Stephen A Smith attacks John Federman for saying that the Democrats have no leverage and negotiating

Jay Yang

    The war of words between Stephen A Smith and John Fetterman are starting as we predict these two will be the front runners in leaving contenders in 2028 under the Democratic Party primary. Stephen A Smith is the famous ESPN sports host who yells and screams thinking that his loud voice and booming attitude will somehow be more effective when he's talking about his opinion and a topic. Stephen A Smith is a narcissist and he loves the fact that he is up in certain polls that he likely slips a few bucks to

these fake polling companies that push him as a major presidential candidate, but in this day and age who knows possibly. Stephen A Smith could be a strong and viable presidential candidate in fact given that his name recognition and the fact that he dresses in $10,000 suits. There is a strong chance Mr Smith will indeed make a run if not just to promote himself and his brand and be able to afford and purchase a hundred more $5,000 suits. 

    Stephen A Smith bashed a potential rival in the 2028 primary when he's mocked John Fetterman's recent comments that the Democrats are in no position to leverage on the government. While Stephen A Smith agreed with Fetterman that the government should be kept open, the fact that Mr Fetterman and his bald head would give up and the power of leverage that the Democrats can use to negotiate and push back on the Republicans was a sign of weakness. Stephen A Smith says that John Fetterman would be a weak President and leader given hsi quick acquiescence. Stephen A Smith says Mr Fireman's gullibility

and a lack of available manhood in standing up to the Republicans was seen and this will be a issue for him if he decides to run for President also in 2028. Many are predicting that the 2028 Democrat primary if they hold one and not try to pass it as they did in 2024 -- it would come down to several outsiders and this will also include possibly Mark Cuban. The Wisconsin State Fair Poll in fact has Stephen A Smith and John Fetterman 1 2 as possible 2028 presidential candidates and indeed given the sorry state of the current Democrat Party and how they've been overtaken by Green Party extremists, people in the middle like Stephen A Smith and John Fetterman likely would do very good. Tlus, we could see why Stephen A Smith took a shot at John Federman also mocked the fact that the US senator from Pennsylvania continues to dress like a Ringling Brothers clown at the hollow grounds of the US Senate. Smith stated that he should show more respect and Smith recommended several tailors in suits manufacturer makers whom Fetterman can go and get a discount from Stephen A Smith.

Dave Portnoy comes to Cicero, Illinois gets confronted by old mobsters as he reviews Freddys pizza forced to give good pizza review

 Chuck " Cheesepufff' Goodwin

    Pizza eating obsessed and Legend Dave Portnoy has come finally to the home of Al Capone and Cicero Illinois, Mr Courtney came to the infamous Chicago suburb long known for racial and gangster conflict through the years and the Barstool sports owner went to a gangster Italian neighborhood Deli and pizzeria. Dave Portany went into Freddy's which is a small shit hole that doesn't even serve good pizza and he had his One Bite Pizza bit that he often does through social media being able somehow to travel the country and Dave Portnoy  no he seems to have unlimited funding and money Mr Porknoy ate some pizza that was not very good and he admitted he rather have the Italian ice or try something else 

on the menu, but this place was so busy and he felt rushed several old Goomba gangsters approached Dave Portnoy ask why he was filming as he was eating pizza and they recommended other food and not the pizza from this mobster place. This pizza which is among the worst Dave Porno has ever tried as pone could see his face he didn't like it at all and it didn't look good as Dave Port did not even order a full pizza. Of course, he was not going to give a bad review to a possible business that has mobster mafia ties and gave Freddy's an excellent review as he bit into the obviously cheap pizza that looks and tastes worse than the 7-Eleven Pizza... the pizza found in 7-Eleven. why Dave was in the heavily gangster and Hispanic Cicero

Illinois doing his One Bite Pizza review was utterly amazing, shocking, appalling, and pizza insane. Freddy's pizza is awful and after the advice and confrontation with two old school Goodfellas he was sure to give one hell of a good pizza review for what is obviously a carboard pizza place that hardly ever pops up ever on anyone's map outside of the Cicero or Berwyn Illinois area. The amount of pizza that Dave Port was limited as his box only had one or two pizzas slices  and this guy was not going to waste his money on inferior Pizza. Clearly, Dave Portland likely went back in there when it was less bustling and no camera and had real food that this place is known for in Italian cuisine as their Pizza is never received good reviews. Dave Portnoy is a pizza freak and this man just travels wherever he can get pizza and do a pizza video through his Tik Tok and YouTube Pizza channels and this guy gets free money from the pizza Banks and pizza overlords around the country.

