Texas redneck and rattlesnake JP Sears says Texas should secede from the union and he predicts a civil war

 JP Sears came out on his real awakening with JP Sears YouTube channel and talked about being a Texan and the importance of being such for America in battling the repressive bureaucrats of Covid and lock downs JP Seas is a proud Texan and will always fight for what is right an the freedoms associated with Texas and J Sears says where Texas goes so will liberty and the more the Blue state politicians restrict the freedoms and rights of their citizens there will always be a push back and it may be Texas that leads the fight

against  the  medical industrial wishing to install their own puppets and ruler to enforce their control on others . JP Sears did a five minute video on how t think like a Texan and it is the Texan the tax stealing Northerners, Yankees, globalists, Sicilians, anarchists, banksters, Jews, Ricans , socialists, Mobsters, Mexicans ,Italians, Canadians, liberals, drug pushers, creepy clowns, smugglers, banditos ,Russians, criminals,Egyptians, communists, Blacks, Magicians, Alaskans, Chinese,Catholics,  and fraudster that push forward this crazed struggle to eliminate all of our rights in the New world order conspiracy of Covid. JP Sears says it will be Texans and those proud American who think like Texan ho will be on the front lines of resistance against these crazy socialists,
 Sears interrupted his Texas broadcast to pay up to the Texas nationalists with all sorts of hoodies and t shirts and it is amazing how many YouTube programs offer their own clothing and wear and whether this is the intended consequences of their videos to peddle cheap clothing and profit is still yet to be determined. JP Sears is an amazing spiritual beast an dude able to meditate and defy physics through his amazing levitation power and this man is one of the premier yogis in the world. JP Sears also is a redneck Texan and loves freedom and he made this important video to describe to Blue state crazy America that Texas is not going to play to their drummer and health restrictions as freedom is more important than  decisions of those in state and local politics in urban areas and the corrupt health officials loving the power trip they are currently enjoying a mini Benito Mussolini's and Stalins. 

JP Sears also predicted an upcoming civil war and say democrats with their oppressive behavior though government are such obvious trolls and puppets for their masters in China that eventually   point is going to occur and when we have our war with China Democratic heads who support  this country in time of war will roll and this country has been split because treasonous  traitors in business alleviated China to help bring about a decline of global power for America all while richening themselves and their families. 

Globalists socialists rig election and get Communist Pedro Castillo elected in Peru as Lord Anonymous approves and congratulates him

 Andy Cruz

    An unknown came put pf no where in a contested election in Peru to shock and appall the world s an evil avowed socialist got elected and much like the 2020 American election the vote in Peru is suspicious and likely rigged on part of the socialist internationalists who keep stealing and meddling in elections around the world. Pedro Castillo's assertions that a rich country should not have any poor country and some sense of reality need to be given to Mr Pedro has Peru is a poor country and with his accession in Peru can only promise to become more of a poor country. Pedro Castillo stole the election for the socialists and got help to accomplish this by foreigners and globalists wishing to push peon c crazed leaders like Mt Castillo who stole the election from Peru's neo-liberalism Keuiko Fujimori as president and this unproven and unknown person leads this South American country and he is a proud compesino peon and while there is non -problem with commoner peons in Peru they should not be leading the country nor have the qualifications or intelligence to lead such a mineral rich country.

Lord Anonymous international socialist and leader of the ultra ANTIFA liberal hacking group approved this election theft and said this is only  the beginning in  the Anonymous  hacking war on civility. Pedro Castillo being president is a fucking joke in Peru and he is just as stupid, incompetent , and unfit to be president as the Americana old geriatric jackass Joe Biden and Peru's economy along with Americas can only promise to free fall thanks to the inept leadership this idiot promises to fulfill for the people of Peru. 

