honky tonk places over there and the idea of people being allowed to carry guns is scary. What this tell means when it becomes legal that over fifty percent of the bar patrons likely will be carrying Saturday night specials on Saturday nights in places like the Boars Nest. The policy scanners and cb radios will be very busy these weekend nights and what's going to happen is police will just have to stage a squad car in the parking lot just as they do whenever there are carnivals and summer feats. I am just glad I am working at the Itasca Inn in Illinois, a state with common sense not to allow guns in bars.
Matt Lewis and his guest Scott Winship worried about Thomas Pitketty
Troy York
As old heroes die, such as Michael Ruppert, new ones are discovered and I was pleasantly pleased to listen to conservative Matt Lewis and some right wing think tank guest of his discuss this French economist sensation Thomas Piketty. The other day they were discussing this new blue chipper that has come out of no where and created a buzz everywhere with his stats and discussions about inequality that capitalism is creating even more. These guys are clearly worried and the Manhattan institute sent one of their highest paid scholars on to Matt Lewis to promote the article he wrote to try to discredit Mr Piketty. Scott Winship wrote and explained this article for ..cough cough..Forbes magazine about how Mr Piketty is just a modern day Marxist and this is really a battle they should not be fighting still.
In the minds of Forbes editors and think tank free market writers like this loser anyone who criticizes the inequality are communists who just want to take other peoples wealth. These losers just don't want to have the truth let out that basically the wealth they defend actually depends on the exploitation of others who have their work and wealth taken away from them by the capitalist class. These are facts that institutions like the Manhattan Institute and other right wing think tanks are desperately trying to hide from the masses and a man like Thomas Piketty creating buzz are getting these wusses worried about how they are going to retain their power. Scott Winship is just some Forbes contributing piece of shit trying to keep the status quo for the upper 1%.This is why white people who are massively rich want to redistribute their money into causes and politicians whose main purpose is to protect them. Matt Lewis is no dummy and he knows the tide is turning and no amount of lame little podcasts with these liars will turn the flow. In fact, Lewis was amazed and said that fifteen years ago you would not have seen men like Paul Krugman or this new French sensation Piketty even dare to speak up against the power of capitalism and rightful inequality in society.
As old heroes die, such as Michael Ruppert, new ones are discovered and I was pleasantly pleased to listen to conservative Matt Lewis and some right wing think tank guest of his discuss this French economist sensation Thomas Piketty. The other day they were discussing this new blue chipper that has come out of no where and created a buzz everywhere with his stats and discussions about inequality that capitalism is creating even more. These guys are clearly worried and the Manhattan institute sent one of their highest paid scholars on to Matt Lewis to promote the article he wrote to try to discredit Mr Piketty. Scott Winship wrote and explained this article for ..cough cough..Forbes magazine about how Mr Piketty is just a modern day Marxist and this is really a battle they should not be fighting still.
Gheorgui Martov will not be seen around Rivers casino in Des Plaines , Illinois
Tony Miselli
Gheorgui Martov or known as George or dick ass among his friends, will not be seen gambling nor playing cards in the various Chicago area casinos. I use to see this fuck in the casino in Hammond over the years pissing away money like there was no tomorrow an I always wondered hos this fuck can spend so freely like this. Casinos were pretty much a corrupt international and Las Vegas institution where people came from all over the world to play with their corrupt stolen money. This has always been known and the fact that America has ow allowed all these casinos over the years to operate and flourish shows the system in this country has become as corrupted as in Russia or Pakistan. The IRS needs to go through all these guys and do an audit and check their backgrounds and they all have accounts with profiles on web sites like card Player.com and others. I vividly remember a time where the only place to gamble your corrupt dirty money in America was either in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. The rise of casinos and corrupt practices in America from the one percent is no accident and a correlation.
