Bald head black supremacist and communist Jamal Bowman stops a Congressional vote

    Jay Yang

The loudmouth arrogance bald head and black supremacist known as Jamal Bowman has done another egregious attack on our democracy and interference within our Congressional system. The insane new york-based black supremacist and committed International socialist Jamal Bowman pull a fire alarm ass Congressional members were about to vote on important cost cutting bills that would end some growth in the wasteful spending that eventually gets redistributed two favorite corrupted members of the

Democrat Party for the most part Jamal Bowman is a black supremacist and it radical who is threatened Congressional members with his boisterous attitude and Loud threatening matter as a left Congress and we have called for an investigation into this bald head for a long time. There is no more Despicable possible member in Congress than Jamal Bowman and the idea that people keep electing these crazed radicals such as this bald head communist is utterly amazing and makes many question if it democracy is even the preferable method of government in this day and age. There are too many Jamal Bowman's out there who seek to interfere and destroy our

government and indeed this Maniac was attempting to interfere with a vault as he pulled a fire alarm like he was a 8 year old kid. I believe Jamal Bowman has a mental illness and we need a cognitive mental capacity test for the Congressional members and the sentence as men like Jamal Bowman and fellow bald head John fetterman are obviously crazy and insane in the membrane. So more Bowman should not be sitting us at Congress member and the fact that he's in Congress is an absolute disgrace to our democracy and members like him

post a direct threat and danger to our country. Jamal Bowman latest Act is being heavily criticized in this might be the Tipping Point where people actually wonder the mental capacity of this lunatic New York politician who is loud boisterous and axel ghetto they're actually needs to be lost that ghetto acting members of Congress should not be able to serve and we need a certain standard for the political class. Jamal

Bowman needs to be investigated and he needs to be held in contempt before Congress and investigated question by his fellow Congressman to Hawaii decided to stall or stop a volt then was not going in the way that he liked. Jamal Bowman is a radical fascist in addition to being a open and valve black supremacist and people like him should not be allowed to serve in Congress. They need to have an impeachment inquiry for Jamal Bowman and slowly to kick people like him out of Congress

Russell Brand returns to YouTube with a massive take down of Hillary Clinton and he bashed his JP Sears and the homosexual Hal Sparks

      Chung Young

  Fighting tooth and nail the allegations and lies of sexual misconduct and harassment and rape Russell Brand has returned to YouTube defiant as ever. The Great British comedian and social critic has returned to YouTube and told his listeners that he will not be silenced and he totally leveled The establishment in the globalist. Russell Brand leveled and attacked with a 15 minute video of a recent Hillary Clinton interview with and going after Hillary Clinton and a global corruption that this evil wicked witch from Park Ridge represents. Brand Russel said that Hillary Clinton is a war monger and every bit of a war spreading mad person as she

claimed Vladimir Putin in a recent interview ad podcast she did with former Joe Biden press secretary and propagandist Jen Psaki. Brand has made a brand bashing the political left and the establishment and Russel is back with a vengeance going after the bastards and deep corrupt class such as this failed three time presidential candidate an done hundred percent jackass Hillary that seeks to shut and cancel Russel brand. The wicked witch from Park Ridge is a natural target for the great Russell Brand as he has made it a  trademark and a wish list to go afte rthese corrupt globalists like this ugly woman and for huge devoted 6 million YouTube fans going after these cons and maniacs like her is a favorite. Russell Brand is one of the greatest

voices on YouTube fighting the global corruption that Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau,  Emmanuel Marcone, Brazil's Lulu and the Clinton's represent and despite the best attempt by the global left Russell Brand is still busting it and he's talking towards spreading the important information that we all need to know.  Russell Brands take down of this evil and sick demented woman failed presidential three-time candidate in power

hungry Hillary Clinton was epic. Hillary Clinton is among the most evil instigators and propaganda this we've ever seen in our political system and this woman is indeed a walking demon on Earth. Hillary Clinton was totally destroying is Russell Brand has returned to YouTube also wrecking his enemies as he made mention of JP Sears of we lie to you news and the rotten homosexual known as Hell Sparks on YouTube. Sparks without a doubt will be triggered and likely has done a video about Brands calls of the bitch Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy as she says we need to reject authoritarianism and fascism and basiclaly Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden's sycophants says this whenever there is a chance