 Castillo promises for a more dignified and disunited Peru but in reality this man is observer his head in leading Lima politics and this man is unfit to be running Peru as president is not the same as running some cattle ranch in the backwaters middle of no where in rural Peru. Castillo's opponent had lead a month long  battle to have 200,000 votes tossed and Keiko Fujimori made election claims rigging which being a third world shit hole is likely committed by this cowboy hat wearing socialist that is just one step away from Communism in and country that in the eighties and nineties fought a brutal campaign  against insurrectionist leftist Communists who committed vast atrocities as

Communists have done throughout history and the "Shining Path" as they were called were domestic terrorists that caused havoc and killed an estimated two hundred thousandth people in Peru and is a wake up call to the world of the dangers of those who proudly claim to be democratic socialist who  obviously  are not. For all we know this newly rigged elected president may have been a m ember of this internally funded communist group that caused massive death and suffering for decades in Peru. This man Castillo is a peon and he will work hard to make everyone a peon from the ivory towers to the top ten percent in Lima and the socialists  globalists want to destroy any gains and economic progress Peru has made in the years as it went into a neo-liberal path and opened up their country to foreign investment. Lord Anonymous and the internationalist socialists have succeeded in election thieving another country and promoting the Indians into a racial identity politics because I can't see any other way to describe the victory and that this unqualified peanut farmer got so many votes and in a position for the left to steal another election in Latin America. Lord Anonymous  approved and wants more left-wing election thefts and the evil of Lord Anonymous is only topped by Lord Vader and the anonymous hacking group rewarded this hat wearing cowboy rural teacher and rancher because he is a Maoist and likely was part if the shining path domestic terrorist group in Peru for years 

Is Vincent K McMahon on the verge of finally selling his fake fighting promotion????

 Ramon Ramos

    The WWE has long been boring scripted fake fighting nothing like the product is was in the late nineties where close to ten million people viewed professional wrestling and the WWE is a shallow of what it use to be long hemorrhaging viewers and no amount of foreign cash is going to bail out the WWE anymore. Vince McMahon and his son in law and daughter along with other large stock holders recently sold and cashed in on some of their ridiculous stock and for many long term devoted wrestling fans the idea that Vince McMahon and his family will no longer be part of it is a welcome relief.

McMahon has helped destroy  the independent spirit and values of the small regional  promotions and it was only a matter of time even his company will see the same affects of these smaller promotions and who and how this WWE has been given lifelines in the past is beyond my thoughts or explanation. Vince McMahon though has destroyed his product and there has been nothing interesting of the WWE for years as this idiot McMahon keeps an hugely unpopular wrestler as one of its main draws in Roman Reigns and allows this family of Polynesian to continue to such power and influence  in this company.

Vince McMahon sucks as does the Polynesian family that demands Roman remain champion and mus thave something on Convent K McMahon and likely what is happening is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is part of this family and is paying for Roman Reigns to main event in all of these WWE events and it is because Roman Reigns is involved why this company is flopping and eventually Vince McMahon should sell this shit to someone not beholden to Dwayne John'son and Jimmy Snuka's family genes. For the sake of professional wrestling and for the chance that regionalizatin occurs again in this industry getting this rich bastard and hitting his pocketbooks forcing a sale is key to improving American professional wrestling.

Jim Cramer comes scare mongering says 200,000 going to get sick near death with Delta and he considers running for president in 2028

  Casey Kelso

    Mad hatter and CNBC contributor Jim Cramer joined the latest list of those fear mongering about the virus as Jim says stocks will tank and we will be in the same position as last year with these virus. Jim Cramer came out on CNBC and scar feared that would make Rocelle Walensky blush as he stated that people are not gong to be fully

100% vaccinated in this country and as a result government is going to go overboard and lock down everything and Jim Cramer bashed the government and health officials ho he said are incapable of dealing with a crisis. The bald one came aboard his huge business  program and predicted over tho hundred people thousand will be dead by

September and  serious new lock downs and mandates will be put to place and he blamed both the vaccinated and unvaccinated for causing this cultural war and he doubted whether the first batch of vaccines actually did anything to stop the spread of Covid. Jim Cramer fear mongered all over the place and seemed quit proud that Pfzier made a record profit through Covid and without a doubt Jim Cramer should be clear that this whole Covid hoax was pre-planned and theft fro the global pharmaceutical industry and no where will this idea be suggested by corporate scum in the media like Jim Cramper. Jim is a mad hatter mad money fraud and he is seriously thinking about entering politics and this idiot Cramer known he has enjoyed steady work  a

privileged position in mainstream media too long with his horseshit and that with his ugly mug it cannot continue one day it will come to an end. With this in mind Jim Cramer is considering a political career and laying the ground work for a presidential run when is CNBC contract comes up in 2027 as this stupid network is paying him hundreds of millions of dollars on CNBC for his boring stock talk and business  lame discussions of proverbial dullness.

