Greg Campbell brings a great book and audio series on blood diamonds taking a look at the bloody conflict in Sierra Leone in the nineties. Campbell audio book is very entertaining and I love the fact that the reader often goes into an African accent whenever he is quoting one of the folks over there. This bloody war was fueled by the RUF and forced labor on innocent villagers helped fund the teenage rebels. Actually Westerners desires to express love with an overvalued rock fueled the rebel army and their barbaric atrocities on people throughout Sierra
Leone. Greg Campbell seems to have a thing about exposing the diamond industry and how unwise decisions lead to conflicts where rebel youths cut off limbs. Greg was lucky to leave Sierra Leone alive and this book illustrates the underground industry of diamond buying that enriches the few while paying little for the workers. Greg has another book about diamonds and this author brings the whole notion of value for diamonds and gold as pretty hideous outlook of our society. The ring your wife wears was expensive and did not benefit the people who live in these countries where they get these fucking rocks. The diamond illegal trade also benefited Al Queda and Osama Bin Ladden's terrorist organization. Greg shows how easy and meticulous the diamonds are smuggled out and fund this civil war that waged longer than it needed to thanks to the continuing demand and sales of these 'blood diamonds' from greedy Western merchants.
The only concern of these merchants was getting diamonds for less price so they could put out on the worlds market and profit homogeneously for their companies. A super researched book it goes into details on how the diamond industry started and the colonial affects that created tremendous wealth for foreigners and nothing but destruction for the usual African native. if you still love diamonds after reading this book and gaining knowledge of the pain that comes from them then you are a soulless person.
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