Crazed black supremacist Joy Reid comes on the Don Lemon show and wishes for a US Canadian war prediction

     Jacoby Genevese

    The nasty and recently fired nappy headed ugly woman known as Joy Reid made a rare appearance since being fired as a failed and weird MSNBC news analyst. Joy Reid has been pretty quiet until the other day as Joy Reid appeared on the fellow racist and black supremacists Don Lemon show and together the two failed news anchor analyst making appearance together made for a weird site. Joy Reid is a disgusting and ugly racist and black supremacist who thinks that she is so smart and in this discussion between these two media failures the prospect and mocking of a US Canadian war was

spoken about. Joy Reid predicted that a US Canadian war would result in the defeat of the United States because of some war over 200 years ago when the United States actually was fighting a world Empire and not Canada. The ignorance of Joy Reid and her dumb brain clearly show that this woman if she has a college degree was likely a DEI candidate as this woman knows very little about history or facts. The United States war  and invasion in Canada was a draw and it did fail although Ms Reid fails to say that

the US was much much much smaller and weaker and no where does this bleach blonde black foo mention this. The United States basically did a half effort to try to conquer Canada as they were facing pressures along the Atlantic coast with a world empire. 

        Joy Reid and Don Lemon debuted their new podcast Dumb and Dumber and they laughed ignorant of the facts of the power of the US Military and how we quite literally would crush Canada or any country in the Americas in any given war. The stupidity and asinine diarrhea that comes out of Joy Reid's brain that goes for a joy ride whenever a fool like Lemon head gives this witch a platform. Don Lemon's stupidity as well mouth may explain why they are no longer on network television these two

were only on network television because these networks were pressured to hire blacks and minorities and they wanted to annoy half of the country with their presentation and analysts. Joy Reid's stupidity predicting victory of a Canadian US war in 2025 is further evidence that this woman may be a heavy drug user in this could explain the wacky deranged words that come out of this very ugly woman. 

      Likewise the homosexual Don Lemon laughed  and whether he was laughing with Joy Reid or at Joy Reid as he is desperately trying to get more recognition for his podcast was not known what is known as these two shit heads are no longer are on CNN or MSNBC and we are free from the dumb opinions and garbage talk aside from a podcast here and there and some nonsensical comments that might come out of these two racist minds. The fact that she would think Canada as a weak nation that it is would actually defeat the United States in a border or total war also shows the lack of intelligence of Joy Weed as her comments that 2/3 of the country is full of ice and nothing but actually proves to be an advantage for the United States. Nothing that Joy Reid said to Don Lemon on his podcast made sense concerning the United States and Canada, but of course this is not surprising as nothing Joy Reid ever said made any sense and thankfully this very disgusting and ugly black woman is no longer on a major news network. The numerous news clips daily for her controversial statements and they have come to a trickle of seeing video of her in general.

Brian Cohen Tyler Goes bananas as he's angered as Donald Trump supports Tesla and helps Elon Musk's car company and rumors swirl between him and AOC

     Troy York

The radical fucker known as Tyler Brian Cohen has lost his mind and gone bananas. The extremist and left-wing lunatic podcaster who wears a $10,000 suit and so all the touch with the average man coming on YouTube and feeding videos with extreme propaganda and lies. Brian Cohen must be one of the most extreme in bogus liars on the internet as this weird propagandist makes video after video always a tanking on Republicans, Donald Trump, and conservatives as a committed paid Democrat Party operative that he never admits. Brian Tyler Cohen is able to afford these $10,000 suits because the Democrats give him an enormous amount of Greenbacks to do what he does and usually all he does is lie and spread filthy propaganda. Cohen lost it as the anger he felt when Donald Trump came to the White House  and was promoting Tesla and did a photo op with Elon Musk as Brian Cohen Tyler and many other leftists have had the car electric car company on their radar with a long range goal of

destroying it harassing its potential buyers and current owners among many other left-wing craze attacks on this American car company. We are seeing a massive number of increase in a attacks, vandalism, harassment, and near assaults against people who own Tesla's and I reckon it is primarily because of scumbags like Tyler Cohen Bryant who come on YouTube and lie and spread filthy propaganda for the Democrat Party and the far left Progressive fascists in this country. 

