Gino Frobel

Hugo De Garis has been bugging me to ad his site to my links. I don't know what to make of Hugo's site as he is a believer of Ray Kurzweil and his hopes that humanity and machine become one by 2026. Anyone who thinks you are going to make eight billion people into artificial super robots some day is a guy hard to take serious. There are scientists that want money thrown into their ability to do research and to explore the limits of human possibilities and stupidity. This is a leading advocate of this genetically and technologically human altering projects that really show little hope of achieving their most bizarre science fiction wishes. People like Ray Kurzweil would really of researched a way to get into the Hollywood script writing industry instead of wasting millions of government money so
they could make bogus futuristic claims and run their silly website. The techno cyborg fantasies of Ray Kurzweil are pretty detached from a resource depleted reality people need o keep themselves warm. Unless De Garis has hopes hat flesh warm female sexy robots with real human sin and breasts will work out in keeping man warm overnight. Hugo as on that great prophets of doom history channel program and was he only one that utterly made no sense or reasoning advocating why he even should of been there in the presence of the real prophets of doom. I will reluctantly add to my links just to have Frankenstein DEeGaris leave me alone and get back
to work on making us all machines like the terminator
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