Cornball Steve Kornecki and the rest of the MSNBC work overtime and overdrive to help Kamala Harris with fake polling data

 Ali Muhammed

   Make no mistake the MSNBC network is a national network that is essentially Democrat Party media and this is the ultimate goal of this evil and wicked network. They fill their airwaves with the most psychotic Anti-American Anti-Republican rhetoric where it is obvious that this news network is a wing and an alliance asset of the Democrat Party. With this in mind the numerous psychopaths of the MSNBC network cannot be understated and one of their more interesting ones is this geek nerd named Steve Kornecki. This is a guy who jumps around acting like he is the Chris Farley Saturday Night Live over exaggeration character Ned Farley. MSNBCs election" expert" and extravertor  Steven Carnegie overly exaggerates his interest and obsession with big screens and their polling data election news. The biggest scam of the media is these concocted polls that they used to try to manipulate and determine elections and the daily direction and talk of polls is a undemocratic process that the media has perfected. what polls are pretend election results before the actual election an d this is exactly what purpose this fake polling data that the media and these organizations create to try and concoct a direction that an election.              Steve Kornacki is lying to you as are any media personalities and YouTubers who talk about

polls and might take on polls is they are unofficial elections before an election where no one votes and the polling pricks determine the numbers through their fake and pretend of collecting data. There is nothing more stupid than the talk of polls  and yet the media and the internet are obsessed asscesing this stupidity and continue to have these pretend "elections or polls" before an election  as I call them. The absurdity and stupidity of Steve Carnegie pretending he's some basketball coach going through these screens trying to make out the fake data and the public direction and

elections  are going is absolutely asinine and absurd. I cannot believe.... I cannot believe.... I cannot believe there's not more of a drive to stop polling talks and the media obsession would poll for all major elections and this country examine of the stupidity obsession with polls. Steve Kornecki is the biggest fucking geek in our media outside of Daniel Dale and the fact that this fuck head cornball gets a media mainstream position to talk in front of cameras and act like he's of some importance. This screwball Steve Kornecki gets to play importance and think to himself as some Noble King because some executives make decision to put this silly fool on the

television and Kornecki is a fucking dipshit who should never be on television to begin with. Possible along with him SMBC to help the candidate to see a Kamala Harris and essentially this is a role that MSNBC serves as Democrat Party Media hiring the likes of these nerds to troll and annoy people in this country synchronicki is lying to you about friends and political data polling and these numbers this shit had in many other people do when they talk about polls don't mean fucking anything and are meant to try to sway people not to vote to think that the election is over

Jesse Watters calls out "crazy" Kamala Harris and the crazy Democrat Party as a existential Venezuelan type threat

      Bradly Austin

     Blasting the heckling hen of Kamala Harris Fox News Jesse Watters utterly destroyed this far left extremist and failed former politician and attorney general from Kalifornia. Jesse Watters has been hammering this disgusting Democrat nominee who did not win any elections to essentially get handed the nomination. Kamala Harris is a radical member of the far-left and electing her would be akin to electing Joy Reid of MSNBC. With this in mind Jesse Watters destroyed  "crazy" Kamala Harris on his Fox News nightly show that he has been doing ever since the Democrat Party has attempted to ordain the silly laugh goofy daw woman as the next leader. So far, the surge to come out of Harris ignores the exposure of Kamala

Harris as much of the country does not know her as a pretty obscure Left Coast politician from a failed state where people continue to flee. Only illegal immigrants account for how Kalifornia has not rapidly declined its population and gone towards Mississippi status.  Jesse Waters says that what is coming for Kamala Harris is going to be damage control as the radically dangerous policies of this "crazy" woman as he described her will be known more in the next 100 days. 

    Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are crazy individuals and the willingness of voters to like such an obviously crazy and deranged mentally ill woman will be tested. Kalifornia can be called a dangerous and crazy state because menial minded  leaders in his political system. Whether they be the CCP Chinese Plant Ted Lieu,  nut ball Eric's Slawwell who passed information to China, to the scumbag Adam Schiff (who is always been a scumbag), too Snake Hair salesman Gavin Newsom, and of course San Francisco's own Kamala Harris. To describe the Democrat Party of today especially those coming from Western States as radical and crazy would be understated. Jesse Waters said that this woman is

very dangerous and if she was ever elected she would fulfill a promise she had when she was running in 2020 and this was to totally empty the prisons of all violence. The water one pointed out to his Fox viewers how Kamala Harris wants to reimagine the police and essentially this means defunding them and going softer and ignoring many violent crime and Let It Go unprosecuted.

Jesse Watters played several videos showing Kamala Harris's position and just how crazy this thingie bad politcian from California who would be out of politics had idiot Joe Biden not picked her to be his vice president. Kamala Harris and her political career after the failure of 2020 was dead which then this old Delaware bastard DEI obsessed bribed President Joe Biden wanted to revive the Frankenstein politics and craziness of Kamala Harris. To say that Kamala Harris is crazy would be an understatement

Barry Cunningham and Gregory Foreman bash and troll the hell out of Stephen A Smith

       Jerry O' Leary

    Referring to Stephen A Smith as a black harry Sisson as both Barry Cunningham and Gregory Foreman of the Black Desert Perspective have talked about the constant flip flopping of the pay for plate political analysis of dipshit Stephen A smith. Doing their best Jason Whitlock impersonation both men played various clips of Stephan A Smith desperately simping for Kamala Harris and clearly this narcissist Smith wants some cabinet position perhaps head the Department of Sports.  The loudmouth Stephen A Smith boring ESPN analyst is slowly making the transition from sports to political talk and the willingness of Stephen A Smith to troll both sides is a favorite tactic of extremely narcissist psychopaths that he has always been a part of the sports

obsessed media. Barry Cunningham very Cunningham trolled and destroyed Stephen A Smith and his recent video on his YouTube channel that Donald Trump should be challenging Kamala Harris and he looks scared by not agreeing and ready to debate kamala. The primarily likely candidate for the Democrat Party Kamala Harris is spending the global order money and clearly this greedy fucker Stephan Smith wants some of those Kamal Greenbacks this

Stephan A Smith is so obsessed with money. Both Gregory Foreman and Barry Cunningham have been bashing Stephen A Smith in recent months as this ESPN libtard idiot continues to put his ugly old face and loud mouth into the political Arena and much of the time Steve just like in sports Stephen A Smith doesn't know what the shit he's talking about. Is Stephen A Smith


continues to have cable medium monopolies to put his ugly face out there to spread misinformation and talking points and they are doing their best Jason Whitlock impersonation. Both Gregory Foreman and Barry Cunningham utterly humiliated Stephen A Smith through numerous videos in the past months is however, Barry Cunningham's recent take calling CJ  Smith a white harry Sisson and countering the assertion that Stephen a shit had says that the bipartisan border bill was not done on orders of Donald Trump. without evidence Stephen A Smith keeps saying this along with other liberals and is making the

assertion that Donald Trump should not be running from and debate Kamala Harris. In actuality, Donald Trump doesn't need it to be at any debates with Kamala as he didn't debate more worthwhile candidates in the Republican primaries.  Trump needs to treat Kamala Harris as a retread not worthy of an actual appearance and discussion. Gregory Foreman ,the black conservative perspective, often mocks the takes that Stephen A Smith does reading from a Democrat Party pamphlet and quite literally Stephen A Smith just is a play to pay fake broadcaster who doesn't even give a shit either way of the world of politics.

