Alex Mouslolopolous
The alien looking Billy Corgan appeared two times in celebrated discussions on the Alex Jones show the past few years and these videos seem to have many views. I have watched them and think these videos are utterly nonsense as are most things you will come across the Alex Jones show. It is really hard to tell who has each others nose in the a is of the other. Billy Corgan is evidently a fan of this rabble rouser bullshit artist Alex Jones. Billy looks fucked up in both appearances talking about the music industry and upset somehow he is not has rich as other musical ads were in the past. Billy's also upset that young people are also not so into music like his generation and its role in the culture is not as dominating.
Corgan wonders where the artistic dissent of today's musicians and Billy doesn't get that the reason why there was sixties and a culture of dissent is because it was new. Anytime you have something that is new there are more opportunities to have dissent. Corgan must of forgot that ere was a 9/11 and maybe many people support the drones killing terrorists overseas and other policy that he feels people and musicians should be outraged. Mass media was nothing in the sixties like it is today and the great praising that a Billy Corgan hopes to see against the corporate state will be missed by people who enjoy the channels that cable has to offer. Billy came on the first interviews with a silly fishing hat talking about how he refuses to watch television because it has castrated the male. Billy wants people to rebel yell like Billy Idol but the side of the debate that Corgan Billy wants people to fight for it libertarian ideas that preserve wealth of people like Corgan. Billy is worried and in this first interview he doesn't agree with occupy movement and talks of redistribution. He talks about trying to create wealth instead of redistribution although if this guy had any brain in a world with limited resource and the climate devastation this extraction has caused there is little growth for wealth accumulation with what we have seen in the past.
Guys like Billy Crogan are so outspoken these days because they think that the money he earned from writing some silly jingles should not be touched from a government moving towards the left unwilling to give the rich the privileges they once enjoyed under Republican administrations. Bald Billy is just full of shit and greed dictates his expressions on these wacky programs. He has no credibility except he was able to make money from writing lame music in era before Internet. Corgan thinks he is a self made man but in reality he is a corporate made man himself as his money was made through music promotions. He praises Alex and his appearance on Piers Morgan. The guy is a joke. he makes another appearance on Alex Jone's a year later wearing a femine scarf inside the warm studios of Alex Jones headquarters in Austin ,Texas. Perhaps the cable news and shows have made Billy femine.
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