Jimmy Dore rips Howard Sterns wig off and blasts the geriatric jackasses butt hole in kiss ass Kamala interview

 Patrick Jennings

.   Howard Stern is a wig-wearing dumb ugly motherfucker (UMF) who somehow has scammed the system and is still getting paid 40 million a year to do 120 radio shows on XM Sirius a year. The disgusting wig-wearing troll had an embarrassing video interview with Kamala Harris where he basically kissed and licked the ass of this horrible Kalifornia politician never mentioning the bad results of her policies and political leadership in the failed State of Kalifornia taking the C out of it. With this in mind the stupid Howard Stern is still being roasted by individuals for his softball interview and YouTuber Jimmy Dore was the latest to attack Howard Stern and his wig. Jimmy Door went off and he wondered why XM Siri satellite even has Howard Stern Show in 2024 and who the hell is listening to this garbage. Dore played several clips of Howard Stern kissing the ass of Kamala and essentially being a very friendly interview with no hard questions and this is because Howard Stern has regressed into being this far-left woke partisan maniac who wants to suppress the rights of other people to meet his own bizarre and psychotic belief system. 

    Howard Stern is complete garbage, and he is no comedic sense anymore nor any talent and it's quite unbelievable that XM Series satellite has not noticed and continues to pay him an annual salary. Jimmy Dore and his partner crew Metzger ripped the ass and Howard Stern and the stupid comments about raisin bran cereal and Doritos that were brought up as Howard Stern basically just brings politician Democrat politicians in attempt to raise them up with small and boring talk. There can no really be no Howard Stern fans at this date no ratings and Mr Door and Kurt Metzger wondered how much longer XM Series satellite radio is going to prop up this hook nose silly son of a bitch known as Howard Stern. The man adds absolutely nothing and is a disgrace to the microphone in the world of Broadcasting Metzger and Dore said that stern started to get woke weird after Howard joined "America's Got Talent" that he dramatically changed and Howard is far removed from the days when he had the strippers and lesbians on his program. Stern has dropped his brain on politics and his brain is butter suffering from obvious Rock 'N Roll dead matter syndrome and a rock and talk type of early dementia and has regress to the point where he refuses to leave his house. Stern is sick in the head and is worried about a little virus and catching one of them in the air so he stays home does his 100 shows a year and watches a lot of TV and porn.

The time Doctor Now utterly went off on Margaret and called her a fat cow abusing the system

      Payton Jenkins

     Geriatric gastroenterologist biatric fat fucking doctor Younon Nowzaradaran  otherwise known as Dr Now is a reality television  Mad Doctor from Hell and Pakistan as the reality-based television gut cutting doctor is one of the biggest medical doctor reality shows that have ever existed in his insults antagonizing of the 600 lb monsters in our society makes for many interesting quirky developments. Dr Now went off one time on this date of 10/10/ 2018 on a fat Jabba the hut looking Margaret who Mr Now accused of abusing the system as doctor Now got insulted and angered at this 700 lb woman stayed at his hospital for over a month. She was very combative trying to avoid exercise with a physical therapy and did not want to work out at all. All this pig did was fucking sleep her 700 lb ass while eating Cheetos. 

     Margaret just complained and wanted more and more pain medicine and it got to the point where doctor Nowzardaran and had enough and had a meltdown over this abusive and wasteful over-eater the amount of Jabba the hut people that Dr now has to deal with his medical practice as a biatric surgeon. People like Margaret are a waste on our society and this woman doesn't want to improve her situation and basically soak up the health care and costs at the expense of other people and this gets Dr Now's face reddened with anger. This episode and guest on Dr Now's program was utterly reprehensible and he is old and tired and is ready for retirement Dr now called out this land will Margaret for manipulating people and trying to get to stay and not move at the hospital as she just wants to sleep and have her medicine and eventually doctor now had to put his foot down on this woman and kick her out of the hospital. 

    women like Margaret who appear on Dr Nowzardan's program are not human being sand some would describe as human cattle. Dr Now called out this pig for her manipulation of the staff and the system and the geriatric king of biatricism and reality television came out and confronted this massive mass of disturbing humanity and quit literally Margaret is like a human blob this far fuck eating monster machine. D r Now refuses to help and cut the fat gut and surgery of these fat fuckers who do not want to help themselves and have him mistaken as some mid century medieval wizard who can just make their obesity and fat disappear without any acknowledgement of their brutal sick eating lifestyle not any changes of working on this horrible nasty habit that got them to the brink of fat death and weighing more than a fucking powerful stallion horse.

