How Herman Cain almost conned his way into White House

 God I miss Godfather's cheap pizza. Godfather's pizza isn't a low ranked pizza chain for nothing. They once had Republican presidential failure Herman Cain run its business and he didn't do shit for this company in its pizza wars against such giants as Dominos and Little Caesars. I have eaten at this chain in the past and it is no different. According to another bloggers belief "Cain bought Godfather's Pizza in a management leveraged buyout. In general, management leveraged buyouts are a device that company managers use to defraud stockholders of company profits. In this case, I believe the only reason there is no fraud in this case is because Cain was unable to produce any profits in the years he was CEO at Godfather's pizza. In other words, it was a fraud scheme that failed due to Cain's inept management".
I believe this to be totally true and many business assholes have done this over the years.
Herman Cain. Under this dorks great leadership Godfathers dropped from fifth to well out of the top ten of pizza chains. If this fuck head can't run a cheap pizza chain primarily located in college towns then what the fuck can he run. This guy couldn't pimp a whore in a state penitentiary. This jerk wants to be president of the United States? Luckily the man who once was a front runner for the presidency went no where but he did make a following and a potential another run for the presidency for this generous tax plans for the wealthy will make him a force. Anytime you have a politician promising the rish even more tax breaks he will be pretty popularin the chamber of commerce donaters crowd. Herman is no Alan Keyes and I think this pizza man will be a serious candidate for the presidency come 2016 from a Republican party desperate to prove their diversity. Then Herman can do for America what he did for Godfather's Pizza.

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