Pro-Business elitest Bill Daley Steps out of Illinois Govorner race

  Billy Daley couldn't stand the heat and exited the Illinois race for Governor suddenly the other day. I guess he figured many progressives and those at the Left Shark would of ran his ass and his family's name into the ground. Bill Daley is one of those lifelong people involved in politics that has had important posts appointed to him and never elected from the people. There is a simple reason for that because a man like Bill Daley is not a man for the people. he is a man of the corporation and business class that has for the past thirty years waged a coveted war against the public. I was kind of saddened to see Mr Daley quit the race months before it were to start and I looked forward to seeing the rich business class waste alot of money into his campaign instead of on hiring workers or research for their companies. Bill Daley is just another old rich white dude whose family name allowed him to acquire undeserved influence in important circles and if any other president nominates this rat face for anything in the future they will get their due criticism. I have to give Daley some credit for knowing that he actually had no fucking chance to get elected to statewide office given some of his past experiences with helping to bail out millionaires and not caring a shit about anyone without money. He will have to deal with it and find other ways servicing the one percent outside the Governor's mansion

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