Nicholas Maduro steals another election making Mike Figuredo of a Humanist Report in South American David Packman proud

   Ryne " Bozo" Bosworth

     What we having this country is an infiltration of the podcast left-wing and the socialist internationals through various podcasts and propaganda outlets including the Humanist Report, which quite literally has a Cuban communist named Michael Figueredo along with our favorite podcaster we love to bash Venezuelan David Pakman the praise and support for the election rigging of Nicholas Maduro was insane. Nicholas Maduro as a South American Communist bastard and Migra pig stole another election

and the regression of Venezuelan politics was admired and copycatted by the Americans Democrat party. Nicholas Maduro got 52% of the vote and what was obviously a vote that was not in tune with polling Data before the election in this socialist country whom scumbag Hugo Chavez turned from a capitalist country into a communist one. Nicholas Maduro for the second time in 6 years has stolen election as he hand-picked maggot former bus driver of Hugo Chavez was appointed by the communist to be the next leader. 

      Maduro was elected in the first election but the last two was obviously rigged as the Mad Dog South American dictator and brutal genocidal killer has stolen election where he was headed for a landslide loss. International podcasters Mike Figuredo of the Humanist Report is an actual walking and talking communist if one is ever watched this boring ass left-wing podcast. Mike Figuredo  came out and supported the Venezuelan dictator and says that the popularity of Nicholas Maduro is an indication of the continued Yankee interference and meddling of the United States and the Biden Administration.

Likewise Venezuelan born bastard David Pakman- who comes from a very elite and socialist family- - came out and said absolutely nothing as all he talks about is Donald Trump three times a day and put no post or  videos talk of his native lands. Venezuelan elections talk by Pakman and obvious rigging was crickets on the David Pakman propagandist podcast this is because David Packman is a worthless

propagandist much like Mike Figuredo and together these two worthless human beings and slime balls are propaganda for the international socialist movement that propped up such scum as bus driver Nicolas Maduro. They did that a open and communist country such as resource rich Venezuela can obviously rig elections and prevent the people from having a Democratic vote is early disgusting and could change with a American intervention and invasion which this law less country is long necessarily needed to end its tyrannical dictatorship of Nicholas Maduro. Nicholas

Maduro is an animal and a savage who quite literally has forced 20% of the population to flee this country with his brutal tactics of this mad authoritarian and he is a poster child why we have to keep the Democrat Party and their fascism in check at all time. Make no mistake kamala Harris is inspired likes Chavez's reimagination of Venezuela and

Kamala Harris is a big and open supportive supporter of Nicholas Maduro and his policies that he has initiated in Venezuela. and this woman would be like electing Nicholas Maduro into the White House propaganda to stay. The Packerman and Mike Figueredo clearly supports via third hearing brutality of Nicholas Maduro and they made this clear this week through various ways of their propagandist and craze left-wing Mania and manacle reporting. These two dipshits are among the many propagandists that we have in this country who supports Nicholas Madero, and the CCP Chinese, and Recep Tayipp Erodgan and the Palestinian terrorists and they will keep supporting them throughout their internet media careers.

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