        Stephen A Smith is a neo classical narcissist who is demanding in need of attention and thus he is looking for other outlets to get his aging and lying ass onto the screens. Stephen A Smith was neither a successful coach in the sport of basketball nor a player, yet ESPN and the likes treat this man with royalty such respect like he is some media king and that he has these accomplishments on his resume. Why ESPN continues to fund and promote this silly jackass remains one of the seven Mysteries of the modern media world. Barry

Cunningham infected Stephan A smith's brain in an almost 2 hour live podcast talking about this ESPN piece of shit and now kamala clown Stephen A Smith and how he's become a clown for Kamala and a joke on the political world. To say that Stephen A Smith should stick to sports would be an understatement

Josh Hawley comes to Butler, Pennsylvania to check out the near assassination of site and he blames Josh Shapiro and challenges him to a fight

Paulie Smalley

     Missouri senator and Patriot Josh Hawley came to the site of the near disaster in near assassination of Donald Trump. Josh Hawley appeared in the week following the attempted assassination of presidential Front runner Donald Trump in several videos and talked about the situation on the ground and the failed lack of security detail that might have been done on purpose. Josh Hawley put full blame on the disgusting governor and power-hungry madman of

Pennsylvania known as Josh Shapiro. Clearly someone gave the orders for the Secret Service and local police to back down and go weak in protection as the Democratic party and the Biden Harris Democrat globalist ticket is desperate and it's running scared of losing to Donald Trump. With this in mind, they attempted to take him out and most likely this being Pennsylvania the orders came from the top and from Josh Shapiro. Meanwhile, the Missouri senator checked out the evidence and the site going on the slope roof to the grounds where Donald Trump himself was standing and he suggested and pointed that all evidence shows for a cover-up of a lack of outstanding Secret Service protection for Donald Trump.


    Whether this was done on purpose remains to be seen but Josh Hawley challenged stupid Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to a fight right there on the same grounds of Butler, Pennsylvania near assassination and  Mr Hawly is pretty convinced. We have long suggested that perhaps Josh Hawley along with John Fetterman pre-planned and attack and assassination against the former president who is trying to be president once again. Josh Hawley is not stupid and many people who use their brain can put two and two together and see that given the location and the actual power in Pennsylvania at the time that the disgusting and greedy Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro somehow was

involved in this Democrat Mafia mob hit attack against Donald Trump. Josh Hawley challenge Josh Shapiro to a fist fight right there on the grounds as there are answers that need to be questioned from the Pennsylvania governor, who the Kamala Harris team are actually considering to having has her running mate . Josh Shapiro is a fuck head Jew who is so power hungry and determined to steal the presidency for himself one day much like Joe Biden did in 2020 that it would not be beyond him to likely order a assassination against Donald Trump. We would love to see Josh Hawley quietly kick this nerd's face and ass as given a fight between the two politicians clearly descended Hollywood Hawley would kick the living tar out of Josh Shapiro's dumb ass.

Nicholas Maduro steals another election making Mike Figuredo of a Humanist Report in South American David Packman proud

   Ryne " Bozo" Bosworth

     What we having this country is an infiltration of the podcast left-wing and the socialist internationals through various podcasts and propaganda outlets including the Humanist Report, which quite literally has a Cuban communist named Michael Figueredo along with our favorite podcaster we love to bash Venezuelan David Pakman the praise and support for the election rigging of Nicholas Maduro was insane. Nicholas Maduro as a South American Communist bastard and Migra pig stole another election

and the regression of Venezuelan politics was admired and copycatted by the Americans Democrat party. Nicholas Maduro got 52% of the vote and what was obviously a vote that was not in tune with polling Data before the election in this socialist country whom scumbag Hugo Chavez turned from a capitalist country into a communist one. Nicholas Maduro for the second time in 6 years has stolen election as he hand-picked maggot former bus driver of Hugo Chavez was appointed by the communist to be the next leader. 

      Maduro was elected in the first election but the last two was obviously rigged as the Mad Dog South American dictator and brutal genocidal killer has stolen election where he was headed for a landslide loss. International podcasters Mike Figuredo of the Humanist Report is an actual walking and talking communist if one is ever watched this boring ass left-wing podcast. Mike Figuredo  came out and supported the Venezuelan dictator and says that the popularity of Nicholas Maduro is an indication of the continued Yankee interference and meddling of the United States and the Biden Administration.