Back to this fuck head. Martov was recently indicted alongside 16 of his fellow swarthy Bulgarians of a massive credit card fraud between the states and Europe and the exposure of what a nut is guy was is shown in court papers. This little pencils suck threatened to cut up people in pieces and of kidnappings to get back money that was owned him. Clearly this guy had his own debts despite this thriving fraudulent operation that was netting him millions a month and on e again I say these high rollers in casinos all over the nation are not playing with honest hard earned money. Gheorgui or dick ass was a registered card player and you can see his bio all over the various internet card playing sites on the web and he definitely looks like a psychotic son of a bitch. in another day and another era in America this dirty son of a bitch would of been some bar back saloon gun slinging card player killing his opponent like Wild Bill Hiccup. it dawned upon me one day playing with these fucks (yes I am registered too) that nobody would be risking the money they actually have to earn legitimately and all these people are somehow connected to underworld of deceit and embezzle. You will not be seeing the Vicodin addicted George Martov in any casinos in America or Bulgaria anytime soon as the only thing his hands will be playing will be balls and not cards.
Gheorgui Martov or known as George or dick ass among his friends, will not be seen gambling nor playing cards in the various Chicago area casinos. I use to see this fuck in the casino in Hammond over the years pissing away money like there was no tomorrow an I always wondered hos this fuck can spend so freely like this. Casinos were pretty much a corrupt international and Las Vegas institution where people came from all over the world to play with their corrupt stolen money. This has always been known and the fact that America has ow allowed all these casinos over the years to operate and flourish shows the system in this country has become as corrupted as in Russia or Pakistan. The IRS needs to go through all these guys and do an audit and check their backgrounds and they all have accounts with profiles on web sites like card Player.com and others. I vividly remember a time where the only place to gamble your corrupt dirty money in America was either in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. The rise of casinos and corrupt practices in America from the one percent is no accident and a correlation.
Back to this fuck head. Martov was recently indicted alongside 16 of his fellow swarthy Bulgarians of a massive credit card fraud between the states and Europe and the exposure of what a nut is guy was is shown in court papers. This little pencils suck threatened to cut up people in pieces and of kidnappings to get back money that was owned him. Clearly this guy had his own debts despite this thriving fraudulent operation that was netting him millions a month and on e again I say these high rollers in casinos all over the nation are not playing with honest hard earned money. Gheorgui or dick ass was a registered card player and you can see his bio all over the various internet card playing sites on the web and he definitely looks like a psychotic son of a bitch. in another day and another era in America this dirty son of a bitch would of been some bar back saloon gun slinging card player killing his opponent like Wild Bill Hiccup. it dawned upon me one day playing with these fucks (yes I am registered too) that nobody would be risking the money they actually have to earn legitimately and all these people are somehow connected to underworld of deceit and embezzle. You will not be seeing the Vicodin addicted George Martov in any casinos in America or Bulgaria anytime soon as the only thing his hands will be playing will be balls and not cards.
Herman the human Ape and other zoo stories
Andy Cruz
Herman the ape was raised by a rich human family whose need for exotic pets put this wonderful creatures life in a discountenance. Her manlike most Chimps would get to dangerous to keep around the house and this family shipped him off to a zoo. He was once again abandoned by a family this time the adopted human family that had Aiken him in from the wild after poachers killed his Chimp one. Herman was bewildered and confused after being raised as a human and then being confided with his own kind that he felt were inferior.
Herman thought of himself as human and his life in captivity in a zoo is chronicled in the book "Zoo Story" by the author Thomas French. This book describes the behind the scenes of the Tampa Zoo with many interesting stories on how they obtain their animals in the wild for a miserable existence for human entertainment in this dreaded institution called zoos. The book also explains the sale of a herd of wild elephants from a reserve in South Africa and the battle to fly them to their new living confided arrangement after living like the wild animals they were born for most of their lives. Zoos are a tragedy for the wildlife that have to endure the humuliation of life in captivity and nothing illustrates tis than Herman the ape.A good book by Mr French.
He has a fondness for blondes from years as an infant being raised by buxom blondes of Scandinavian heritage and zoo officials clear know he will never mate with his own kind. Herman the ape acted and was a big old lovalbe animal and a very popular attraction and had a resemblence in actions to another Herman from the sixties televsion show the Munsters.