           Brian Cohen almost cried and teared up putting out hundreds of tweets of anger at Mr Trump's attempt to monetize and aid the financial prospects for Elon Musk and his car company promoting it on the lawns of the White House and Tyler Cohen cannot stop tweeting on this night as he was filled with rage and anger. Brian Tyler Cohen came out on his podcast and said the first Tesla he saw he might throw it tomato in and the crazed and deranged lunacy of this podcaster knows no bounds. There are also rumors that Brian Tyler Cohen is banging Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and these rumors fill the halls of

Montezuma and congress. The fact that Brian Cohen Tyler is able to monetize and be on you YouTube spreading his lies and propaganda while many conservatives and right wingers have been demonetized and blocked from YouTube is utterly reprehensible as this communist Tyler Cohen and his $20,000 Italian suits are a fucking disgrace to the internet and the art of podcasting. To say that Tyler Bryan Callen is a scumbag would be hugely and strongly understated and this dickwad should not be allowed on YouTube.

Kyle Kulinski needs to be deplatformed form YouTube and incessant and delusional hate and lies

      Andrew Clayton

   Sick and deranged bleach blonde weirdo YouTube internet boring host known as Kyle Kulinsky continues to inflame the far-left lunatics who follow this dipshit. Kyle is quite literally a radical communist who is a Soviet and looks like he would fit in 100 years ago with the armies and propaganda of Vladimir Lenin. Kyle Kulinski has been attacking Elon Musk on a daily basis is this psychopath YouTuber somehow, it's still alive allowed to monetize on this video channel despite his smears, hate, lies, misinformation and rhetoric that he seeks to inflame violence against not only Elon Musk but those who purchase Tesla vehicles. 

   This disgusting bleach blonde arrogant pompous asshole went overboard the other day and even a new low that even I did not think a cockroach like him would drop to. Kyle Kulinsky seemed to advocate for the violence and vandalism against Tesla drivers that we have been seeing across this country as this disgusting podcaster try to discount the amount of violence and says that Elon Musk is the cause of the vandalism and attacks against Tesla owners. The extremism and insanity of this likely drug addicted cock suck can I stop vaping thinking of other things he like to put his mouth to make assertions against Tesla owners as being the problem for supporting an individual like Elon Musk because Mr Musk helped the Republican and Donald Trump win the 2024 election and aided it financially. Kyle Kulinski is a radical who should not be allowed on YouTube he should be demonetized and how on Earth Alex Jones of Infowars, Shaun Thompson and WIND radio, Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and Vincent James the Red Elephants are not allowed to broadcast on YouTube yet this far-left communist is. 

     This is just wrong and is utterly amazing and a visual reminder of the hypocrisy of Big Tech in letting extremists on the far left use their platform and spread their lies. Kyle Kulinsky is one of the most disgusting propagandists we have ever seen and again this guy is not an American he's a Soviet and we need to see individuals who talk and sound like far left radicals like Kyle Kulinski not even as Americans, but a whole other category of people born in here but who's loyalty is geared to being a Soviet and not an American Elon musk's on Kyle Kulinsky's attack against Elon Musk's Tesla and Mr Musk has an individual is an attack on capitalism and purely based of this is why I reckon scummy Kyle Kulinsky and his vape pen continue to spread lies sucking to the his audience and trying to inflame them to hate Elon Musk as much as possible

Donald Trump comes on Common Sense News and talks trash with Elon Musk and Kanye West about Howard Stern

      Max Bald

     Donald Trump and Kanye West came and appeared on the great YouTube channel known as common sense news. Mr Trump utterly roasted several of his enemies in the short 5-minute YouTube channel as the cartoon version of Donald Trump made fun of several people including the geriatric XM series satellite moronic and wig wearing Howard Stern meanwhile Kanye West made mention of bad women including his former ex Kim Kardashian and together the two made this yet another Banger video from common sense news. Donald Trump and his appearances on this political cartoon short on YouTube where he gets to take shots at the scum who often take shots at him. Donald Trump does not hold back on this YouTube channel and whenever he makes an appearance whether it be with Mr T or Kanye West or Beavis and Butt-head himself it is always making for an hilarious laugh and observation. Trump did not hold back as he went after the geriatric virus fearing one time important and large voice of Howard Stern. The fall of Stern was discussed by both Musk and Trump saying the washed up Howard Stern onlytalent is remining and stealing from XM sirius radio and they wonder what scam and agreement Stern and this globalist media company may have financially together.

     Trump mocked Ukraine president Volodyrme Zelensky and his weird embrace homoerotic grab cakes with Emmanul Marcon globalist president of France. Trump then went on to play some of these woke fuckers leaving him economic advice and attacked his tariffs. Elon Musk stopped by to play videos of people calling him a Nazi including the bald head dip shit bad comedian and fuck fool known as Bill Burr. Elon and trump went on to mock this formerly based comedian who has been transformed into this wok joke becoming a pet for his ugly bad looking fat black wife. Trump then went on to bash the failed loser ass of Howard Stern and how he dropped his brain becoming another crazed individual obsessed with lying about him. Elon Musk called Howard Stern a washed up weird chump and wondered if he is still alive. Trump then told these ewok judges trying to prevent his deportation of criminals to suck his nuts. Kanya west came on to basically tell Jay Z Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and he called Kim Kardashian the wicked witch of Armenia who he was only with because she gave him good head.