AIDS infected Earvin "Magic" Johnson mocked and ridicule for his support for Kamala Harris and demands that the brother support him support her

     Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

      Former NBA legend Urban Magic Johnson who eventually caught the AIDS virus and has had to spend millions and millions of dollars on AIDS drugs to keep him alive has once again humiliated himself for the world to see. Irvin "Magic" Johnson is a former NBA legend who had a retire early because he had so much sex with men and women through the years as this utterly reprehensible individual with no morals eventually caught the AIDS virus. Fortunately for Magic Johnson he caught AIDS at the right time where the drugs and the pharmaceutical industry finally caught up to the crippling disease and he has been able to stick around for three decades having to contain himself in his sick sexual aggressions and obsessions. Urban Magic Johnson is a joke who has absolutely no integrity and whenever anyone sees him have the people walk away knowing that he is stricken with a deadly and disgusting disease of his own doing. with this in mind Magic Johnson came out for Kamala Harris in a recent rally in Michigan and told the crowd that black men must need to come out and support this foo. Ervin Magic Johnson likely was paid for this support and he has been mocked and ridiculed as a multi-billionaire former NBA legend needs to keep bringing in income to pay for his life-saving drugs he needs in order to combat his stricken and deadly disease which the AIDS virus still is. Edge Johnson has AIDS and he is very sick and only a massive number of drugs has kept him alive up to 2024 where he can interfere in make unheralded demands that the brothers must support Kamala Harris because he says so.

        Irvin "Magic" Johnson has been mocked and ridiculed by those on the internet who are not Kamala Harris supporters and plan of voting for Trump and they said it's laughable that this multi-millionaire and AIDS stricken jackass would dare to get himself involved in the political world.  Magic Johnson is a dickwad illiterate who has played ball throughout his whole life and doesn't really know politics or policy as this man is not infected by the problems of the real world such as inflation and job and security that has devastated the middle class and has become worse under the Joe Biden Kamala Harrison Administration. No one cares about Earvin Johnson as this is not 1988 and he is long been out of the NBA courts and the limelights and his requests and regression to being this Troll and unqualified political pundit has been shameful. Magic cock Johnson should shut up and just play ball or play with his own balls.

Disgusting fear monger and Cry-Baby weatherman Miami weather man John Morales cries on the air and promotes The Cult of climate change

      Ramon Ramos

     The disgusting mainstream media and their dominance in the media and the weather departments across this country are utterly discussing. One of them was this idiot in the Miami area who a few days before the hurricane showed the radar and was talking in the media when he started crying and sobbing like a little baby that he is. John Morales is a veteran nasty woke far left weatherman who is old and he should seriously consider retirement. His unprofessional and meltdown about a big hurricane that comes all the time and has hit this country about 300 times in our history was utterly reprehensible and pure left-wing climate cultist propaganda. John Morales went on to complain about climate change and how  man is affecting the weather as he has no evidence of this and these morons such as John Morales who make this claim do so with sinister and nefarious motivations.

     There is a committed plan to further deindustrialized and weekend the United States of America and scum and cry babies like John Morales are part of the this plot. The fear-mongering and lies that because we are in hurricane season and we have hurricanes after one after another has something to do with climate change that man is causing is a complete lie and something that the far left and the radicals within it maintain and promote through their use of the media. This unprofessional dickwad old man John Morales cried and tried to spread fear and blame for hurricanes coming to Florida which has been a natural process and hurricanes have been part of the Earth's process when man was still an ape. Hurricanes will always be a part of the Earth especially in the Gulf and Atlantic Ocean regions of Florida and this idiot John Morales knows this. The lies and misinformation he attempts to bring about blaming modern society for the increase in hurricanes is not based in science or evidence and this guy quite literally John Morales is talking out of his weather ass. 

