Teutul Senior is still promoting his book making rounds so people know its out there. Ride of a lifetime is a book about Paulie and his interests in life which of course is all motorcycles. He talks about Sunshine the first love of his life. It was his first motorcycle that he made a cross country road trip. Paulie talks about how he loves the curves and shapes....of the old school
motorcycles that they don't make anymore. He also talks about how his addiction to drugs almost came in between him and his motorcycles. This book is great reading material and shows the love of man and his machines. If you haven't bought this book yet what the hell are you waiting for. I have had this book for a while and will review it soon. The book is just another pro-business how "I work hard" for everything I got " things that I will tear apart once I have time. I haven't had time to finish it because it is some of the most boring material I have ever read and it will take some time to actually say I read the entire fucking thing. This is definitely a book woth one cent that it is selling on Amazon.com
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