Kevin O'Leary and wrestling legend Kane Glen Jacobs humiliates and challenges Tim Walz to a fight

     Gino Frobel

       Following the challenge that failed an ugly Tim Weird Minnesota Governor made to Trump supporters. The former professional wrestler known as Kane and current mayor named Glen Jacobs answered the challenge before that though a few hours and CNN Kevin O'Leary lay down the challenge as well. The former Shark Tank host absolutely eviscerated this dipshit known as Tim Waltz as the horrible and embarrassing Minnesota Governor has been talking tough shit as he is seriously thinking

about making a presidential run. Walz is doing this despite the fact that no one outside of Minnesota likes him and even in the state where he holds office there are many people vehemently hate his ass. Walz is hated in his home state many cannot stand this idiot. 

       The former professional wrestler Glen Jacobs and current small town mayor of Knoxville they also known Kane as king made the challenge and this guy would absolutely destroy Tim Waltz in a fight. Tim Waltz had also spoken and a conference where he said he gets a boost during the day by seeing the stock of Elon Musk's company Tesla drop. This is clearly because Tim Walz is a partisan prick a weird

individual and a failed bad politician who is committed to pushing progressive transsexual identity and this is the basis of this man's life. He was very upset that he is not vice president where he could further use his political office along with Kamala Harris to initiate more transgendered brainwashing for the youth of this nation....da youthhh of the nationnnn. Tim Waltz is mad because Elon Musk help Donald Trump win and thus the Democrat fascists such as Mr Waltz continue to try to discredit and attack the

car company Tesla owned by Elon Musk. company. Kevin O'Leary destroyed the woke members on the CNN panel including the racist Abby Phillips and then he gave a poignant fact about the absurdity of Tim Walz bashing the sticking wishing its decline while so many state workers in Minnesota's pensions are tied to it.


What we are seeing thanks to dipshits like Tim Watts have increased attacks against random individuals who own Teslas. Tim Walz not only should be arrested, but this man should be forced to resign his political office as the man is clearly delusional and dangerous individual. We have contacted all of the media and the DNC and demanded Tim Walz resign as governor of the state of Minnesota for

hos open extremism and willingness of people to attack and dump on a car American company based solely on the political beliefs of the owner. Kevin O' Leary mocked Tim Walz on CNN saying that many Minnesota state workers' pensions are tied to Tesla and essentially this dumb dumb was hoping that their fortunes are dumped because Mr Walt is an extremist within the Democrat Party that has been hijacked by weird green party individuals such as this Charlie Brown looking Tim Walz. 

Faduka's great dances angers her critics and jealous fellow asian females who watch with dagger eyes

     Wally Jackson

     There is so much jealousy green faces whenever pretty Faduka does a Tik Tok dance the popular South Korean cutie and leggy chick often does dances in and around South Korea and is so popular. She even has Western social media stars come and stop and pay a visit. Faduka is a playful and a glass  wearing you Tick Tocker and the entire Tick Tock nation of South Korea must be on Tik Tok. Every South Korean woman between 18 and 30 must be on Tit Tok and they all work tirelessly to try to outdo each other. Faduka is another one who just collaborates with other girls and her friends and does these videos where she's at the mall dancing and then the jealous rage of other girls and women going up and down

escalators is seen. We love Faduka and some of these other Tik Tok Korean social media dolls and we cannot get enough tissue paper/toilet paper and viewing time before bed of watching these amazing videos. 

     Faduka is also did the amazing video that unfortunately was very short and only 5 Seconds where she comes out of a cage in a latex outfit and we have repeatedly

contacted her to do this video again longer and to do each and every other video with her wearing tight latex. Faduka coming out of a dungeon weird prison basement scene as she did in this one rare video that has like millions and millions of views of millions and millions young men popping and busting their nuts. Faduka is incredibly beautiful and popular Tik Tok social media Asian star one of our favorites and these

girls who watch her in the background do her act and dance are so clearly deranged and jealous of her and it becomes part of the video and act sometimes. Faduka also has done some weird videos with these tall white westerners who I don't know exactly who they are and why they're in this video Boston moves with Paducah what is known as Faduka has huge following base primarily in South Korea and likely Japan as by one account 80% of Tik Toker users are in these two countries and it appears that every attractive Japanese or South Korean woman might have one time been a member and