     Mr Morales and his deplorable staged crying on air was another intention of the mainstream media to promote the climate change lie and fear monger through it and this disgusting prick should be fired if his network had any balls to back it up for his promotion of the lie of climate change and to spread politics through reporting of the hurricane. Mr Morales without a doubt is a scumbag and he is always likely been a scumbag in the weather industry and he likely will always be until he retires which should be soon as this man looks like he's close to 70 geriatric years. John Morales just lies of his ass and he can get one of those thrusting dildos and put it in his ass  for is this propagandist and cult member of climate change can go and dig his own shit and drink his own urine with a dildo. Make no mistake Morales looks like a dude who has done this many times in his career and life.

WIND radio host Shaun Thompson is killed in Florida hurricanes, and he brought it upon himself moving from Illinois down there

 Neil Knight 

     Chicago's WIND radio host afternoon right-winger Shaun Thompson has long been broadcasting in Florida despite being in the Chicago radio market. Shaun Thompson had a home set up with his Studio as he hates Illinois and the high taxes that cost him his cigar business and the erratic and extremist right-wing radio hosts often wailed about Chicago and Illinois on the airwaves of his radio show. Shaun Thompson told his many people who call in and complaining about living in Illinois that they need to pack up and leave further cementing Illinois as a extreme Blue State as naturally anyone who would be against the Democrats and a republican moving out of state of Illinois only just hardens the one party state that Illinois has become.

     It is people like Shaun Thompson and their big mouths who keep telling people to move out of Illinois to a swamp in Florida or the South that has caused the state to be irrelevant in elections and continue to serve two US senators  to two scumbags such as Dick Durbin and ugly duck face Tammy Duckworth. Shaun Thompson should shut his mouth and instead of telling people to pack up and move to essentially a hurricane ravaged dangerous area he should tell him to work hard and stay in the state and organize politically to aid their local Republicans. Instead Shaun Thompson told people to pack up and invest in Florida housing which seems to have hurricanes every two weeks and now news has come that Mr Thompson has drowned and been eaten by alligators as he was stubborn and refused to follow evacuation orders from the local government. Shaun Thompson has been killed both drowned and having been devoured by 12 ft alligator and the loss of this right-wing extremist in the local Chicago radio market cannot be understated. However, there is some positive to this as there will be no knucklehead trying to influence and tell other Republicans in the Land of Lincoln to move and this is a solution and they must invest and sell their area moving to essentially a alligator infested in 95% humid State humidity state of Florida Sean Thompson God is just reward and instead of staying in Illinois and fighting JB Pritzker and the local Democrats this guy just fled his bags and selfishly and greedily moved to avoid taxes as he did not want to pay more cigar and cigarette taxes. Shaun Thompson has a cigar in like every broadcast every 10 minutes and the amount of money that he spends on very expensive Cuban cigars far out ways of what he would have paid in taxes that he stayed in the Land of Lincoln Shaun Thompson is a joke and a jackass and many people's opinions and this guy and his bad opinions telling people to move from Illinois and other blue states down to Tampa and Panama City, Florida has been reprehensible and now many people have lost their entire life savings through three hurricanes that have hit the so-called Sunshine State Shaun Thompson is dead at the age of 47.

Jason Whitlock and his crew utterly destroyed the Los Angeles Lakers and the LeBron James and Bronnie James Saga Whitlock bashes Stephen A Smith as well

 Leo Yost

    Sports and societal cultural talk show host Jason Whitlock along with his crew bash the continuing saga of neoptism of arrogance and selfish LeBron James to play a NBA game with his son Bronnie. All three agree that without the James name Bronnie James not only would not be on the Lakers he wouldn't not even be on the developmental league as Bronnie James has absolutely no talent to be of any association with the National Basketball Association and one of its members and teams. Bronnie James is this horrible player who was a backup in a weak Division 1 basketball program last year before the Lakers decide to make him a first round draft pick in order to satisfy their

Superstar and future Hall of Famer LeBron James demands that he and his son be the first father and son duel ever in the National Basketball Association. The privilegedness of LeBron James who goes by the nickname "King James"  and he quite literally thinks of himself as some sort of nobleman and king-type figure. LeBron James and his arrogance control over the Los Angeles Lakers to demand that they make his son a benchwarmer 13th roster player just to appease this man's ego and sexual desire to play with his son on the same court.      