Herman is top dog in his pen and weak male chimps are brought in as it to pose much harm to Herman and his virgin Chimp harem, but the fact of the matter is that Herman wants to be let out Nd roam like other humans. Reading tis book you really get a sense of the dejection that Herman feels and the struggles he and all the animals in zoos around the country must face in their precarious situation on Earth.
Herman the ape was raised by a rich human family whose need for exotic pets put this wonderful creatures life in a discountenance. Her manlike most Chimps would get to dangerous to keep around the house and this family shipped him off to a zoo. He was once again abandoned by a family this time the adopted human family that had Aiken him in from the wild after poachers killed his Chimp one. Herman was bewildered and confused after being raised as a human and then being confided with his own kind that he felt were inferior.
Hardees is the living example of Burger World
Arturo Armando
Hardees is popping up all over Chicagoland and this fast food franchise has been discussed already on this blog. This franchise is the epitome of what is wrong with fast food and the menu offerings and proud massive calorie combo meals should make the CEO of Hardees blush when he leaves his limo.
One must ask who is this CEO of Carl Jrs and Hardees who many in the fast food journalist fields feel is the closest thing America has to a real life Burger World. Burger World for those of you who don't know is the fictional workplace of one Beavis and Butthead MTV cartoons who showed the sloppiness and dirty behind the scenes of most of your fast food teenager places. I once worked at a Taco Johns with a all white teenage crew in Bloomington and they were just the average types of a Beavis and Butthead.
So back to hardees CEO.
His name is Andy Puzder but his friends call him pudzt for short. he looks like he could of worked not too long ago in Hardees behind the counter. he looks like the average customer you would find at a Burger World type eatery around rural and suburban America. This is a guy who has no shame to be associated with the awful food that Hardees puts out helping fatten up a more unhealthy America even more. As you can see his hairline has dropped dramatically since he has been CEO and has likely eaten a lot of free meals at Carl Juniors/Hardees.
Say what we want about this guy he is creating growth thanks likely to generous tax breaks from local governments who want to dumb down even more their working class population while they corrupt the process from a lower level. The growth of this really dreadful fast food company has been surprising from someone like me who follows the industry and is embarrassed when foreigners ask why there are so many of the same restaurants dotting the land. I tell them places like carl Jrs,Hardees,Burger King, and Burger World are really not restaurants just a cortopcracy business land grab at key intersections people must pass in their cruddy towns ridding their cruddy cars at the same places. we have people like Andy Puzder and unnamed local officials to thank for this.
Hardees is popping up all over Chicagoland and this fast food franchise has been discussed already on this blog. This franchise is the epitome of what is wrong with fast food and the menu offerings and proud massive calorie combo meals should make the CEO of Hardees blush when he leaves his limo.
One must ask who is this CEO of Carl Jrs and Hardees who many in the fast food journalist fields feel is the closest thing America has to a real life Burger World. Burger World for those of you who don't know is the fictional workplace of one Beavis and Butthead MTV cartoons who showed the sloppiness and dirty behind the scenes of most of your fast food teenager places. I once worked at a Taco Johns with a all white teenage crew in Bloomington and they were just the average types of a Beavis and Butthead.
So back to hardees CEO.
Trying to recruit another Bush
Jim Oberwieght
Jeb Bush is being pushed to run for president by right wing Republicans who are nostalgic for the days they were able to win presidential elections. They have not won an election by a man not named Bush since 1988 and in their desperation they are recant out to another Bush for 2016. People with it money think that just running Jeb Bush out there and having him go and speak will be good enough and tis should not be surprising since many of the wealth believe in a dynastic economic royalty for America. With the prospect of yet another Bush-Clinton race this even more rings true and only a black man named Obama stopped this trend. Jeb Bush doesn't stand a chance and the thing Republicans alto realize is how hated the Bush name is and the arrogance of these big money founders to think this nation wold actually elect another man named Bush..who is related to number 41 and 43. C'mon.
