Peter Beinart another pro CCP propagandist and liar with hit piece on Republicanism obsession with China

 Alexli Mousolopololous

      One after another writer of bad books ad columns are determined to come to the support of China and blast modern thinking of seeing Asia a top priority and resistance to China a cold war grift from Republicans. Peter Beinart writes books and he is determined to grift for himself n the name of China attacking Republican polices concerning China and any  get tough on China approach and support for our Asian allies perplexes and bothers bad writers such as Peter Beinart. This punky Q B writer for China says Republicans and conservatives are obsessed with China but actually it is lib shits like him who are obsessed when patriotic politicians and Republicans call out their sell out and the dangers and corruption the chinks being to our system.

 Beinart write a disastrous price of propaganda calling any resistance and focus on China as out of touch and off base intended to make a perpetual enemy of China and are motivated by feat and hate of the rise of this great nation, Beinart is yet another far-left loyalist for China and this was seen in his piece for the pro-Chinese New York Times and this creep Beinart is desperate to please his dragon

overlords and paymasters in China and this likely explained his lack of dignity and anti-Americanism in much of his writings and it was evident again in this ridiculous New York Tomes article. Beinart is a radical who hates Christianity and says the Christians are mad that a atheist and Communist China has arisen in much of a similarity  the historical rise of Christianity and missionaries and they see the Chinese threat as a new era of power and

influence being driven by a non-Chrotian and non-White force and this reflects the hatred seen towards what is otherwise the most brutal authoritarian evil state and govenrment seen to mankind since Nazi Germany, To say that this New York Times radical and writer is a asset for the modern day psychotic CCP empire would be an underestimate. Beinart wants China to dictate and dominate the world and that our leaders should not dare to confront and stand up to them they need to be like Biden and a willing chicken shit puppet for their growing power .

What we have in this country are propagandists for the evil regime of Orange man Pie fuck Jinping Xi who is the real orange dictator that our media cover sup and in cases like this piece of shit Peter Beinart actually stand and write Pravda news paper pieces in support and admiration for this new increasing Chinese power. Beinart wants there to be Chinese 

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