Bill O'Reilly decides who is a patriot or pinhead

  The only god thing about discovering this awful book was discovering the interview that barack Obama had with this clown back before the 2008 election. The last part of this book is a complete transcript of the interview and one can sense a desperation on O'Reilly part to somehow help in the conservative cause and defeat this socialist that wants to make O'Reilly pay more in taxes than give to charity. Bill's book is a bit more interesting than some of the stuff I have reviewed in the past as his theme in this book is rating people whether they are pinheads or political patriots in the age of Obama. he goes through some historical people in America in the middle of the book from Ronald Reagan to George Custer and this part of the book is filler material to make the book bigger. the first few parts of the book is Bill dissecting and highlighting the gaffes in Obama's first term and avoiding the accomplishments and positive highlights. Bill obviously feels that the wealthy pay enough of their share of taxes and anything additional in forms of capital gains and other taxes is class warfare. Basically Bill and the Republicans have their agenda and anything they can do to obstruct Obama's image and his plans is what their willing to sacrifice for the long term detrimental of their political party. In this book O'Reilly gloats over the fact that Scott Brown had just won the senate seat in Massachusetts and how this signaled the awakening of the American
public. Unfortunately for Bill the people of Massachusetts corrected this wrong and booted Scott Brown out of office when the term and general election came up again. Most of what Bill says in this book is just plain wrong and nothing made me feel better after Obama's reelection than seeing these right wing pinheads like Bill O'Reilly really take it on the fucking chin. At least it will give them four more years to write some more lame books.

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