Jim Cramer says in the next week or two cases and deaths may rise by a hundred thousand and he says this without any credence or health expertise and as usual this ugly man speaks out of his ass and why a major network has this jerk scum like Jim Cramer as their representative and mouth piece it totally unknown and nuts.

The Minnesota Guardian Michale Wicklace attacks a woman and is arrested for sexual assault

    Lincoln Kennedy

    A unpopular YouTube who goes by the name of Minnesota Guardian stands accused of assaulting s woman in White Bear Lake and without a doubt this clown is in deep shit and will be demonetized  after this man picked up a young woman kicked out of a group home and offered her a ride. The pervert attempted to rape and tasered her as she resisted and without a doubt this young mans YouTube channel ad career is down the toilet as he had a massed a huge audience of 13,000 followers where he discussed horse shit and bullshit and looks like dogshit.

Michael Wicklace is a sick puppy and insane in the membrane as one could have seen from his numerous YouTube rantings where he ranted and hate don society and it should come as no surprise this dickwad would eventually commit some crime and a pretty heinous one as he pretended to be part of community policing who was hired by the state to deescalate conflict and tricked this young woman into his car and perhaps would or raped and killed her as this creep fuck looks lie a serial killer in the making There is nothing worse than a woman killer they are along the fine line of crust that comes on people slips as described by Cyrus  the Virus in Con Air and in my word all rapists and serial killers would be killed pronto after sentencing and one can predict  maybe hope this sicko Michael Wicklace is shanked n prison
 This clown got arrested,cuffed, and stuffed and this moron hopefully will not be seeing the light of day free from prison  for some time as he is a scumbag and he is fucked as the other prisoners will recognize him from his crazy YouTube videos and will determine this guy may be marked for fucked up. Wicklace made a wring decision to attack that girl and he will pay a dear price for his assault and how this fat face fuck faced nerd even amassed 18,000 followers is something else  that also needs to be investigated.

Hundreds of thousands of Australians resist and clash with government fascists and Covid Nazis

     Calvin Hamilton

   Australian citizens in Melbourne and Sydney have been under some of the most nefarious restrictions and police state antics of the Covid era and many have had enough as thousands  took to the streets to protest the latest rounds of brutal authoritarian that has been a hallmark of this demon in charge of Australia named  as he issued a decree people must not ever venture out of their house for anything after a 176 cases were reported in  a nation of 25 million. This is full totalitarianism and the Scott Morrison administration has done his best to press forward with attacking the rights of the average Australasian and this is what the Aussie government is using their delta void surge and restriction in order to further suppress the people of Australia.

The fanatical mob screamed and threaten Australians top political and health officials who continue to bully and threaten the Australian citizens and many protesters were vocal calling for the head of Jermey McAnulty who has top health official has done everything in his power to return Australian into the days when it was a penal prison. The Australasian protests were calling out to the world and warning them their psychotic leaders like Scott Morrison were using Covid Delta to become a dictator and trmale and steal all basic dignity and

human sport and Mr Morrison is a fascist form hell using lock down policies to quite literally kill people. The Australians are on the verge of revolution and overthrowing this prick and gutting him is likely going to be the end result for Scott Morrison. Morrison is a sick man and along with  the governors of other Australian states these lock downs are meant to imprison the Australian people and nation of 25 million people and the Australians are starting to realize the tyranny of their government and starting to see how gun control forced upon them through the years made all this possible and for the full attack on their basic human rights done by Scott Morrison and his military as the military has now been called to patrol the streets and further restrict the movement of the citizens of this nation. The bravery of the french,Greeks, and Australians in protesting these draconian measures puts American to shame as most fat Americans are unable and unwilling to fight for their freedoms and would only do so if television cable were shut and Frito Lay canceled Cheetos.

Andrew Yang considers becoming a doctor and is already a front runner for mayor of New York in 2025

  Chung Young

    Times have been tough for the political aspirations of Andrew Yang following his disaster in the New York primary and race where the former presidential candidate  Andrew finished  dead last . Andrew Yang faces an uncertain future as media opportunities have dried up and Mr Yang is not excited about the possibility of returning to the world of educational bamboolzement education industry and in reality Yang doesn't have any excitement for this or running in politics again as some pondered a congressional run for the former rock star presidential candidate in 2020 . may of the members of Andrew's Yang Gang have fled and once again become Bernie Brothers or Beto's bitches in politics and Mr Andrew Yang runs the risk of being as quickly forgotten in through  world of politicos as he came out of no where and was on just about every YouTube or internet tech broadcast a year or two ago despite never rising about 2% in any polls. 

