Ned Baily
Taxi is one of my favorite shows yet again it has some characters that brought it down. There was some reason Judd Hirsch always got top billing for this show and what is was for I can only guess. He seemed to be the central character and I don't really know why. Maybe they wanted to make the TV program somewhat realistic finding a filthy actor that could pass as a real taxi driver. This guy and his frequent trips to the coffee machine gulping coffee down on the show made me ill. This guy offered nothing to Taxi and Alex was an overly used character. he should of been replaced following season one much like the character John was never rightfully seen again. Judd Hirsch was to ugly even to be on the set as a prop man for the television program Taxi. Sometimes ..no make that every time I opp in an old DVD and watch a taxi episode I wonder what the hell is this dick head doing on this classic program. This was another seventies TV program where the pay phoe was frequently featured and used. This use to be an object on the wall that was a phone and you had to put coins in to make a phone call for all of you who don't know. Judd Hirsch would be on all five seasons of Taxi and I bet if the show went eleven seasons like Cheers his mug would be in all eleven seasons. Well I am watching season one again so you will see quit a few taxi posts and observations coming up to give you a warning.
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