UFOs and aliens seen all over Tick Tock and the world freaking out many as the coming aliens rock group develops and Nathan Stopleman blows vape smoke on hurricane seeding

         Jake Glass

       Animal stories

    Doshi the cat that once belonged to Nathan Stopleman may indeed be returning with bunch of musician aliens in the summer of 2028. We have long made this prediction and  sometimes pushing the invasion date  back a few years, but the incredible cat that was part of Lift The Veil podcaster Nathan Stopleman is still is missed by many. Nathan Stopleman had a cat in his background in his conspiracy podcast and more people watch the cat's antics then listen to the conspiracy crazy nonsense of Nathan Stopleman like many is going nuts with these hurricanes and UFO sightings that are all over Tik Tok and indeed Mr Stopleman and wonders if aliens are the ones seeding and creating these hurricanes for Mass confusion right before an invasion. 

    All over Tik Tok fear mongering of aliens and weird lights, but once again we have always made the assertion that if aliens have the technology to travel from another planet they do not need lights on their craft ever. The idea that these sightings by these drug addicted Tik Tokers and Millennial Z have any merit is laughable. Nathan Stopleman of Lift The Veil brings out his vape pen and sucks it like he wishes it was a black cock or a black cat. Nathan Stopleman and misses his Siamese cats and now the day goes by where tears flow from the eyes and face of the Lift The Veil holes who has a subscriber base of 200 devoted followers. 

     Nathan Stopleman played many of these UFO videos as he has long been a spokesman and an advocate of a coming UFO Invasion like us and indeed if my prediction is right his dead cat and his spirit will play major part with the rock stars that will be coming from the Planet X.  The nefarious rock music band called the Aliens will be like the British Invasion of the Beatles in 2028 and they will have this kryptoid augmented reality of a dead cat Doshi with them planning and the ghost of Doshi we believe the UFO sightings that are coming might be the beginning wave of the main revelation of rockers and rocking to come with the alien rock band who will have some of the craziest music not heard since the Star Wars scene in Cantina original Star Wars movie. 

     The aliens are coming according to many of these Tik Tokers who cannot stop posting showing pictures of this upcoming alien invasions freaking out many people and to the point where many are losing sleep and needed to be heavily medicated through their UFO fear mongering. a recent video and ship seen in Afghanistan that's like a balloon that has alien corpses or bodies attacked to it  is also freaking out people and is becoming internets meme and sensation. Nathan Stopleman talked about the hurricanes and how they brought havoc and he sucked on his vape pen leaning out a big blow of smoke which pretty much redefined his entire UFO and hurricane podcast episode. This guy is all smoke as are these other UFO whack jobs and winkers

The Loonies gang are men on the Run as they destroy Kamala Harris supporter tries to put Trump signs in front of their house

        Jacoby Genevese

    Trolling the far-left radical Kamala Harris and Tim Walz maniacs across this country the Loonies gang decided to play some pranks. The prankers went to several houses that had Kamala Harris and Tim Walz signs from their house and they knocked on their door telling them that they had got an email that these houses switch the registration and that they were going to put Trump signs. Looney Money G and Spicy utterly leveled

the Walz and Kamala supporters who were triggered at the idea guys would just ocme and ignore their demands they didn't want trump signs to be put in their front yards. The insanity of the far- left Democrats was seen in this Loonies video as many went ape shit including a nasty geriatric grand pa who got in the Looney's boys faces and was so

vulgar and foul mouth it was unbelievable. This far-left lunatic libtard household all came out to confront and threaten the Loonies gang as they put Trump signs and JD Vance signs for the upcoming election, and they were not having none of it Grandpa lost his brain and threatened to burn up these young prankers in a psychotic rant and rage further exposing the crazy Insanity of the Democrat. 

     The vile and reprehensible Biden and Kamala Harris followers was seen as the Loonies gang successfully broke the brain and the bank of this Kamala voter family.

