Tony Miselli
Andrew Malcom is some business financial writer that gets some air time of podcasts and websites. he is an impotent prick that just constantly writes about how bad Obama is as a president because he dares to question the business class in America. The business class in America has many paid journalists like Andrew Malcom writing their viewpoints. People like Malcom call Obama and Democrats a threat to freedom ignoring the destruction the investor class has wrecked on democracy in America. They have bought themselves a complete political party whose only strength is in one part of the country and filled with complete crazy religious nuts. A party that serves the interest of those at the ultra top and with the resources to buy media to spread lies daily to the American public. They do this in attempts to distract the public of their financial scam and looting of wealth of the country.
People and writers like fucking Malcom only concern is investing the wealth they have accumulated at expense of other people. Money and ways how to keep it at the top is the real ambition and motivation for their hatred of Barack Obama. This Mr Malcom was incredibly in sensed at the reelection of Obama and his vendetta and hatred is shown in his constant tirade on Obama. Its like dude get over it you bastard. he won and there is nothing you can do about it until 2016. you better hope he does run again Andrew Malcom because evidently you have nothing to ever write about.
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