Ali Muhammed
Now it is Jordon. King Abdullah II in a desperate attempt to please his ever increasing protesters in Jordon has dismissed his cabinet. This will do nothing to stop the movement in Jordon for Democratic reform. King Abdullah had promised to install more reforms after taking office following the death of his father King Hussein in the typical Arab way of nepotism monarchical government. Now Arabs in his land and many others are demanding a more free and fair process in for them to elect their leaders and no amount of cabinet dismissals are going to levitate this problem. How these royal fucks think by doing some weak moves will placate this movement is very amusing. Every Fridays are seeing bigger and bigger protest crowds in the three monthreign of protest terror that has this young king very worried about his one time secure rule. Until these knuckleheads get it and improve the freedom and choice opportunities there will always be political protests until all of these jags fall the way of Louis the 14 or is it 15. Jordon avoided the arab spring somehow but with the widening Syrian civil war and increasing Iraqi sectarian terrorism I am sure there will be an uprising and deposing of this jerk as well.
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