The Loonies gang did so with several other Kamala Harris supporters whom they attempted to take down their Harris Waltz signs and replacing with Trump signs. The incredible prank Talent of the loonies was once again on display and this was a banger video it totally let loose and destroyed the radical come on era supporters in this neighborhood
A old psychopath nearly shot the loonies game as he brought out his gun and chased the trio out of his neighborhood and block. The loonies game were quite literally men on the run as they ran for their life from this old lunatic who was triggered by their replacement of a Kamala Harris sign and putting one up with a trump sign the willingness and death-defying ability of the loonies prankers to risk their own lives to make Their audience laugh cannot be denied or understated the loonies were men on the run and quite frankly were lucky to survive as in this day and age messing with people's properties and political signage is a death wish

Psychopath Palestinian propagandist Scott Ritter continues to lie and spread misinformation on the war with Hezbollah and Hamas

      Brian Brain

      Scott Ritter has to be one of the sickest and biggest propagandist on the side of the terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The repulsive far-left former weapons inspector and perpetual scumbag and major guest comes on all these little viewed podcasts and YouTube channels to bash Israel on a daily basis. Scott Ritter is a disgusting pro terrorist left-wing brain damaged lunatic who often has many guest appearances on other shows and he's always saying that the Hamas and Hezbollah organizations are winning their wars against Israel. Scott Ritter is an anti-semite who has a strong hatred and disdain for the Jewish people and naturally this guy as a habitual liar will come out and try to discredit and attack the state of Israel. brain fart Scott Ritter recently came on some pieces of shit YouTube show named Danny Haiphong  and basically bashed the state of Israel and their recent incursions into Hezbollah that have essentially taken out many Hezbollah leaders and has this one-time powerful terror network organization disemboweled and disorganized. 

      The damage that Israel has done to his Hezbollah has been amazing and could explain why Iran seems to be shooting missiles and trying to avenge the damage that Israel is obviously doing to one of their major proxies. Of course, the human foreskin Scott Ritter's crazed brain and bubble in universe Israel is losing an all fronts and this man is in such a delusional deranged antisemitic belief system he is hoping and praying that the Palestinian demons win this war. The sky riders often very biased in what he says and very misinformative is this guy does nothing but appear another YouTube channels and his own to spread as much in misinformation about the war Israel's had to fight on seven fronts now Israel is quite literally hammering their enemies despite having so many along their border and despite the best efforts of the theocratic psychotic Iranian state lobbying missiles at the state of Israel. The Jewish State continues to send in soldiers and gain territory killing as many terrorists as they can along their border. Israel is waiting for a major attack on Iran and it may be a while before it, but in the meantime they have been carving up Hamas and Hezbollah In both Hamas and Lebanon and this has his psychopath propagandist and total dipshit Scott Ritter in a heap . Israel continues to delete the top leaders of these fucking evil organizations and for the likes of brain-damaged Scott Ritter are having fits of anger and rage which is damaging his little brain. Ritter can't stop going to all these shows and lying about the war in the Middle East as this man is he committed Marxist and thus he's an ally of Islamist and the toxic Alliance of these two evil ideologies cannot be understated

Nightmare season for Aaron Rodgers continues as the New York Jets lose the Buffalo Bills... Aaron blames bad referees

    Aaron Zappe

      Going on his weekly Pat McAfee show former Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers continues to have a nightmare scenario season for the New York Jets. The failed quarterback who missed all last year with an injury lost another game this time with the Buffalo Bills as Aaron Rodgers missed open receivers left and right and was having trouble focusing in getting the ball into his receiver's hands. If not for a Hail Mary right before the end of the first half Aaron Rodgers stats we've been a lot worse as the failed New York Jets quarterback keeps losing week after week. This time Aaron Rodgers came up to the media and blamed his teammates and complain about the referees. Rogers makes all sorts of excuses once again for yet

another loss as the New York Jets have a new head coach that Mr Rogers likely will have a problem with him a few weeks. Lord Rogers came on Pat McAfee show and complained about the number of inconsistent calls and outrageous bad calls the referees were doing as this was a highly penalized game. It seems like Aaron Rodgers is always coming up with some excuse for his failure as many thought that he and the New York Sharks would have been a frontrunner for the Super Bowl.                  However, after 6 weeks it is apparent that Aaron Rodgers has failed in New York and the New York Jets are not going to be going to the Super Bowl after yet another loss to likely a Super Bowl Contender real

team in the Buffalo Bills. Aaron Rodgers and the Jets were lucky it was even close as it was and the pathetic play and miscues by the New York Jets continues to spread by the week only continuing the failure of the 2024 season on both of the offense and defense. One has to wonder if Aaron Rodgers is going to last much longer as the offensive line is unable to protect him and we predict within a month he will likely be sacked and whacked and be out for the rest of the season. In the meantime though he will continue to come to Pat McAfee and make up excuse's week after week for the losses that just accumulating and Aaron Rodgers likely is thinking that he wished he had stayed in the city of Green Bay despite it being a shithole in the middle of America.

