Alex Mousoulpolous
Can new York have a progressive mayor. Times are different than in 2000 when Media mogul Michael Bloomberg snuck into office in this Democratic city. how the hell a man of his statue was ever allowed to become mayor I will never know. He should not have been mayor for a city like Akron yet alone the nations largest city. The jerk has alot of money and connections and he evidently used it in that race in 2000. now that his their term of the allowed two terms for mayor is expiring the elites of New York are nervous. They cannot come up with such a wealthy individual who can snooker his way into office at city hall to serve their corporate interests first. They may just have to take their chances with who ever is elected and then corrupting them with their illegal printed Wall Street fake monopoly money. If they do though how much longer can that scam run. The streets of New York are building with a rage of an exploited, downtrodden underclass insulted in every avenue by those in corporate media such as Michael Bloomberg's Bloomberg. This guy runs a major business publication for crying out loud. A traditional union city allowed an ass like this to run city operations? WTF. Corporate kings like this make a mockery of democracy and their power is used to make the masses more poor. When the masses all wake up and realize this jag asses like Michael Bloomberg will never be able to have others call them mayor.
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