The hypocrisy of professor William Penn

  William Penn is an asshole. The creative writing professor was widely seen on YouTube and made national attention ripping Republicans and basically old people just for being the cheap old bastards hthat they are and Penn's comments are shared throughout academia. However as a academic his job is to teach creative writing and being creative and not to show his racism and his political views to people who are held captive in what I expect are really bad lame classes this dickless prick teaches. Michigan State has suspended this fuckhead for the rest of the semester and likely should just terminate his lame ass from ever teaching again. In the YouTube rant that luckily was taped through an iPhone(How I wished to have that gadget in my college years) he tells his class that if he finds out they are a closet racist that Mr Penn will come after them. Then what will he do when he finds out? Sodomize them. Mr Penn has no cock and balls and the man is a total hyprocrital ass because then he went on to attack a racial group of wrinkled old white people that Mr Penn will one day be a part of. There are many self hating liberals out there but they need to keep their opinions to themselves if they have an important job as professor and Universities need to go after these radical American hating liberals who are in position to sway young minds with their complete nonsense. If Mr Penn felt the needed to express these political opinions he needs to save them for the actual campaign rallies. One of the reasons state universities have such sub-par education offerings compared to private schools that is you have too many numnutz like Mr Penn on the government payroll worried about old white folks in Florida having a political opposite viewpoint. praise the power of YouTube for catching these dumb professors that just make folks on the left and liberals look stupid.

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