Cricket energy bars coming to a health store near you

Gus Perkowski
   Some entrepreneurs in Utah have come up with an idea for Americans to eat more insects. Their cricket energy bars was mentioned a few days ago in the mainstream media press. You will not see bumps of crickets next to chocolate chips on these energy bars unfortunately as that would of been pretty cool. These guys have come up with a way of mixing flour and cricket shells where you cannot even tell what the product consists of and still get the incredible nutritional benefits that eating things like crickets and grasshoppers can provide for a mid-day snack.
 Crickets have high levels of protein and massive amino acids that provide good blood flow to the brain, but unfortunately many Americans brains are trained that insects are not meant for consuming in their energy demanding lifestyle. They would rather use massive mounts of energy and feed to raise fellow mammals and slaughter them for their meat. As worlds resources delete innovative ideas to discover new food sources will have to be met using as little energy as possible and insect protein bars makes as much sense as eating peanuts that come fro the same places in the ground. I have waited years for the mass marketing of bug digestion coming to the Western world and the dawn of it is upon us. maybe they can come up with dog and cat food that we waste so much animal fat on and let them eat bugs too. Throw some marijuana and it will really be popular.

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