Stacy Mitchell's book exposes Wal Mart

Alex mousoulpolous

 I enjoyed this book by Stay Mitchell. She talks about the community killer that this hideous big box store. Wal mart has helped lead to the destruction of the Middle Class and increase in debt by supporting a system selling silly American hoarders junk from China. Wal mart offers a fraction of a paycheck that all the manufacturing jobs lost which incidental coincided with the rise of this big box chain store. Stacy Mitchell points out this and several other factors that truly make this one of the most evil corporations in the world and the most Anti-American one at that.

The crimes against the American worker that Wal mart has committed is enough reason for this corporation to be taken over by the government. people in Soviet era had more supportive shopping outlets than what international private retailers like Wal Mart can provide.
They totally whipped out the small business and independents than any government action. of course, local government has helped this company expand starting from the small rural areas where it originated and expanded. This is a great book from an author that is much prettier and younger than what we usually review here at the Troy York Times.

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