Mark Steyn was on a radio show and was discussing New York's excellent new mayor. As usual conservatives are saying that the left mayor Bill de Blassio will derail progress the city has seen in the last two decades because he will not bow to billionaires. He was on the Hugh Hewitt show and he shared a copy of the discussion. As usual right wingers like Mark Steyn bring up the crime in the seventies and eighties and how it was lowered dramatically. This has little to do with mayors and more of a changing of dangerous populations. people back then were more violent having more likely been raised in a patriarchal society where abuse was often witnessed and experienced. These abuses are less likely as women have the economic freedom and a bigger government giving them the options of avoiding domestic violence from deadbeat assholes who have no business being near women and children. Big government has locked up more of these violent offenders and Mark Steyn never mentions these facts when discussing cost of government. I think mark Steyn is thinking too much of a return to the barney Miller era of New York where the police force was a mismanaged bunch of goofballs that looked the other way.
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