done some videos. Faduka like most South Korean tik Tokers primarily dances to K-pop dance music is very few times will you ever see South Korean dance to American music and flipping through Tik Tok and these accounts the same songs get the same dances over and over and over and over again. Occasionally they might mix it up with a Michael Jackson song or a Taylor Swift song or something modern perhaps Bruno Mars. However, for these Tik Tok honeys and sensations and they are all about South Korea or in some cases if they're Japanese Japan music and a battle between these two groups is very interesting to watch as an outsider always with tissue paper and toilet paper nearby As Nice adult Shinzo Yartiger remind in his videos on his Tick Tock Channel

Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions joins on the pile of Texas scumbag Jasmine Crockett

    Archie Bannister

      Disgusting Texas congresswoman from the 6th District in the ghetto Houston area named Jasmine Crockett has been getting piled on like no other politician the stupid and DEI lawyer arrogant congresswoman is being mocked left and right by so many podcasters and internet personalities it's hard to keep track. Crockett is a dumb Troll and one of the most reprehensible and disgusting individuals we have in our

Congressional system. The stupidity of the her recent comments all over the MSNBC CNN Democrat Party media has been replayed over and over again quite frankly I'm getting sick and tired of seeing her ugly face. Jasmine Crockett and her caterpillar eyelashes are a joke and the number of people I've seen on-line mocking and making fun of her on both radio, internet, and television has been utterly amazing this woman has been battered target and indeed putting her picture on a dart board seems appropriate enough. Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions was the latest internet

host to do a 15 minute video bashing the stupid Texas congresswoman and her silly antics. Andrew gaggled that she and Alexandria Casio-Cortez are increasingly becoming the dumb butt faces of the Democrat Party and Andrew says Democrat Party leadership should be very concerned having such a shit head like Jasmine Crockett be a major top political voice and representative for the entire party. Andrew replaced some of the screws out of these dipshits heads and the absurdity that has been spewing out the mouth of this garbage politician congresswoman from Texas and quite frankly the people who elected this butthole should be embarrassed. Andrew Arundel of Run Don't Walk Productions utterly embarrassed Jasmine

Crockett utterly unloading as he normally does in his witty and comedic dialogue self-discussions. Jasmine Crockett is a joke and is increasingly become the punchline of so many issues and problems that is today's Democrat Party and this Megan the Stallion horse fucker want to be ratchet rapper is indeed making a mockery of our overall political system. How much more the Democratic party can take in this nonsense coming from her and others of the Green party and Communist wing of the Democrat Party is not known and likely will be discussed in the coming weeks. whether the Democratic party censors this creepy politician and weird acting motherfucker Jasmine Crockett will remain to be seen what was seen is Andrew of  Rundown Walk Productions did yet another video hammering this weird congresswoman who acts like she's her own brand and walking billboard of absurdity and asinine narcissism  that she quite literally seems to be proud.

John Fetterman bench presses Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tells her to keep the government open if she's trying to help people

Calvin Hamilton

      The Democrat party's only sensible politician and possible Front runner in 2028 is the bald head of John Fetterman. The Pennsvania US senator and has been taking heat from the lunatics and the leftists within the Democratic party for him confirming certain Trump picks and for voting to keep the government going along with Charles Schumer. With this he has received criticism from the female lunatics within the Democrat Party whether they be that cockeyed Primilia chameleon Jayapal from Washington or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the Bronx ghetto of New York City.  John Fairmont told

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortisa if she's trying to help the government and the people of this country and she needs to keep that fucking government open and her vote along with the other Democrats was desperate attempt to derail the important work that Trump and Vance are doing to exposing governments and it's waste at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a criminal and a scumbag one of the worst individuals who has made a bad district even worse in the Bronx in her short time as a sitting US congresswoman. This is

because Alexandria Cortez does not want to help the people instead she wants to help herself in her own name recognition she goes now all these media circus tours with loser Bernie Sanders . AOC also is addicted to accpeting and getting legacy mass media appearances for herself  this woman loves the attention to spew her mouth and bug eyes. With this John Furman told her to act more mature that shit like her and Jasmine cracktake at are hurting the Democratic Party and their attempt to shut the government was no attempt to help people. 

