A report has come out in the legal way politicians really help themselves financially in today's tough economic times. It appears that immigration reform man Luis Gutierrez and the man who would be senator, Jesse Jackson the II pay their wives hundreds of thousands of dollars to work on their campaigns over the years. These fine Illinois Democrats have helped assure their political status would make their family pretty well off with money

from their campaigns going directly to the family piggy banks. Both of these clowns also talked tough how they wanted to be mayor at one time, but these two didn't dare to enter the race. The Tribune piece exposed what rotten fucks these tow are with the donations from people who wanted them to use the money for running. They didn't know that Sandi Jackson and other wives of Democrats would run with that money to the bank or best buy to buy that new plasma television, People who donate money to politicians are dumb as well as these two assholes.
Update Jesse Jr and his wife are now in jail. Luis Guiterez another Illinois politician who will be behind bars too one day.
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