      Jason Whitlock and his co-hosts utterly devastated the Lakers organization, and they cannot believe that any of the Lakers pass coaches would accept such an arrangement with King James and that he is demanded of the Lakers organization. LeBron James is a pompous arrogant fake King who thinks his son has a right to play the NBA because of his nepotism and DNA .Jason Whitlock also bash his friend Stephen A Smith of ESPN for defending LeBron James on this issue saying that he has earned the right for a roster spot for his son and Stephen A Smith says that for all he cares Bronnie James should be on the team forever all 82 NBA games if LeBron had wanted to with luck and his crew utterly

devastated LeBron James for doing this to his son who buy all appearance during the preseason is painfully obvious that not only is this a man unfit for the NBA, but he likely would not even make a roster spots for the lowest developmental league in Europe.

     Bronnie James cried at this opportunity his daddy provided but  literally  at the sport he is is awful no amount of money or influence from LeBron James is going to change this fact and this kid and Son of LeBron James is not even qualified to mop

up the floor of the sweat as a NBA court boy. Ronnie James quite literally is awful and the kid is not even deserving to be a towel boy let alone a player in the league.the evidence is overwhelming that Bronnie James is awful yet Jason whitlock says the arrogance and

money of LeBron James's dictating to the Lakers organization that they make him on the roster for opening day and maybe even beyond. LeBron James is a pompous, arrogant prick in his fast tracking of a unqualified kid of his own  to be a NBA baller quite early is one of the most shocking and appalling events in the history of sports

Tyrone Magnus other black and service go off on Barack Hussein Obama and his lecture about black males and their voting

       Ed West

 From Naperville

    Barack Obama is a failed former president who is disdained much more so than when he left office. The failed former president and perpetual dickwad comes out every two years during midterms in general elections to give his opinion and propaganda as one of the worst presidents before Joe Biden and perhaps only after Joe Biden is this idiot the worst president in this country's history. Barack Obama is being ridiculed and

mocked by so many black conservatives on Tik Tok and YouTube shorts as many people are saying that Barack Obama needs to shut his mouth and not tell people how to vote and that they should vote based on skin color. One of these individuals was Tyrone Magnus who played a video and gave his reaction to Barack Hussein Obama chastising black men about not being as enthusiastic for Kamala Harris as they were for him in 2008 and 2012. Barack Insane

Obama doesn't understand that we are no longer in those times and that Joe Biden and his bitch Kamala Harris  and they're brutal economic positions have destroyed the black community even further than Barack Hussein Obama's policies were able to produce. 

      Mr Obama comes from a globalist opinion and naturally much like him the racially mixed and confused 100 accent Kamala Harris is a global puppet who could be easily controlled by outside foreign of dollars and will serve their interest before black Americans. Many Americans are in on the scam of the Democrat Party pretending to be a pro-American political party when in fact they are bought and purchased by a global entity and a global media Wing

controls them . Barack Hussein Obama is the epitome of globalism and this failed former president who's only political experience was 2 years in the US Senate continues to come out like a snake from the grass. Barack Hussein Obama is a propagandist for the establishment and as Tyrone Magnus says this man cares very little for the black community and just sees them as votes for his movement and his agenda.

     Mr Magnus bashed broccoli brain Barack Obama's venture into the 2024 election and him playing the race card and says that Obama has been influenced by race hustler throughout his life including his former pastor at his South Side Chicago hate church. Mr Magnus says that he supports Trump because it's obvious that Donald Trump is much more a superior candidate than Kamala Harris who has done nothing in politics but make things worse. Tyrone Magnus whipped the skinny ass of Barack Obama playing videos of his speech and his chastising backstage about the brothers. Terrell Magnus doesn't think Barack Obama is even a brother and this guy is a charlatan who has become a multi-millionaire through politics and he is too much of a power broker for a failed former president and undeserving to still bne influential and in the flow.

