Dimitry Orlov and the prison complex system

Troy York

I just finished reading this great collapse prophet of doom. In his book reinventing collapse, Mr Orlov compares the Soviet Union fall to the coming collapse of the United States. While the man is clearly not a fan of America despite leaving Soviet Russia and making his living in our country since the nineties, he makes alot of sense on some topics. I was particularly interested in his comparison of the Soviet and America complex prison system. I have battled the police state and seen the growth of a systematic evil method of ensuring there will be an underclass in America for the upper classes to use and abuse for profit.
   In the United States you have forces tremendously profiting in the imprisonment of people for many non-violent crimes and Mr Orlov especially takes this country to task for their drug enforcement. What you have now is also a complex private prison system developing to it that will see to it even more people are imprisoned so their profits soar and their shareholders become satisfied. This is really insane and any country that allows a system like this to occur is in need of a major collapse and reset. These prison corporations and also free to lobby and provide kickbacks to our monarchical judicial system that will see to it these type of business organizations can proliferate all over the United States. These are many similarities and major differences between these two empires and how future historians will explore both and their collapse will be as interesting as Mr Orlov's book that predicts and predates that fall of the Rotten States of America.

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