Joey Swoll goes after Big Red angered at a prank video

   Arnold Armstrong

     The Tick Tock gym influencer known as Joey Swall let loose against a huge and growing pranker known as Big Red. Big red run something called No One Safe You Bitch" Productions that goes around Kalifornia and pranks people's asses and Big Red usually smokes marijuana in most of his videos and this is what he is known for. Big Red plays this felon who just got out of stateville and is into all sorts of weird job occupations in search of one. Occasionally Big Red does a

Gym centric video and this is what seem to get Joey Small so upset. A video of Big Red interrupting some volunteer for veterans angered Mr Swan to do a video where he challenged Big Red to do better and admonished him for bothering an old individual who was a volunteer in on the phone with possibly a vet who was ready to commit suicide. 

      Big Red's exchange with this veteran helper that read attempted to prank in the gym was replayed by Joey Swoll who bashed Big Red as the Karen Tik Tok crybaby that he is. Joey Swoll knows better and should not be messing with big Red  of No One's Safe as Big Red doesn't play around and surely he's going to answer back to the disrespect and attack that Joey Small gave to him. Mr Small does all all these videos where he attacks people who film and gyms and do stuff that gets Mr Swallow upset and that he feels a need to call out to his huge following and fan base.  

    Mr Swoll's sudden attack on Big Red  was surprising and appears that Mr Small do not like Big Red using Wall's favorite place to hang around the gym is the background for one of his pranks. Joey Swoll is like many of these fitness addicts who like to hang around the gym and lift weights and smell other people's body odor and somehow their ego necessitates wasting and exercising so much and gaining muscle and Mass through

overeating and constantly lifting weights. Joey Small did not like Big Red making pranking a veteran on the phone with an important phone call and thus surprisingly the No One Safe well known pranker was the butt of a Joe Swoll fitness rant on YouTube. Joey Swoll knows better than mess with Big Red and he will face a big price.

Introducing Michael Khieu Tick Tock star mocks Gretchen Whitmer force feeding Doritos into some bimbo influencer

        Bradly Austin

    The fall out from fascist Michigan Governor Gresham Whitmer's weird tick tock feeding video continues Michael Khieu from Tik Tok has done a video mocking this anti-Christian act by this stupid Michigan Governor as Michael says that this video was intended to be a parody on Catholic priests and  mock their ritual offering.  Supposedly Tik Tok has a video where these young women are feeding each other in some sort of weird bizarre ritual whether it be there mother feeding their daughter or friends

feeding their other friends. It appears that the vast majority of Tik Tok are just gender exclusive actions as the vast majority of women do videos targeting other women and men usually do politics and not usually the crazy song and dance routine that women will be involved. The attention

seeking grifter for extremist causes and the cult of death with abortion empowerment Gretchen "evil" Whitmer happily decided to do some sort of collaborative video with a social media influencer by feeding her Dorito chips as if she were the high priest of virginity or something. 

    This video has been mocked by people by all aspects of social media and YouTube Tik Toker Michael  Khieu lambasted this crazed woman. Michael does Tik Toks where he likes to point to people as do many decided to do a video to ridicule the Michigan governor and this skanky woman she fed Dorito chips. The promotion of lesbian isn't also could be a factor in many of these weird feeding videos as Chinese tick tock there is an indeed an over-representation of lesbian characters and actors who push the sick and perverse lifestyle of being with one same

gender and this is a battle that conservatives constantly have to battle on the streets and confront a sick filthy culture of propaganda and hate directed towards their culture and ways. the Michigan Governor has been not been criticized enough for her role in this silly scummy cultural wars that the politician has been on the front guard pushing weird progressive values and promotion of cross dressing and other perverse alternative lifestyles with her political commitment to aiding their perverse cause and ability to grow and recruit.