American people will reject tier craze dpoltics and in all relahzity Hillary Clinton dones't ant a democracy the wicked one wanted to be coronation to be president but instead the American people rejected dher and she became a numerous fialed candidate. The amount of horse shit and dogshit Hillary Clinton stated in this interview with Jenn Psaki was amazing and Brand tore this old woman and witches views and comments about the 2024 election and Putin;s coming influence and interference. To say that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar would be an underestimate.   Hal Sparks has a sliver of the followers that Russell Brand has and this hippie left left-wing Maniac former actor of queer folk and fail stand up comedian seems so obsessed he cannot stop talking about Russell Brand.  Brand is occasionally bashed

this ugly triggered hippie who if you troll him a little bit on his YouTube channel Hell Sparks will get you for a cyber harassment because Hal Sparks is a authoritarian sick demented homosexual who is jealous of Russell Brand and he can't stop talking and making propagandists hate attack videos on Russell Brand critiquing each and every word. Russell Brand called Hal Sparks a a broken weirdo, who has repeatedly flirted with Russell Brand in the past and send him love notes. The broken weirdo comment was interesting being that it was the same comment that Trump used against Howard Stern. The broken weirdo although is effective comment and this definitely defines Hell Sparks and the lunatic JP Sears of We Lie To You News Network who is one of the most abhorrent fake news journalists and who actually despite wearing a suit dresses worse than John Fetterman. The worn torn suit that JP Sears keeps wearing it doesn't update and get a new one is only disgusting and reprehensible. JP Sears and disgusting ripped  suit looks like he was covering the January 6th riot at the capital and why this cheapskate fucking hippie refuses to purchase a set of new suits especially given the amount of money he makes with a top political news YouTube channel is utterly amazing. It is great to see Russell Brand return to YouTube and hit his critiques and enemies such as JP Sears and the homosexual failed comedian and bad actor of Queer as Folk Hal Sparks and we can only hope he does and continues to come on YouTube and other social media sites such as Rumble and bash the living shit out of these far left lunatics and corrupt Clinton criminal syndicate. Hillary Clinton is the ultimate globalist and a corrupt sick soul and if JP Sears and Hal Sparks had any fucking integrity instead of attacking Russel brand they would be going after the three headed minsters of the Clinton, Biden, and Obama Husseign political mafia family criminal organizations.

Is Uncle Roger gay???? Taiwanese Yan Can Cook wanabee becomes global sensation

  Armando Arturo

    A incredible Youtuber with a funny chicken bone is a food review and critic who calls himself Uncle Roger. The man looks more like a nephew and why he refers to people as an uncle when he is obviously young us something only our writer Chung Young can determine. Uncle Roger is a amazing food review and critic as the dude makes people laugh with many stereotypical Chinese attitude and complaint as he usually watches other people

cook. Uncle Roger is willing to really go way back into the viewership of old old cooking videos that he finds and reviews their skills and cooking techniques. Uncle Roger acts like he is the end all be all for all discussion and dialogue in cooking and the question that needs to be posed is whether Uncle Roger is gay or not given his tremendous interest of food and thinking and watchmaking others involved in the cooking industrial media plex. Uncle Roger thinks he is the God of all cooks and professional programs and why Uncle Roger is just this lame little dick

Youtuber and not a national known incredible cook or chef or whatever. Uncle Roger bashed just about every cook critiquing every move and salt sake they can spice up and he pisses some these well-known chefs and personalities off they make a return video and some have challenged this soy boy soy eating sauce geek to come down to their kitchen and help heat things up. The question we have to ponder watching some two dozens of the hundreds and hundreds of video this Yan Can Cook wanabee has produced is whether Uncle Roger is

homosexual especially given the homo eroticism he has produced and odd innuendos  said through some of his videos. Uncle Roger may or may not be gay and the man is hilarious and he should dabble and try himself some stand up comedy as the man is hilarious and a Mr negativity and mocks about fucking  everything other cooks do and say  as he does his best to undermine the success of other cooks and chefs as he wants to bring about himself as top chef.