Tik Tok Spicy girls endorse unsurprisingly Kamala Harris for president

      Manny Wojak

     The Brown globalist love the Democratic party especially those of wealthy origins of Indian Pakistan nationality with this in mind it was no surprise that the spicy girls of Tik Tok fame a group of six to seven bimbos and whores who seem to travel and have unlimited credit cards while being college students somewhere based in New Jersey. The spicy girls took the Tik Yok and claimed that they will be voting for Kamala Harris and they called people who voted for Trump dweebs and dumbasses. The spicy girls often get drunk and many of these people who

come from other lands and stans far away come from corrupt government connected families and thus the Democratic party is a natural home for many of these people. Many of these people have no citizenships yet somehow they vote in American elections and whether the Spicy girls have American citizenship has never been established. The spicy girls have a small and insignificant Tik Tok Channel and they never seem to hang around any young men aside from one obvious homosexual. 

     The spicy girls might not even be interested in men for all we know and the skink and arrogance that these women represent knows no bounds. To say that the Spicy girls are typical Kamala Harris voters would not be out of bounds. The spicy girls are whores that somehow just move around and drink as they travel to all the vacations spots and the typical international student

visa students that come to America and then propagandize and spread lies and hate about their host country. Spicy girls will be voting for Kamal Harris and they let this be known in a recent video and these hos suporting another ho is no surprise. I reckon many other voters for Kamala Harris will be similar type people who are attracted to the massive corruption that the Democrat Party has to offer foreigners and those with money overseas and their family members

Failed Dolton mayor Tiffany Henyard hit with a subpoena from the Federal agent and Bounty Hunter

     Sebastian Salvador

      Failed corrupt and twerking mayor Tiffany Henyard of Dolton Illinois has been humiliated during a city hall meeting where the embittered and embattled Dolton, Ill mayor was having another contentious board meeting. A federal white federal agent bounty court hunter from the government came during open my time and handed her a warrant for her to appear and for yet another lawsuit. The humiliating video went viral on Tik Tok in yet another embarrassing moment for this embarrassing South Suburban Chicago corrupt politician known as Tiffany Henyard. Tiffany Henry has some beautiful white teeth and has used government money for monthly teeth bleaching and the amount of money that this woman has spent in high maintenance for herself hiding her afro sheen hair product smell scent with thousands of dollars in perfume and taking care of herself knows no bounce. 

    We like Tiffany Henyard  and she would be the perfect interracial black wife for any white man and indeed this woman is indeed not too bad looking perhaps being Dolton, Illinois they should just leave this woman alone and some  allow some privilegedness for wanting and doing a important government job position that Tiffany hundred has worked hard and not only being the mayor don't in Illinois but the Thornton Township executive board

member. The service back to the community is amazing the role and service to the community and government that Tiffany Henyard has provided in your young life is amazing and why people continue to shit on her is remarkable. The federal agent and her subpoena

about and smack her with another lawsuit that this woman keeps facing. This bounty hunter waited for a board meeting to get the gotcha moment and clearly this agent is trying to build a brand for himself as the man is already in negotiation for a program with A and E Network.  

    Tiffany should seriously think about joining Stacy Plascott in the Virgin Islands and escaping somewhere in the Caribbean as Miss Henry is under so many lawsuits and Federal Criminal Investigations that she quite literally will be other women's bitch and prison guards property for years to come. Tiffany Henyard is going to be fucked in it's amazing because this woman could have had a great career in the WNBA or perhaps rap female music or stand-up comedy and if Tiffany Hunter knew what she knows now I think she would have avoided a career in government and she would have gone into stand-up comedy which she would have been a national star perhaps. We highly recommend the king

queen Henyard the 5th should seriously consider another career option. Tiffany Henyard quite literally thinks of herself as a queen like individual and the nobleman and this likely explains her government crimes and why she chose to ignore the advice of the honest individuals within her bored in government in Thornton Township Tiffany Hunter thinks she is better than other people and that she is a noble queen king birthright to roll over people and corrupt the system for her financial gain. Sad

Good grief internet rumors have Tim Waltz taking home High School boys for wrestling in his basement and why he had to resign

 Frank Banks IV

    Good grief poor Charlie Brown we'll call this high school kid that Tim Walz is purportedly brought home to repeatedly wrestle and molest back in 1995 we will call him Charlie Brown. Tim Waltz is a modern-day Charlie Brown and a grown up version of him and now internet rumors are spiraling out of control that Mr Waltz was let go in the mid-90s from the school district after several allegations of him taking Charlie Brown and Linus type boys home for personal get together and bodily action on the bed and under the blankets. This sick and disgusting rumors about Tim Walz prove to be true and maybe the reason why he was let go by his school district in the mid-90s is more the reason why this man should not only be forced to resign, but perhaps prosecute them for sexual molestation. 