Pranker Steven Karlson are Rebel TV jumps over Mario looking individual as he does tons of videos targeting Italians

        Andy Cruz

      The Las Vegas bass pranker known as Stephen Karlson loves fucking with Italian and foreign looking people as the vast majority of people that Steven Karlson pranks are either Asian or of Italian globalist descent. Mr Karlson of Rebel TV did yet another banger of a video jumping over this old Italian Geezer in the mall not once not twice but three times. Stephen Karlson's athletic ability to jump over this man several times in a prank video from hell and the Las Vegas mall went viral. Mr Karlson was like a modern Mario of Nintendo jumping over a

Luigi brother looking type individual after the first jump the man look confused looking around and didn't even know if he even saw Mr Karlson's jump over his stupid arse as Mr Karlson ran up and jumped the jackass again after the second jump this old Italian Super Mario started looked angrily and stood up and said "hey", but Karlson was already away running and jumping away. 

     The incredible third jump though got this old man too chase after Mr Carlson for a few feet before he got tired and winded as the old 60 something geezer that he is. Stephen Karlson and tremendous poise in athletic ability to clearly jump this smartphone

zombie old man who can't figure out he's being ridiculed and targeted for a prank Mr Karlson did not invent the jump prank but he has perfected with this prank of the cranky old Italian guy and Mr Carlson has been on the ball in recent weeks pranking the old crankers  other Italian dudes which will be will be reporting on in a few weeks. Stephen Karlson apparently doesn't like Italians and he loves to troll these fuckers and we look forward to more Stephen Karlson pranks and reports from Rebel TV as this guy in his unique style of pranking is solid and a banger.

Radical craze James Carville Compares Trump's Madison Square Garden to 1939 Pro German rally and the great podcaster Barry Cunningham roast shits on this bald head

        Stanley Randell

    The nearly 90 year old and disgusting lizard type alien looking James Carville once again made a spectacle himself. James Carville appeared on the Peppermint Patty program on MSNBC of Jen Psaki and Mr Carville once again made a mister Ed type of horses ass out of himself. The amount of bullshit and horseshit that this scumbag James Carvel is able to deliver on this propagandist racist network of MSNBC utterly is unbelievable. James Carville went on to describe Donald Trump's coming

Madison Square Garden rally to a 1938 Pro German American Pro German rally that occurred well before the horrors of the Holocaust were found and discovered. James Carville is a dick head and more assertions trying to connect Donald Trump to Hitler through essentially a peaceful anti-war rally made up of proud German Americans and the Hitler calling card of psychopaths like bald James Carville as the rhetoric of this bald head 90 year old Democrat strategist former Clinton ass wiper is what leads to the assassinations against Donald Trump. Youtuber Barry Cunningham dig dunged the old shit out of King James asshole as

Cunningham said Carville is a mesmerized zombie of hate and radical leftist politics and the panic in James Carville's voice of the coming defeat of his bitch Kamala Harris. James Carville needs to be put in a mental hospital and declared institutionalized and why MSNBC and CNN continue to have this Louisiana jackass on their network remains a mystery.

      James Carville is a divisive toxic nasty old fuckface of individual who has space aliens micing with little earth virus on his planet head and a whole ecosystem is developing on planet nut head. King James is a piece of shit who should not be given the mainstream media attention and time that he does not only through these left-wing crap networks but even fox seems to report more than what's necessary on this emotional and ugly old man with old small fitting and ugly broken-down baseball caps. James Carville is a piece of shit and he always been a piece of shit and likely to his last dying day that hopefully is not too long off in the future will be a piece of shit. James Carville has difficulty wiping his ass and farts every half hour to the point where he has to change his underwear five times a day. YouTube Barry Cunnigham said this old freak is stretching going back to 1938 some German American rally at th same stadium as if this is some subliminal message by

trump and Carville does this because he is a propagandist piece of shit who doesn't know his own head from his smelly farting ass. The amount of time sold nasty James Carville puts his hand in his butt hole to wipe off the slime wettness his ass produces cannot be understated with most of what he wipes eventually getting sniffed drool into his lungs back into his body in this weird perpetual guttiness.