Failed president and racist fascist Joe Biden falls flat in Arizona speech and is heckled and marked throughout the night

     Dmitri Diamond

    An incoherent and mumbling Joe Biden made another spectacle himself with a speech and Arizona the other day. Joe Biden is a demented 94-year-old fool who does nothing but Express his hatred for half the country that does not agree with his political positions and policies so Biden made this be seen in his Arizona where he once again dehumanized the opposition and called MAGA supporters extremists because they don't agree nor do they like the corruption of Joe Biden and failed policies of this failed former senator from Delaware and now fail President Joe Biden. This idiot is a complete failure and I'll fronts and his inability to speak with seen in this Arizona speech Biden made numerous mistakes and stumbled and

tumbled not knowing if it was January 16th or June 16th where the Democrat Party and the fascist within it like himself overblown a political protest that confronted this corrupt organization called the Democrat Baath Party. Joe Biden is incompetent to be president and he serves not the American people but the foreign internationalists who have a lot of money and this is all he cares about. The crimes of Joe Biden is coming to his feet and he is feeling the Heat and this was evident with this crazed speech the other day. Biden was confronted by

several hecklers throughout his speech that they had to kick out and this man lost track of his prom dress style speech and basically Biden look like a old demented dictator who refuses to give power. I would not be surprised with Biden's quest for power if if he does lose in 2024 he will not step down is this madman is getting more delusional to arranged by the month as he ages and refuses to die so Biden is a complete buffoon and this was seen in this Arizona

speech as he had difficulty completing sentences and mix up his words in a word sound mumble jungle. This is a man who should not be in the position that he is and only a corrupt political system explains how this idiot is even in the White House. Joe Biden must be defeated to save this country in 2024 as this country may not survive another four years with this complete buffoon who will be in this 90s' when it is done. We can only hope for the bedroom this country Joe Biden drops dead and hope that this happens very soon. It was great to see the numerous hecklers of this moronic 94 year old train wreck who once again

threatened Republican voters and those strong supporters and backers for president Trump and this is because Biden is a extremist and doesn't want reelection  he figures he should just be given a second term much like his son was just given millions and millions of dollars to sit  Ukrainian gas companies and their boards.

Peter Beinart another pro CCP propagandist and liar with hit piece on Republicanism obsession with China

 Alexli Mousolopololous

      One after another writer of bad books ad columns are determined to come to the support of China and blast modern thinking of seeing Asia a top priority and resistance to China a cold war grift from Republicans. Peter Beinart writes books and he is determined to grift for himself n the name of China attacking Republican polices concerning China and any  get tough on China approach and support for our Asian allies perplexes and bothers bad writers such as Peter Beinart. This punky Q B writer for China says Republicans and conservatives are obsessed with China but actually it is lib shits like him who are obsessed when patriotic politicians and Republicans call out their sell out and the dangers and corruption the chinks being to our system.

 Beinart write a disastrous price of propaganda calling any resistance and focus on China as out of touch and off base intended to make a perpetual enemy of China and are motivated by feat and hate of the rise of this great nation, Beinart is yet another far-left loyalist for China and this was seen in his piece for the pro-Chinese New York Times and this creep Beinart is desperate to please his dragon

overlords and paymasters in China and this likely explained his lack of dignity and anti-Americanism in much of his writings and it was evident again in this ridiculous New York Tomes article. Beinart is a radical who hates Christianity and says the Christians are mad that a atheist and Communist China has arisen in much of a similarity  the historical rise of Christianity and missionaries and they see the Chinese threat as a new era of power and

influence being driven by a non-Chrotian and non-White force and this reflects the hatred seen towards what is otherwise the most brutal authoritarian evil state and govenrment seen to mankind since Nazi Germany, To say that this New York Times radical and writer is a asset for the modern day psychotic CCP empire would be an underestimate. Beinart wants China to dictate and dominate the world and that our leaders should not dare to confront and stand up to them they need to be like Biden and a willing chicken shit puppet for their growing power .

