Are Kenyan mall attacks coming to America?

Ali Muhammad

The Kenyan mall attack in an upscale mall serving the upper crust of Kenyan society shocked the world. It shouldn't be really surprising as terrorists see malls for what they are. Malls are places of worship for the consumer and perhaps nothing rivals the hearts and minds of people more than consumerism. Radical Islam knows that they have more to fear from the greed and corruption that would eliminate their religion and bulldoze mosques in favor of malls and retail outlets. Nothing has brought down Christianity more in the West than the over glamorization and consumerism shopping obsessions of the Europeans and Americans. The Kenyan attack at a mall was necessary as African Muslims are coming under attack from these same economic forces of dominance and brainwashing of peoples minds against what is the real purpose in life. Kenya seems to be a hotbed of battle between Muslims and Christians as the Christian business class tries desperately to distract the mionds of Muslims away from Allah and into Consumerism values.  What shocks me most is that Islamists have not attacked American malls in this matter have they had in Indian and Kenya and other places around the Middle East. An attack even on a midsized mall has occurred in the past in America from lone crazed gunmen in the past but never really a political mall. They say several of the terrorists captured or killed in this Kenyan attack had Somalia roots in Minneapolis and one has to wonder it is only a matter of time before that region is attacked in a similar manner. I believe the Minneapolis region has a pretty big mall with an aptly named mall where a flock come from all over to their temple of worship to the corporate consumerism ideology. An ideology that poses a threat to all traditional cultures , religions, and ways of life. An attack on a huge mall would send fear and shockwaves to the American economy that the elites have set up to be reliant on putting ones self in debt and to continually be buying things they do not really need or to replace every year. It is only a matter of time I predict.

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