The hyprocrasy of Richard Flordia

Terry Blue

 The flight of the creative class is a book by urban thinker Richard Florida who is worried that this country is not bending over and handing the country even more to global elites and immigrants. This awful propaganda book briefly touches the inequality of native people in America and his answer is to open the borders more so more Mexican grocery stores can open and hire Americans. yea . Richard Florida is an total elitist who only thinks cities should be occupied by  creative people who do creative things that they have created for a small class of people to be economically prosperous. Then it is this prosperity from what really is uncreative things that only benefit the upper few, so they can buy up real estate and make cities even more affordable only for those of their kind. Richard Florida and his two creative books are shit material. This is a guy who talks about open borders and open migrations in cities while he lives behind wired fences and gated communities. It is sellouts like Mr Florida and his thinking and influence with elected officials while the middle class is getting hammered and all the wealth moving to forces that limit access to the creativity they expose. 

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