Likewise Venezuelan born bastard David Pakman- who comes from a very elite and socialist family- - came out and said absolutely nothing as all he talks about is Donald Trump three times a day and put no post or  videos talk of his native lands. Venezuelan elections talk by Pakman and obvious rigging was crickets on the David Pakman propagandist podcast this is because David Packman is a worthless

propagandist much like Mike Figuredo and together these two worthless human beings and slime balls are propaganda for the international socialist movement that propped up such scum as bus driver Nicolas Maduro. They did that a open and communist country such as resource rich Venezuela can obviously rig elections and prevent the people from having a Democratic vote is early disgusting and could change with a American intervention and invasion which this law less country is long necessarily needed to end its tyrannical dictatorship of Nicholas Maduro. Nicholas

Maduro is an animal and a savage who quite literally has forced 20% of the population to flee this country with his brutal tactics of this mad authoritarian and he is a poster child why we have to keep the Democrat Party and their fascism in check at all time. Make no mistake kamala Harris is inspired likes Chavez's reimagination of Venezuela and

Kamala Harris is a big and open supportive supporter of Nicholas Maduro and his policies that he has initiated in Venezuela. and this woman would be like electing Nicholas Maduro into the White House propaganda to stay. The Packerman and Mike Figueredo clearly supports via third hearing brutality of Nicholas Maduro and they made this clear this week through various ways of their propagandist and craze left-wing Mania and manacle reporting. These two dipshits are among the many propagandists that we have in this country who supports Nicholas Madero, and the CCP Chinese, and Recep Tayipp Erodgan and the Palestinian terrorists and they will keep supporting them throughout their internet media careers.

WIND radio Chicago radios Shaun Thompson utterly eviscerates cockeyed Pramila Jayapal for lying about Kamala Harris's role as failed borders Czar

       Alex Leatherwood

     Chicago's incredible right-wing talk show host Shaun Thompson went off on the far-left socialist scumbag and ugly cockeyed bitch known as Pramila Jayapal. This horrible monster from the state of Washington is a perpetual gas lighter who lies out of her Indo-Pako ass whenever she gets a chance to speak whether it be from the media or in the halls of Congress.

Pramila Jayapal was once again gaslighting as this woman is so full of gas in her ass that she lights up trying to deny the fact that Kamala Harris was indeed the borders Czar and allowed millions and millions of drug peddlers and addicts into this country. Failed border Czar Kamal Harris was given this role and utterly failed and is Shaun Thompson WIND radio says the Democrats are trying to whitewash this history and do their own revision. Shaun Thompson eviscerated the ugly-face of this cockeyed congress monster from the state of Washington and this District that elects this maniac should be ashamed of themselves. 

          Much like we were able to get rid of Jamal Bowman there needs to be a concentrated effort against this fuck face from Washington and getting a more normal politician and not such a radical in this seat in Congress. Jackass Jayapal spoke on the house floor angered about impeachment charges against Kamala Harris and a resolution from the Republican-led congress that Kamala Harris was indeed the border Czar in charge are and she utterly failed as this fact needs to be documented. Pramala Jayapal came on the floor and as Shaun

Thompson says once again lit gas from her ugly fucking ass. Sean Thompson talked about the fake news of JD Vance having sex with a couch and Sean Thompson says that most men would rather have sex with a couch then with these disgusting female Democrats like Primila Jayapal who is an ugly motherfucker (umf). Thompson

says that our political system has been planted with these far-left communist socialists and the extremists within the squad and of far-left Democrats are out of control. Jayapal is a particular scum ass who lies habitually to the American people, to the media, and on the house floor and Shaun Thompson utterly eviscerated this cockeyed bitch and her constant having to re mention the 34 convictions against Donald Trump that were not crimes and basically were crimes made up of the extremists within the Democratic party such as this foreign-born monster Pramilia Jayapal. Shaun said this woman poses a existential threat and is a pure in out propagandist pushing some of the most radical beliefs and hate in their

political system to say that Pramila Jayapal is not a pal of this country and a radical communist anti-American extremist would be understated Pramilia Jayapal knows that come out here was the order star and she's a complete delusion and in denial as a lying politician and she quite literally is talking out of her fucking ugly ass