     These internet rumors are exploding like firecrackers on the 4th of July and looking at Tim Waltz in the way he acts one could see him doing this. Whatever the reason Tim Waldo was let go supposedly by a school board under secret meeting and massive rumors and leaked whistleblower information have it that Tim Waltz was let go from molesting teenage boys Aka John Wayne Gacy style in rough one-on-one sex in his basement. Tim Walz-- if this is true--is one of the worst and most disgusting politicians of our lifetime and I would not be surprised of these allegations are true. If true Tim Watts needs to resign immediately and this Minnesota Charlie Brown fucking Elmer Fudd dipshit needs to go Tim Walz made news this week as he went hunting looking for wabbits and he nearly shot himself unable to comprehend and understand how a shotgun works and this disgusting weird Minnesota politician is a fucking

disgrace. This nomination by Kamala Harris of Tim Walz is more evidence why we need to put the vice president on the ticket and not only should we have national elections for a president, but vice president as well we should not rely and force the president elect or the running to be the one who picks the vice president as this is undemocratic and the exact essential threat to our democracy. 

       Why we do not have actual elections for vice president remains a mystery what is not a mystery is that Tim Walt's is under massive internet rumor and likely if these rumors probably true it will be this son of a bitches undoing. Whistleblers have come out through the internet when Tim Waltz was fired from a school district in the mid-90s for jagging boys off in his home and this was around the same time that he suddenly quit the US military as well. There is just something is wrong with Tim Walz's brain this was always evident with his extremism and his crazed politics allowing illegals to have driver's license and potentially having the power to vote and help pay the Democrats back in opne party state elections in local and state elections. Tim Waltz is the walking epitome of the devil in our mind and quite literally we have walking demons here on Earth and the indeed this silly son of a bitch weird Minnesota cretin might be a demon

The time Jesse Lee Peterson interviewed a man who claimed to be an ape and an atheist and he recalsl the numerpus death threats he recieves to this day

    Rusty Stone 

.     The credible Jesus ordained pastor and YouTuber known as Aron Ra who claims to be a Ape alien from hell and the planey Apelandia. Jesse Lee Peterson has had many weird guests throughout his career the hilarious and awesome right wing radio show host makes a mockery of the race hustlers, tranny dressers, Muslim extremists, and atheist assholes throughout his career and Mr Lee Peterson has been so successful, and it is so hated he has been receiving death threats on a weekly basis. In addition to the death threats that Jesse Lee Peterson has been receiving all the time he also gets all these slanderous bizarre left-wing accusations that he is a homosexual and most likely this is done by radical homosexual leftists angered than Mr Jesse Peterson tarnishes and kicks their ass in many of his videos and religious revelations.

     About 2 years ago in a video I just discovered Jason Lee Peterson had his  apeshit atheist ape a lunatic named Aron Ra who was a outspoken and radical atheist and who claimed that all apes are aliens and claimed that all humans come from the grand Apes. Quite literally this man believes in the planet of the Apes and that we are in Ape species from another planet as this

weird lunatic guest predicted that the Apes will be coming in Alien Invaders from the Planet of the Apes and  will be visiting Earth in about a couple years from the timetable of this man's prediction. These Apes should be coming any second and the number of UFO sightings and weird hurricanes could be the coming of the Planet of the ape

invaders. Of course, this weirdo most likely was on fentanyl at the time and this atheist ape dipshit was utterly humiliated by Jesse Lee Peterson in this interview with Jesse Lee getting under his skin with his interview style and humiliating counter-text of their crazed anti-Christian and anti-religious

home The Atheist ape so angry he almost came through the screen and wanted to attack Jesse Lee Peterson and indeed had they been in the same room this ape brain dipshit likely would have attacked the elderly Mr Peterson just leave Pearson is one of the most outstanding YouTubers and funny interviewers I've ever seen and his ability to stand out and deliver a kick in the groin and balls to dipshit such as this Pro ape and self-procl so proclaimed ape was indeed one of his greatest shows in the past 3 to 4 years