Andrew Wang is considering changing careers as after his thrashing in the New York mayor race he knows that he is not much of a draw in politics for a diverse crowd and likely can only get elected in areas with a large Asian, hipster, or tech business savvy community and this will  limit his political career maybe to wining s state representative and Yang runs the risk of being  another Jim Oberweis of Illinois in a carer political loser should he stay in politics and decide to run for the halls of congress. With this in mind Saint Andrew is thinking about reentering school and going into afield in this era of Covid lock downs and massive redistribution of wealth and Yang is thinking about entering medical

school and being a doctor. There is no doubt this young man and political maverick who started the UBI movement and Yang's real dream is becoming the owner of a new NBA franchise team and is pushing plans for a new NBA basketball team in Yonkers, new York that will be named the Yonkers Loverboys. In addition to this major dream Mr Yang is also in talks with other Asian businessmen in forming the AABL which would be an all Asian basketball league in America that would address the lack of prospects and opportunities for Asian basketball players in this country and the West from being bale to compete and have professional basketball league opportunities as Asians wouldn't be

given a chance in the CBA or other minor league basketball options for those with unpolished skills for the NBA game. Andrew Yang also is looking   for investors into a Tik Tok educational video site where students can demonstrate their educational schools and knowledge in educational related and school social media short video creating site. Andrew thinks there is a market for watching other high school students complete  difficult math problems and share them on-line. Whatever Mr Yang decides it is highly probable  that he would become a great doctor a she has shown the medical industrial complex much support in his views and support for Covid and protocol mandates needed to stop the spread and he would be a natural fit into the medical field as Andrew Yang MD. Of course there is always the possibility that Yang will stay in local New York politics and tun for city councilmen or something in Chinatown and may even run again for mayor of New York in 2025 as early polls show him leading against the incoming mayor Adams and other several possible candidates for mayor of New York in four years.

Dwayne "PeeWee" Haskins gets ass handed to him by ugly wife and should of dated and courted Maria Taylor of ESPN

Lamont Robinson

    DeWayne Haskins likely wishes he had not given his pig bitch a huge rock and the National  Football Legend and star quarterback of the Washington Pigskins received a felonious beating form the woman he just married last march as Kalabrya Haskins beat the shit and tooth put pf this man in an embarrassing display of reverse domestic violence and Dwayne's humiliation is still the talk of the league. One must wonder why this baller doesn't get a white wife like Robert Griffen III and why put up with the usual abuse that a Black woman will give a man and how many man who plays ointe league of professional collision ball and gets the huge contract they receive would not puck a Asian Latin, or White wife and pick the shit that Dwayne dated and got married to is incredible. I don't  know perhaps Dwayne is a Black supremacist.

The fact it days prior to being beat up by his wife Mr Haskins had bought for his honey a rock the size of a walnut and despite this and getting her such a over extravagant piece of jewelry she clearly did not deserve yet still got beat by this madwoman Dwayne Haskins is a sub par quarterback and is below in athletic ability than any member of the Cricket national team of Uzbekistan and the man likely will not have a roster spot in a year or two he totally looks inept in the few minutes he has played in the N atonal Football league after being a steller stud player in college.

Dwayne Haskisn should of courted and dated ESPN reporter Maria Tayler instead of this monster woman  from ghetthostan and Mars named Kalabrya Gondrezick Haskins and Dwayne needs to tell her to leave and erase his portion of her name and if Haskins was any good and a star as many predicted from his days of play at Ohio State university he may have had a chance with someone like Maria Taylor. Dwayne Haskins stunk it up for the Washington Hogskins and hje will flop even further for th Pittsburgh football team and he and his new team will not be going to the Super Bowl nor make Pittsburgh forget about Terry Bradshaw and Ben Rothlisberger as Haskins is a joke and a sorry excuse for a man to allow his wife to beat him such 

Nikos and Mistako bash Turkish dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan on domestic abuse laws and Cypriot two state solutions