      This old nasty bald head missing tooth geriatric jackass is unable to control his bowel movements and his ass gas according to many sources close to James Carville have made mention to the gaseous smell of Mr Carville lingers on almost a hundred miles of football field away when he goes away and people can tell that James Carvel's in the next room due to the nauseous smell that it's constantly following James Carville and his asshole. James Carville smells so much of human feces and shit matter in his ass that one can even actually smell it when he appears on MSNBC which is too often the case and this race divisive toxic network needs to really seriously reconsider having this shit head as often it as they do.

Rooga threatens Adam on the No Jumper podcast and threatens to break his tattoo neck

        Reggie Rapper

   Three rap scum bags came to the No Jumper podcast run by Adam 22 otherwise known as Adam Granhouser or something and someone named Rooger nearly beat his ass live on stream.  I've never heard of this podcast but it has over 4 million subscribers and the rap thug internet is just not my thing apparently Adam 22 has been saying some shit about other rappers that has Rooga upset and the big burly rapper and the No Jumper podcast host got into a ruckus and nearly came to blows. Rooga wanted to fight Adam right there in the studio of this

popular baller and rapper podcast where the tattooed up Adam Italian Caucasian dude had been talking a lot of shit about some of this rappers friends. Rooga

threatened to beat him up and told him that he only appeared on this program and pretend to be friendly wanting to get in the confrontation and told Adam 22 to go outside and settle some scores. Rooga told Adam that he could not be in the podcast rap industry and talk shit about people and he warned him that he was going to get his face fucked up for some of the antics and disrespect that Adam has been shown for all the rappers. 

    The near coming to blows of Adam and Rooga was hardly reprehensible and typical of the rap thug podcast world that this tattooed jackass Adam and rapper Rooga apparently are part of what would I expect Ruger to appear on the no jumper podcast anytime in the future is Ruger had smoked so much fucking weed with these other two rappers named that he lost control of his mind and decided to

confront this obnoxious and apparently arrogant big mouth podcaster this podcaster Adam told Rooga he was not a fighter and going outside and busting his face with Rooga's fist was not his idea of a preferred evening . Rapper Ruger said that he deserved it for the amount of shit he's been talking about rappers behind their back after having them appear on his hugely popular and successful 4 million

subscription podcast called the No Baller No Jumper podcast and Adam's security detail eventually escorted this caveman out of the studio as Rooga failed in his bid to bait Adam into a fight right there as Rooga was ready to bust Adam's face and spill blood on his numerous neck and head tattoos that this fuck face Adam 22 seems to have. This was a weird altercation the one that could only occur in the weird and thug rap podcast industry and who exactly any of these jackasses are remains a mystery for the vast majority of people.

Indian model slut and face cream Pusher Kaaviya continues to push just on face products on tick tock

           Baba Pugwuthi

    Kaaviya this Indian Goddess that pretty much pushes face products and is paid to heavily by the face cream fake improvement Cosmetics industry. In addition to pushing fuck cream that often looks like a guy jizzing on his girlfriend or wife, Kaaviya - - who doesn't appear to ever have a boyfriend-- is also pushing makeup and this woman is just like a face cake makeup filled young Indian hot woman of dark Tamil descent. Kaaviya is very proud of her Indian skin and Indian

Heritage and this woman seems to have a fetish about mentioning her ethnicity and how it relates to makeup and improving the quality of her life by applying tons and tons of makeup on her fucking face. 

    Kaaviya does so many face cream and makeup videos that she should be essentially a walking billboard for this industry that is increasingly taken up much of Tick Tock as these grifters for fuck cream and makeup just cannot stop doing content as

influencers. Kaaviya  put something on her face that quietly could be confused for the ending of a many porn movie and perhaps these women dropping cum like cream on their face in little capsules is like some sort of sexual innuendo and it's risqué as Tik Tok will get Kaaviya  grifts and come down her

face by dropping products and one cannot believe that someone who looks like this is single and apparently doesn't seem to be ever interested in dating or relationships with the men as a modern woman. Kaaviya does so many fuck cream videos perhaps she is longing to get her face fucked and just juiced up and this could explain why she does so many of these face cream videos on Tick Tock that quite literally look like many endings of a face cream on PornHub

Jimmy Dore rips Howard Sterns wig off and blasts the geriatric jackasses butt hole in kiss ass Kamala interview

