Gerald Celente goes nuts on authoritarian mask and vaccine orders of political scum like Gavin Newsom and Bill De Blassio

     Larry Frost

    Trendsetter host YouTube channel Gerald Celente has been fighting the government mandates and health  directives of these sick puppy Democratic party insiders and their top politicians .Two such politicians recently gave orders this week trying  to force all state and city workers to take a jab and these nefarious vaccines and this infuriated

Gerald  who swore his ass off in one of the most profane laced rants in his career Since Covid Gerald Celente has nearly had ten heart attacks and he totally eviscerated rightfully these two scumbag politician in California's Newsom and the outgoing jagoff De Blassio as using these Covid health restrictions and power to tell people what they have to do and allow strangers to inject toxic material into their  bodies.

A bald alien from he planet Neptune was standing behind Mr Newsom as he gave another one of his Soviet inspired speeches and told people that the niceties were done and that they are going to get vaccinated whether they want to or not as this American psycho type politician is a bird brain mother fucker and needs to be recalled his stupid ass out of office and indeed this may be occurring as we near a recall effort to replace this son of a bitch Gavin Newsome. 

   Likewise the stupid Bill De Blassio is telling people there will be government workers going door to door and they will convince you to take these vaccines and they will drive you to the nearest health office to get that fucking shot. Celente went off on the arrogance of the big three Covid assholes which he refers to Newom, De Blassio, and New York's Andrew Cuomo and Celente dared  one of these three stooges to come to his fucking house knock on hos door and tell him he must come with them for a jab ion th ear of these rushed and experimental drugs that are not like traditional vaccines and instead offer nefarious CRISPER gene attacking type medication meant to fuck around peoples genes and change their DNA. Celente called these two fucknerds fuck faces and told them to fuck themselves and to take a shot and a jab up their ass and stick  their vaccines mandates where the sun don't shine.

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