Oil on the brain

  Lisa Margonelli was obsessed with oil prices and the fluctuations and causes of it so she decided to write a book called "Oil on the brain" In this book she looks at the several countries that make oil prices fluctuate and she goes through the entire process of how oil is rigged and delivered to the market. She visits a distributor , an oil tapper , and other chains in the oil conversion process but the best part of her book is her travels to foreign countries where oil is the lifeline of the entire economy. She takes a risk going into some of these female unfriendly lands trying to get an answer to questions we may have to why the price of oil always goes up. In Nigeria we see it being a battle for oil control and power among the various ethnic groups who were forced and forged into a single country from England. This is a great book for fellow oil addicts and these seeking questions and answers about the ridiculous instability of oil prices and how it continues to affect world economies.Oil on the Brain: MARGONELLI, LISA Lisa spent four years and traveling 100,000 miles to bring this adequate oil book so give it a chance and add it to your oil book collections

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