Morbidly obese weird and disgusting JB Pritzker calls in Jimmy Dore's podcast and calls JD Vance weird

      Benjamon Edmond

    The disgusting weird and repulsive fat Illinois gangster Governor JB Pritzker is out of control. The 300 lb plus corrupt governor of Illinois called into the Jimmy Dore podcast for a 7 minute quick interview as JB Pritzker was selling his fat ass to be possible vice-president for Kamala Harris. Unlike Roy Cooper and many others who are now rethinking and not wanting the vice president position and being attached to a failed candidate like Kamala Harris. The disgusting 320 lb JB Pritzker suggested he

would jump at the opportunity if given like he would at a free Golden Corral buffet. The fat multi-billionaire JB Pritzker who -- who was born into the very rich Pritzker family - - loves political power so much that he actually desires the VP and much like the state of Illinois he might just purchase it. JB Pritzker might actually purchase a vice president office much like he did the governor's mansion in it the land of Lincoln.

     JB Pritzker phoned and told Jimmy Door the usual new talking point of the word quote "weird"  to describe Republicans and in particular going after vice president candidate from Ohio JD Vance. JB" Boss Hog " Pritzker called JD Vance a weird motherfucker whom he called an embarrassment to the Midwest . what is weird though actually is word that best describes the Illinois corrupt governor as  this fat and disgusting Illinois governor some have suggested is a transvestite in the closet pretending to be

some sister pritzker of his. JB and Jamie Pritzker might indeed be the same individual as JB Pritzker is a weird fat motherfucker who's fortune as being born into the Hyatt Hotel Global magnet is the only explanation why such an unintelligent, fathead, stupid, dumbass individual like him is in political positions and power. Jimmy

Dpre laughed at the stupidity of JB Pritzker pretending he is a Chicago politician when in fact the fat son of a bitch admitted he was born in California to Jimmy when pressed and asked in this tough interview. JB Pritzker cut this interview short as Jimmy Dore was asking him several tough questions and the morbidly obese fat and disgusting 1930's era looking gangster took

several pot shots at JD Vance before he left. Pritzker repeated the new media line of Trump's vice president as weird and repeating the same media talking points that we've seen all over the media the past two days. Make no mistake though the 380 lb disgusting plutocratic oligarchy of JB Pritzker is Democrat Party weirdness where they allow these rich far-left Democrats to basically purchase their political office. This is what this morbidly obese Fathead Pritzker has done in the Land of Lincoln. JB Pritzker is a weird fat dude who is an embarrassment to have live in the state as his governor the governor of Illinois.

Racist Alden Loury opinion columnist for Chicago Sun Times more upset of the racist trolls not in Chicago then the actual black violence in Chicago

        Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

     WBEZ radio host ,editor, and sometimes Sun Times columnist Alden Loury went off in a recent article anger and triggered a month ago at the number of online trolls that bash Chicago. The windy city  saw one of the worst and most violent July 4th weekends as more than 100 people were shot and 20 were killed and the news media there reported this shocking figure included many online trolls such as bloggers and sites like this. Chicago is a display for urban violence weather Chicago sometimes writer Alden Loury and bad radio host wants to admit it or not and the heinous crimes committed in this the city is often done by people who look like him. Mr Loury was upset as he read the comments in new story after news story that he says was racially tinged and included many barbs as many people pointing out that indeed black urban violence in America's large cities are out of control and chaotic. 

