Ned Baily
Charles Sculze is the opposite of Bill Waterson and put his strip out way too much. Peanuts is a vastly over rated comic strip and the way Charles Schulz whored out his peanuts cheapens his material. How great is being a fan of this strip when you see it in every cheesy greeting card of coffee cup everywhere. Charles Shulz drew for a really long time and one thing he didn't like about his early strips was his portray of snoopy. He liked when Snoopy was less dog like and acted more human in his later years. I think the opposite is better and this strip started going downhill when asshole Schulz decided to make Snoopy like he was another kid in the strip. Peanuts jumped the left shark when he started wearing hats on his fucking head. A dog is suppose to be on all fours, yet Charles Schulz knew nothinggg. Here is the way Snoopy should of always been portrayed in peanuts and looked good. Schulz was able to get away with the change because he did it after peanuts got big and a huge loyal following. He is the artist and supposedly knows better, but I will always think that old snoopy was better than new snoopy. I wish I could of just smacked him in the head and told
him he couldn't change snoopy into a human. The syndicators should of told him he couldn't change the product like that.

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