Alex Mousolpoloulous 

    Greek gamers of Gramers great podcast and the best speaking (and only) one needs to listen to are two young dudes that we name Nikos and Mistakos and these two often give their political opinion--we think-- as they play all sorts of video games reserved for children thirty years their age ans these two perpetual children make mucho dinero from paying video game sin the ultimate dream money work occupation of the Western Asian, and Middle Eastern male. African males dream money job of course still is and always will be goat and cattle herding. Nitkos and Mistokos often criticize their neighbor to the East in Turkey and the cirrent dictatorial leadership of this monster in office as

predict and supreme leader of Turkey ion the rotten dog and son of a mule Recep Erdogan Tayipp. The Greek gamer sensations took it to this mad dog dictator that eats dogs and children in Mr Erdogan who rescinded some Istanbul  convention decree several years ago and now Turkish men are free to batter and beat their wives like it was their camel,donkey, or dog and protests have rocked several large Turkish

coities since this mad dictator  made this revision to a international convention and this idiot Tayipp Erdogan rescind this order despite it being done and signed by  their parliament back in 2014 and that can only be rescinded by a parliamentary vote.. This is more evidence that the sick Turkish dictator is heading towards a Taliban drive and Niklos and Mistakos says sanctions need to be applied and encouragement to the Turkish military must be given to replace this dictator. The Greek gamer also blasted Tayipp's absurd two state demand sand solution for Cyprus and says this will never be allowed as the Turkish minority is so small and illegal in

nature they will never be allowed their one country and they says they ware willing to go tp Cyrpus and fight this and deport all of the Turkish infidel on this island to make up for the various atrocities committed on this island through the centuries of Ottoman control and why there is even ethnic divide and tension on this island centuries later.,

Texas governor Greg Abbot rips idiot Joe Biden on voter right and masks and considers running for president

Arnold Buckley

     A Texas Governor Greg Abbot hinted he will seek the Republican nomination to run against this maniac president that used Covid 19 to set up drive by voting and purchase of votes that the Democratic party is best known  and as Governor of Texas Mr Abbot saw the egregious actions to steal the presidential election in 2020. This has resulted in a massive campaign  to endure future voting in the Untied States is not going to be as easily available for those Democrats to do what they did on 2020 with regards to election theft  Greg Abbott hammered away at this idiot Biden on his lies and views of election laws and Mr Abbot also blasted the ridiculous notion that we must mask up for

another six months including the people who received the vaccine as this corporate pharmaceutical president works hard to pressure and force more Americans to risk their lives and limbs with taking these disturbing vaccines drugs pushed forth by the evil pharmaceutical companies. Greg Abbott will make his run official and will be among the leading Republican officials looking to replace this idiot Joe Biden as Biden is an authoritarian and is working and has worked for forty years to restrict our liberties an d rights through government control and he is amping up his campaign to accomplish this on work for intern investing one percenter and using the lies of the health pharmaceutical companies top bring this  about walking old demon Joe Biden whop could never get elected as most people know this man is a dishonest bastard who calls members of our military silly bastards and has absolutely  no respect for the men and women of our military and it is a total disgrace we allowed a foreign substance to put forward this man into the White House. Greg Abbot may indeed be the one to run against Theft Biden in 2024 and if the democrats commit another treasonous election tampering rigging then Texas and other states need to start forming their own Red State control and secede from the United States as Democrats have successfully used racial politics and established total control of areas into one party fiefdoms and city-states whose main hostility is against the free and democratic nature of other regions in the US.

Gerald Celente goes nuts on authoritarian mask and vaccine orders of political scum like Gavin Newsom and Bill De Blassio

     Larry Frost

    Trendsetter host YouTube channel Gerald Celente has been fighting the government mandates and health  directives of these sick puppy Democratic party insiders and their top politicians .Two such politicians recently gave orders this week trying  to force all state and city workers to take a jab and these nefarious vaccines and this infuriated

Gerald  who swore his ass off in one of the most profane laced rants in his career Since Covid Gerald Celente has nearly had ten heart attacks and he totally eviscerated rightfully these two scumbag politician in California's Newsom and the outgoing jagoff De Blassio as using these Covid health restrictions and power to tell people what they have to do and allow strangers to inject toxic material into their  bodies.

A bald alien from he planet Neptune was standing behind Mr Newsom as he gave another one of his Soviet inspired speeches and told people that the niceties were done and that they are going to get vaccinated whether they want to or not as this American psycho type politician is a bird brain mother fucker and needs to be recalled his stupid ass out of office and indeed this may be occurring as we near a recall effort to replace this son of a bitch Gavin Newsome. 