If Jeb Bush used his head and wanted to save some of his friends money he would just say right now that he knows he is not winnable as a candidate and end this speculation from right wingers once and for all. Jeb tough likes the publicity and maybe the fact that two of his relatives held the post makes this guy irrational enough to think he can continue the dynasty. Jewish lucky just to be governed a state even if it was Florida and clearly had the geek not been a Bush he wouldn't of risen higher than a state assemblymen. I doubt that he would even have reached that height without the Bush name. Florida is a basket case because of right wing Republicans like himself and there are likely as many Republicans that think tis guy is a fool. Lets end this Jeb Bush talk for ow and let the Republicans find a new name to trow out there and lose another election.
Jeb Bush is being pushed to run for president by right wing Republicans who are nostalgic for the days they were able to win presidential elections. They have not won an election by a man not named Bush since 1988 and in their desperation they are recant out to another Bush for 2016. People with it money think that just running Jeb Bush out there and having him go and speak will be good enough and tis should not be surprising since many of the wealth believe in a dynastic economic royalty for America. With the prospect of yet another Bush-Clinton race this even more rings true and only a black man named Obama stopped this trend. Jeb Bush doesn't stand a chance and the thing Republicans alto realize is how hated the Bush name is and the arrogance of these big money founders to think this nation wold actually elect another man named Bush..who is related to number 41 and 43. C'mon.
If Jeb Bush used his head and wanted to save some of his friends money he would just say right now that he knows he is not winnable as a candidate and end this speculation from right wingers once and for all. Jeb tough likes the publicity and maybe the fact that two of his relatives held the post makes this guy irrational enough to think he can continue the dynasty. Jewish lucky just to be governed a state even if it was Florida and clearly had the geek not been a Bush he wouldn't of risen higher than a state assemblymen. I doubt that he would even have reached that height without the Bush name. Florida is a basket case because of right wing Republicans like himself and there are likely as many Republicans that think tis guy is a fool. Lets end this Jeb Bush talk for ow and let the Republicans find a new name to trow out there and lose another election.
The time the late Andrew Breitbart appeared on the smart people podcast some years ago
Lionel Wagner
I finally got down in the shows history of a podcast called Smart Peoples Podcast where they finally interviewed someone I actually heard of through the media. Andrew Breitbart is now dead and along with his death he takes away his nausea complaints that the media is too liberal and not objective and this was pretty much the crusade of this right wing lunatic. It is men like Andrew breibart, usually funded by think tanks and big money, that have dome their share of polarizing the American public through the media airwaves which thus eventually reaches politicians through their constituents.
Andrew Breitbart is in a better place right now...for the rest of humanity and the political views and anger of Andrew definitely showed on this show with Christ Stemp in episode 20 of the smart people podcast. Breitbart thinks the media should just declare their political allegiances as in his mind any reporting that seems critical of an issue or person he backs is political bias. maybe he should of examined right wing conservatism and ideology a little more and open his eyes and mind to why it would be dealt with much criticism in the media.
It doesn't sad me that we will have to sit through any more interviews where Breitbart will ramble on the need for a more conservative balance to liberal media when in fact media is corporate usually funded by rich jag offs like him who want to spread inequality in America as to divide and be provided with labor more cheaply. His lame website lives on unfortunately and continues to repeat the same nonsense that Andrew spit out that can be heard on my favorite podcast the smart people podcast.
I finally got down in the shows history of a podcast called Smart Peoples Podcast where they finally interviewed someone I actually heard of through the media. Andrew Breitbart is now dead and along with his death he takes away his nausea complaints that the media is too liberal and not objective and this was pretty much the crusade of this right wing lunatic. It is men like Andrew breibart, usually funded by think tanks and big money, that have dome their share of polarizing the American public through the media airwaves which thus eventually reaches politicians through their constituents.
Andrew Breitbart is in a better place right now...for the rest of humanity and the political views and anger of Andrew definitely showed on this show with Christ Stemp in episode 20 of the smart people podcast. Breitbart thinks the media should just declare their political allegiances as in his mind any reporting that seems critical of an issue or person he backs is political bias. maybe he should of examined right wing conservatism and ideology a little more and open his eyes and mind to why it would be dealt with much criticism in the media.
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