What we have in this country are propagandists for the evil regime of Orange man Pie fuck Jinping Xi who is the real orange dictator that our media cover sup and in cases like this piece of shit Peter Beinart actually stand and write Pravda news paper pieces in support and admiration for this new increasing Chinese power. Beinart wants there to be Chinese 

Star Wars and Army Men obsessed gamer Ben Daley a joke compared to Alpha stud ben daley of h eQueensland Reds

   Shinzo Yartiger

     The man in his own multi verse and on-line gaming star and reviewer critic is a joke clown named Ben Daley . this is not compared to the famed Queensland reds rugby baller named Ben Daley who is a stud and has had a thousand more women than the virgin gaming Ben Daley who cant stop talking about Star wars invading earth and playing the various simulation games that offer this opportunity and Ben Daley loves it. However he is not even on the same human platform species  as the Australian rigged

rugby star who while this American Ben is all about the Benjamin and is desperately try'n  to get some of those dollar egg form video gaming companies and he plays Army men and Star wars until his brain busts himself to fall asleep Mr Daley is such a gaming dud. 


Ben Daley is playing video games 20 7 in his mothers basement while  the Aussie rugby star with the same name  for the Queensland reds is nailing and knocking women in the bedroom.  he footballer Ben Daley is a alpha man and  a modern day Lothario gaining so many women in the bedroom and then dumping them for another and he goes through women like the gaming Ben Daley goes through computer games. 
 meanwhile across the pond and ocean Ben Daily Rugby international superstar legendary baller and brawler has had had some 1200 women in his career and this is 1199 more that the gaining streamer Ben Daley who had one and this was a

transgender classmate that Ben was fooled by as the fool that he is not proud of this fact and loss of oral virginity. Ben Daley is nothing like the baller Ben Daley and he is a zeta male compared to Australian super stud Ben Daily who unlike our Ben daily actually plays sport and game in real time and not on a screen.

Kebab pig boy and fat ass Cenk Uygur is running for president and makes the announcement he will challenge Joe Biden

   Arthur " King" Eaton

     Coming on Breaking Point the morbidly  obese 300 pound Turkish born socialism we call Cenk Ogre is a fat disgusting pig boy one of the most horrible media alternative members and has been one for some two decades. The disgusting troll tried to enter politics back in the day running  for a congressional seat which he failed miserably and lost so bad it was embarrassing and a total failure o epic proportions as the loser with a huge name recognition still failed  miserably and was a embarrassing failure.   

 Ogre is determined to win a major position in life and his ego so drives the demand of his that he become president and this is the ultimate goal of this ego drive pig boy lard ass as Uygur  who is a disgrace and a brutal liar, race hustler, and nation divider and this man should be deported back to Turkey or what other native land and stan this pig boy came from. Cenk is a fat head and dipshit and a half one of the most  repulsive and bitter divers and toxic personalities i alternative media and by all accounts Cenk Ogre is a scumbag. 
 Uygur is a meat head over-fed on Turkish goat grain , kebab, and his own bullshit that comes form his Young Turk network which is ranks among the worse of the worse "extremist"` site one can imagine and how Cenk Uygur is still on YouTube and people like Alex Jones are not is utterly amazing.

shocking,  and appalling. Cenk Uygur is a fat head repulsive individual who has about as much chance of becoming president as he does of becoming head coach of the New York Giants this season id way though the season. Cenk Uygur is trying to sell books as his latest book is tanking and the publisher likely told the meat head he better find a way to sell more as tine of Uygur's lame dick book sit sin a warehouse unsold as who the fuck would want a book written by this Communist turd Kurd is a mystery that even Sherlock Holmes couldn't solve. Cenk's fake presidential run and media talk appearances of it likely are not going to reverse the dismal performance of his book sales.