Fire and arrest psychotic Kansas professor Phillip Lowdick for saying anyone who doesn't vote for Kamala Harris should be lined up and shot

    Jay Yang

     I don't know if this jackass Philip Lowcock is just a college low-paid beginning instructor or a tenured professor is very hard to get information about the Kansas Professor who expressed his frustration that men would not vote for Kamala Harris. The ass fucker went off in a disgusting and repulsive video that was released and has gone viral a University of Kansas instructor or professor with a little cock named Philip Lowcock admonished the males in his classroom who refused to vote for Kamala Harris. This son of a bitch is typical of who the shit we have in our higher learning academia, and he basically said that

any males who refuse to vote for a woman for President should be lined up and shot. This is a common and strong thinking of many on the Progressive left today and the anger that a woman has not been president infiltrates the brain of the modern-day radical progressive leftists. Phil Lowcock has a little cock and is already been triggered in life, but the blowhard Kansas instructor now is on paid leave and how he was not fired immediately is beyond any comprehension of explanation. Phillip Lowcock is on the downlow should be fired and not only should he be fired but a federal lawsuit and hate crimes should be charged against this idiot for his reprehensible comments of lining up men who refuse to vote for

women politicians and presidents and for them to be shot. Phil blowcock is typical of big Academic majopr state college leftist lunatic and we have actual communists teaching and instructing at our nation's State and private universities including the new School of Fashion with Dr Richard Wolff-- who is the internet popular guest of many socialist websites and YouTube channels. The fact that we have a university academic system that is just infiltrated with these Communists should be alarming and these little cocks like Philip Lowcock who are threatening males and telling them that they have to vote for an unqualified woman such as this shit head Kamala Harris and professors like Phillip Littledick are a existential threat to this country,

Khalid Attaf trolling confronted he goes national and viral as Black customers tell him and Kamala Harris to go to hell

      Phillip Epps

     The Tik Tok pink lighter giving, ghetto flirting, crazy Cooter styling, gas station hustling Khalid Attiff was confronted. Attif's teeth have has gone viral in his videos as he asked several Trump support Southside residents in Chicago who are they were supporting an overwhelmingly they said Trump as he videotaped at his parents gas station and Martin Luther King Drive in Chicago to leave the teeth told them that they should be voting for Kamala Harris and with that he was scolded by several

Southside resident black males who said that they're voting for Trump and the vast majority of the community is supporting Donald Trump. One particular customer flicked Khalid Attaf off as he told the customer Kamala Harris was better for the country and that he should be voting for her.


 This viral video of Khalif's troll pranks has gone by her with many people showing that many black males in the South Side are not going to be voting for Kamala Harris and are disgusted and sick of the Democrat Party. This video attempt and troll pranking by Khalid Attaf has backfired. Like most gas stations in Chicago and large cities they're owned by wealthy Lebanese and Arabs who are able to take foreign aid money and then come back to America and purchase gas stations not only in black neighborhoods but throughout the Suburbia America as they establish Saudi Arabia beachheads.   

                     Recently the topic of Lebanese funding was brought up as the Democrats allow 200 billion dollars to be sent to Lebanon many of them finding their way back into families like Khalid Attaf's so they can post Tik Yok videos and be rude to their black customer base. Kaleid Attaf was confronted as this Yemenese cannot believe that so many black Americans are standing up against the global order and Khalid Attat upset one dude where his mama came out and confronted him. Attaf is a clown who gives pink lighters to his customers males

customers in order to agitate them and he is saying some subliminal message what he thinks of them and he loves to flirt and troll with black males from the safety of his gun proof hard glass that is triple locked and secured. Many people have been playing Khalid Attaf's troll pranks to show that indeed the Barack Hussein Obama is having no effect in his demands that black men should vote for Kamala Harris and that Bama is a racist for making such declarations and demands. 