      John Fetterman is smacking these bitches around and in fact he likely will be the front runner ready for a face-off with Stephen A Smith and 4 years in the Democratic Party primary. The idea that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would also be a candidate would have any following is absolutely laughable given the extreme immaturity of this woman possesses an lack of experience and just all out ignorance and only the most extreme socialist would support. Alexandria Ocasio is such a cornball laughable clown within out political system and her mere presence is toxic in the halls of congress she often pushes and promotes the most crazed legislation one would expect from a Caribbean Communist and agent for Cuba that Alexendria Cortez obviously serves and is loyal

Jack Tapper interviewing the ratchet Democrat and scumbag operative jasmine Crockett

candidates such as AOC has no actual skill or talent and this woman is better off as a bartender than in our political system. Again these younger women like Jasmine Crockett and Alexander Ocasio-Cortez are making a mockery of our political system with their insane and stupid gimmicks and desires to acquire attention for their outrageous statements and acts. We need to get rid of the Green party shit within the Democratic party and support people like John Fetter as essentially the Democratic party became crazy because it was overtaken by Psychopaths and thugs with eyes that resemble big bugs like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the caterpillar eyelash jackass known as Jasmine Crockett

Trash talking Adam Kinzinger is extremely worried and scared about being prosecuted

Baba Pugwuthi

     Failed former Illinois pretend Republican Adam Kingman is extremely worried while he did a video on his car telling Donald Trump to bring it on as he is now avoided the pardons that were issued by Joe Biden's auto-pen. One can clearly smell the fear through the phones and the computers the view this video of this dipshit Adam Kinzinger. Little Adam was talking tough, but inside that brain damaged piece of shit's head there's extreme concern and indeed we hope that Donald Trump and the new incoming Administration goes after this weasel worm. Adam King is a corrupt motherfucker who took

part of January 6th committee there was meant and created by the Democrat Party with two Republican lackeys and simps in order to try to derail Donald Trump's presidential ambitions and run. This committee was an absolute absurdity and a joke as people could call right through the political partisan and creation nature of it. 

     Adam Zinger was a part of this and thus he is now opening himself up to prosecution and despite Joe Biden's pardoning of him and Liz Cheney with a stroke of an auto pen. Donald Trump just last week Void and noid all pardons created by Joe Biden and primarily by his team of left-wing lunatics. Adam Kingman now faces the real possibility of being prosecuted and indeed we hold strong hope that this scumbag loser from a district south of Joliet in Illinois becomes a prison inmate in Joliet. Adam Zinger is so hated in his district he can't even go and walk the various towns of it and this man was districted out when it was obvious the Republicans that he had no chance of winning and the district was all but

Jake Tapper interviewing the Democrat operative and scumbag Adam Kingman

lost thanks to this son of a bitch. Kingman will be prosecuted along with Cheney, Jeannie Raskin and the black supremacist Bennie Thompson. Soon this group of slimeballs and the other fools of the January 6th committee will be in  acourt of law for their various political crimes and make no mistake Adam Kingman should also go to jail the various corruption activity as a democrat-leaning Illinois politician.

      Adam Kinzinger will no longer be going on to the media once he's prosecuted and charged as he often did getting huge bucks from MSNBC and CNN to grifts for the Democrats and give his nonsense Anti-Trump Propaganda. we look very forward to Adam Kinsley and this sack of fecal matter being in a court of law and to answer for the charges of the erasure of evidence that pointed to Donald Trump's innocence. The stupidity and the circus shit show that Adam Kingsinger and these other Democrats created as election interference that was straight out of East Germany circa 1960. Adam Kinzinger you suck ass and you will do so in a prison cell with a guy named Bubba

Michael Khieu appalled as Woman releases dog in video The Anti-Pet Association uses this as an example of need to end ownerships

 Sam Hamcheck

       We run a charity organization called The Anti-Pet Association committed to the goal of releasing all animals whether to be dogs, cats, and all non-dairy and barnyard animals including and not in excluding reptiles, birds, salamanders, freaky frogs and little caterpillars like what are seen on Jasmine Crocket's eye lids. Whatever animal is held as a pet that's not a working in livestock needs to be released for free and this is the entire goal of our creative Anti-Pet Association. Our group is always taking donations on the sidebar we fight for the day at pets will be allowed freedom from their owners as God intended. With this in mind our favorite tick toker and news breaker Michael Khieu played the video of a woman releasing a small dog while many animal rights activists were upset and replay this ring door bell video of a woman letting loose her dog.