Craze new school of fascism psychopath Dr Richard Wolff wants more mass transit despite the evidence of its dangers in how a bicycle can totally shut and wreck it

     Martin Manziel

 Dream Money

     Far left wing lunatic propaganda such as Dr Richard Wolff at the new school of fashion and high maintenance in New York City often promote the ideas and values for public transportation Dr Richard Wolff is a socialist and a scumbag who continues to push the LIE of mass transit being necessary and important for this country to progress. This is been one of Dr Richard Wolff's communist talking points for a long time at the career academic has been a career project propagandist for Christ left-wing

agendas and attack on the individuality of a automobile. Dr Richard Wolff is a psychopath who thinks that there should be mass transit where people instead of driving are put into cars with thugs and possibly open themselves up to attack as is so often the case in our large cities with Subways and train tracks. Dr Richard Wolff is a cruel human being who's a sick fuck and part of the agenda to attack fossil fuels and the

automobile and this explains why this old geezer continues to lie about how efficient and better it is for mass transit a recent video show how easily a several train cars can be destroyed and high maintenance costs necessary as a bicycle was left on a subway track and when the train went over it there was a huge explosion and 10 cars basically were shut off causing untold damage and shut down of the New York

subway. Dr Richard Wolff naturally will not say how fragile mass transit is in addition to the dangers of having random Psychopaths sitting next to you staring you down ready to pounce on you and the idea of mass transit being even more available and wasteful spending is only something that can be dreamed up by a far left-wing socialist lunatic that is the failed professor and stupid shitting on this Dr Richard Wolf. Their internet media star and darling for left-wing fanaticism makes this silly jack a common foe and spokesperson for left-wing fanaticism . Wolff wants more  evidence and more money for cities and this transportation grift as this morn should be pushing for more cars and for a better economy where costs of cars are kept low and people can make money to easily afford this transportation. Instead Wolff wants  a failed system that will break down whenever something is left on the tracks. Dr Richard is insane in the membrane and heeds a reality check on public transportation and be told it is a money losing grift from left lunatics who hate the idea of individuality and the rights Americans invested with automobile driving 

Deoin Sanders and his Shedeur prepare for another humiliating and humbling loss as they play Southern Caifornia

   Leroy yates

         Without a doubt Deion Sanders in the Colorado Buffaloes are the talk of the couch football season this however is not a good thing is primarily because people are disgusted by the flashy and narcissist head coach named Deion Sanders Dan has found a way to get his sons in a major One Division 1A college and promote this shit out of them any time to get them into the National Football League as Lavar Ball did before him. Deion Sanders sons are not talented and they are all hyped up by his craze by their crazy father who is this ego to Maniac driven head coach former NFL Hall of Fame or cornerback named 
Deion Sanders has concocted a way to get himself into a college major position as head coach and you through his power of Gab he has gone much publicity for himself and his sons. With this in mind however Deion Sanders is not a good coach as most Hall of Fame players do not make one and the man is much more of a talker than it had coach. Deion Sanders will be humiliated once again when he plays a strong team this weekend as Colorado is set to play a top 10 University of Southern California and he is a major underdog.

The shell shacking that he received last week from the University of Oregon likely will be repeated and Deion Sanders is an over hyped overrated coach any authoritarian micromanager at that. Deion Sanders came and got rid of all the players and anyone who didn't Wag the tail and submits themselves to the drill sergeant type actions of this idiot coach. Many people are rooting against the University of

Colorado and through the first few weeks this silly rap bastard was able to win a few games through pure luck and ball bounce. However Deion Sanders and University of Colorado will indeed be an average to lower average team and we will see this once again as they likely will get destroyed by the University of Southern California. Deion Sanders is not a good coach and this will be seen throughout the season and we look forward to another shell shacking from this silly jackass Sanders is a hypocrite as he wears thousands and thousands of dollars of jewelry and he claims to be a man of God the man is a man of greed and Deion Sanders is a baller who is not deserved one penny over 500,000. What was further humiliating is when the Great halftime or pregame a message from the Oregon coach came out and he ridiculed and called Deion Sanders The Tick Tock coach looking for clicks and he inspired his players to come out and beat the living shit out of Deion Sanders in his Colorado buffaloes. It just gets worse and worse for Deion Sanders

Alex Baskakov of Bask TV killed as is bike falls off a 300 foot cliff in Kalifornia

