The stupidity of declan Sullivan


Declan Sullivan is another dumb Chicagoan Twentysomething

On a very windy night the Notre Dame football coach insisted his team practice like a good little overpaid son of a bitch. Universities are able to pay coaches so much as student athletes are the modern equivalent of slaves. These coaches even videotape the practices and watch over them like they are some sixties porno. Declan Sullivan usually videotaped these practices on a very tall lift in better conditions. The dumbass went up on the lift as winds howled from the North knowing that the potential hazards on that wobbly lift. As expected the lift capsized and the poor kid with that dumb name fell to his death at twenty years of age. There have been many stupid acts by young folks these days and this case just proves that college kids,even those that go to Notre Dame, are not as smart as people. The stupid Catholic university that allows the football program free access to everything now may get sued for thirty million dollars. Lets hope the Sullivan family takes this rotten excuse of a university and football worshipping Catholic collegiate culture to the bank.

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