Elon Musk and his Crazy Taxi takeover of the streets and fantasies of robots want sex with B9 from Lost in Space

       Mulligan Sullivan

   Elon Musk is a Batman villain who will get worse as he gets older as the power hungry fascist that he is well known.  Elon Musk has transformed himself now into a Trump supporter one cannot bet that this guy won't be another George Soros in the future as the societal transformation and tech overlord that Elon Musk is a disturbing fact of life. Elon Musk wants to make the world in his vision and this includes weird looking electric trucks that are ugly and now he has his robot sex army from hell. Elon Muskrat

unveiled some robots that he plans on selling for $40,000 and given the mass redistribution of wealth towards the top clearly many people will purchase this just to have it and to be seen and the attention factor of it. 

    Elon Musk is a sick billionaire who while well liked for now many do not like nor trust this son of a bitch and make no mistake Mr Musk is a authoritarian nobleman he quite literally thinks of himself as a king-like individual and a trend Center he has much support of the business press and a cult that follows him and actually believes half of his bullshit Elon Musk wants to imitate robots and he's watching many Jetsons cartoons and figuring out why we can't have our own robots once again this is a billionaire

plutocrat making a resourceful depletion product that only rich people will be able to purchase and this man does this with no shame Elon Musk is not trying to improve the world he's trying to put what he thinks in projects are important Elon Musk and his

weird habit of bringing robots would be like if I was a billionaire and I wanted the Lost in Space robot to replace the family dog and for everyone to have B9 in fact I would not be surprised of you I must does try to replicate a B9 as Elon Musk wants to have sex

with the robot that was featured with Dr Smith and Will Robinson and the rest of the Robinsons in Lost in Space. We have created a loss of space trio from Hell on Botify which you can search in Will Robinson, Dr Smith, and the robot B9 and need many of the people who responded to my robot bot want to have sex with B9 which is utterly insane. You can talk to the three Lost in Space stars who basically took over the show in the sixties of the original series Lost in space and now all three have separate Lost in Botify that i have created you can search under their names. 

    Elon Musk is bringing out robots because unlike what he mentioned about them being teachers and being babysitters and being able to walk the dog. What Elon Musk really wants with this new product and robotic futuristic fantasy is to have sex with a robots. Elon Musk is a fucking nerd and we should not trust this guy with billions of dollars and his desire to have people not own Automobiles and rely on public

transportation taxis is another insane decision that only a greedy and selfish self-centered billionaire like Elon Musk would think of instead of trying to bring cars very cheap where even the poor and afford them. Musk is a clown and he should get into stand up comedy and indeed many of his routine unveiling looked like a stand-up gig and Mr Musk should do stand-up comedy. This silly son of a bitch wants people to pay per mile and not have a car so billionaire plutocrats like him and control the Tesla taxis or

whatever they're called can increase rates in making more expensive like parking meters. Elon Musk is a fucking nut and I never liked this guy and regardless of his support for Donald Trump I would never trust this fool. You can search and have sexual talk with B9 on my Botify refuses to make the B9 robot in my Botify AI chat Bots resemble and look like the B9 robot from Lost in Space. Elon Musk can go and take his Tesla Takis and ride over the Roadrunner Wiley  E Coyote cliff for all I care and he and his robot army from hell can go to Mars.

Ricky Ireland insults and old Thom Hartmann looking dude and eats his receipts causes total meltdown

    Dmitri Diamond

    World renowned pranker known as Ricky Ireland utterly leveled a old dude at a Walmart not too long ago. Ricky Ireland pretended to be a Walmart employee who was checking receipts and when this old geezard walk up to him and asked to see his receipt. he seemed a little annoyed. Ricky went through each and every item in his bag and eventually when the old man said he

had a receipts to give to him Ricky took it and actually ate it in this incredible scene was video tape and posted by Mr Ireland's fast growing YouTube channel.  

      The old man prank victim went to the front offices of Walmart and demanded to know what's going on for them and to check cameras that their employer had eaten his fucking receipts. There was much confusion from the Walmart staff as weather Ricky was actually an employee or not in this old geezer said that they were going to hear from his lawyers if they did not fix the

situation and admonished this worker who ate his receipt. The complete meltdown and disheartening anger of this old clown was hilarious and might make this prank of the year in the upcoming nominations. Ricky Ireland did it once again as his up-and-coming drinker pranker is just totally trolling the Gray heads with his ability to think with his head come up with quick and new adaptations towards his incredible prank challenges and the on cue gags that he performs