 Jamie Logan

   Today we have the sad news to report popular pranker original tattoo dragon gangster Lex Baskokov is dead. The popular Youtuber and prank superstar got dunk like a skunk ast a tatoo dive bar and drank so much fucking Russian vodka imported form his homeland in Mother Russia and then he drove his motorcycle off a cliff like he was fucking Evil Kenivil or something, Alex Baskakov's death in a fiery motorcycle crash has shocked the internet podcasting world and the valuable growing prank community of on-line sources as the often drug looking mad man would get in thugs faces and make some of the most valuable and memorable prank

videos of YouTube. Alex Bask's death will give  anew major opportunity for other pranksters who will step in and take his place in the crowded field of prankdom ad Bask TV was this hood rat that often went in the hood and fucked around and almost found out as Alex

Baskakov escaped many a dangerous situations messing and pranking the gang banger such as flashing fake gang sins and proposing marriage to street criminals and hoodlums. Some had est mated that BASK TV was on the verge of selling to a big film and production company and Alex Baskokov was on the verge of selling Bask TV to a major media company and he was about to be paid 200 million dollars and perhaps someone cut the brake lines to Alex's Hyundai motorcycle and this explains why he went off the cliff at some 80 miles per hour and flew like a fucking California Condor for several seconds.  Alex Bask flew off a Canyon Creek cliff in Eureka,  Kalifornia and whether this was accident or  suicide remains to be

seen as clearly this meth head tattoo dragon looked and played the part like he was an outlaw member of some biker gang or criminal mafia system. In fact Alex Baskakov often liked to portray a Russian mafia member and there were rumors this clown was indeed involved wit the Russian mob ad they funded and organized his prank exploits in AmeriCCPa just for the kicks and liked to get their rocks off with prank Americans of all kinds with his wild videos. Alex baskakov is dead at the age of 27

Dr Younon Nowzaradan blasts ugly Black radical Tik Tok streamer Meat Ball as fat fucker is arrested in Philedelphia rioting and we need to deport women like her an dbring mor eCheng Er's

    Jim Oberweis

    The great Iranian-American  vlogcaster and television Houston based reality star Younon Nowzaradan blasted the continued obesity of the black population in the United States and th evideo of fat disgusting ghetto streamer Meatball made Younon sick in his stomach. Younon Nowzardaran is known as Dr  Now. Now hates obesity and how it particular infiltrates the Black population and Now says you don't see the same disgusting obesity in China and

Taiwan or South Korea and this is because they have government that limits free food and bad food and women like Black pig Meatball exists because of the Democratic Party and the welfare free snaps and food stamp programs. In addition this causes societal upheaval as monster slime Meatball are not marriage material and they don't have never will have  men in their lives thus they gravitate to other pig girls like themselves and what we see in the black urban areas are thousands of disgruntled disgusting unmarketable unmarryable black women like Meatball out on the streets and allying themselves to cause chaos on the streets. meatball fucked around and found out during

the Philadelphia riots as hundreds of blacks many of them disgruntled lard ass black women like herself too to the streets to attack strip malls and congregate to steal, Dr Now says you don;t see this in Taiwan or China as the women are remarkable and take care of themselves like Chinese car model Cheng Er and other beautiful Tik Tok Asian women the black disgusting streamer known as meatball will now face six felony counts and her role in these

Philadelphia writing and attack on American Business needs to be heavily punished and no plea deals need to be done this woman is a Welfare Queen who likely eats more than is necessary because of the amount of waste in the Democrat Party and the government giving it to the blacks like this monster. This is why you hardly see any Hispanic, Asian,  and white women is fat percentage wise as you having a black female community this live streamer has been released on bail but doctor Nowzaradan wonders why and if whether she's going to lose all her social media accounts. This woman has 200,000 followers on Instagram and she should be forced off Instagram and pressure needs to be put on the social media sites to get rid of this violent promoting insurrectionist fat meat head who helps instigate violence. This Pig girl was livestreaming  during this black Philadelphia Insurrection and attack on American business and this woman's felonies and actions urging the riot should have a social media ban and credit is allowance negative social credit score. Clearly if these blacks were outside the offices of Instagram or Instagram actually sold something and health stores the

chances would not be higher there's such a black agitator targeting their company will not be tolerated and be forced off immediately. The black streamer meatball needs to be sentenced to a long sentence much so like the January 6th most violent insurrectionist as her role and her plan and organizing this attack on strip malls and business presents A new challenge and danger for this country and this is a war on capitalism  isn't by the black supremacist. What we have in this country as Dr Now would attest are thousands of over-bloated and fat fuck Black women causing chaos because they know they are worthless and shitless and they are nothing like the beautiful women seen in Taiwan and China and models like Cheng Er and the Black female pushes some of the most repulsive disgusting attitude and cultural framing one will ever see, We need to deport women like Meat Ball and import more Cheng Er's form Asia. 