       We at the anti-Pet Association encourage more of this as we tweeted Michael Khieu that this actually is a good thing because people should not be holding animals as pets and in many cases they are unable to meet the emotional and environmental needs of these animals and thus they release them like what this woman did in New Mexico or Arizona or whatever state this occurred. Most people and mankind are not committed for the necessary time and devotion of keeping a pet happy and thus more harm is done by pet ownership and indeed we need strict license and trained courses for pet ownership if we cannot get this act abolished. People need a fucking license for having a dogs, cats, parakeet, or parrots in their fucking home. Michael Khieu just doesn't get it is that this woman either knew that holding an animal was unethical and

evil or she was unable to meet the needs in the monetary demands of feeding such a animal on a daily basis and attending to its needs. Whatever the case and motivation why this woman released a dog fact is what she did was a good thing and we need more mass releasing of animals back into the wild where dogs, cats, and fish, and pet birds all belong.  Please donate to our association the Anti-Pet Association and the sidebar as no donation is too small and we will continue to leave the fight to help end this bitter and evil practice

Foolish and Jack fucker Matt Drudge amps up the lies and propaganda against president Trump

       Jason Fool

     The weird website owner and fool named Matt Drudge has gone off his marbles. This Trump derange syndrome radical continues to put the headlines and try to smear and slander Donald Trump and now this idiots Elon Musk. Matt Drudge is a desperate new spreader for the establishment and the amount of money that they give this geek to basically cut and paste on his web pages other news sources always coming from extreme left-wing Democrat source can never be estimated. Foolish Matt Drudge has absolutely no integrity and his site basically sucks and how somehow people go to it give Matt Drudge him the

numbers that he gets for posting other websites is not known. What drugs Matt Drudge is on is not  known  and this silly jackass and hsi dumb webzine for his very politically partisan headlines as this guy is so committed to partisan politics and serving the establishment and the Democrat Party. 

     With this Donald Trump has ripped his ass a few times in the past month and indeed the headlines of The Drudge Report clearly show a extreme bias that this shit fuck Drudge has with his stupid websites Again, this website is nothing but links to other news sources and they are always coming from a liberal perspective. How much money this fool Drudge gets and continues to run a website of such absurdity and whether these numbers are cooked in order to bring about a new source of information of credible

sources together for only radical left perspective only this may explain how something like Matt Drudge and his Drudge Report exist. Mr Rogers and his website online and the stupidity of this man's outlet and twisted attention seeking headlines and manipulating stories continues to go unchallenged and unchecked.  Matt Drudge is a fool and one of the stupidest dumbest individuals around and this guy knows he is dumb and this is why he keeps such a low profile. You never see him defend his website or come on and discuss politics in media because Matt knows he is a fucking fool and a dumbass.

Matt does this for a purpose because he does not want to be seen and have his obvious grift and propaganda website inundated with negative press and attacks against Donald Trump one sees on the Drudge Report and the headlines they are always negative and Mr Trump on its main page as people click down and read the click headlines as this Jackass has long profited from and been  known as  Drudge is paid for these headlines of propaganda. His "Report" make huge incomes met charges a piece of shit it just runs a propaganda website with links and thus the man continues to put all these misinformative headlines and comments for each and every week. Trump ripped into the weird ass of this jackass and his stupid report that is funded and propped up by the Democrats and the transpeople and only because of this does this fool Drudge put the headlines he chooses.

Alex Jones confronts a anti-Tesla anti-Elon Musk mob

     Ed West

 From Naperville

    Alex Jones shows no fear. In the height of a massive left-wing Kill Elon mob riot the Info wars owner  of broadcast and showed no fear as he confronted these leftists and " protesters' what they are in actuality are paid radicals who are currently on the payroll of George Soros to harass and threaten the business ventures of Mr Musk. This crazed left-wing harassment campaign must be stopped and kash Patel needs to run the gauntlet and go after these radical protesters who are on the payroll of foreign sources to spread division and hatred within the country in a divide and conquer effect. Alex Jones

showed no feat as the embittered and often battled grizzly veteran of the radio wars and media onslaught directed his way continues to tick and tock all on destroying their narrative and desire to see Alex Jones destroyed. 

      the sight of Alex Jones confronting some of the most radical and nastiest human beings possible was made for the internet to see and share in celebration of courage and merit. This drives the Alex Jones haters bananas as Alex Jones pulled in with his cyber truck and megaphone and drowned out these leftist silly scummers with his bellowing voice. Once again, Lord Jones has confronted and humiliated members of the left wing mob as this man and his video exposes his large audience to what is happening across the nation as a orchestrated communist harassment campaign against Elin Musk and his tesla

company are taking part across the country as this man once celebrated by democrats now admonish him because he supported Donald Trump against a far inferior presidential candidate that the wicked democrats tried to ordain onto the public without a primary and elections.

