Baxter Lomax
Fires are raging all over Chicagoland as relator's and developers need more space to build more crappy new stuff to rent them out to immigrants and their cheap food. In Evanston's case perhaps its the need for more highrise buildings that are more profitable than a little Taco Diablo that burned down the other night.
Now these buildings don't appear really cool looking so maybe this fire was not such a bad thing for Evanston. Evanston is an urban progressive suburb that has been modeling their downtown after the West Loop in Chicago. Old lame restaurant like the Pine Yard and Taco Diablo really don't have a future in a city like Evanston. In fact, the new owner of the Pine Yard restaurant bought the place seven months ago and he is a Chinese guy. Look for a new development on this parcel be made into luxury condos only wealthy people are able to afford. Daniel Kelch, who owns Taco Diablo at 1029 Davis St. along with his wife, Karen Van Dorf, says he is waiting for more information from his insurance and on the fire department’s investigation into the cause of the blaze. In other news on this fire a firemen fractured his leg fighting this blaze. whether taco Diablo or the Chinese restaurant gets rebuilt is in doubt but I am sure there are others who prefer they don't and something large is put up on Davis Street.
baxter Lomax
Fires are raging all over Chicagoland as relator's and developers need more space to build more crappy new stuff to rent them out to immigrants and their cheap food. In Evanston's case perhaps its the need for more highrise buildings that are more profitable than a little Taco Diablo that burned down the other night.
baxter Lomax
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