Ukraine prepares for Russian bastard invasion

Lee Park Kong

Russians were once scattered all over the former Soviet Union being significant minorities iof rule in all these central Asian republics. Like the American frontiersmen, the Russians had a huge appetite for land and they held apartheid rule through the entire region. When the empire finally fell in 1991 most of the Russians fled these Tajikistan type republics back to their homeland of mother Russia. Russians though always want a strategic hold on the Western regions that border Europe and thus the iron curtain went up to reaffirm Russian supremacy as a Western power.  The Russians are nothing unless they have non-russians who have to obey their orders and with this is mind Vladamir Putin is set to seize the strategic reserves and resources of the mass ukraine lands. The Eastern half has many Russian speakers willing to fight to return to an enlarged Russian frontier and help their ethnic kin to be the power they long for in the world.You see this power in cultural attitudes towards central Asians and an religious awakening an morality superiority attitude o the part of many Russians The Russians and Americans may have even done a bargain trade with the countries of Venezuela and Ukraine and this appeasement agreements would not be the first unusual moves between the two countries that declared themselves the suerpowers. The Russians are mongol descendent bastards and they will always be bastards trying to imitate the group ho conquered them and razed their cities centuries ago and Ukraine is smack in the middle right next to these modern day mongols of the steppes.

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