Social Critic criticism...the suburban garage sales

Lionel Wagner

  Every weekend in nice weather times across the pathetic suburban nation of America people rent out their garages with junk in the hopes of getting rid of some and making a little extra jingle. I am not a person that would go to these things or thrift shops,goodwill stores, church sales and so forth because the idea of buying something used especially clothing disgusts me. People in the suburbs have little culture and little shame and think nothing of pulling their car up on side street and blocking the road to go to a garage sale. It is kinda of sad that people would pay all their disposable income for large homes only to have such little that they would have to go garage shopping to find little Johnny some extra clothing for the spring. Then there is the question of why people would open their homes for people to browse their junk. How much money can they really expect to gain from these frugal assholes. Most of the people that go to garage sales are these fat middle aged losers that will likely try to bargain down any item they remotely find of interest. Why would anyone open their homes to strangers to walk around. I have noticed that it is a generational thing and something about the ageing brain makes events like this and bingo so alluring. Like I said I have never seen a garage sale in a yuppie or hipster neighborhood. I despise garage sales and think if villages are really concerned about their image and attracting younger home buyers they need to really ponder the idea of banning these stupid sales.

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