Mr Z's in Lombard was a iconic supermarket in the village of Lombard just outside of Chicago in the corrupt county of Lombard. It was on Main Street and is a local symbol of how the economy has changed for bigger multi-national corporate monsters over the neighborhood smaller supermarket that was common in this country at one time. Mr Z's was one of he whitest supermarkets I had ever worked at stocking fruits and vegetables and in many cases I was the only Mexican in he place...for hours. I was often told by the manager at the time who will remain nameless that thi store existed so local white residents didn't have to shop and see minority shoppers like they do everywhere else. The closing. I recently read somewhere that the village president knew the end was coming when the shelves wee not being restocked with food and yes I imagine that is a sign that a supermarket is about to close. With this closing comes the small town feel of the store and wishes of another era when these elderly shoppers could shop without viewing minorities. Now they will have to go elsewhere such as Aldi's , Wal Mart, or Sav alots and I know it will not be easy for some of these old racist shoppers. White people don't even know how to open and support their own supermarkets yet alone ever picking their own crops. If you go to any Mexican neighborhood all around the country you see local family run businesses with fresh food and fruits. We can manage and support the important insttutions of a supermarcdo and maybe gringos can understand someday that avoiding genetically modicated food and big corporate aribusiness is a pretty good idea.

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