 Patrick Jennings

.   Howard Stern is a wig-wearing dumb ugly motherfucker (UMF) who somehow has scammed the system and is still getting paid 40 million a year to do 120 radio shows on XM Sirius a year. The disgusting wig-wearing troll had an embarrassing video interview with Kamala Harris where he basically kissed and licked the ass of this horrible Kalifornia politician never mentioning the bad results of her policies and political leadership in the failed State of Kalifornia taking the C out of it. With this in mind the stupid Howard Stern is still being roasted by individuals for his softball interview and YouTuber Jimmy Dore was the latest to

attack Howard Stern and his wig. Jimmy Door went off and he wondered why XM Siri satellite even has Howard Stern Show in 2024 and who the hell is listening to this garbage. Dore played several clips of Howard Stern kissing the ass of Kamala and essentially being a very friendly interview with no hard questions and this is because Howard Stern has regressed into being this far-left woke partisan maniac who wants to suppress the rights of other people to meet his own bizarre and psychotic belief system. 


Howard Stern is complete garbage, and he is no comedic sense anymore nor any talent and it's quite unbelievable that XM Series satellite has not noticed and continues to pay him an annual salary. Jimmy Dore and his partner crew Metzger ripped the ass and Howard Stern and the stupid comments about raisin bran cereal and Doritos that were brought up as Howard Stern basically just brings politician Democrat politicians in attempt to raise them up with small and boring talk. There can no really be no

Howard Stern fans at this date no ratings and Mr Door and Kurt Metzger wondered how much longer XM Series satellite radio is going to prop up this hook nose silly son of a bitch known as Howard Stern. The man adds absolutely nothing and is a disgrace to the microphone in the world of Broadcasting Metzger and Dore said that stern started to get woke weird after Howard joined "America's Got Talent" that he dramatically changed and Howard is far removed from the days when he had the strippers and lesbians on his program. Stern has dropped his brain on politics and his brain is butter suffering from obvious Rock 'N Roll dead matter syndrome and a rock and talk type of early dementia and has regress to the point where he refuses to leave his house. Stern is sick in the head and is worried about a little virus and catching one of them in the air so he stays home does his 100 shows a year and watches a lot of TV and porn.

The time Doctor Now utterly went off on Margaret and called her a fat cow abusing the system

      Payton Jenkins

     Geriatric gastroenterologist biatric fat fucking doctor Younon Nowzaradaran  otherwise known as Dr Now is a reality television  Mad Doctor from Hell and Pakistan as the reality-based television gut cutting doctor is one of the biggest medical doctor reality shows that have ever existed in his insults antagonizing of the 600 lb monsters in our society makes for many interesting quirky developments. Dr Now went off one time on this date of 10/10/ 2018 on a fat Jabba the hut looking Margaret who Mr Now accused of abusing the system as

doctor Now got insulted and angered at this 700 lb woman stayed at his hospital for over a month. She was very combative trying to avoid exercise with a physical therapy and did not want to work out at all. All this pig did was fucking sleep her 700 lb ass while eating Cheetos. 

     Margaret just complained and wanted more and more pain medicine and it got to the point where doctor Nowzardaran and had enough and had a meltdown over this abusive and wasteful over-eater the amount of Jabba the hut people that Dr now has to deal with his medical practice as a biatric surgeon. People like Margaret are a waste on our society and this woman doesn't want to improve her situation

and basically soak up the health care and costs at the expense of other people and this gets Dr Now's face reddened with anger. This episode and guest on Dr Now's program was utterly reprehensible and he is old and tired and is ready for retirement Dr now called out this land will Margaret for manipulating people and trying to get to stay and not move at the hospital as she just wants to sleep and have her medicine and eventually doctor now had to put his foot down on this woman and kick her out of the hospital. 

    women like Margaret who appear on Dr Nowzardan's program are not human being sand some would describe as human cattle. Dr Now called out this pig for her manipulation of the staff and the system and the geriatric king of biatricism and reality television came out and confronted this massive mass of disturbing humanity and quit literally Margaret is like a human blob this far fuck eating monster

machine. D r Now refuses to help and cut the fat gut and surgery of these fat fuckers who do not want to help themselves and have him mistaken as some mid century medieval wizard who can just make their obesity and fat disappear without any acknowledgement of their brutal sick eating lifestyle not any changes of working on this horrible nasty habit that got them to the brink of fat death and weighing more than a fucking powerful stallion horse.