Mark Normand comes on the podcast and blasts Howard Stern a new asshole in they talk about his regression

 Douglass Glasgow

     Howard Stern went from one of the most outrageous and anti-establishment media personalities to becoming part of the person of the establishment and a sellout comedian Mark Norman appeared on The Steve O's podcast and they talked about the decline of Howard Stern through the years as the one time iconic shock Jack has regressed into this Larry David weird old man. Howard Stone nowdays does  nothing but complaining bitch and is a sycophant for the Democratic Party supporting  the fascism and health industries. Stern has gone from one of the most innovative talk shows to a shadow of his former self a disgruntled sick nasty old man who gives his opinions politics and

society any often partisan Democrat Party slants. A massively drunk Mark Normand came on Steve O's podcast and their studio van and he said  that Howard Stern used to be cool but no one would say this anymore and most of Howard Stern's long devoted fans of either died or abandoned this old weasel and  silly jackass. Norman is a young comedian who appears on a lot of podcasts and 

the discussion of Howard Stern and the backlash against this old Jew for his various Pro pharmaceutical brahh industry comments it has tainted the so-called legacy of Mr Stern the beginning of the end for Howard Stern I would say was when he and Hillary Clinton on and without a doubt Howard Stern as they said on the podcast that he's become more family-friendly and I would say this is because of his gold searching wife. Normand and Steve O miss the days where Howard would insert a hot dog between a woman's breasts and other oddities that he was known and now Howard Stern has regressed into this woke loser always talking about Trump and wondering why people not receiving 40 million dollars a year for talking as a occupation would rally and love Donald Trump.  Stern is a silly jackass

who is willing to change in a damp to meet the corporate needs and  political dumpster fire reading their scripts. Mark Norman and the hosts basically said Stern is not even the same guy when he was young and the detrimental effects of aging to his  brain cells  definitely be seen with this idiot. Why Howard Stern is still on the radio and getting paid and his late disgusting age when he has no following in his legacy has been tarnished amazes Mark Norman and many others.

Howard Stern is a dipshit and a half and sooner or later XM Sirius satellite radio is going to say why are we paying this boring guy all this money and what is he bringing in. Howard Stern is a woke joke who adds nothing to any discussion anymore and he should not even be getting any recognition and I believe he says the real ridiculous stuff because he is desperate for any attention. Stern is an old fool who got offended because NBA Ballers and the young fans of the NBA games he attends with the New York Knicks don't know who he is nor do they care when he introduces himself. Howard Stern was a bully kid from predominantly black  Roosevelt, New York high school  where he was often raped in the locker room and this has had a profound effect on him as he is gone older a more stupider by the minutes. Mark Norman says Stern should step aside and give his slot in a huge salary to 

someone younger who adds more youth and vibrancy to the studio and many people have stated that the Howard Stern Show along with his ugly sidekick Robin are dum woke and not even worth a listen or mention. I mean Howard Stone's sidekick is straight out of the fucking View and this is where Robin belongs. What I find most reprehensible of Howard Stern's program is his sidekick that he's had for all these decades named Robin and this black female sounds like this woman is absolutely boring and she adds fucking nada. I can only reckon Robin has been allowed to be on Stern show through the years  because she must give his two inch penis a daily cleaning with her black lips  One would wish that soon the voices of Howard Stern in his Batman and Robin are gone forever from the airwaves of this planet. Mark Normand compared Howard Stern's stone turning as a broadcaster as marrying a hot woman and then seeing her transition a sex change and Norman and Steve O are so disappointed at the changes this wig-wearing asshole Howard stern has become as he is more woke and annoyance as his ugly lame sidekick bitch Rockin Robin that he always has to have on with his scrawny old Jewish ass.