Globalists socialists rig election and get Communist Pedro Castillo elected in Peru as Lord Anonymous approves and congratulates him

 Andy Cruz

    An unknown came put pf no where in a contested election in Peru to shock and appall the world s an evil avowed socialist got elected and much like the 2020 American election the vote in Peru is suspicious and likely rigged on part of the socialist internationalists who keep stealing and meddling in elections around the world. Pedro Castillo's assertions that a rich country should not have any poor country and some sense of reality need to be given to Mr Pedro has Peru is a poor country and with his accession in Peru can only promise to become more of a poor country. Pedro Castillo stole the election for the socialists and got help to accomplish this by foreigners and globalists wishing to push peon c crazed leaders like Mt Castillo who stole the election from Peru's neo-liberalism Keuiko Fujimori as president and this unproven and unknown person leads this South American country and he is a proud compesino peon and while there is non -problem with commoner peons in Peru they should not be leading the country nor have the qualifications or intelligence to lead such a mineral rich country.

Lord Anonymous international socialist and leader of the ultra ANTIFA liberal hacking group approved this election theft and said this is only  the beginning in  the Anonymous  hacking war on civility. Pedro Castillo being president is a fucking joke in Peru and he is just as stupid, incompetent , and unfit to be president as the Americana old geriatric jackass Joe Biden and Peru's economy along with Americas can only promise to free fall thanks to the inept leadership this idiot promises to fulfill for the people of Peru. 

 Castillo promises for a more dignified and disunited Peru but in reality this man is observer his head in leading Lima politics and this man is unfit to be running Peru as president is not the same as running some cattle ranch in the backwaters middle of no where in rural Peru. Castillo's opponent had lead a month long  battle to have 200,000 votes tossed and Keiko Fujimori made election claims rigging which being a third world shit hole is likely committed by this cowboy hat wearing socialist that is just one step away from Communism in and country that in the eighties and nineties fought a brutal campaign  against insurrectionist leftist Communists who committed vast atrocities as

Communists have done throughout history and the "Shining Path" as they were called were domestic terrorists that caused havoc and killed an estimated two hundred thousandth people in Peru and is a wake up call to the world of the dangers of those who proudly claim to be democratic socialist who  obviously  are not. For all we know this newly rigged elected president may have been a m ember of this internally funded communist group that caused massive death and suffering for decades in Peru. This man Castillo is a peon and he will work hard to make everyone a peon from the ivory towers to the top ten percent in Lima and the socialists  globalists want to destroy any gains and economic progress Peru has made in the years as it went into a neo-liberal path and opened up their country to foreign investment. Lord Anonymous and the internationalist socialists have succeeded in election thieving another country and promoting the Indians into a racial identity politics because I can't see any other way to describe the victory and that this unqualified peanut farmer got so many votes and in a position for the left to steal another election in Latin America. Lord Anonymous  approved and wants more left-wing election thefts and the evil of Lord Anonymous is only topped by Lord Vader and the anonymous hacking group rewarded this hat wearing cowboy rural teacher and rancher because he is a Maoist and likely was part if the shining path domestic terrorist group in Peru for years 

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