    All Alden Loury though seems to be more upset at the online trolls pointing out the truth instead of the savage brutlaity and killing in his community.  Loury needs to face facts and sometimes the truth hurts and comes from trolls. The truth hurts Mr Loury as he knows that it is black people shooting and committing massive crime primarily against other black people, but also against non-blacks as well. If these were white people committing the crimes in urban cities and clearly Alden Loury would write different type of articles talking about the white menace and bashing white culture and society. For the black supremacists in our society , such as Alden Loury, voting  for such open and disgusting unqualified candidates whether they be Barack Obama or Kamala Harris who are committed to protecting the criminal is more the norm.  The pointing out the extreme violence in the black community in data that they don't want to hear and will accuse you of being racist instead of addressing why black communities are always associated with crime. Mr Alden Loury complains and cries about racist

comments left on web pages and talk of Chicago. Mr Loury will talk about poverty being the cause of much of the crime in Chicago, yet whenever I see urban people they seem to be dotted with the most up-to-date expensive brand sneakers, gold chains, and watches so I don't think violence violent is poverty   driven as most of the victims and those committing these crimes are filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold jewelry. Sometimes Mr Loury also blames segregation but much of segregation is self-segregation or the in  inability of black communities to draw outsiders who want to live in around

largely black communities as few would want to live as its all or predominately black communities as they always seem to be associated with high crime rates. In a sense though poverty should not be driving matter for crime and as often used as an excuse by the likes of Black power propagandists Alden Loury who is in complete denial of the crime stats in the large cities including Chicago. The likes of this

WBEZ radio host will always try to find other connections to link the extreme high crime rates of the black community instead of the individuals in this community itself and the glorification of gangs, massive drug pedaling, and a repulsive repugnant violent and sexual music that is a trademark of the blacks. The extreme violence in Chicago has nothing to do with residential covenants of neighborhoods 70 and 80 years ago and Alden Loury knows this and is not this dumb. what Alden Loury needs to do is to recognize the disproportionate levels of violent crime in his communities and addressing the core issues of lack of parenting and discipline along with values in these communities

Owl nerd John Oliver lies out of his ass about migrant crime attacks Republicans as propaganda

          Jay Yang

    Once again, the owl-face nerd globalist pawn scum from across the pond is spreading misinformation and propaganda. John Oliver is once again lying out of his ass about migrant crime and attempting to cover up the massive number of crimes, rapes, and murders that illegal aliens are bringing to this country. John Oliver is just disgusting owl nerd from London who comes to this country and preaches and pushes an extreme form of Democratic party

propaganda and media. Thankfully this man is not on nightly like the other late night propaganda and the owl face is only once every two or three weeks. John Oliver is a fucking nerd who lies out of his geeky ass and he did it once again as he covered the Republican National Convention and made an issue of migrant crime trying to down play its effect. The willingness of the Democratic party to cover up for illegal aliens as the political party for migrants is already reprehensible and the sycophants for the Democratic party such as John Oliver are always ready to propagandize to the public. 

       Mr Oliver - who likely lives in a gated community free from illegal presence- - wants to ignore the high amount of crime that people who should not be in this country are committing. The brutality of numerous murders against females by migrants is ignored by this scumbag from across the pond and John Oliver lied  out of his ass smearing republican speakers trying to make it seem like immigrants and those here crossing illegally have lower rates of crime which is utterly not true. John Oliver is only allowed to spread this misinformation from a corrupt media such as the global order of HBO and this disgusting human being brought up some stats that far left groups lie saying that aliens in Texas have crime rates 45% lower than natural born Americans. 

        John Oliver picks and chooses the most extreme and partisan polling on crime and indeed any percentage of illegal alien crime is egregious because it should not be occurring if not be for the Democrats willingness and Joe Biden's open borders profiteering from illegal migration. John Oliver has a man is a man of no credibility and little comedic value as most of his laughs are created by his tech team with their funny and cute little graphics. Nerd John Oliver quite literally is a dude who should be on a children's show with furry mascots and this idiuot savant should not talking politics. Oliver is another globalist late night propaganda program and he is among the most despicable individuals in our media

Patrick David Bet comes on Jesse Watters and makes claims that Kamala Harris radical fans are giving him death threats

