Bob Costas is a pretty cool guy in my book. After years of just appearing to be another corporate sports guy blabbing commentary about sports all of the time it is marvelous to see the evolution of Bob Costas over the years. I love the fact that Costas throws in political progressive remarks into his telecasts much to the dismay of right wing football worshipping assholes in red states. Bob Costas has put his views on certain social issues and unfortunately for those who disagree he has earned the right to express these views. Indeed some of his views on gun control and the rotten Redskin team name has infuriated some viewers who express their anger on Internet chat rooms and comments. I am really surprised and wonder when Costas gained the courage to start putting his opinions out there on non-sport related issues in society and these comments need to be expressed with sports. Sports serves as a platform for people to be distracted from real problems and issues and I am sure Costas realized that these zombies need to be educated and start paying attention to things from time to time..

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