   Alex Jones has ranted for years against this scourge of left-wing lunatics and evil we are seeing with this attack against an American car company and many people fail to see the connection of Kristllnacht during world War II Germany and what we are seeing with this terrorism against Tesla and Elon Musk's American company that is happening right now. The comparison of Kristallnacht and the Tesla attacks

that are base don political rage and hate cannot be lost and indeed these people who have participated in this terrorism deeds should be arrested and given the most extreme charges that can be drawn upon as a attack against American business and property. Alex Jones is bringing this news about on hos Info wars channel and he is willing to put himself at risk and limb by confronting these Nazis protesting and encouraging violence and property damage at one of Elon Musk's car companies

JP Sears goes full crazed militia right-wing podcast

Jackie Butterworth

    The incredible transition of this one time yoga super star leftist us into this right-wing militia mad man has been complete. JP Sears went full militia with a Southern Confederate Railroad militia show as Mr Sears and the gun advocation that he long has presented has gone over the edge. JP Sears went with a full-fledged militia racist show as having the Confederate Banner in the background. JP Sears no longer gives a flying fuck. JP Sears is going full racism in his latest transition into a militia character and now he's running an actual podcast with a militia theme. The sad transition of JP Sears into this right-wing

demagogue has been complete and we on the left have been warning that this madman would go full crazed radical Ku Klux Klan and this is exactly what has happened. JP Sears basically has a Klan show with a Southern theme wearing a Dixie Dukes of Hazzard number One hat along with confederate flyers and banners as this man is extremely proud of his Southern Heritage.

       JP Sears in his love of guns naturally would eventually turn into a malicious militia show and the viciousness that JP Series has now gone on to with a militia pro-gun Pro American nationalist show knows no bounce. Whether JP Sears gets pushed back and pressure from advertisers for his incredible regression into a militia right wing word salad is not known, but likely will be ignored is as much of his crazed nationalist rhetoric of the past 4 years. JV Sears has flown under the radar of cancel culture in

few targets have come his way, however now that he has a full-fledged Ku Klux show that's Pro gun, Pro militia, Pro Confederacy one can fully expect the JP Sears will be feeling the heat from the left whether it be boycotts or pressure to the advertisers. JP Sears has stepped over it an edge with his new malicious show and has angered many on the left who are sharing his program is living example of how through the years and someone becomes more of a seller and extremist. It is like JP Sears has done the

next Alex Jones as many people wondered who would replace Alex Jones and Mr Sears in his news program definitely is making a run and this could be precisely the why JP Sears has done this new character. We believe JP Sears wants to replace Alex Jones on Infowars and thus his Confederate celebration and militia podcast was intended in order to get his support from Alex Jones fans

Harry Sissy in hot water as 12 sexual harassment accusations hit the Democrat Party

 Stanly Randell

   Harry Sissy in hot water as 12 sexual harassment accusations hit the Democrat operative as over 12 women have come forward to say that Harry Sissy has harassed them online through a discord site as the Perpetual little prick and supposedly homosexual left-wing activist for the Democrat Party has now been facing many legal issues. Harry Sissy has been humiliated with knowledge that he has been bothering 12 some 12 young women ...some underage with sending him naked pictures in text messages. The

shocking and revolting news of this hugely followed and enormously paid Democrat Party operative have been trying to get young women to send naked pictures is the latest scandal to hit one of these Democrat Party operatives. Hairy Balls Sisson it has been revealed has bothered many young women befriending them and then eventually harassing them to the point of sending naked pictures as his demands have been now have been discovered and spread about. 

      Harry Sissy is Man On The Run hiding out and very little of him as been known since this scandal has come out. No one knows where Harry is and is since this scandal and whether he might face  prosecution for what he has been doing has yet to be made clear. What is clear is Harry Sisson is not a total

Aquarius that he appears. The fact that this supposedly homosexual activist seems so interested in young women and especially gaining their trust and eventually pressuring the, for their naked pictures

sent to his phone should come as no surprise. This guy clearly looked like an actor of some sort and he was groomed to be a so-called influencer promoted by such through Tik Yok and other social media accounts. 

        This is great news for patriots is this little scoundrel has been one of the bigger voices and propagandists out on Tick Tock and his massive support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris  on a daily basis is this man was very active online. We hope the worst for Harry Sisson as he is clearly a deranged misinformative fiction one of the most unhinged lunatics and social media and this could not happen to a better guy. Many are hoping that local prosecutors go after thois sissy Sisson after these news

revelations and indeed this is huge news then Mr Sisson is now being accused of from numerous young women that this creep pestered and bothered online constantly asking for sexual favors and pictures. What eventually will come out of this is not known, but hopefully if we are lucky in the media this creep disappears and we do not see much of a Harry Sisson in the coming years and elections.