         Andy Cruz

     Patrick David Bet on Jesse Waters program and has been allowed and vocal critic of horrible Democrat Party leftist candidate Kamala Harris. In fact, the Valuetainment  host told Jesse Waters that the amount of criticism that he has been giving Joe Biden and now the Kamala Harris campaign has led to numerous online and notorious death threats sent to the offices of his Value team at Studio in Miami The

number of death threats from Kamala Harris fans through both snail traditional snail mail and modern email has dumbfounded Patrick David Bet who says that perhaps 30 to 40 death threats have come in in recent days from his heavy criticism of Kamala Harris on Valuetainment. The willingness of the crazed Kamala Harris woke blue-haired far left crowd to attack and verbally and written communication of hate and death threats is utterly reprehensible. Kamala Harris needs to come out and condemn all these death threats that her followers are sending to various right-wing and conservative program hosts as just the other day Clay Travis got a nasty written letter that predicted he will be killed within 10 days. 

      The number of death threats that are coming from crazed Democrat Party followers and huge sycophants for Kamala Harris towards popular individuals such as Mr Travis and now David Bet Patrick needs to be highly condemned and the people sending these death threats need to be prosecuted. David Patrick came on Jesse Watterson says despite these numerous online death threats he is going to continue the hammer what is essentially a incompetent and unqualified individual running for president a in Kamala Harris. Patrick Bet David said that voters are not

going to fall for the media concocted popularity sudden popularity of this dipshit Kamala Harris who despite what some media says is not a young woman Kamala Harris is 60 going on 74. This woman is a cackling radical lunatic and electing Kamala Harris would essentially be like electing Whoopi Goldberg as president. Patrick David Bet said that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are shameful disgusting aspect of a political party and basically the globalist who are funding this party do so with a fascist and troll motivation of control

Death threats come to Clay Travis from deranged Kamala Harris racist extremists.

     Eric Ericson

    Outkick host Clay Travis has been a vocal critic of the Biden and Harris team often eviscerating the failed policies and brutal political history of Camal Face Harris. The Outkick and national talk radio host and who does a program with his buddy Jimmy Sexton have tore the ass of Joe Biden before and have continued to do so afterwards often laughing and mocking the candidacy of unpopular and disdained Kamala Haris. With this in mind, Clay Travis did a show declaring a handwritten death threat that he has received mailed to the studio of the program he runs with Mr Sexton. Clay Travis read the letter and

contacted police live on the air and the letter contained a dribbled and diatribe of nonsense and hate directed towards Clay Travis that was clearly written by a supporter of Kamala Harris and done by a lunatic individual. Just like the box Tops Clay Travis received the letter and his life will never be the same as some baby write him a letter. 

     The letter written by a psychotic Kamal Harris cultist made numerous death threats giving a day which clay would be killed and which Travis left unknown. The disgusting pathetic act from a likely democrat has shocked and appalled the internet of conservative talk and sports. The fact that a radio host and frequent FOX news host and annalist would actually get a delusional mad hate and death threat is indicative of our political system. The dangerous and delusional democrat fascist party is angered at critics and mockery from their political opponents and many have rushed to the defense on-lie and letter writing campaign including this deranged letter and death threat to Mr Travis. One would think there is a strong possibility that one oif kamala's top people might of penned this death threat letter and whoever

penned this letter was determined to silence and scare Clay Travis. Mr. Travis is not scared, and he came on his radio show and doubled down of his hate and ridicule of Kamala Harris saying this woman is running scared and explains why she speaks such un understanble nonsense and gibberish. Clay and Buck reaffirmed that Kamala Harris says some of the stupidest innate phrases as Kamala and both pondered whether Kamala Harris is a heavy legalized weed or coke user and some explanation of why

Kamala Haris is so ridiculous and crazy as so often she appears. regardless of what the mainstream media attempts to do to reimagine Kamala Harris the fact is this woman and her followers are extremists and it is not surprising a vocal radio critic and personality such as Clay Travis would get a death threat from on e of kamala's deranged followers.