   Likewise the stupid Bill De Blassio is telling people there will be government workers going door to door and they will convince you to take these vaccines and they will drive you to the nearest health office to get that fucking shot. Celente went off on the arrogance of the big three Covid assholes which he refers to Newom, De Blassio, and New York's Andrew Cuomo and Celente dared  one of these three stooges to come to his fucking house knock on hos door and tell him he must come with them for a jab ion th ear of these rushed and experimental drugs that are not like traditional vaccines and instead offer nefarious CRISPER gene attacking type medication meant to fuck around peoples genes and change their DNA. Celente called these two fucknerds fuck faces and told them to fuck themselves and to take a shot and a jab up their ass and stick  their vaccines mandates where the sun don't shine.

Indiana mayor Joe Hogsett issues umbrella order for all city residents regardless of vaccine or rain status

Sebastian Salvador

      The absurdity of government and thier decrees with Covid have been humiliating and an abuse of power and for Indianapolis mayor Joe Hogsett the latest mandate created may be the most egregious one yet. Hogsett has already been a pain in the ass limiting the freedom and rights of Indianapolis citizens and has done his best to destroy the spirit of residents in Indianapolis as he was named worse Mayor of the country by Town and Country and City Life magazines. Joe Hogsett is a psychopath a man totally over his head and unprepared to run a city such s the capital  of the state of Hoosierland and this man should of resigned from day one .

 Joe Blow now is telling propel they must get an umbrella order whenever it rains as looking at the data Covid and Delta are much more transmissible in the rain and Joe Hogsett's team has been pressing him to do something more than the usual mask mandates. Mayor Joe seems to have come up with another regulation and yesterday he issued an umbrella order to go along with the mask mandates. Hogsett's umbrella mandate is just neurotic and eccentric and this best describes the little tyrant from Indy who has abused the power granted to him through the health Covid Nazis worldwide who are striving for a universal global world order that

even gets into all corners and centers of America including Hogsett's shit hole Indianapolis. The  city has declined dramatically since this clown took office and the people of Indianapolis already knew they lived in a shit tattoo dragon meth and ghetto city when one gets outside the cit center but they didn't expect their political class to be lying nimrod shit heads like mayor. Hogsett also was inspired by Minneapolis original umbrella mandate and was proud and inspired by the orders of his peer mayor
in the radical city in Minnesota. Mayor Hogsett's new umbrella mandates may even be extended to when there is no rain in the forecast and he will require ANTIFA type umbrellas to be at peoples sides and required to swat flying Coronoviras and other variant microcosmic virus as they travel in the air. 

Lavar ball warns the Japs trying to robotize basketball because they are short could never compete

 Leo Yost

  Award winning sports father and three time producer of NBA players in the ball Boys was the first to sound the alarm to the debacle seen in Tokyo at this year's games. He is not alarmed at the louse play of the American players but the crazy notion that Jap developers should create this robot for the sole purpose and goal of shooting free throws. Lavar Ball saw this display of Japanese or Chinese insanity and waste with their obsessions of robotics and he knows that they are not constructing and fixated on robots not just for shooting free throws.

Lavar Ball has a big mouth and he gave his take on the Stephen Smith program the other day as Lavar Ball says the Japanese figure they can never compete when the National Basketball league with the Blacks so the Japanese will try to change the game form a human-centric one to a game that developed into having all robot players as for years the Chinese and Japanese have accused  the sport of racism and being a game that plays to the limitations of the Asians and that they do not have a chance. The future of the NBA has a metallic look of perfection and greasy gear parts but some suggest  there will be more personality in th e game and less problems on and off the court with these robots as they would replace these woke premadonnas. 
Lavar Ball thinks that these robots are meant to prevent the game from being played by people and much like the old video game of robot ball there is already a drive by the technocrats to replace as much as humanity and their jobs as they can and professional athletes are  not immune to this and Ball predicted one day there will be robots swishing half court type shots from directly underneath of the opponents net.

