Arnold Schwarzenegger rides to his own rules

Arnold Schwarzenegger stops at Vietnam Memorial while bicycling around Washington DC, April 19, 2011  Arnold Schwarzenegger is no girly man and you will never see him wear a helmet. As a big bicyclist advocate Arnold does nothing but make fellow bike riders look bad to the public we are trying to win over and turn away from the carbon toxic automobile. In the book California Crackup Arnold is riding with one of the authors and breaks every traffic rule in the book. The man rides to his own rules and makes several death defying traffic moves through the traffic congested streets of Los Angles. Obviously his movies and aging muscles makes this nimrod think he is oblivious to accidents and pain. Arnold often goes out riding without any disguises and when people see their movie hero out on a maniac ride must be really startling. This is a guy who ran the largest state in the union and if this son of a bitch can't lead by example for other folks and breaks common road rules then what does it say about him as a leader. This part of the book shows what kind of ass Arnold is and how he operates as an individual.This quite literal globalist elite leader from Austria is one of the crooked politicians that help sell out this country to forein interests and if a big truck smashes him like the terminator we will hardly be sad.

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