Tom Hartmann comes out lying on Covid continuing the big delta lie

Rusty Stone

    Left-wing Maniac radio host Thom Hartmann came aboard his little listen to radio program and stated that the facts of native people can still spread virus from their nose and throat despite being vaccinated as the virus sits in their nose and apparently this line jackass will continue to push out a lie then now even vaccinated people must wear masks The Psychotic nature of the left-wing maniacs and their masks of sessions needs to be resisted and Thom Hartmann is a radical Marxist and without a doubt the mask is a sign of modern day Marxism and control of the mind. Thom Hartmann and the

psychopaths of Covid propaganda would have you believe that in order to save your life you need to mask up for the rest of your life. The amount  of propaganda that comes from this little dirt bag weasel is atrocious and Thoma Hartmann is the biggest bullshitter in talk radio and a disgusting human being one who needs to be confronted on the street. Of course the real goal of this Covid is to keep business shut and have the great reset as an available tool for the Marxist CDC to use. Hartmann wishes to increase pressure,stress, and anger onto Americans and is a troll and thus supports this another Trolllish attempt by the foreign dependent and controlled CDC

Thomas Hatrtmann talks out of his ass because he is paid so handsomely to do so and now his support of mask fascism and more forced wearing through psychotic Democratic politician laws and misinformation fear mongering from this Israeli witch Rochelle Walensky and Hartmann is pleased to have more opportunities to use the health agencies to harass Americans and humiliate them to wear

masks and being unrecognizable in public as an individual and human being. Hartmann is a slimey human being who talks to socialist propagandists such as Greg Palast and Dr Richard Wolff on the phone too much and this affects his mind and bairn with unheralded attempts to lie on-air and to promote mask socialism and the fear of the Big Lie.

Illinois slime ball congressman Ant Kinzinger comes on commission with crocodile tears how police were treated at January 6th commission says nothing of Chicago's police treatment by ANTIFA Fascists last July 17

 Domnick D'Souza

   Last week the one year anniversary of a ANTIFA riot and insurrection ion the city of Chicago past without any senate investigation or bi lateral commission to investigation the causes of this uprising by BLM and ANTIFA fascists . ANTIFA had gathered and attacked police at the fame Columbus Statue in  downtown Chicago and over 150 policemen were injured in one the worse acts of domestic terrorism in Chicago since the Haymarket riot and not a word was mentioned by Rhine Republicans and Left-wing fanatical democrats who instead all week spoke of the protest in

Washington last January 6th were many protesters were lead by Capital police in order to smear then president Trump and Republicans questioning the obvious election theft. The week long charade from California witch Nasty Pelosi featured bad Illinois congressmen of the Joliet district in Adam Kinzinger who quite literary cried talking to Capital police in a act that should make this scumbag hated Anti-trump Republican congressmen eligible for a academy award.

Adam Kinsizer is a rotten piece of shit who will never get elected and we predict within four year will make his political ideology official and become the Democrat that he is and always has been. Adan Kinzinger said nothing of the destructive hateful attacks against Chicago police last July 17 in

2020 where ANTIFA organized and had umbrellas and throw ice frozen water bottles at police and other hard objects and stormed the statue attacking physically police and may more police in Chicago were hurt by the left-wing anti-Police racist anti-White mob that Capital police were hurt by trump supporters yet Adam Kinzinger apparently only cries when it is Trump supporters threatening and harassing police. Adam Kinzinger showed no crocodile tears for the number of Chicago police and other police across the nation at the hands of leftist progressive liberal insurrections and it is

insurrections like this the bad Democrats and those who should be Democrats like this idiot Kinzinger has nada prolema with. Adam Kinzinger cried and cried and cried like the little bay that he is and it is funny to notice that his reaction was not the same nor were there calls to investigate last July 17ths anti-police riot in grant Park of Chicago and whether any of these people were Americans or just

leftists on a visas from other countries, lands,and stans is not known nor will ever be investigated because the Democrat running this city and indeed many Republicans in Illinois are RINO bastards like this Mr Kinzinger. Just as sick Democrats long insinuated Dan Lipinski congressman in Chicago  was not a Democratic and organized to get him out of office the same can be said about this traitor Kinzinger and Republicans need to boot this crying crocadillian  bastard out of office. Adam Kinzinger
 cried seeing Trump flags and American flags along with the Confederate banner i connection the brave police force that protects the establishment political class that  he belongs however., Mr Kinzinger showed no  remorse for Chicago's police force and th Black Lives matter and Anarchist  power punch flags that were part of the last summer wave of violence directed towards police and one must wonder where was Adam Khanzinger then and whether it affected him in any where the same manner than January 6th. Adam Kinzinger is not a politician not a congressmen, not a man but he is a troll.